
How to quickly dry hair without a hair dryer? Bring beauty in emergency conditions!


In order to dry your hair it took less time, and the hair itself had a healthy appearance, take into account several recommendations.

After washing your hair, be sure to use a quality conditioner or hair balm. If there is no air conditioner, you can use lemon and even a small amount of vinegar dissolved in water. Hair can be rinsed with a simple decoction of herbs, the choice of which should take into account your hair type. Chamomile, burdock and nettle are well suited for this procedure. These funds contribute to the beauty and nutrition of the hair, as well as improve their structure.

Remember that the best option to dry your hair is to dry them in the open air. But it will take some time, which may not be available. In this case, try to dry your hair with a towel, which squeeze out a little hair, and then cover your head with a dry towel in the form of a turban. If you rub your hair with a towel, do it very carefully, because after washing it is especially easy to damage it. The towel can be preheated by ironing it well with a hot iron.

While drying hair, you can comb it with a massage comb along the entire length - this will improve the access of air to each hair and speed up the drying. And it is necessary not just to comb, but to change the position of the head, so that the inclination of the hair allowed all the areas to be dried evenly.

You can dry your hair with your hands, rhythmically tapping your palms along their entire length, moving from their roots to the very tips, tilting your head either forward or to the side. Just make sure not to tangle the hair, which is better to periodically comb.

Drying your hair with a hair dryer is necessary with great care to avoid damage. If you use the hair dryer too often - it hurts the hair, although this type of drying is the fastest.

If no hair dryer, you can use the stove. Just do not dry over an open fire - it is not safe. You can quickly dry your hair without a hairdryer, standing in front of an open lit oven. At the same time, it is necessary to comb hair continuously or rhythmically tap on it with palms so that hot air flows are not directed only at one head area.

Wet situation

Why is it that at the very right moment something goes wrong? If you nail your nails before leaving the house, they will dry out slowly, like wet hair, especially if the weather is dank, wind or snow. And if on the nose an important date? In this situation, the full law of meanness works. And if the hair dryer broke, what to do with a wet head?

Let's try to figure out how to quickly dry the hair without a hairdryer. In 5 minutes you can quite successfully cope with the task. Carefully squeeze the hair after washing. Split your hair into strands with your fingers to provide air flow. You do not need to comb it immediately after washing, as you can injure strands. Take a large towel and blot your hair.

Better divide the strands and blot them separately with a towel. In 5 minutes you can remove all the water droplets and separate the hairs. Remember that the hair dries faster if the curls are not stuck together, so just wrap your head with a towel - not the best option. You will absorb moisture, but you won’t get dry hair.

In winter

The way with a towel can be made more efficient. Prepare some warm towels. If it happens in the winter, just lay them on the battery before taking a shower. You can heat them with an iron or put them in the oven for a couple of minutes. Squeeze the hair and wrap it in a warm towel. Change the towel for another as it gets wet. After the third towel is removed, there is almost no moisture on the hair and you can finally dry your hair in the air. Remember that the roots dry for the longest time, so blot them thoroughly. Whip hair with warming movements. You can shake your head to remove moisture.

With the help of chemistry

We must take into account the fact that short hair dries perfectly without any help, so they need a hairdryer only for styling. By the way, strands can be protected from hot air using simulating mousse or foam.

You can combine hair drying and styling, if you apply the tool to your fingertips and thoroughly beat the hair, while massaging the roots. We immediately say that it is not necessary to rub the tool into the roots, since the head will quickly become dirty. It is necessary to allow air to circulate in the hair, for which whipping hair up to complete drying. Finished hairstyle can be fixed with varnish. The whole procedure will take 5-10 minutes.

For long hair

For owners of braids to the waist, the technology does not change: the main thing is to dry the roots and ensure the flow of air. How to quickly dry hair without a hair dryer? Do not leave them alone. Do not go to bed with a wet head, do not wear a hat on wet hair and do not twist them in the tail. Perhaps from an external point of view, the situation will change for the better, but the hair will not dry out. Divide the entire shock of hair into pieces and get rid of moisture. If you want to give shape to the curls, then wind each strand on a round comb. So you can achieve light waves and simultaneous drying of hair.

If there is a pair of free hands (for example, visiting mom or sister), then divide the hair and braid out of them pigtails. Let the braids be many and they will not be tight, so that the air penetrated to the roots. While you go about your business (do makeup, cook dinner), the braids dry and take on the desired shape. Before leaving, dissolve the curls, beat them with your fingers - and forward. Here's how to quickly dry your hair without a hair dryer at home. By the way, in the process of washing you can apply air conditioning, starting from the middle of the length. The drying process will be greatly accelerated.

How not to do

There are many tips for extreme moisture removal from hair, but is it worth it? So, how to quickly dry your hair without a hairdryer? Many advise taking advantage of the surrogates of this invention. Someone uses a vacuum cleaner, setting it up for blowing. Yes, you may have dried your hair, but then you will have to wash it again, so the advice is useless. Or maybe use the heat from the gas stove? In no case! Unless, of course, your plans are not included to remain without a hair at all. Another sabotage advice on how to quickly dry your hair without a hairdryer is to go out and take a walk. In the warm season, you risk getting heatstroke or burn it out in the sun. And in the cold season, a whole kaleidoscope of opportunities opens up before you, where everything will start with a cold and end with sinusitis. Prefer sparing methods, feel sorry for yourself. If you have a little time, you can wind the strands on the curlers. This is another safe way to quickly dry your hair without a hairdryer.


Hair dryer seriously injure hair. Under the influence of high temperatures their natural structure is disturbed. The most dangerous hair dryer for stained curls. Regular use of this tool causes the hairs to become dry and lifeless. We have to resort to recovery salon measures. Expensive procedures and tools can hurt the wallet. When drying without a dryer, there are no negative side effects, only that liquid that is not needed by the hair evaporates.

Despite the fact that modern technology is very developed, to dry hair naturally becomes more popular than a hairdryer. To quickly and correctly dry the curls, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • comb your hair before washing your hair - it will be much easier to dry them if there are no knots on them,
  • use hair balm - it creates a film on the hairs that repels water,
  • after the shampoo and conditioner is washed off the hair, squeeze out excess water, starting from the roots (it is more correct to do this, squeezing the strands in fists),
  • for drying hair choose towels or microfiber towels, terry is better not to use, as they are too hard and can greatly harm the hair,
  • wait for the hair to dry up, otherwise when combing the curls will become brittle,
  • slightly damp hair needs to be combed with a rare comb or comb made from natural materials.

For short hair

A short haircut can be dried in a few minutes, even if you exclude the use of a hair dryer. This is real and easy. To do this, you do not need to have hairdressing skills.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Heat a towel. You can use an iron or put a towel on the battery.
  2. Dry with a heated towel. Do not make the usual rubbing movements - they can harm the hair.
  3. Apply a styling product, combing the comb from the roots to the tips.
  4. Spray the hair with a round comb.
  5. Brush, shaping the final hairstyle.

So that the hair is not fluffed, after complete drying of the hair, fix the hair with lacquer. The procedure will take no more than 7 minutes.

For volume

To dry the hair with the volume at the roots is quite simple.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Soak up excess moisture from the hair with a towel.
  2. Comb hair rare comb.
  3. Bend forward, moving the roots of the hair with your fingers.
  4. Repeat, leaning left and right.
  5. Perform active movements until the hair is completely dry.
  6. Comb curls from the inside with a round comb to add volume.
  7. To add extra volume to your hair, spray a little dry shampoo into the root area.

Hair will be lush without the application of effort and the use of expensive cosmetics.

For straightening

Girls have repeatedly wondered how to dry their hair so that they do not need additional straightening.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash your hair with a balm or conditioner that straightens your hair and makes it more manageable.
  2. Blot with a towel, apply a fixing mousse or gel.
  3. Bend forward and actively comb the strands with a rare comb before they dry.
  4. Comb the curls from the inside with a round comb, making pulling movements.
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Unusual ways

There are strange, and even extreme, ways of drying hair. Use them with caution.

    Fan. You need to stand in front of the included device and dry the strands, combing them with a comb or hand. This method is not safe: if you get too close to the fan, the blades can capture curls. In addition, standing under a stream of cold air with a wet head, you can easily catch a cold.

  • Gas stove. Favorite way to extreme. It is necessary to turn on the burners and stand at the stove. The gas will heat the air and the hair will dry faster. Instead of a gas stove, you can use the oven. It is much safer.
  • Battery. Warm air flowing from the battery will cause the water to evaporate faster.
  • A vacuum cleaner. It is easy to dry the hair with the help of it: turn on the reverse air supply, substitute the head to the hose. The disadvantage of the method is that after such drying, dust and dirt from the vacuum cleaner will remain on the newly washed hair.
  • Iron. To dry long hair in this way, you will need an assistant. Assistant ironed hair through the towel. The main thing - care and caution. Risk of burning hair or burns.
  • Drying your hair in a natural way, you can add beauty and health to them, while saving energy. Sometimes you should voluntarily give up a useful tool to give your hair a rest.

    We dry a long head of hair

    How to quickly dry hair without a hair dryer at home, if they are long?

    Following the recommendations below, the drying time of the hair will be at least 15 minutes.

    Consider step by step instructions for drying hair:

    1. Clean hair thoroughly squeezed. Twisting the beam is unacceptable, because you can disrupt the structure of the hair. Twisting spend the method of using moderate force.
    2. After completing the runoff of water from the hair, collect them in a bun and wrap a towel for about a couple of minutes. If the towel is pre-warm, it will speed up the drying process a little.
    3. Remove the towel and lift the hair stubs with your fingertips. This is necessary to give the hairstyle a voluminous look. When ruffling hair should be massaged with the fingers on the scalp. The specified movements should be carried out before acquisition by hair of a conditionally wet state.
    4. It is recommended to combine hair drying with the styling process. To do this, it is necessary to divide the hair into strands, each of which should be rolled up and fixed with a hairpin.
    5. After about 10 minutes, the barrettes should be removed and the hair should be combed with the fingers. Combing continue until the hair does not get the desired result.
    6. On the appearance of your hair will remind carelessly laid curls that can be left in this form or collect in a ponytail. In hairdressing, this hairstyle is called the style of savage.

    The second option is drying

    1. After pressing and wrapping the hair with a warm towel, massage the skin of the hair with your fingers by raising and lowering the hair strands.
    2. Each selected curl comb through a comb with sparse teeth in such a way as not to injure the hair bulb. The ideal option would be a combing device made of natural material. The process of combing should begin with the ends of the hair, slowly going to the roots.

    Age-related diseases and their treatment at

    Five Minute Hair Dryer

    Usually designed for short hair. After the recommendations are correctly implemented, the hair finally dries within five minutes.

    How to quickly dry your hair without a hairdryer in 5 minutes?

    To speed up the drying process you need:

    • thoroughly wiping the hair with a preheated towel,
    • applying a special hair styling product and its distribution along the hair length with a wooden comb with sparse teeth,
    • to form perfect curls, roll the hair into a tube near the crown,
    • after about five minutes, unroll and comb the comb.

    Simple professional advice

    1. Drying your hair is recommended to use a towel, as it absorbs water more strongly. Due to the fact that the towel is quite thin, you may need several towels.
    2. After washing your hair, do not forget to use the air conditioner, which will simplify the drying system many times. And the hair will be less confused.
    3. When drying the hair with a towel, you should not stand still. You should shake the hair with your head as often as possible, or tilt it.
    4. Some women of fashion for drying hair just twist hair from side to side. The result is impressive.
    5. Drying long curls occurs much faster if the head is tilted down.
    6. If weather conditions allow, it is recommended to dry hair of any length in the fresh air. To maximize the drying of the head will help the sultry weather and gentle breeze. After this procedure, the hair, as a rule, looks silky and thick.
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    Ways of drying hair are many. And all of them can be used independently. The main purpose of drying should be the preservation of healthy life shine. After all, harm the structure of the hair easier than ever, and correct errors can be very long.

    Forbidding methods of drying

    The fact that the female sex is characterized by ingenuity, many people know. For the sake of beauty, some women are willing to sacrifice hair health, which is strictly forbidden to do.

    When drying hair, you should minimize the use of extreme methods:

    1. Drying hair under the gas stove. Quite a dangerous method, which as a maximum can burn all the hair, at least make the ends split.
    2. Vacuuming. To do this, turn on the vacuum cleaner by blowing through the main hose and move your head closer. Pre-release a small amount of air that will be filled with dust. But even having foreseen all the recommendations the next day, the head will require washing, since the hair will still be filled with dust.
    3. Under the fan. Just before applying it, you should select the speed mode correctly and carry out regular combing of the strands.
    4. Using rectifier. Drying hair with a flat iron can cause irreparable damage to the hair structure, as a result of which it will take a very long time to restore.

    When drying hair by any of the methods, it is not recommended to comb wet hair, which can provoke hair loss.

    Before making a choice of drying hair, a woman should first of all think about their health and provide for the smallest little things that can lead to irreparable consequences. In some situations it is better to wait 5 minutes once more than to restore their structure for several months.


    Watch the video: Last Minute Life Hacks. Easy DIY Life Hacks. Beauty Hacks, Hair Hacks and More by Blossom (July 2024).