Tools and facilities

Professional dye - Hair Light Crema Colorante Hair Company 100ml


You were assured in your childhood that paints and chemical procedures harm your hair. But after all, the 21st century, medicine, pharmacology and beauty industry is not standing still. Even the most popular companies cannot afford to relax, as competitors breathe in their backs.

In an attempt to maintain primacy in the global market, we are presented with amazing hair care products. Healing paints? Myth or new development of the cosmetic industry? What will science say about this, and what do customer and stylist reviews say? Want to know more? Then - let's go!

Paints of the Hair Light series from Hair Company

Most women have the idea of ​​changing their hair color, but the abundance of manufacturers immediately leads them astray. Sometimes making a choice in favor of a product is incredibly difficult. The Italian company Hair Company has created several lines for hair coloring, which differ in the gentle effect on the scalp and hair. Consider more.

The Hair Light series dyes from the Hair Company are enriched with a multivitamin complex, lecithin, vitamins E, B12 and A, and also contain minimal amounts of ammonia.

All these components contribute to a dense and effective coloring, the tone of the hair is uniform, stable, rich and radiant.

The paint showed the highest efficiency when painting gray areas. The set of colors Hair Light consists of 98 shades (from various tones of dark color to ashen blond) and 7 mixed colors (emerald, red, neutral (colorless), platinum, silver, blue and lilac). The presence of mixed tones makes it possible to create different color schemes.

In order not to damage your hair is recommended to pay attention to the Italian dye. They are of rather high quality, they are not washed out for a long time and have a wide palette. But over time, when the curls gradually grow, you will have to paint again.

Original, professional Italian hair dye consists of natural ingredients, small amount of ammonia, closes the gray areas and has a steady light. You will like it. The proposed bright and rich palette will help you choose a truly suitable option.

Hair becomes soft and silky coating, fill them with radiance and energy.


  • intolerance components,
  • allergic manifestations
  • diseases of the immune system.

Italians again surprise us with quality products, which not only does not harm the hair, but restores their structure and gives you only positive impressions.

No matter how you try to save - remember that the harm from cheap poor-quality paint and "dead" hair still have to be restored, only by normal means. Moreover, the price segment in which this product is located is quite affordable for any girl.

Choose a Hair Light paint shade

Try gentle professional dyeing with Hair Light (Hair Light) paint from Hair Company! Buying this resistant dye, you can be sure of an amazing result. Careful impact and noble color are the main features of the paint from Italy.

A favorite among professionals, a company from Italy, produces a wide range of cosmetics for hair. But the main product of the brand is a new generation of professional hair dye. A wide range and quality are the distinctive features of the Hair Company products.

  • • Composed of at least ammonia.
  • • Formula with caring ingredients.
  • • Perfectly cope with gray hair.
  • • Durable staining effect lasts more than one week
  • • Hair shiny and soft.

• For professional use!

Scientifically proven fact is that during the dyeing there is an interference with the hair structure. Conventional products, of course, can cause irritation and even allergies, but the paint Hair Light will help women avoid sad consequences when changing the color of the curls.

This dye is successfully used in a joint procedure of lamination of color, plus the restoration of the hair structure Double Action.

Thanks to our online store, the purchase of modern hair dye products has become available not only to professional hair stylists, but also to everyone for home use. The trademark palette allows you to make a truly worthy choice, about which you will not have to regret under any circumstances!

Features of Italian products for hair dye Hair light

Italian cosmetics are known for excellent quality all over the world. A variety of palettes and a sparing effect distinguish products from alternatives.

High-quality paint - a rarity in the cosmetic market

Package packaging allows you to do the painting yourself.

Hair dye hair light palette has the following advantages:

  • composed of quality ingredients
  • various palette of shades
  • the minimum amount of ammonia
  • use of natural oils,
  • resistance to washing
  • no unusual shades when changing colors.

Hair light palette

At the same time professional hair dye has a high cost. Price depends on the selected brand.

Funds that do not contain ammonia are less resistant. But even this coloring is enough for a month.

A feature of Italian products are high caring properties.

Even after coloring, the curls shine and look luxurious. Manufacturers create the latest components that soften the effects of dyes and protect against damage.

Quality options from Nouvelle

Popular Italian brands include Nouvelle cosmetics. It is used both in salons and at home. The palette of durable hair light paint is available in several series. The tool has more than 100 shades.

This line has some features:

  1. The Nouvelle Touch series for natural shades does not contain ammonia substances. The mixture penetrates well into the surface of the hair, does not lose color within a month and does not fade.
  2. Harlight hair cosmetics supplemented with correctors for toning.
  3. The range includes masks, pasta for clarification and mousses.
  4. Original shades are presented in the Nouvelle Hair Color series. The composition of paints contains herbal extracts, which have a therapeutic effect.

What does a professional hair company offer?

Products hair company is suitable for hair of different types and colors in any color. At the same time, the hair light dye palette, which is presented in various shades, incorporates both ammonia and ammonia-free means.

This product has the following advantages:

  1. After coloring the hairstyle look shiny and lively.
  2. Color is characterized by durability.
  3. Available in over 90 shades.
  4. The composition contains liposomes, which are enriched with the necessary micronutrients.

Professional hair crema products paint gray hair well.

Manufacturers regularly develop new formulations and formulas.

What are the benefits of cream-based Lisap Milano products?

Known in the world products Lisap Milano, which has excellent coloring properties.

Well-groomed hair is only your merit.

These funds are not used to lighten black hair. The composition contains a minimum amount of ammonia and a large amount of natural oils, which slows down the process of penetration deep into the hair structure.

Light production has the following features:

  1. The composition contains the dye LK Creamcolor, which has sparing properties.
  2. The Lightning Contrast and Millennium series represent a variety of bright colors.
  3. Color is resistant to sunlight and frequent washing of the head.
  4. Hair light crema colorante colors are represented by the Escalation Now Color series, which have a cream base.

The products of the company are represented by styling, treatment and lamination products.

What are good tools Selective Professional?

Modern types of coloring agents include Selective Professional. This product has a variety of bright colors.

Dye Selective Professional is suitable for lovers of blond hair

The light crema colorante paint contains a tiny amount of ammonia, even in unusual shades.

The popularity of these funds is due to the following factors:

  1. The mixture falls on the hair evenly.
  2. Convenient to use at home.
  3. The palette has more than 70 shades.
  4. For clarification apply line EVO Blond, which changes the shade of 5 tones.
  5. For highlighting is used Glitch Color. It does not require pre-clarification.

A series of professional products suitable for frequent use and gently affect the skin of the head. The paint is easy to use and does not have an unpleasant smell.


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