
Why does hair grow greasy quickly and how to fix it?


Since ancient times, beautiful hair was an ornament of a woman, her protection and wealth. But they are not only inherited, transmitted through good genes, but are the result of proper and careful care of them, a balanced diet, and many other factors, the failure to comply with which leads to the fact that hair quickly grow fat and fall out.

Such problems give their owners a lot of trouble, because their curls after a short time after washing look stale, dull and dirty. Hair is completely impossible to put. How to prevent this problem?

Main cause of greasy hair

First of all, it is necessary to understand why hair grows fat fast. If we consider the structure of the hair, it is easy to see that by themselves they can not get fat. Their appearance spoils the fat secreted by the sebaceous glands, which are located in the scalp. There are people who produce some fat. It is used to prevent skin from drying out. And there are people who have quite active sebaceous glands, which are the cause of this problem. What can be concluded? In order to give the hair a beautiful and aesthetic look, it is necessary to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and limit yourself from those actions that lead to their failure.

Improper diet is one of the causes of the problem

One of the reasons why hair grows fat quickly is poor diet. Those who have already encountered this problem are advised to exclude from their diet fatty and heavy meat dishes, coffee, extremely spicy foods, alcohol and sweets. If you can not completely abandon it, then you should reduce their number to a minimum until the hair recovers completely. It is advisable to include in your diet more cereals and vegetables, fish and fruits. A positive result in this can give the use of vitamins and mineral complexes.

Stressful situations

Another reason why hair grows fat quickly is stressful situations. Many scientists have long proved that constant stress disrupts the work of many organs in the human body. No exception is the scalp, the sebaceous glands of which begin to work properly. If you encounter such problems, it is recommended to bring your nervous system in order with the help of sedatives. In tea, you can add mint or lemon balm, as well as the leaves of wild strawberry. Before bed you need to walk in the fresh air. In addition, exercise on the general condition of a person is beneficial, which can be given a day for just 15 minutes. To restore the body to a normal state will help the day.

Antibiotic use

Very quickly hair grow greasy and in the use of antibiotics, as well as in the treatment of certain drugs. If you notice this, consult your doctor. This is necessary in order for it to replace your prescribed drugs. In addition, a huge impact on the body has the use of hormonal drugs.

Frequent washing

Many women mistakenly believe that the more often they wash their hair, the more attractive they will look. It's no secret that shampoo and hair balms break their protective barrier, which is why curls lose their attractiveness. In addition, the shag becomes more susceptible to dust and dirt. And nobody likes it dirty. And we wash it and mine, more and more. This is another reason why hair grows fat fast.

Therefore, it is not recommended to wash your hair daily. If they quickly grow fat, you should change the cosmetics, in particular shampoo and balm. In addition, it is desirable to refrain from the use of hairspray and means for their best styling, containing various harmful chemical constituents.

Exposure to the environment and improper care

In the midst of summer, pay attention to how many women are walking down the street in the afternoon with a hat. Units But if you are for a long time in the heat, your scalp dries out, and to protect it, the fat begins to be produced more intensively. The sebaceous glands are so accustomed to this, that when you find yourself in a cooler environment, they do not slow down the pace of their work, which leads to quickly greasy hair.

In addition, as already known, with excessive work of the sebaceous glands of the head, the hair at the roots quickly grow fat. If you do not touch them, they can save, though not so perfect, but an attractive appearance. But if they are constantly combed, the fat can be smeared on all the hair, and then the latter will lose their beauty. In addition, try to dry hair in a natural way and not to use a hair dryer, which also dries the scalp, and we have already talked about the consequences of this.

How to eliminate oily hair

So, we found out the reasons for which quickly grow fat hair. "What to do?" - This is the next question that many women want to answer. First, it is necessary to take into account all the recommendations that have already been mentioned. It is necessary to buy in any pharmacy medical shampoo with zinc, which cleans the scalp. A visible result will appear after 10 days of its use. Eliminate balsam conditioner from care products. If you cannot do without it, apply the product only to the ends of the hair. Next, you need to provide the scalp with an influx of oxygen. To do this, grind the sea salt and rub it into the wet skin. This procedure will remove dead epithelial scales.

Hair masks, eliminating their fat

When hair grows fat quickly, what to do is usually very few people know. Perhaps you are buying inappropriate for your body means? Try to turn to traditional medicine. The restoration of the sebaceous glands can contribute to one or other masks.

A clay mask is considered very effective. To do this, you need to mix it with warm water, add a little lemon juice, and then apply the mixture to damp hair for 40 minutes, then rinse them with warm water.

Not bad is considered a mask of mustard powder with the addition of egg yolk. It should be applied to the scalp for 20 minutes, and then rinse with chamomile decoction.

The mask has a curative effect made from finely grated apples and a tablespoon of vinegar.

Other folk remedies

If your hair began to get greasy quickly, you can use a number of other popular recipes to eliminate this problem. Such funds are prepared from medicinal herbs.

A positive result on the appearance of the hair has a nettle balm. To do this, the grass must be filled with boiling water and kept on the fire for several minutes. This decoction is used after each shampoo for rinsing hair.

According to numerous reviews, calendula tincture mixed with glycerin in a ratio of 10: 1, or lotion infused with St. John's wort, coltsfoot, yarrow and many other herbs is considered effective. To prepare herbal lotion, 2 tablespoons of herbs should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, cooled, added lemon juice and 50 ml of spirit tincture of calendula.

Most importantly, do not forget that the hair requires careful and proper care even before such problems arise.

Causes of oily hair

It should be understood that the release of oil to lubricate the scalp is a natural process in the body, necessary to create a protective moisturizing layer that protects against dryness and itching.

Physiologically, the hair grows fat, because the sebaceous glands surrounding the hair follicle intensively produce secretions. There are two reasons why problems begin with greasy hair.

The first reason is when the process of controlling the body for the work of the sebaceous glands is wrong. This may be due to:

  • genetic predisposition
  • metabolic disorders
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • wrong lifestyle,
  • stress,
  • environmental effects,
  • improper nutrition.

The second reason is the harmful intense effect on the scalp, which causes irritation, drying out. Such influence is possible as a result of:

  • frequent washing of the head, due to which the natural fat layer is washed off,
  • use of hair care products that contain chemical components that irritate the scalp,
  • artificial drying of the scalp due to frequent use of a hair dryer,
  • hypothermia of the scalp due to the effect of cold air, if you are without a hat.

Any of these causes a disturbance in the normal protective and moisturizing environment of the hair.

To eliminate some causes, drastic measures are required. For example, move to an environmentally clean area, leave a very nervous job. But daily care combined with certain procedures and certain changes in lifestyle and eating habits will also give a positive stable result.

Well coordinated body work - normal hair

Of course, eliminating the first cause is not easy, and sometimes impossible. But you can improve the condition of the hair, following some rules.

First of all, a few lifestyle changes.

  1. Stop smoking and alcohol. It damages the whole body and reflects on the appearance of the hair.
  2. Get enough sleep, take a walk before bedtime. This normalizes the nervous system and helps restore the humoral regulation of the body.
  3. Go to nature. Changes in the ecological situation will have a positive effect on the general condition of all body systems.
  4. Adhere to proper nutrition. This will improve the metabolism and activates the natural regenerative processes in the structure of the hair.

The condition of the hair depends on the quality of the products we eat. There is food that provokes an increased release of fat on the hair. On the other hand, if the hair lacks in vitamins and trace elements that they need, this also affects their appearance. Therefore, the issue of changing eating habits is viewed in two ways.

What should be excluded from the diet:

  • fatty foods
  • pickles, smoked meats,
  • fried and spicy dishes,
  • coffee,
  • sweets.

What we add to food:

  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal),
  • vegetables: legumes, cauliflower, broccoli, greens,
  • sunflower, pumpkin seeds,
  • fruits: oranges, lemons, grapefruit, apricots,
  • nuts, raisins,
  • mushrooms,
  • milk products,
  • eggs,
  • beef liver, lean meat,
  • fish, seafood,
  • vegetable fats.

You can take special supplements or vitamin preparations that compensate for the lack of necessary nutrients in the body. Especially useful for hair restoration such trace elements as sulfur, iron, as well as a group of vitamins B and vitamin C.

Often, the hair will dull and grow fat, while observing diets for weight loss. This is a huge stress for the body, metabolic disorders and nutritional deficiencies. With problematic hair, it is better to lose weight by adhering to the correct diet and active exercise.

Proper care - a guarantee of beautiful hair

Solve the second range of reasons for everyone. Need to know and adhere to some tips.

You do not need to wash your hair very often. Daily hair washing gives exactly the opposite result. The body feels the lack of fat to moisturize the scalp and begins to produce it in an even greater amount. If your hair grows fat very quickly and you have to wash it every day, then at least at the weekend try to be patient.

Correctly pick up shampoo. It should be for greasy hair and not contain sulfates. It is better if most of its components are natural. Pay attention to the composition of the shampoo. For oily hair is good if there are such medicinal plants:

  • sage,
  • nettle,
  • coltsfoot,
  • seaweed,
  • Chinese Schizandra,
  • calendula,
  • field horsetail.

Shampoo should be without dyes and flavors. Choosing shampoo and hair care products, you do not need to continue to experiment and look for something else. For hair, stability is important, once again it is not recommended to irritate.

Wash your hair right. Lather twice. Leave on hair for about 5 minutes to completely break down fat on the hair. Shampoo completely rinse and rinse well.

For half an hour, before washing your hair, rub yogurt or scarlet juice into the hair roots.

After shampooing, rinse hair with infusion or decoction of herbs:

If the hair is very oily - to rinse the water you need to add ammonia (1 tsp. Per liter). Apple vinegar also helps well (1 tsp. Per half liter of water) or rosehip tea.

It is better to abandon balms and conditioners. For oily hair, make your own conditioner with yarrow extract. Chamomile balsam is also well degreased (strong chamomile extract and 1: 1 vodka).

To regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, you can use decoctions with the content of tannins:

  • oak bark,
  • horsetail,
  • calendula
  • onion peels,
  • yarrow.

There are several medical masks from natural ingredients that reduce the fat content of the hair.

  1. Mask of soda: 1 tbsp. l soda 300 ml of water. Make a mush and rub. After 15 minutes wash off.
  2. Mask of egg white: beat 1 protein with half lemon juice. Gently rub into the scalp and hold for twenty minutes. Wash off and thoroughly wash the hair with shampoo.
  3. Mask of black bread: crush bread and pour one liter of boiling water for about thirty minutes. All rub through a sieve and apply this mixture for half an hour. After rinse hair under running water

Some tips

And finally, quite simple tips.

  1. No need to wash your hair with hot water.
  2. Do not blow dry your hair.
  3. To apply balm only on tips of hair, not to concern roots.
  4. Do not comb often - 3 times a day is enough.
  5. Pick a short haircut.
  6. Wear hats in cold weather.

Of course, the miracle will not happen, and you will not wake up the next morning with a beautiful lush head of hair. But a systematic approach, constant care will significantly improve the appearance of hair after a certain time.

Causes of increased hair greasiness

The cause of this problem lies in various factors. Very often, it occurs in young people in adolescence - in puberty, both in boys and girls. This is due to the imbalance of hormones and poor body control over the work of the sebaceous glands. When hormonal balance is restored, this trouble is eliminated.

Also, hair quickly grow fat due to their frequent cleansing. Experts have long proved that with frequent washing of the head increases the work of the sebaceous glands, and the hair looks greasy.

Different types of hair require adherence to an individual mode of care. Hair can be oily, dry, normal, and in any type it can also be damaged. Each type has its own rules of care.

The main sources of high oily hair are associated with diseases of the stomach, thyroid, liver, and skin.

The reasons may be stress, environmental factors, lack of vitamins or minerals, unbalanced diet.

Hair care methods

Why curls suffer from increased greasiness? There are several ways to get rid of this problem. The main thing - to properly clean the hair.During shampooing, shampoo is applied directly to the roots, and the balm can not be rubbed into them.

Wash your hair better with warm water. Repeated procedure is allowed. Shampoo should choose baby or herbal. For healthy hair make baths from nettle or chamomile infusion. Instead of herbal decoction, you can use apple vinegar diluted in cold water. There is the easiest way - when there is no time at all, rinsing them with cold water (not colder than 22 degrees) helps to make hair beautiful. It promotes the closure of hair scales, and they become smooth and shiny.

Wet curls should be dried not with a hair dryer, but naturally, they should be combed dry, very carefully.

This contributes to a healthy and attractive appearance, preventing them from being oily.

Hair Care Tips

Why does hair become greasy over a short period, how to give it a luxurious look for a long time? It is advisable to follow some rules:

  • Watch for proper nutrition, not consuming caffeine, smoked products, fatty foods, spices. Be sure to in the diet should contain fruits and vegetables.
  • Comb your hair gently, without touching the scalp. Many will ask: why in this way? So sebum does not extend along the entire length of the curls.
  • Refrain from frequent washing of the head, in any case do not wash it under hot water. Before applying the shampoo, you must first lather in the hand, and it is advisable to lubricate only the tips with a balm.
  • Do not use synthetic combs, it is better to use wood.
  • Daily massage the head, enough for about fifteen minutes.
  • Competently choose cosmetics. It is important to study the composition of the funds before its acquisition. If it has weight components, it is better not to use the tool.

Adhering to the listed recommendations, you will soon notice a positive result.

Hair treatment folk remedies

The problem of excessive fat content of the strands is also solved by traditional medicine. For example, treating herbal masks have extremely effective effects. Why are herbal hair masks popular? Because they have a healing effect on the roots and curls, can eliminate many problems: excessive greasiness, dryness, loss, tip section, and so on.

Most of the therapeutic and useful masks can be made independently at home. Here are some very useful recipes:

  • Take one tablespoon of crushed chamomile, lime and nettle mixture, add a glass of boiling water and let it brew. After an hour, the infusion needs to be filtered, chop some rye bread, add to the infusion and leave for another fifteen minutes. Apply the resulting mask to the hair along the entire length, then wrap the head with plastic wrap or cover it with a special cap. Wrap a towel over the top.
  • Prepare pharmaceutical chamomile flowers: just two tablespoons. They need to fill one-fourth cup of hot boiled water and insist for three hours. Next, strain the mixture and add egg white, whipped to foam. Mix everything thoroughly. Now the hair can be smeared with a prepared mask and leave it until dry. Then rinse the dried mixture with water at room temperature. Why not use hot water? In order not to curl the protein, then it will be difficult to remove.
  • Mustard powder is mixed with boiling water to a creamy state. The amount of dry mustard should match the length of the curls. This mask only smears the hair roots and does not wash it off for fifteen minutes.
  • Low-fat kefir is heated on low heat. Then it is applied to the hair, wrapped in plastic wrap, wound on top with a warm towel. Maintain a mask for two hours.
  • Cut off some of the leaves of the aloe plant, wrap them in clean gauze and place in the refrigerator for ten days. Then chop, turning into mush. Make a mixture of three tablespoons of crushed aloe and half a glass of vodka, clean the place in the dark heat for about one week. The finished mask must be applied to the hair roots every other day.
  • Mask of aloe leaves mixed with honey. In this case, honey pre-heated with a water bath after gauze with aloe is removed from the refrigerator is mixed with a mass of leaves.
  • Take one ripe lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and add 125 grams of vodka to it. Remove the resulting mass in a dark place for one week. This mask is applied to the scalp. Lemon - a long-proven tool that helps eliminate excessive oily hair. But lemon mask is not recommended to lubricate sensitive scalp. Why it can not be done? Lemon juice can cause irritation.
  • From one teaspoon of camphor oil, you can make an excellent hair mask. The oil is heated using a water bath, connect it with one raw egg and two tablespoons of boiled water.
  • For the mask from the crumb of rye bread will need more and nettle decoction. The bread fits even stale. A decoction of nettle is prepared in advance, you need one glass, and a crumb - two hundred grams. These components connect and insist for twenty minutes. Then turn the mixture into porridge and lubricate her hair from root to tip. The mask is kept on the hair for twenty minutes, it is not necessary to overdo it. The question arises: why such a time? This is due to the fact that the bread crumb dries and glues strands.
  • The blue clay mask is quite popular. For its preparation will need no more than two tablespoons of clay, which is mixed with one egg yolk, a small amount of water and burdock oil. After applying the mixture should be left for twenty minutes, and then rinse with any shampoo.
  • Yeast healing mask is also easy to prepare. Mix dry yeast with warm water and one egg white. One bag and a little water is enough. The mask on the hair is left to dry completely, only after that it is washed off with simple soap.

For many women who use traditional recipes, their hair falls out less and gain strength and a healthy look.

Health curls depends on the comprehensive care of them. Why they say: the beauty of hair depends on us. In the same way as the entire body, curls really need care, expressed in proper nutrition, vitamins and proper application of caring means.

Causes of oily hair

Hair quickly grow fat due to seborrhea. Seborrhea in its light manifestation is expressed in the fact that the hair near the roots grows fat by evening, and by morning the sebum spreads to their ends. With regular washing every day, mild seborrhea is almost invisible. This is not very convenient, but tolerable. Much more unpleasant are the manifestations of hyperseborea.

In this case, the hair grow fat literally within a few hours. In addition, the skin on the head is covered with oily dandruff, itching and itching. And excess fat leads to thinning of the hair, and this, in turn, leads to their premature loss.

This condition of the hair is abnormal and is the result of the disease. To find out why such a pathological change occurs, one should seek help from the trichologist - this is a specialist in hair treatment.

Causes of high fat content:

  • hormonal disruptions. That is why very often the hair quickly grow fat during adolescent changes, menopause, pregnancy. Deviations in the activity of the endocrine system also lead to excessive greasiness and oily hair. Why this happens, can be explained in detail by an endocrinologist
  • unbalanced nutrition. Also, often oily hair can flaunt men and women who are intemperate in the intake of sweet and fat, as well as fried. Such food disrupts the activity of the digestive system, which does not have the best effect on the body as a whole, and among the many unpleasant consequences is the increased greasiness of the hair.

We considered the main reasons why hair grows very fast, and now we need to figure out what to do with it.

How to get rid of oily hair

The fight against oily hair is a whole range of activities that need to be carried out together, otherwise there will be no proper effect. Not only the girl can have tangible problems with oily hair, many men also quickly appear stuck together. Despite the difference in the hormonal background of the organism, the reasons why this happens are the same.

What can be done to reduce sebum production? First and foremost consume the right foods.

  1. Dairy products, vegetables, fruits - all this gives useful substances that stimulates the growth of healthy hair. Why it is impossible to refuse these products? They will help to improve the work of the sebaceous glands. In addition, it is worth drinking a day about a half to two liters of water.
  2. Restrict use. Sweet, floury, fatty, salty, fried can be eaten, but in reasonable quantities. Why this should be done, we have said above. Hair often gets fat often because of the excessive consumption of this food, which is detrimental to the body.
  3. If you want to permanently get rid of this problem, you should really seriously reconsider the consumed products and completely give up alcohol, coffee and strong teas.

Proper hair care is also important: if your hair is adversely affected, then, regardless of your diet, your hair will quickly become greasy to protect your structure from harmful effects.

In addition, there are other good habits that should be adopted by people with high fat hair. Here are the main ones:

  • Fresh air. The more often you spend time in the fresh air, the more healthy your body is, and the hair in the same number
  • healthy sleep. If a person feels worse, healthy sleep is half the cure,
  • rejection of the hair dryer and brushes. You would not begin to comb your wound if you happen to get an abrasion, but many continue to over-massage the scalp and dry out your hair when the excess of oily hair is visible even visually.

Thus, knowing why hair gets too greasy too quickly, you can easily get rid of this ailment.

Main reasons

  1. Very frequent washing. Strange as it may sound, but this is the most common mistake of why strands quickly grow fat. With a dirty head, of course, no one wants to go, but many are beginning to be too zealous and wash their hair daily. It is not recommended to do this, because the necessary protective film will be washed off and as a result the ringlets become greasy after 6-7 hours.
  2. Also, the cause of increased sebaceous glands are stress. Surely, everyone noticed that as soon as you start to get nervous, you begin to sweat more than in a calm state. Moreover, increased sweating occurs throughout the body, including the head.
  3. Incorrectly chosen products can also cause fat.. Shampoos and balsams with silicone make the strands heavier, alkaline solutions break the protective layer, making them susceptible to dust and dirt. Frequent use of a hair dryer also makes the glands work more actively.
  4. Puberty. During hormonal surges, all the same glands work actively. This is the reason why strands in adolescents grow fat very quickly.
  5. Contraceptives and hormones. Overweight people usually have fat curls. The main part of contraceptives is based on hormones that contribute to the excessive release of fat.

Remember the simple rule: the more often you wash your hair, the fatter your hair becomes.

Why do hair grow greasy?

To understand the reason for the increased level of oily hair, you can without the help of a trichologist. To do this, it is enough to analyze the lifestyle and condition of the body.

Lifestyle causes are called:

unbalanced nutrition. Prevalence of high fat foods on the menu,
regular stress and anxiety,
lack of sleep
nicotine and alcohol.

Problems of the body, affecting the swiftness of hair pollution:

disorders of the digestive system
hormonal disruptions
thyroid problems,
psychological problems (excessive aggressiveness and irritability, prolonged depression, etc.),
long-term use of pharmacological agents.

In addition to these reasons, it is possible that the hair is organized the wrong care. These may be unsuitable care products or hats that are rarely washed and accumulate dirt.

To find a way to fix the problem, you need to understand the reason. Doctors call the increased intensity of the sebaceous glands seborrhea. An excess of fat provokes hair loss, as they become thin and lifeless. To get rid of the problem, first of all, you need to organize the right hair care.


Our hair is not welcome alcoholic beverages, as well as products with caffeine content. The detrimental effect on the hair is sweet and flour (by the way, not only on the hair, but also on the figure). Salty, fatty and canned meals should also be excluded from the daily menu.

To grease the hair does not cause anxiety, you need to eat dairy products. The undoubted benefits of the body bring vegetables and fruits. Do not neglect the liquid. For an adult, the rate of fluid intake per day is two liters.

Washing head

Oily hair forces you to wash your hair more often than we would like. Despite the fact that frequent washing is not recommended, if you do it correctly, you can bring hair benefit.

you need to wash your hair with cool water, thereby not stimulating salivation,
choose colorless shampoo for washing without adding cream-forming substances,
Do not apply balm to the roots of curls. When using a balm recede from the roots by 5-8 cm,
rinse the shampoo thoroughly (to the characteristic squeak),
shampoo your hair at least twice
leave shampoo on the head for 3-5 minutes. This will help break down fatty compounds, and guaranteed to wash them off the hair.

Some trichologists advise against using balm. As a conditioner, you can use a mixture of strong infusion pharmaceutical chamomile and vodka. This rinse will dry your scalp and your hair will stay clean longer.

Homemade masks for oily hair

Distribution among women received all sorts of masks, cooked at home:

Blue clay. To prepare the mask is mixed 3 tbsp. blue clay, water, egg yolk and 1 tsp. burdock oil. The final consistency should be as thick as sour cream. The mask is applied on the head for 15-20 minutes.
Yellow clay. For the mask, apple cider vinegar and yellow clay are mixed. The mass is not very thick.
Apple cider vinegar is added to grated apples. The mixture is rubbed into the skin and distributed along the length of the curls. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes with warm water.
Kefir (yogurt). The product is applied to the hair, after which the head is warmed with a towel. The mask is washed off after 20 minutes using a shampoo. It is recommended to rinse it with water with vinegar diluted in it.
Mustard. Dry mustard is poured with hot water and applied only to the hair roots for 15 minutes.
Bread without a crust is soaked to a state of gruel in a decoction of nettle. The consistency is applied to the hair for 15-20 minutes. You can hold longer, but do not let the product dry on the curls.
Beat two egg whites until foam appears. The product is applied to the hair and wait until it dries.After that, the protein is washed off with familiar shampoo and warm water.

These masks, when used regularly, will improve the condition of the scalp and the hair will not get greasy so quickly. This is just a small list of popular hair masks possible.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils can beat the increased fat content of the hair. No matter how paradoxical it may sound. Vegetable oils have a range of vitamins and beneficial compounds that positively affect the locks and scalp.

Camphor oil in combination with egg yolk will be an excellent shampoo for hair prone to fat. Cedar and jojoba oils in equal proportions will be an excellent mask. The mixture is applied to the hair and kept for an hour, then washed off with regular shampoo. No less useful almond, sesame and grape seed oil.

Extra care

In addition to masks and proper washing of the head, additional care is needed for hair prone to oiliness. To do this, not only washing means and medicinal masks are subject to change, but also habits:

Walks in the fresh air are beneficial for your hair. To create a motivation for yourself to more often stay in the open air, get a dog or run.
Full sleep. Not only hair, but also the whole body is useful if a person gets enough sleep. Nervous disorders, irritability and stress occur in the absence of normal sleep.
Hair brushes - a separate topic. They should be abandoned. Massaging the head, hair brushes help to increase the level of salivation.
Do not use hair dryers, curling irons and hair straighteners.
Do not braid your hair with tight or stiff hairpins and rubber bands.
Change bedding often. Pillowcases are a storehouse of sebum and harmful microorganisms.

Approach to the fight against intensive allotment complex. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Do not consume alcoholic beverages and exercise. Do not let stressful situations, depressions and irritants in your life and love yourself!

Unbalanced nutrition

Improper diet is the reason that the hair roots get fat.

Most often, a nutritionist advises people with this problem to limit intake of the following products:

  • fat and meat dishes,
  • coffee,
  • extremely sharp foods,
  • alcohol,
  • sweet.

But to add to your daily list of dishes and products is important fruit, fish, cereal. Do not forget about vitamins, love your body and treat it with tenderness and care.

A positive result will not keep you waiting, and soon, with such a positive way of feeding, your hair will stop getting greasy on the second day.

Daily stressful situations

Unfortunately, daily stresses inevitably affect our health, the work of our organs is disturbed, the hormonal system fails, and the scalp also suffers.

And, in the event that shampoo change, nutrition revision, vitamins help only temporarily - this is the right signal that it is time to see a doctor: to check the nervous system, and perhaps refer to useful literature. Revise your views on life, write down your life attitudes, something in your thoughts, perhaps, works against you.


One is treated, another is crippled. This is a 100% statement. And if you recently underwent a course of treatment, where you were put on your feet - do not be surprised that your hair changed its usual state and began to grow fat very quickly.

Urgently contact your doctor. The specialist will write you a prescription with the necessary vitamins to restore the body.

What to do to reduce hair greasiness

A few simple recommendations that will help you cope with the problem of quickly oily hair, even at home:

  1. Try changing shampoo. Most likely it does not suit you (even if it is expensive and publicized).
  2. During the treatment of hair exclude hairspray, foam, thermal protection.
  3. Zinc shampoo can help. You can buy it at the pharmacy (the cost will pleasantly surprise you) The positive effect of its use is usually visible after 10 days.
  4. Balsam conditioner. How do you apply it? In no case can not be applied to all hair (along the entire length) only on the tips!
  5. Excellent provides an influx of oxygen to the scalp sea salt. Just rub it into the wet scalp, it will remove the horny layer of skin.
  6. Use 2 times a week special masks against oily scalp. They are now on the market a wide selection.
  7. A clay mask is considered to be very effective. Dissolve the clay is not hot water, better than room temperature, warm temperature with the addition of lemon. After forty minutes, wash your hair with warm water. Better without additional masks and rinses.
  8. Mask of mustard powder with egg yolk. Also has a lot of positive feedback because of its useful properties. You need to use it for 20 minutes, and then wash off, like the previous one. Or, it is good to rinse the hair after the procedure with chamomile decoction - it will soothe the scalp. After all, mustard will give the effect of a rush of blood to the scalp.
  9. Nettle Balsam. Excellent folk remedy against greasy hair. Fill the grass with boiling water and leave on the fire for a few minutes. Apply infusion after each shampooing. Rinse their hair.
  10. Tincture of calendula. Another folk remedy for greasy hair. They praise her very much and are advised to mix with glycerin.

Love your hair, love yourself. And remember, before using any means, it is still better to consult with a specialist. Our organisms are unique and reactions to vitamins and drugs can be different.
