
Chalk for hair: reviews, colors, how to use


Posted by: admin in Hair Care 17.05.2018 0 81 Views

You love bold haircuts, practice bright coloring, but have not yet heard what crayons for hair or just do not know where to get them? Then read our article!

Our time is a time of non-standard decisions, creativity, a time when each person wants to emphasize his individuality. One of the latest fashion trends have become brightly colored hair. Despite the attractiveness of this style, not every girl decides to radically change her color and choose unnatural bold shades. In addition, many simply worry about the health of their hair. Just for such experiments and are intended crayons for hair.

First of all, this is a great opportunity to quickly change your image without consequences. Whether you are going to a disco, a party or a flash mob, you can always paint the strands in bright colors in minutes.

Using crayons for hair is completely safe if used correctly. They are non-toxic, washed with any shampoo for 1-2 times depending on the original hair color. Can even be used by children, of course, under the supervision of adults 🙂

There are two main options for crayons for hair: dry pastels and more convenient to apply, and the “fat” option - crayons. The latter is more expensive, but easier to use.

Let's see how to use crayon shadows professionals:

As we have already figured out, it is not difficult to dye your hair with crayons, but in order to do it quickly and correctly, you must follow a few simple rules, or, if I may say so, tricks:

  1. To avoid getting dirty, use gloves and an old towel.
  2. Before you put pastels on your hair, it is best to twist them into a flagellum, so it will be much easier for you to dye the strand.
  3. If you have dark hair - they need to moisten before applying paint.
  4. Another option for uniform coloring strands, which is best suited for blondes and fair-haired ones: dissolve crayon in a small amount of water, then soak the strand in colored water and dry it with a hairdryer. Voila!
  5. Do not worry if you suddenly stain your clothes - the traces of pastels are well washed.
  6. Do not forget that if your colored strands touch the clothes, they can slightly stain it. To avoid this, fasten colored strands of hairspray.
  7. After coloring it is better not to comb your hair.
  8. in order to avoid drying of hair, after washing with crayons, use a moisturizing mask or conditioner.

In the video - an option with the dissolution of pastels in water:

Color Tips

On blond hair, colors look particularly attractive:

On chestnut and black:

  • saturated purple,
  • green combined with blue
  • turquoise.

Dare, change, try new! Vivid impressions!

What are the crayons?

A set of crayons for hair can be of two types: consisting of oil chalk shadows or from dry pastels. Dry pastels are made by pressing from a coloring pigment, and mineral (linseed) oil is added to the oil pastels during the manufacturing process.

Quality products include a protective complex for the hair, which will soften and nourish the hair. This will minimize the already small damage from staining.

Crayon shadows are superior to dry ones in ease of application, but they significantly lose in color and cost. Crayon shadows are sold at a price of 130 rubles per color. They are easier applied to the curls due to its texture. A set of 6 dry crayons on average can be bought for 300-400 rubles. If you want to purchase them individually, then pay 60-90 rubles.

The cost of crayons for hair depends on the number of flowers in the set. A small palette will cost about 400-600 rubles. Professional chalk for hair, reviews of which are much better, cost much more, but it is almost completely harmless, and even a child will be able to use it.

Chalk composition

The composition of hair pastels can vary dramatically. So, if the locks are brittle and dry, then it is better to choose a fortified preparation, and treat the strands with means that soften the hair. Strong and healthy curls, you can paint without a twinge of conscience any chalk, even if they do not contain any useful additives.

In order to harm the dyeing of hair was minimal, it is better to dye hair using well-known brands. For example, buy crayons for hair Hot Huez. At the same time try to choose products with healthy additives: vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that help restore curls.

We have already mentioned that the type of chalk is greasy and dry. Dry crayons are pencils, and fat ones are boxes of pigment, which in consistency resembles creamy shadows. Fatty products are much easier to use than dry ones, as they do not require wetting of the strands before applying color. They will serve you not as long as dry, and at a cost they are much more expensive.

Color spectrum

The assortment of pastels for hair is large and diverse. Each girl will be able to choose for themselves the optimal color. Confident young girls choose bright and saturated tones, whereas older ladies prefer standard shades.

So, crayons for hair: how to use different colors?

Brown-haired women can lighten their hair with golden and white crayons, and black or gray chalk is recommended for blondes.

Crayons for hair: how to use?

So, you have chosen the best paint option for yourself. But the question is: how to dye your hair shallow?

Pastel is applied to clean hair, which the air conditioner has not yet touched on that day. Throw on the shoulders of an unnecessary old towel, so as not to spoil the outfit, and slightly wet your hair. This procedure will facilitate the application of color. Next, you need to twist the strand into a bundle and hold the chalk from top to bottom. Done! You can dry the strands with a hairdryer and spray with varnish without combing the curls!

How to flush?

Experts recommend washing pastel hair with ordinary shampoo. If you diligently soap painted curls, then the color will wash off after 1-2 washes.

If you have blond hair and in the process of applying the pigment you have moistened the strands, then the coloring crayons for the hair may not be washed from the hair immediately. Dont be upset! Pigment does not remain in the hair structure forever! Pastel washed away in 2-3 days.

After you have removed the dye from your hair, use a mask or a balm that will moisturize the hair so that it does not dry out. Perfect olive mask.

Chalk hair: reviews

The views of girls on experiments with painting curls in this way are mostly positive. New trend - use chalk for hair. Reviews of fashionistas say that it is extremely easy and not expensive to dye hair in such a way. Crayons are easily washed off and do not harm the hair, if used in moderation, according to the attached instructions. Quick change of image is a chalk for hair! The reviews can be negative: for example, on several sites you can find the opinions of girls that if they got crayons for their hair and, without having read the instructions, used them, then after two weeks of daily dyeing their hair turned out to be very dry. In this case, it will require treatment procedures locks. More girls say that the paint stains clothes, so do not wear white T-shirts. But, as you can see, if you follow the rules described above, your hair will be bright and healthy!

How to use chalk for hair

Crayons are of two types: dry in the form of conventional artistic pastels and oily in the form of eye shadow.

Before use, it is better to cover the shoulders with a towel, as chalk dust will stain all around. If the hair is dark, for greater brightness, you can wet them with water.

If the crayons are in the form of pastels, the strand should be twisted with a braid, then paint over the hair with chalk. Eye shadow crayons are used by pressing a strand with a finger to the palette and slowly moving to the ends of the hair.

To fix the result, you need to spray the hair with lacquer. You should also not comb dyed hair.

To wash off the chalk, you need a brush with natural bristles. Directing a stream of water on the painted soaped strands, comb them, washing out the pigment. Chalk soiled clothing is washed with ordinary powder.

Crayons for hair do not contain toxins and can be used even by children. The only condition is that you should not use them too often to avoid drying out the hair.

Where to buy crayons for hair

Crayons for hair are sold individually and in the form of palettes containing from 5 to 36 shades. You can buy them in professional hair shops, beauty salons. There you can also get a wizard's advice and even ask for an example of how to use them.

Some cosmetic brands, such as The Body Shop or KIKO, produce limited collections of crayons for hair, which can be purchased at their retail stores.

Numerous groups in social networks, online auction site Ebay, sites with Chinese goods are places where you can order crayons for hair and save money. Delivery will take from two weeks to one month.

Some people instead of crayons, specifically designed for the hair, use the usual art pastel, which is sold in any shop for artists. Choosing this option, buy soft pastels.

What are the

The crayons intended for dyeing hair are very similar in structure to that of many pastels used for drawing, but they have a different composition because they are used for other purposes.

This tool can be a unique find for many girls, because it can provide them with a whole field for experiments that will allow changing colors in a short time, trying different combinations and shades, as well as a variety of styles.

Such hair dye products have several classifications, most often they are divided into several main types:

  1. Crayon shadows are among the most recommended remedies since they do not actually have negative sides. The application is much simpler than most analogs, the shades are distinguished by their brightness, but the price is slightly higher than that of other options, but it is still in the available frames.
  2. Dry crayons have a less oily structure, so they are more susceptible to crumbling, which in some cases causes the complexity of application. However, at a lower price, this type has an impressive color range, allowing you to pick up virtually any shades.
  3. Oil pastels rarely used due to the large number of flaws. It has a rather bright color, but it fades extremely quickly, and it is very hard to wash off such a tool. In addition, it is poorly suited for oily hair type, because it makes the treated curls heavier and sometimes gives the hairstyle not the most neat appearance.

How to use

In order that the pastel is good lay on the hair, and after dyeing the hairstyle as long as possible to keep an attractive appearance and brightness of the color, it is recommended to use the following simple instructions on the use of crayons.


  1. Pre-wash your hair with regular shampoo in order to carry out all the steps of the procedure with clean hair only.
  2. Before the start of dyeing, the hair should be slightly moisturized, then the product will be better placed and the application process will not cause any additional difficulties.
  3. It is necessary to lay an old towel or any unnecessary matter on your shoulders so that you do not accidentally get them or your clothes dirty during work.
  4. The hair is divided into separate strands, after which the selected color is applied to them with the help of the corresponding chalk.
  5. Coloring is carried out by making smooth and unhurried movements, which should be directed from the top down.
  6. During dyeing, you can twist the curls a little, which will facilitate this process.
  7. For a longer preservation of the brightness of the color, additional measures can be taken, for example, by using a curling iron or a hair iron designed for straightening hair. If it is decided to implement one of these procedures, then it is recommended to first use a protective hair mask or any shopping tool to provide thermal protection. However, it is necessary to abandon the use of shampoo-conditioners, as they are poorly combined with this type of staining. If the listed devices for heat treatment are not available, then you can simply dry your hair with a hair dryer, which will give a similar effect.
  8. Wait until the applied pastel is completely dry, and only then you can comb your hair in order not to damage the applied layers.

Additionally, you can give the following tips and recommendations that may be useful in the process of staining:

  1. If the hair has a significant thickness, then they can be painted not with the pastel itself, but with a solution prepared on its basis. To do this, one piece of chalk is dissolved in a container with warm water, after which it will be necessary to dip curls into a bundle into it. When using this technique, most likely, the resulting color will not be so bright, but then the paint will be applied in a uniform layer without any complicated manipulations.
  2. It is not recommended to practice such staining more than once a week, as this may lead to negative consequences.
  3. It is desirable to immediately find the best and most suitable shades. Blondes are best suited red, lilac and pink shades, brunettes and brown-haired masters are advised to use green, purple and blue colors. However, these rules are not immutable, it is necessary to rely first of all on your own preferences and the combination of selected colors with a general style.

How many are holding

The question of the duration of the color preservation is set by virtually all the girls who first decided to dye their hair with crayons. It depends on many factors: native hair color, type of selected agent, environmental conditions, additional measures taken. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the complete washing of the pastel is carried out after the first or second washing of the head.

In order to extend the period during which the color does not fade and will have a pristine appearance, you must follow the following tips:

  1. Do not brush your hair once again, as the comb will remove part of the applied layer.
  2. Immediately after dyeing, treat the curls with regular hairspray, as it will create a protective layer.
  3. Choose those varieties of crayons that do not tarnish over time.
  4. Be sure to carry out any procedure involving thermal drying of hair, which will fix the color.

The process of washing pastels from the head is quite simple, especially if small shadows were used for coloring.

To implement it, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Wash your hair with regular shampoo, it is recommended to repeat this procedure twice in a row.
  2. On clean hair, be sure to apply a special tool-conditioner.
  3. For girls with blond hair, most likely, an additional repetition of all these actions will be required in order to completely wash the applied layers from the curls and finally get rid of residual shades.

Advantages and disadvantages

Recently, the popularity of such crayons has increased significantly, which is easily explained by the large number of positive aspects.

The main advantages include the following features:

  1. Safety of use, there are no toxic substances or hazardous compounds in the composition.
  2. No effect on the natural structure of the hairline.
  3. Ease of application, the staining procedure takes a very small amount of time.
  4. The ease of subsequent flushing.
  5. Ability to choose any colors and shades.
  6. Possibility of use for dyeing children's hair.
  7. The ability to use even in the absence of any specific skills or knowledge.

Among the obvious drawbacks of the crayons, two main negative factors can be distinguished:

  1. Too short a period during which the color lasts.
  2. Frequent use can lead to drying of hair with all the attendant problems, which in most cases consist in increasing fragility or the formation of split ends.

Where and how to buy crayons for hair?

Chalks for hair can be produced in different forms. The most common pigments in the form of pastels. They look like small, dry bars. First of all, you can buy crayons in online stores. They are sold both individually and in sets.

For the first time it is worth buying 1 cubes. The reason is simple - a certain type of crayons may simply not be suitable for your hair. They can dry out and become like straw. Therefore, it is better to start experiments with color with the 1st chalk. It is not so costly in the event that it does not suit you. In Russian stores the cost of one piece of chalk varies within 100 rubles. Even cheaper hair crayons are in Chinese stores with free shipping worldwide. The downside of such hair products is their quality.

Also crayons are produced in the form of washers. They are somewhat reminiscent of a mini-palette of shadows. Similar means have a different consistence. Manufacturers give them a powdery shape or, on the contrary, the appearance of an oily mixture. Usually these crayons are produced by American and European firms. They can also be purchased online. The quality of these crayons is noticeably higher. In this case, the cost can go up to $ 14 per palette of the same color. Also crayons can be purchased in specialized stores for hairdressers.

How to dye your hair with crayons: the rules

The painting procedure differs depending on what kind of crayons you use. In this case, the main points remain unchanged. Before you dye your hair with crayons, you should prepare:

  • Take a cape, put on unnecessary clothes. Prepare a comb and some water (just in case).
  • Choose the strand you need for painting. It is best to form a harness from it. So it will be easier to paint.
  • Wear rubber gloves. Take the chalk in your right hand and start to drive them along the flagellum out of the hair. Try to do this carefully, as the chalk crumbles and accumulates colored dust on your hands and clothes.
  • If the pigment falls badly on the hair, use water. You can pre-wet the strand, and only then form it into a bundle and paint.
  • The final stage - fixing the color. Without this, the paint too quickly peels off the hair. Usually, a small amount of varnish is applied to the painted strand.

In some cases, the resulting curl is used to form the hairstyle. Usually strands frizz. In this case, before applying the varnish, a curling iron or tongs are used and only then the result is fixed. Remember that the surface of the instrument may stain. Therefore after nippers or the iron cool down, they should be wiped. Do not forget that the first time curls can be a little color clothes!

Crayons in washers are used a little differently. It is necessary to form a hair harness. Then the pallet is clamped with fingers, and the other hand is placed into it a lock, clamping it with your thumb in the center. Some manufacturers supply crayons for hair with an extra spatula. If you hold the shaybochka in the hands uncomfortable, then you can put pigment on a strand of hair with a scapula.

Another option 1 - powdery crayons to create a coloring spray. Often they are produced in the United States. For their application is to stock up on a brush and a small amount of water. The pigment is dissolved, and then applied with a brush to the hair.

Another important aspect in how to dye hair with crayons is the choice of color. In this case, you can follow 2 rules - the general style of the image and your color type. The darker the hair and the lighter the skin, the brighter and more contrasting shades can be. For brunettes fit blue, red, bright green shades. Blonde hair looks great pastel colors. On the other hand, chalk staining involves experiments. You can use multiple colors. With the help of crayons create an ombre effect. For this purpose on the chosen site of hair on all width. Best of all such staining look at the tips. On short hair, you can use chalk on the temporal and occipital portions.

As for the style of the image, the best hairstyle looks like when you are dressed according to the principle of street fashion, in the style of grunge or boho. The first 2 cases involve the use of denim clothing with fading, interesting T-shirts, rivets, sweatshirts, skirts and dresses with funny prints.

Using crayons for hair to create a boho image is an easy way to get into the right style. You can wear romantic sundresses to the floor, tunics with ethnic prints, cowboy boots, long skirts. An important part of the image will be massive jewelry made of natural stones, bags with fringe.

Chalks for hair: how much do they hold?

Firmness of paint in the form of crayons on the hair depends on how careful you are. The longest period is a few days without washing your head. It is believed that the longest staining effect can be obtained with oily crayons in washers. Some representatives of the fair sex, on the contrary, are saddened by the fact that such means are too difficult to wash off. Crayons in the form of cubes, despite their brightness, are quickly erased.

Usually strands are dyed for a specific case - a party or a photo session. In this case, it is better to wash your hair before you go to bed. The fact is that crayons are showered and dyed clothes and bedding. Extend the time of coloring strands with crayons is not worth it. In most cases, they consist of various substances that draw moisture from the hair trunks. Due to this, they are drained. The longer you walk with dyed curls, the more damage is done to your hair.

After using crayons curls require special care. At a minimum, you should wash your hair with a gentle shampoo and apply a conditioner for dry hair. Much more tangible benefit will be when using masks. You can apply and products available in any refrigerator. For example, a mask based on gelatin and honey is suitable for moistening and light lamination.

Special care after dyeing chalk will be required for blond hair. After shampooing you may notice that their brightness has decreased significantly. Therefore, it is worth to stock special equipment.

For those who decided to use crayons, it is worth remembering:

  1. The pigment can be applied to both dry and wet strands.
  2. Paint on hands and clothes can be easily washed off.
  3. After fixing the color with a special spray or varnish, strands should not be combed.
  4. Dyed hair requires special care in the form of greasy masks

Chalk for hair will help you to create a unique memorable image. They are produced in the form of cubes, powder, and puck sticks. It is best to produce staining for 1 day for any event. So the hair will suffer minimal damage. Do not forget about the care after the use of crayons, it must be intense, include nourishing masks and balms.

Types and characteristics means

In appearance, crayons for hair are quite difficult to distinguish from those that children draw on asphalt. They include chalk, pigments and zinc white.

Today in the shops you can find several types of chalk for hair. Consider each of them:

  1. Oil - their main ingredient is flaxseed oil. Sold in small boxes and resemble eye shadow. Their disadvantage is that they end quickly. In addition, girls with oily hair are forbidden to use them,
  2. Dry pastel is a large thick pencil. Make it from the coloring matter tightly compressed into a single form. Can be applied to mixed and greasy strands,
  3. Wax made from beeswax. Suitable owners of fragile, dry curls.

IMPORTANT! Thanks to the gentle components, the strands do not dry out, because the paint does not penetrate deep inside the hair, remaining on the surface.

Sometimes girls use ordinary crayons to change their hair color. However, they quickly peel off with a strand, look pale, have a strong over-drying effect. With ease they can spoil the hair, so experts do not advise so to change their appearance.

There are people who believe that acrylic paints can also be used to paint curls. This is a mistake, because such a dye not only spoils the hair, but is also poorly washed off. To get rid of it, you will have to wash your hair with body oil or use conditioner several times.

Hair talk

As for the analyzing agent for dyeing, we can safely say that it can not cause any harm to the hair only if it is used infrequently.

How to dye hair with crayons

It is very simple to paint hair with special crayons. Special knowledge and skills are not needed for this, so all the work is easy to do at home:

  • If gel or other styling products are initially present on the hair, they should be washed off and the head should be dried,
  • Put disposable gloves on your hands,
  • Comb your hair, because after staining the strands, it will be forbidden to do it,
  • Wet your hair a little to make it slightly wet if you are a brunette,
  • Spend crayons from the roots in the direction of the tips, evenly painting over all the curls.

ATTENTION! Before starting the procedure, do not forget to cover your shoulders with a towel or diaper so as not to stain your clothes.

So that the paint does not crumble after a few minutes, each curl must be dried with a hairdryer, ironed with an iron for the hair (so it will straighten) or curl with a curl, and also spray with a strong hold of varnish.

How to wash the chalk from the hair

The process of washing the chalk is best performed 8 or 10 hours after application (although the composition can last a maximum of 48 hours). Otherwise, it will begin to spoil the hair, overdry it, make it brittle, dull.

You can finally get rid of this remedy from the head by following these recommendations:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo at least twice
  2. Water should not be hot. Better make it warm
  3. On wet hair, apply a moisturizing or nourishing mask that will help the strands recover.

The choice of shades of crayons by hair color

Wanting to change the image for a few hours, it should be remembered that any transformation should follow common sense. When choosing the color of crayons for a particular shade of hair, follow the tips:

  • Blondes are more suitable for gentle lilac, pink, blue, red, yellow, orange tones,
  • Brunettes blue green, purple, white shades,
  • Light brown and brown fit blue, turquoise, green.

Reviews and photos

According to reviews provided on the Internet, most of them are positive, which confirms the popularity of crayons.

Helena: "I ordered from China a set of pastel crayons of a well-known brand. I was completely satisfied with the result, because the application process took only a few minutes. Other women may be advised to use moisturizing masks and conditioners after washing off the paint."

Marina: "I have long dreamed of crayons for hair, because I always wanted to look bright and stylish. Already after the first use I was satisfied. I use it only for holidays or parties, because I understand that hair becomes really dry after crayons."

Katya: "The only plus of the analyzed substance is a bright color. It didn’t like it because after using it everything becomes dirty (including things and hands), because the chalk is very crumbling while the dyeing process is going on."

Faberlic (faberlic)

The company offers a tool for coloring curls, represented by a variety of shades. Each of them is located between the plastic holders, which are tightly pressed curls and evenly dye them. As a result of this design, the hands always remain clean, and the crayons are spent economically.

The set consists of 4 crayons. The manufacturer recommends to paint them curls after pre-wetting curls. Thanks to a convenient form of release (a small box), one strand is placed between the walls of the container and carried out along the coloring composition. As a result of this, it is easy to add new shades to your hair even without help.

Hair сhalk

The company offers 4 colors of crayons. They are produced in the form of shadows, which are comfortably applied with special sponges included in the kit. The tool does not affect the hair structure, it is washed off easily and gives the strands a rich bright color, if they are intensely dyed. Otherwise, the shade will be dull and inexpressive.

Brite organix

The Australian brand represents unique crayons, which change their color under the influence of high temperature (hair dryer, curling iron). For example, in a matter of seconds gray can be made peach, purple can be made blue. This gives you the opportunity to buy a few pieces, and at the same time receive the entire palette of shades.

Loreal (Loreal)

The global brand offers women liquid crayons that do not penetrate the strands, but gently envelop them, creating surprisingly bright shades. They do no harm to hair, they are easily washed off, they do not cause inconvenience during application.

Loreal hair chalk

This tool for coloring curls is characterized by ease of use. It is moderately dry strands, well washed with regular shampoo. It gives hair a rich bright color.

How to make crayons with your own hands

Finding special crayons for hair coloring is not so easy. They have to be ordered online or purchased in certain stores. In order not to spend extra money, you can conduct an experiment and make it at home.

The simplest recipe consists of the following components:

Additionally, you will need a container in which the prepared mass will subsequently solidify. It can be a box from under the shadows, an empty case from a children's kinder or just a piece of paper twisted into a tube.

For the preparation of crayons you need to mix water with plaster until it is completely dissolved. After that, the dye is mixed into the mass. All components are poured into a mold and wait for complete solidification. It is easier to pull out the frozen chalk in the event that the mold is pre-coated with vaseline.

IMPORTANT! Make sure that in the process of mixing all the components in the mass was as little as possible air bubbles. Otherwise, the crayons will turn out to be fragile.

Crayons - a great solution for a short period of time to change their appearance. They do not bring any harm to health, so they can be safely applied to curls, combining several colors at the same time. After each application, try to apply moisturizing masks on your head, which will help the strands to recover and preserve the natural structure.

Types of crayons for hair

The composition of pastels for hair includes talc, colored pigments, as well as substances that do not allow the strands to dry out.

Important: do not use crayons for painting for coloring curls.

They strongly dry hair, the color looks faded, unevenly falls. It is customary to distinguish three types of pastels for strands:

  • Dry They are produced in the form of a bar, which looks little different from the chalk that children draw on asphalt. Dry pastels are characterized by rich colors, but easily scattered. They can be applied with oily and mixed type of hair.
  • Oil (shadows). Made with the use of oils (for example, flaxseed). It is easier to apply to hair than dry pencils, but they are characterized by high consumption, and the choice of color is not so diverse. For owners of greasy hair, the shadows are not suitable because they make the strands heavier.
  • Wax At the base - beeswax. The tool is well kept, but slightly weights strands. This option is suitable for dry and brittle hair.
  • Liquid multi-colored chalk. Easy to apply, fixed with a hair dryer. Suitable for all types.

Oil colored crayons

Shadows for hair placed in the powder box. To color the strand, it is necessary to separate the thin curl and put it inside the case so that the paint is at the top and the pad applicator is at the bottom. Then close the powder box and hold down the hair several times. The strand does not squeeze and not pull. Popular are the tools of the following manufacturers:

Chalk Faberlik is in a design resembling a powder compact with a pen. Each color is sold separately. You can choose between blue, purple, pink, orange, red tones

  • ease of use
  • can be applied to dry and wet strands,
  • washed off after 1 time
  • looks spectacular
  • coming off quickly
  • during the application is very dusty,
  • smears the skin
  • smells a little
  • release form - powder box, diameter - 5 cm,
  • in packing 4 colors - blue, crimson, violet, red
  • convenient to apply
  • bright colours,
  • there is no unpleasant smell
  • each powder box has a sponge for applying color
  • in a few hours they fall off,
  • fragile, you can't drop
  • consumed quickly

Dry pastel

The most inexpensive - dry chalk.

It is easy to use them: you need to select a thin strand and spend several times on it with a pencil.

Chalk for hair HairChalkin, which are produced in the form of bars, are popular. Pastels wash away well after the first wash, allow you to experiment with color: in one package can be from 6 to 36 tones. Among the minuses - dry hair. Prices are as follows:

  • 6 pcs: 270 r.,
  • 12 pcs: 320 r.,
  • 24 pcs: 650 r.,
  • 36 pcs: 800 r.

On Ali-Express, you can order bright and pastel chalks for the Color Hair Chalk. In the packaging of 24 bars, the price is 640 rubles. The product has received good reviews from consumers: it is easy to use, the color keeps well, the strands are bright and beautiful. Among the minuses - wait for the goods.

Wax crayons

Multi-colored wax crayons can be bought on the Joom (Jum) and Ali-Express website. Sell ​​them in the form of combs for hair called Magic curler: mini hair color comb. Chalk in the form of small bars placed between the teeth. The paint is easy to apply on strands during combing. The price of one ridge is 70 rubles.

On Ali-Express for 2 dollars you can buy a wax for hair Gaurun, made in the form of lipstick. Attention buyers presented three dark colors - black and two shades of brown. The main purpose of the chalk - to paint over gray hair. Price - 173 rubles per tube.

Another option is chalk in the form of Mofajang paste (sold on Ali-Express). There are 8 colors on sale, each costing 350 rubles for 120 g. By consistency, the product resembles liquid wax.


Watch the video: Hair Coloring With CHALK . How to Color Hair at Home? SuperWowStyle Prachi (June 2024).