
Homemade hair balm


After shampooing your hair becomes dry, tangled and naughty? Apply on them nourishing balm. The most useful products are those made at home from affordable and simple products. They enrich the hair with vitamins and active substances that restore the structure of the strands.

How useful home hair balm

The shampoo removes from the head not only dirt, but also a natural greasy coating that supports the normal state of the strands. As a result, the flakes of the hair shaft open, and the overall appearance of the hair leaves much to be desired: it quickly becomes tangled, looks fluffed and scruffy. Hair balsam fills the opened areas, makes the strands smooth, obedient, healthy.

Natural products do not have in their composition chemical preservatives, fragrances and other substances that could harm the hair. Homemade balms almost never provoke allergies. They restore the structure, provide reliable protection from negative factors, prevent the appearance of chipped tips. However, there is also a minus: the shelf life of the mixture is very small, so you will often have to prepare a fresh batch.

What hair conditioner can you do yourself

Most of the ingredients can be found in the fridge or on the kitchen shelves. At home, it is easy to make a hair balm from food products, indoor plants, pharmaceutical herbs, cosmetics. The resulting mixture can be used as a mask: handle clean wet strands, hold for a while and rinse. After a few procedures, you will see that the result is better than after applying industrial products.

At home, feel free to use decoctions, tinctures and juices of various plants. Herbs are able to strengthen strands, stop loss, relieve dandruff, give the desired shade. DIY hair conditioner may contain such vegetable ingredients:

  • Aloe. Juice is added to the homemade balm. It improves the performance of hair follicles, nourishes them with nutrients, stimulates the growth of strands, moisturizes the skin, eliminates desquamation, dryness.
  • Burdock root. It is crushed and squeezed juice, make a decoction or infusion. The plant nourishes the hair with vitamins, restores damaged structure, accelerates growth. As a result of the regular use of burdock, the strands become shiny, vibrant and strong.
  • Nettle. It strengthens hair roots very well, improves blood circulation, stimulates the growth of strands.
  • Calendula. Successfully fights dandruff and alopecia. To prepare a balm for weakened hair at home, use dried flowers of the plant.

From food

Excellent hair conditioner is obtained from the available food. The most popular are:

  • Honey. Pantry of vitamins, minerals, active substances. This natural sweetness strengthens strands, prevents hair loss, corrects the condition of both greasy and dry hair.
  • Lemon. Essential oils, vitamins and other components of citrus eliminate dandruff, brighten the strands, dry the scalp, remove excess fat.
  • Egg. Chicken yolk contains vitamins E, A, D, group B. Together with fatty acids, enzymes and nutrients, they return shine to hair, moisturize them, improve blood circulation, fight dandruff.
  • Vinegar. Apple, balsamic, wine, rice - all of these types are suitable for use at home. The product perfectly neutralizes the alkali of the shampoo, returning the shine to the shine and ensuring color stability and smoothness.
  • Gelatin. It acts as a natural supplier of collagen: glues scales, makes hair smooth and shiny. However, a product can have a harmful effect if it is improperly prepared or used frequently.

From cosmetics

Balm for the beauty of hair at home can be stored for several weeks, but for this you need to add special substances. Do not be afraid, because you will use natural cosmetics for the care of the strands. In the home balm include the following components:

  • active ingredients: D-panthenol, glycerin, essential and base oils, vitamins,
  • thickeners: agar-agar, gum,
  • emulsifiers: Olivem (emulsifier based on olive oil), Emuliance (vegetable sugars from fatty alcohol, wheat bran, palm oil),
  • preservatives: silver citrate, alcohol, phenohem, essential oils,
  • keratin, silk peptides, plant extracts, allantoin, hyaluronic acid, etc.

How to make a hair balm at home

Do not be afraid to add to the home remedy the above cosmetic substances, they will only improve the properties of the balm. The shelf life of the active mixture is about a month. If you want to do without additives, do not worry. However, in such conditions, home balm does not last long: a maximum of a week. A good alternative to all recipes is to buy a base for a balm in a soap store and add useful substances as you wish.

Balm conditioner

If possible, try to practice the following recipes:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l pectin 200 ml of water. When the pectin swells, add 2 drops of rosemary oil to it. Stir the composition, spread it over the entire length (except for the root zone). Leave for 10 minutes. A film will appear on the hair, which will ease the combing of the strands, making them smooth.
  2. Mix until smooth 50 ml of water, 20 ml of castorca, 1 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. l cream Apply the mixture on the strands (do not touch the roots), hold for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. This hair conditioner balm gives health, shine, enhanced nutrition.

For dry hair

Mix liquid honey and aloe juice in a ceramic bowl. The proportion of products is 1: 1. Aloe plants should be at least 3.5 years, then the benefits of it will be maximum. If the hair is short, add one egg yolk, for long ones you need more eggs (2-3 pieces). Wash your hair, dry the strands with a towel. Carefully distribute the finished composition along the length, including the root zone. Relax for 20 minutes and wash off the homemade balm with warm water. It strengthens the hair follicles and makes the hair beautiful.

Grind 2 tbsp. l burdock root, fill them with 250 ml of boiling water. Cover the dishes with a lid or plate, leave for 30-40 minutes. After strain the decoction, moisten the hair well with it, cover the head with polyethylene and with a towel on top. Take care of pleasant things for 1 hour. Wash the balm with warm water. In addition, the burdock will accelerate the growth of the strands, it will also give them shine, smoothness, reduce the amount of sebum.

For shine

Preparing balm for this recipe will have to work a little longer, but the time and money costs are worth it. At home, try to make this tool:

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp. gelatin in 30 ml of lemon juice and 20 ml of water. Leave the ingredients for half an hour.
  2. Prepare a base of oils: mix tsp. emulsifying wax, 3 tsp. almond / peach / avocado oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath until the wax is dissolved.
  3. Heat 40 ml of water, enter the base with a thin stream. Stir the mass continuously.
  4. Mix swollen gelatin, 10-15 drops of wheat protein, tsp. D-panthenol. In this mixture pour the oil-water base. Mix well.
  5. At the end, enter 20 drops of a mixture of any essential oils. The result is a light, thick balsam prepared at home. Shelf life - up to 3 weeks. Store the tool should be in the refrigerator.
  6. Apply balm after each shampooing, rinse off after 20 minutes.

For greasy hair

This type of strand requires the use of special means:

  • At home, you can use only one component - yogurt. After washing your hair, soak it with wet clean hair, wash it off after 20 minutes.
  • A good balm is obtained from a glass of lemon juice and 1 liter of water. Rinse the strands with this liquid after washing. Flush it is not necessary.

Balsam - purchase or home?

Of course, it is much easier to go to the store, buy a can of the finished product and use it with pleasure. But, only having prepared cosmetics with your own hands, you can experience all the advantages of a homemade balm:

  • It fits perfectly with your hair type,
  • Contains only natural ingredients. There are no carcinogens, silicone and other harmful elements in the home balsam.
  • The availability of components is another significant plus,
  • Cheapness - home remedies will cost you several times cheaper than ready-made brands,
  • Safety and the ability to conduct various experiments.

The only drawback of homemade balm is the short shelf life and time spent on its preparation.

Making a balm with your own hands - the main nuances

Homemade balms for strands can be divided into two types:

  1. Disposable - with a short shelf life. They may contain herbs, kefir, vinegar, eggs and other components.
  2. Reusable - with a longer period (from several weeks to 2 months). These tools are not complete without:
  • Natural preservatives - silver citrate, Dermasoft, alcohol, fenokhem, essential oils,
  • Thickeners - gum and agar-agar,
  • Emulsifiers - Olivem and Emulsions,
  • Active substances - glycerin, esters, base oils, vitamins (A, C, E), D-panthenol,
  • Acids - azelaic, hyaluronic and other,
  • Silk peptides,
  • Plant extracts
  • Allantoin,
  • Keratin

Means, which includes such components, will stay in the refrigerator for about a month. True, the cooking procedure is much more complicated here, so only experienced specialists take it.

Effective do-it-yourself balm spray:

Recipes for the best homemade balms

Even a teenager can make a disposable hair balm at home. Note a couple of recipes.

Recipe №1 - for hair of the greasy type

The composition of this simple balm includes only one ingredient. This is sour milk - soak it with washed strands and wash it off after about 20 minutes.

Recipe number 2 - for mixed hair

  • Burdock root (dried) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Water - 200 ml.

  1. Dried burdock root chopped with a knife.
  2. Fill with boiling water and cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Give the broth to cool thoroughly and rinsed curls after washing.

Recipe number 3 - for enhanced growth

  • Apple vinegar - 1 tsp,
  • Shampoo or bases - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Castor - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Yolk - 2 pcs.

  1. Beat yolks with vinegar and castor oil.
  2. Pour in store shampoo or balsam.
  3. Lubricate clean and wet hair.
  4. Wash off with water after a quarter of an hour.

Recipe number 4 - fruit

  • Banana - half
  • Apple is half,
  • Orange juice,
  • Cumin - 1 tsp.

  1. Mash a banana with a fork.
  2. Grind the apple in a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Add cumin and orange juice.
  4. Use on clean hair for 20 minutes.
  5. We wash the hair with water.

Recipe number 5 - from the loss of strands

  • Shampoo - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Rum - 100 ml.

  1. Grind the onion in a blender or simply cut with a knife.
  2. We shift it to a warm clay pot.
  3. Fill the mass with rum.
  4. Put the pot in a cool place.
  5. After a few hours, filter the rum from onion porridge.
  6. Mix the liquid with shampoo.
  7. We apply balm on wet locks.
  8. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Recipe number 6 - for dull and brittle strands

  • Grapefruit rind,
  • Water - 100 ml,
  • Infusion of needles - 100 ml.

  1. Grind the peel.
  2. Fill it with henna infusion.
  3. Add water.
  4. Remove the container with the mixture in a dark place.
  5. After a day, we filter the finished balsam through a sieve.
  6. Apply for 20-30 minutes and wash off with water.

Super homemade shine mask:

Recipe number 7 - aloe balm

For this recipe, you need to find a plant that is at least three years old. We cut some leaves from it and hide them in the fridge (on the lower shelf) for 5-6 days. We grind these leaves in a meat grinder or a blender, filter the juice through a clean gauze - this is the finished balm.

Important! With frequent shampooing, aloe balm must be alternated with some other, because the juice of this plant is a potent agent.

Recipe number 8 - honey and lemon

  • Honey - 2 tsp.
  • Water - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.

  1. Mix water with lemon juice.
  2. Dissolve in this liquid honey.
  3. Lubricate the strands with balm.
  4. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Recipe number 9 - gelatin balsam

  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Apple vinegar - 1 tsp,
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Esters (2-3 oils) - a couple of drops.

  1. Dissolve gelatin in water.
  2. Add ethers and apple cider vinegar.
  3. Distribute the balm on the hair.
  4. Wash off after 7 minutes.

Recipe number 10 - for split ends

  • Egg - 1 pc.,
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp,
  • Soft shampoo - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Honey - 1 tsp.

  1. We warm the ceramic bowl (you can dip it in hot water).
  2. We mix in it all the ingredients of a balm.
  3. Apply it for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash it off with water.

You do not know how to deal with split ends? See:

With regular use, these simple and affordable recipes will bring your hair into a wonderful look.

Cooking features

In order to prepare a nutrient, you do not need to have certain knowledge of chemistry or cosmetology, as the process is simple and anyone can handle it. The first thing that needs to be done is to find the right recipe, purchase products (if they are not available at home), and also learn a series of rules for the preparation of balm, namely:

  1. The preparation of the balm takes place in Three stages: steam, water and connective. The steam stage is the heating and connection of certain components using a steam bath. Usually, at this stage various oils are mixed with emulsifiers. The water stage is the heating of the liquid components on the steam bath and combining them with oils and other components of the future balm. The connecting stage is the mixing of all components until a uniform consistency is formed, and its subsequent cooling to room temperature.
  2. In the process of cooking tools, you need to use only clean, filtered or boiled water. Perfect mineral, drinking or distilled water.
  3. In the process of making balsam, use only natural products food, the shelf life of which does not exceed two weeks. In such products, there are usually no preservatives or other chemical additives that can reduce the effectiveness of the obtained product.
  4. To enhance the beneficial effects of the funds on the hair and skin of the head, you can use various decoctions of herbs and plants instead of ordinary water.
  5. If you want to make a large amount of money to last for several days or weeks of use, you will have to resort to adding preservatives to the composition, which will help to prolong its shelf life. The duration of storage of the product will increase, and its positive effect will decrease slightly. Therefore, it is up to you to make which balsam - long or short storage.

It is important to remember that the balm prepared from natural products can be stored for no more than two days, so you should expect that you get the amount of money that will be used during this period.

What vitamins can I add?

The composition of the balm, often add various vitamins that can be purchased in liquid form (ampoules) in any pharmacy:

  • "C" - protects hair from various aggressive effects on them by surrounding factors.Improves metabolic processes in the skin of the head.
  • "B5" - restores the damaged structure of the strands, strengthening it from the inside. Promotes regeneration of the cellular composition of the hair.
  • "B6" - normalizes the sebaceous glands, which helps to get rid of excessive dryness of the hair or, conversely, their oily appearance.
  • "A" - a beneficial effect on the hair, softening and smoothing, as well as increasing their elasticity and density.
  • "E" - restores the damaged areas of the skin of the head, nourishes the bulbs and stimulates them to grow new curls.

It gives the balm the viscosity and thickness needed to keep the hair on the hair for a certain period of time. In addition, the gel has a moisturizing and emollient effect on hair.

Self-preparation of skin and hair nutrient

The main task of such cosmetics - this is the removal of shampoo residues from the hair surface after washing. At the same time, they are able to increase the growth of curls, strengthen and soften them. Some balms may have the effect of slightly shading the color palette of hair.

Unlike rinses, which are widely used by modern consumers, balms have a more prolonged effect, aimed at smoothing scales, restoring damaged structure, nutrition, moisturizing and facilitating combing hair.

Popular Balsam Recipes

If you notice that your hair began to electrify and badly comb, confusing at the same time, then these are the first signs that your curls lack moisture. To cope with the problem, you need to use balms, cooked at home, to give them a bright color, natural shine, as well as a well-groomed and healthy look.

Hair balm should be used after each shampooing to completely remove shampoo from curls.

Below are the popular balsam recipes that are easy to make at home on your own, you need to follow the rules clearly and not exceed the established concentration of certain components of the composition.

Recipe number 1 - based on avocado

Cooking: 1 avocado fruit is peeled and ground in a blender. In the resulting puree add 2 tbsp. spoons sour cream and adjusted to a uniform consistency.

Application: The resulting mass is applied to wet hair, evenly distributing it over the entire length, and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the product is rinsed from the hair with running water. It is recommended to apply 1 time in 2 days.

Recipe number 2 - based on a banana

Cooking: 1 medium sized banana mixed with 1 egg yolk in a blender. 5-10 drops of castor or burdock oil are added to the mixture and the mixture is brought to a uniform consistency.

Application: Balm is evenly distributed over the surface of wet curls and leave for 15-20 minutes. After a period of time, the agent is rinsed with running water without the use of detergent cosmetics.

Recipe number 1 - based on olive oil

Cooking: 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil are heated in a water bath (you can use a microwave) to a temperature of 60-65 degrees. In hot oil, add 2 tbsp. spoon freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous composition.

Application: The tool is applied to dry hair, distributing it throughout their length (do not forget to thoroughly fluff the roots and tips). The balm is kept on the hair for 10-15 minutes, then washed with an aqueous solution based on vinegar (5 tablespoons of vinegar diluted with 1 liter of boiled water). It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least 1 time per week.

Recipe №2 - based on butter

Cooking: 50 gr. butter is melted in the microwave or in a water bath and mixed with 4 tbsp. spoons of cream. The mixture is cooled to room temperature, after which it can be used.

Application: Balsam is applied to dry or wet hair, spread it over the entire length. The mixture is left on the curls for 20-15 minutes, then wash off the composition with warm water using a cleansing lotion (to get rid of the oily consistency on the hair).

Recipe number 3 - based on mayonnaise

Cooking: 3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise (not containing preservatives and other chemical additives) are mixed with 3 egg yolks. The mixture is brought to a uniform consistency and heated to a temperature of 40-45 degrees in a water bath or in a microwave.

Application: The heated composition is applied to the curls, evenly distributing it over the entire length (be sure to carefully thread the tips) and incubate for 15-25 minutes. After washing the head with warm, running water.

Recipe №4 - vitamin balsam

Cooking: 3 egg yolks are heated to a temperature of 45-50 degrees, after which they are added to 1 ampoule of vitamins "B5", "A" and "F" (can be purchased at any pharmacy). The whole composition is brought to a homogeneous mass.

Application: Balm evenly distributed over the entire surface of the hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with running, warm water. It is recommended to apply 1 time per week.

Independent production of balms in the home does not take much time, the main thing here is to properly observe the proportions and process. Such products have a great benefit to the health of the strands, saturating and nourishing them with vitamins, useful trace elements and minerals.

How to make a conditioner for hair?

The main task of these cosmetics is that they must remove the remnants of shampoos, balms, conditioners, masks and other washing compositions from the surface of the hair. At the same time, they soften and strengthen hair, stimulate their growth and can perform light toning of the strands.

The difference between home balms and rinses is that they are aimed at a longer and deeper work with the structure of the hair. They are used for intensive nourishment and moistening of the strands, restoring the injured structure, smoothing scales, and combing.

Nourishing hair balsam: recipes

If the hair began to be very confused and electrified - these are the first signs of moisture loss. To solve this problem, it will be quite enough to regularly use homemade balms for dry hair, thanks to which the strands become healthy and well-groomed, returning the natural shine and brightness of the color. Such tools should be applied at least 3 times a week, with special attention paid to the tips and hair roots.

You can use the following recipes for the preparation of nutritional hair balms:

    Egg yolk is taken, well whipped with a mixer, until white foam is formed and evenly distributed throughout the length of the strands. After 10–20 minutes, the remnants of the balm are washed off with warm water.

Egg yolk and 1 ampoule of vitamin A are mixed in a water bath. The resulting composition is applied to the strands, after 20 minutes, washed off with plenty of warm water.

  • You need to mix 2 egg yolks with 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise (maximum fat content). The resulting composition is evenly distributed over the entire length of the strands, and after 15–20 minutes it is washed off with a large amount of warm water.

  • For the preparation of oil hair balms, you can use the following recipes:
    1. Homemade butter is melted on a water bath and mixed with a small amount of heavy cream. Ingredients are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. The finished composition is applied to the strands and evenly distributed over the entire length, and then washed with warm water, which is mixed with polysorbate lotion.

    2. Connects 2 tbsp. l olive oil with 1 tbsp. l fresh lemon juice. The finished balm is applied to the entire length of the hair, and after 15–20 minutes it is washed off with warm water with the addition of vinegar or a degreasing lotion.

    To make fruit balms for dry hair care, it is recommended to use the following recipes:
    1. Take 1 ripe banana, 1 egg yolk, 10 drops of burdock essential oil and mix with a blender. The resulting composition is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the tips. After 15–20 minutes, the mask remains are washed off with lukewarm water.

    2. Avocados are taken, peeled, and the pulp is crushed until a smooth mash is formed. Added 2 tbsp. l homemade sour cream and all components are thoroughly mixed. The resulting composition is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair and washed off after 15 minutes. This procedure is recommended to do to care for dry and weak hair at least 4 times a week.

    Preparation of home balms does not take much time, but thanks to their regular use, you can conduct an effective wellness course for weak and injured hair, returning them an attractive shine, healthy glow, strength and beauty.

    How to make a hair balm with your own hands, see this video:

    Perfect hair balm

    Hair for a girl is her pride and beauty. But in order for them to be beautiful and well-groomed, one should take proper care of them and provide the necessary food. How exactly does the balm affect your locks and scalp? Its main advantages:

    • Protects from aggressive environmental factors (snow, wind, sun, rain, hair dryer, iron, etc.), forming a thin membrane around each hair,
    • Enriches hair with vitamins, minerals, oils and other beneficial substances that accelerate hair growth, strengthen them and nourish the bulb,
    • Improves blood circulation
    • Moisturizes the scalp, and does not overdry it,
    • Curls after applying the balm much better combed, they become smooth and docile.
    • The action of the balm begins after two minutes after its application, and after fifteen minutes you can see the full effect - the hair is shiny, soft and docile,
    • Some balsams have UV filters - they prevent the sun from negatively affecting the curls at any time of the year,
    • After its exposure, the hair does not electrify,

    But even here there is a mass of subtleties. How to choose a remedy suitable for your type of scalp and hair out of the total abundance of goods on the shelves?

    Main selection criteria

    First you need to figure out what type of skin and hair you have.. It is of great importance. In addition, decide what effect you expect: do you need a balm against loss, firming or restoring? If you use the wrong tool, you can not get the expected result or, even worse, harm the curls and delicate scalp. What to look for when buying? Read the composition of the product:

    • Be sure to have keratin - it eliminates the stratification of hair scales, thereby preventing their cross-section, perfectly nourishes the roots,
    • Vitamins B, A, E and F are responsible for the structure and elasticity of the curls,
    • The structure of the tool should not be too liquid,
    • The balm should not be distinguished by a pronounced smell,
    • And should not dry out quickly.

    If the composition is as close to natural as possible, there are many plant components in it, then this is a huge plus.

    Best suited:

    • Burdock extract,
    • Burdock oil,
    • Nettle,
    • Chamomile,
    • Horsetail
    • Knapweed,
    • Ginseng,
    • Bow,
    • Essential oils (tea tree, lemon, mint, orange, etc.)

    Existing types of balms

    Previously, when science and cosmetology were not so developed, women rinsed their heads with a solution of vinegar and water after washing. This remedy neutralized the remaining acid, and the curls became more “alive” and not like straw.

    But now there are many kinds of special tools.:

    • For volume
    • For fine hair,
    • Firming balm
    • Light nutritious,
    • For heavily curly hair,
    • For straightening,
    • Against fallout
    • Balsam conditioner,
    • Balm conditioner,
    • Balm mask,

    Popular brands

    After shampooing, your hair becomes very dry, may fade and become tangled. They become more vulnerable to the effects of the environment, the ends begin to exfoliate, and the hairstyle itself can be unruly. Therefore, to regain the inherent silkiness and elasticity of hair, you should use the balm after washing your hair.

    Balms against loss

    Revivor - has a rich composition, it includes substances such as essential oils, components of plant origin, vitamin B5. It contains all the necessary elements for complex nutrition of both the hair follicle and the scalp, which helps slow down hair loss and stimulate their growth. They need to be used regularly for several months. Cannot be used by owners of oily scalp.

    911 - contains vegetable growth stimulants, is one of the best cosmetic therapeutic agents against loss of a large amount of hair. It not only stops the balding process, but also stimulates growth. Strengthens the bulb, improves elasticity, smoothness and obedience of curls. It is advisable to use it regularly, then the efficiency of the balsam will be even higher.

    To strengthen hair

    Alerana - a product based on herbal ingredients, vitamins of group B, stimulators of natural keratin production. Due to the natural composition, it quickly and efficiently restores the hair structure, filling it with empty cells, strongly moisturizes, enhances the smoothness and overall health of the hair. Can be used by owners of any type of hair. The result is noticeable only a few weeks after the start of use.

    Biokon - correctly combined components have a beneficial effect on the acceleration of hair growth, give them strength and strength. It gives the volume of hair, really struggling with hair loss. A feature of this balm is the method of its application: it should be applied two or three times a week before washing the head, and not after it. Apply to the roots and after twenty minutes, rinse with ordinary shampoo.

    For damaged hair

    Ecolab Firming for volume and growth - makes curls healthier, gives them shine, enhances growth. Almost all components are of natural origin, which is a huge plus. It is suitable for those whose curls are weakened and deprived of vitality. After application, rinse off after 3-5 minutes.

    LondaProfessionalVisibleRepair - This is a German product that contains silk extract and almond oil. Fills the voids in the hair, thereby bringing them back to life. Removes static electrification. Rinse off this balm is not necessary. If used frequently, the effect will be even more pronounced with each new application.

    How to apply if the hair:​

    • Fatty - it is worth smearing with a balm only the tips, but not the roots and not the scalp, because they can begin to get dirty much faster than usual,
    • Dry - apply over the entire length, you can hold longer,
    • Normal - spread over the entire length of the hair, rinse off after 3-5 minutes.
    • Any type - a simple refreshing, healing balm that improves blood circulation in the scalp,

    It is recommended to rinse the strands with cool water after application of the product in order to close the hair flakes and add shine.

    Homemade hair balm

    If there is a desire to pamper your locks with natural food, then there is no better way than to make a balm at home.

    It has a lot of advantages over the purchase:

    1. It suits your hair type,
    2. Only natural ingredients are used for preparation, there are no dyes, parabens, harmful acids and other unnecessary chemical additives.
    3. Available ingredients
    4. Home remedies are usually cheaper
    5. Completely safe for health.

    Homemade balms are divided into two types:

    • One-time (expiration date - a few days after preparation),
    • Prepared for use over a longer period of time (from 1 to 2 months of storage in the refrigerator). Depending on the type, the composition of the preparation is different.

    Recipes for hair restoration at home

    Very easy to make balm with amazing effect. The finished product will give you excellent protection from the influence of ultraviolet rays, will help to avoid fragility.

    For cooking will need:

    • Chamomile decoction (1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water),
    • Lavender oil (or other favorite oil),
    • Flax oil (3-4 teaspoons),

    Method of preparation: pour the chamomile decoction into a separate container, add flax oil, 20 drops of lavender oil. Pour the mixture into a convenient jar so that you can spray the hair at any convenient time. You can store this spray in the refrigerator, but not more than a week. Chamomile decoction can be replaced by a decoction of nettle, then you get a firming spray balm.

    A selection of the best homemade recipes:

    • Recipe number 1. Ideal for moisturizing and oily hair care. The tool is so simple that not using it is just silly. It takes only yogurt! It should be applied to clean, washed curls, hold for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Soft and smooth hair provided!
    • Recipe number 2. This balm is suitable for mixed type. You will need dry burdock root (2 tablespoons) and 200 ml of water. Grind the burdock, pour water and cook for ten minutes. When the decoction has cooled, you can wash your hair.
    • Method number 3. Very interesting and delicious balm mask. You will need half a banana, half an apple, juice from half an orange and cumin (a teaspoon). Grind the fruit into a homogeneous mass, add there cumin and juice. Apply this mask on hair and rinse off after 20 minutes.

    Gelatin Balm

    A proven, really good way to restore dull lifeless strands. Gelatin creates an invisible film on each hair and prevents its damage. After using this tool, the hair becomes lively, well straightened, not curled.

    For cooking need:

    • Dry gelatin - 1 tablespoon,
    • Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
    • 200 ml (1 cup) of water,
    • Essential oils (two or three types at your discretion) - a couple of drops,

    Preparation: dilute gelatin in water, add essential oils and vinegar. Apply the slurry to the strands, wash off after seven minutes.

    If you think about how to replace the purchase of balsam, then you can find a huge number of different alternatives. It can be both decoctions of herbs, and essential oils, homemade balms, masochki, conditioners. For any type of hair, you can find the best tool or create it yourself. But it will be effective only if it is properly prepared. Therefore, it is always worth keeping proportions and not using an expired product, as it can harm not only the hair, but also health in general. Carefully choose a product to care for your favorite curls and enjoy their luxury!

    Herbal balms

    Herbs are always a proven and reliable tool for the health of our hair, so herbal balms are very popular among cosmetologists.

    In herbal balms add strained decoctions or infusions of herbs. If desired, you can add essential oils. However, note that the oil envelops the skin and hair, and therefore the beneficial trace elements of herbs will not be absorbed so intensively. First, consider one of the ways to prepare such balsams, which can be used as a template, changing its components.

    To make a balm at home you will need:
    • collecting herbs (can be found at any pharmacy),
    • vegetable or olive oil.

    1 tbsp. herbs pour half a glass of olive or sunflower oil. Insist this mixture in a dish of dark glass, in a dark and cool place for 2 weeks. Balsam is applied to the scalp and held for 40-60 minutes, washed with warm water without shampoo.

    10. Balsam with chamomile

    Chamomile is a natural antiseptic and has soothing properties. This balm will help get rid of itching, irritation, acne, dandruff, as well as help in the fight against seborrhea. Chamomile makes hair silky and shiny, slightly lightening strands. Prolonged use of chamomile dyes curls, giving them a bright golden sheen. However, the owners of dark curls should not abuse its use.

    1. Balm "fruit mix"

    To prepare you will need:
    • banana,
    • an Apple,
    • orange,
    • cumin.

    Mash a banana and add apple flesh to it, mix well and fill it with orange juice in a 1: 1: 4 ratio. After that, add 1 tsp to the resulting balm. chopped cumin. The mixture is applied to clean-washed hair and washed off after 20-25 minutes.

    Banana contains calcium, there is iron in the apple, and vitamin C in orange. Cumin is known among cosmetologists as an effective means of combating inflammatory rashes and excessive separation of fat. The combination of this spice with the above fruits will give your curls health and youth.

    2. Sea buckthorn balm

    Sea buckthorn is a popular folk remedy for restoring damaged hair. This juicy orange berry gives the locks a rich shine.

    For the balm you need only one component - freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice! Apply it on hair, and after 15-30 minutes rinse with warm running water.

    3. Beer balm for hair loss

    For balm you will need:
    • fresh beer,
    • onion juice.
    Mix half a glass of beer with a teaspoon of onion juice. Apply the mixture to your hair and wrap with a towel. After half an hour, rinse with warm water. To get rid of the smell of onions, add a few drops of fragrant essential oil to the rinse water.

    1. Firming Hair Balm

    To prepare a firming balm, you will need:
    • 2 tbsp. l castor oil
    • 2 eggs,
    • 1 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar,
    • 3 tbsp. l your shampoo.

    All components except shampoo, thoroughly whisk until a homogeneous mass, and then add shampoo. Apply to clean damp hair and wrap with a plastic cap. After 5 minutes, rinse with warm water. Hair becomes smooth, silky, perfectly keeps styling, does not fall out.
    Warning: the smell of raw eggs can be unpleasant to people with aggravated scent and problems with the liver and gall bladder. To kill the smell of eggs, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to the balm.

    2. Balsam for split ends

    The problem of split ends is known to almost all women. Of course, regular haircut can save the situation, but you can use a special balm that will prevent the appearance of split ends.

    For balm you will need:
    • 1 egg
    • 2 tsp. olive oil,
    • 1 tsp. honey
    • 3 tbsp. l your shampoo.

    Mix all the ingredients and apply a balm on the hair after each shampooing.

    3. Milk dandruff balm

    For those who do not want to spend time preparing complex recipes, we offer a very simple and effective balm from dairy products, suitable for all types of hair.

    For balm you will need:
    • kefir, sour milk, whey or sour milk.

    Apply fresh sour milk, kefir, whey or yogurt to clean hair. Spread over all hair, wrap a plastic cap and hold for 30-60 minutes. Wash the balm with warm water. After this procedure, the hair becomes silky, docile and get a healthy shine. This is an effective anti-dandruff remedy.

    4. Balsam with henna against inflammation

    Henna is used in cosmetics since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. To this day, women all over the world are turning to this hair care product, because henna not only treats, but also gives amazing strands of red color to the strands. There are two types of henna - coloring and colorless. In universal means it is recommended to add colorless henna, which will not change the shade of the hair.

    For balm you will need:
    • colorless henna,
    • hot water.

    Dissolve the henna with hot water to a uniform consistency of sour cream. Let the mixture stand in a warm place. Apply to hair, and after an hour, rinse with warm water. The amount of water and henna depends on the length of your curls. Do not mix henna in a metal dish.

    5. Coffee Balsam Scrub

    After drinking a cup of coffee at breakfast, do not rush to throw out the thick. Soft balm with coffee grounds has a beneficial effect on the hair structure. It cleanses the skin of scales and fatty deposits, removing dirt from clogged pores. Due to this, the skin is saturated with oxygen, improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of dandruff and inflammation. All of the above affects the growth and overall condition of the hair.

    Attention! It should be noted that natural coffee invigorates and increases the pressure, and therefore we do not advise using products with coffee before bedtime.

    For balm you will need:
    • 2 tablespoons of ground coffee,
    • 1 tbsp. l base oils.

    Mix the thick with the base oil (olive or sunflower). Apply to part of the scalp and rub in light movements for 5 minutes. Rinse hair with warm water.

    Tips for making and applying cosmetics

    Many people like to add herbal infusions, essential oils or fruit juices to shampoo for washing their heads. However, it is worth considering that the detergent substances of the shampoo will in part prevent the penetration of beneficial trace elements.

    - Do not leave the shampoo on your hair for a long time, otherwise it may cause an allergic reaction.

    - Oil envelops the skin and hair, while the beneficial substances of other components penetrate not so active. If you want to increase the flow of nutrients, use other bases instead of oils. However, you should not completely abandon fortified oils, because they soften the hair.

    - Essential oils are saturated concentrates that can cause burns and skin irritation, so never use them in large quantities. Add just a few drops of oil to other components of the cosmetic.

    -Never apply oil to the curls themselves, especially in copious amounts. From this, your hair sticks together, becoming untidy fat icicles. Oils should be applied only to the skin.

    - When making cosmetics containing essential oils, do not use plastic utensils. Not everyone knows that essential oils corrode plastic. This feature often scares the ignorant, convincing in the thought that they face a harmful and unnatural oil. In fact, the opposite is true: if the oil spilled on plastic did not cause its deformation, then it is not natural. It is because of this feature of the oils they are sold in glass rather than plastic bottles.

    It is important to remember that raw eggs fold in hot water, from which lumps remain in the hair that are difficult to remove. That is why it is necessary to rinse hair with the eggs applied on them only in warm water.

    As you can see, everything that is needed in order to make the hair beautiful and healthy, everyone has at hand. You just need to not be lazy and turn self-care into an exciting and creative activity. Take care of your health and stay beautiful.


    When using cleansing agents, not only impurities are washed off from the hair, but also a protective layer that supports the health of curls. The result is the destruction of the protective layer - the flakes open, making the hair naughty, hard to the touch and devoid of natural shine. In addition, the shampoo has a negative effect on the epidermis of the head - in the absence of additional care, irritation may appear, and dandruff intensifies.

    Balm conditioner is used after shampooing to restore damaged areas of the upper keratin layer. In this case, the hair becomes more obedient, look more natural, and softer to the touch.

    The natural composition does not contain parabens and harmful thickeners, it uses only aromatic oils that can not cause damage to curls - but on the contrary, restore them along the entire length. The advantages of home balms are that they never provoke allergic reactions and gently affect the epidermis and strands. The main advantages of the care product:

    • intense nutrition - in home concentrates use a large amount of vitamin supplements. Optionally, you can choose the composition individually - add any natural-type products to achieve a certain effect, from softness to natural shine,
    • lack of dyes and parabens - The main difference from the purchase of cosmetics. There is no hard impact and negative effects of drugs on the epidermis of the head and hair,
    • moisturizing - a special compound can, for several applications, heal and nourish hair, covering each hair with a film that keeps evaporation of moisture,
    • protection from the negative impact of the environment - oils that are added as active ingredients are not only able to nourish and moisturize, but also create a protective layer on the hair. Special fibers can also fill up damage in the upper layer.


    There are several caring hair formulas after shampooing:

    • air conditioners - Special compounds that eliminate the static effect, retain moisture inside the hair and perform protective functions (against the negative effects of a hair dryer, sun, water). Its use is due to short exposure (1-2 minutes on the hair) and is applied to the hair,
    • rinse is used to give shine to curls, to fix the effect of shampoo, to restore the water balance of the skin after water. Also applies on a mandatory basis for colored hair, as it fixes the color. It gives elasticity to curls,
    • The balm has a caring and healing composition. Its action is caused by penetration inside the hair, due to which its upper layer is aligned. It is applied to the entire length - from root to tip. It is necessary to withstand the drug for 15-20 minutes.

    The composition of the latter, as a rule, includes:

    • natural extracts
    • natural complexes,
    • minerals and an extra set of vitamins,
    • oils, soluble in water (for example, squeezing from broccoli, which is composed of natural silicone type),
    • Taurine acid gives softness.

    Balms based on decoctions, juices and tinctures allow you to strengthen the hair follicles, reduce hair loss, eliminate dandruff, shade the natural color of the strands. It may contain the following ingredients:

    • aloe vera juice In this case, the juice from the plant is added to the oil base. It restores intracellular work, activates the growth of curls, has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. Also helps eliminate irritation,
    • castor infusion. Burdock root must be chopped, then a decoction, infusion, or squeeze the juice. The use of this component allows you to nourish the hair with vitamins, improves the structure of the curls, activates the regeneration of new cells,
    • nettle - strengthens the roots, prevents hair loss, stimulates blood circulation in the vessels,
    • calendula - decoction helps to eliminate dandruff and other skin diseases. To prepare the balm, you must use dried leaves and inflorescences of the plant.

    Folk recipes

    When preparing your own hair care products, you must use a soap base that you can buy at a cosmetic store. As a rule, it has a neutral balance, is hypoallergenic and consists only of natural ingredients.

    To prepare a solid balm, you must:

    • cocoa butter - 50 g,
    • carite oil - 12 ml,
    • coconut oil - 12 ml,
    • broccoli oil - 7 g,
    • Polavax - 12 g,
    • emulsifier - 7 g,
    • alcohol tincture - 7 ml,
    • phenyl trimethicone - 4 g,
    • ylang-ylang oil, roses and neroli.

    Homemade balms for dry hair

    Dry hair requires special care. Balm for dry hair should moisturize, soften and nourish the hair, as well as protect them from the negative effects of external factors. In addition, the ingredients that are included in its composition, should activate the work of the sebaceous glands of the head, in the future to eliminate excessive dryness of the curls. Home balms prepared according to the following recipes successfully cope with all these tasks:

    Balm based on honey and aloe juice. For its preparation, you need to take a tablespoon of honey and freshly squeezed aloe juice. Next, add a teaspoon of garlic juice and one yolk. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the finished composition is applied to the hair after shampooing.

    Apple Vinegar and Castor Oil Balsam. We take a ceramic container, heat it well and mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil in it, one egg and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair while the mixture is still warm. After 10 minutes, thoroughly wash your hair and admire the brilliance and softness of your hair.

    Shea balm and honey balm. Heat in a water bath 1 tablespoon of shea butter and add the same honey. Mix until smooth and add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of emulsifying wax. To top it off, add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the mix. Apply the balm on wet hair and wash it off after 3-5 minutes.

    Balsams for greasy hair do it yourself

    The purpose of such hair balms is to eliminate the excessive fat content, which occurs due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, these balms are usually rubbed into the scalp and hair roots, so that the ingredients act directly on the centers of sebum production.

    Kefir balm. Here we use only one ingredient - kefir or yogurt. Moreover, to apply such a balm on the hair roots should not be after, but before washing your hair. After applying, wait 10 minutes and then sweep my head with shampoo.

    Balsam of honey and aloe juice. The basis of this balm is made by the same ingredients as for dry hair - honey and aloe juice. But instead of garlic juice, in this case, a tablespoon of castor oil is added to them. Honey and aloe normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and improve the blood circulation of the scalp, which restores normal oily hair.

    Fruit Balsam. The hardest part of making this balm is to keep from eating its ingredients before the procedure begins. So, we will need half an apple, a banana and an orange, as well as 1 teaspoon of cumin. Banana mash with a fork, chop the apple in a blender, and squeeze juice from the orange slice. The prepared ingredients are mixed and applied to clean hair for 20 minutes. In addition to the fact that the hair after such a procedure will become soft and shiny, the smell from them will come just divine.

    Balsams for brittle and damaged hair

    Such hairs need strong nutrition and protection. Ingredients must affect both the roots and the hair directly. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to put on a plastic cap after applying the balm and wrap a towel around your head. To sustain 15-10 minutes and only then to wash away.

    Balsam based on grapefruit and infusion needles. This balm must be done the day before the intended head wash. We take 1 grapefruit, grind it in a blender and add to it 100 ml of infusion of needles and the same warm water. Leaves the mixture for a day in a dark place, then filter and apply to hair after washing for 15 minutes.

    Egg and Honey Balsam. Take 1 egg, a teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of olive oil. All mixed and applied to the hair. Honey and eggs - universal means in the fight for the health of hair. They can reanimate even the most damaged curls.

    Homemade balms for hair growth

    Do you dream of long hair, but they all do not want to grow? For a start, make sure that the length of the hair does not increase precisely because of the slow growth, and not because the hair is badly damaged, and therefore they split and break. If it is still a matter of insufficient growth rate, then it is necessary to activate the blood circulation of the scalp. To this end, you can do head massages and use one of the homemade recipes balms for hair growth.

    Aloe Leaf Balm. Berm leaves of aloe, pour a small amount of water and grind in a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then we filter the mixture and apply it on the hair after washing the head (for 10-15 minutes) at least 3 times a week.

    Birch sap and burdock root balm. Half a glass of birch sap mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of decoction of burdock root. Add a couple of teaspoons of brandy and mix everything. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. To achieve the effect of enhancing hair growth, you need to rub the balm into the roots daily for 10 days.

    Balms do it yourself hair loss

    Hair loss can be provoked by many factors: lack of vitamins, damage, exposure to low or high temperatures on the bulbs, etc. Therefore, first you need to eliminate the reason why the hair runs from your head. Well, and if the hair is thinning due to malnutrition of the scalp, a homemade balm for hair loss will do its job perfectly.

    Onion Balsam. We take a small onion, grind it in a blender and shift it into a warm ceramic container. Fill the gruel with 100 ml of rum or brandy and leave it in a cool place for a few hours. Before washing the head, filter the mixture and add a couple of tablespoons of shampoo. So we got a two-in-one tool. Apply this drug on the hair and wash off after 5-7 minutes.

    Gelatin Balsam. Dissolve in water 1 tablespoon of gelatin and leave to swell. Then add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a couple of drops of essential oil (any), mix everything. The finished balm is applied to the hair after washing for 7-10 minutes.


    Watch the video: How to Make DIY Conditioning Super Nourishing Hair Balm (July 2024).