Dandruff Treatment

What dry dandruff shampoo is best to use? Overview of remedies for seborrhea of ​​the scalp


What discomfort cause small bright scales in the hair, on the shoulders. It is inconvenient for a person to appear at work, at a party, and this sight causes an unpleasant feeling to others. Seborrheic dermatitis is treated with special agents that have different properties. To choose them correctly, it is worth clarifying this question.

Ketoconazole Shampoo

This substance is considered the main enemy of fungi - destroys the membranes of the cells that caused seborrhea. Medicinal products containing ketoconazole, destroy the colonies of microorganisms. The use of shampoo from seborrhea helps to cope with the problem:

  • Elf,
  • price 180 p.,
  • ketoconazole destroys the fungus, zinc eliminates itching,
  • pluses: fits any hair type,
  • Cons: not suitable for permanent use.

Ketoconazole shampoos are among the most popular drugs that fight seborrhea on the scalp. One of the effective means:

  • Dandruff
  • price 240 p.,
  • inhibits the spread of fungi, eliminates peeling, itching,
  • pluses: well moisturizes, has in its composition caring components,
  • cons: can change the color of blond hair, is prohibited to children.

Medical dandruff shampoo

Special anti-seborrhea drugs can be purchased at pharmacies, ordered from catalogs, and purchased from the online store. Therapeutic shampoos for the scalp stabilize the sebaceous glands, destroy the fungus. They help to remove dead particles, have a healing effect. For the treatment of atopic dermatitis, depriving, trichologists recommend:

  • Ecoderm,
  • price 250 p.,
  • gently cleanses the skin, eliminates itching, reduces inflammation,
  • Pros: Effective with strong symptoms.
  • Cons: addictive.

Excellent reviews of doctors have a seborrhea shampoo with a high percentage of dandruff disposal:

  • Sulsen,
  • price 300 p.,
  • active ingredient - selenium sulfide, prevents the growth of fungi, quickly exfoliates the dead layer, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands,
  • Advantages: high efficiency of treatment, children can be used,
  • cons: able to slightly dye hair.

Antifungal Shampoos

One of the main causes of seborrheic dermatitis is reproduction of fungi. It is necessary to eliminate favorable conditions for the growth of their number. Antiseborrhoeic anti-fungal shampoo helps to solve these problems. Effective drug:

  • Keto Plus,
  • price 530 p.,
  • ketoconazole destroys the membranes of fungi, pyrithione zinc does not allow their cells to divide,
  • Advantages: local effects on the skin, absorption into the blood does not occur,
  • cons: changes color to dyed hair.

Very effective, inexpensive antifungal shampoo for people based on natural ingredients, as in the photo:

  • Tar 911
  • the price is 100 rubles,
  • tar in the composition inhibits the activity of fungi, relieves itching, exfoliates dead particles, eliminates excess fat,
  • pluses: possesses anesthetic action,
  • Cons: bad smell, dyes blonde hair.

Dry Dandruff Shampoo

In the presence of such symptoms, recommends use for the treatment of a drug aimed at fighting a fungus. The affordable analogue of Nizoral is:

  • Dermazole,
  • the price is 250 rubles,
  • the active substance ketonazole inhibits the activity of fungi, exfoliates dandruff, removes excess fat,
  • advantages: reasonable price, efficiency,
  • Cons: dries the skin.

It is popular, has the recommendations of doctors shampoo for dry seborrhea:

  • Friederm zinc,
  • the price is 750 rubles for 150 mg,
  • strong antifungal effect, suitable for all types of dandruff, removes excess fat, has hypoallergenic qualities,
  • Pros: does not dry the skin, suitable for children, recommended during pregnancy,
  • cons: high cost.

Dandruff Shampoo for Men

The problem of the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis often occurs in men who spend less time on their health. This can lead to hair loss. Special male dandruff does not exist. Rescues shampoo with seborrhea:

  • Sebosol
  • price 330 p. for 100 ml,
  • ketoconazole in composition has a fungicidal effect - kills the fungus, relieves itching,
  • main advantages: serves as a disease prevention,
  • cons: high cost.

For the treatment of skin problems on the head, anti-dandruff pharmacy shampoo for men has good reviews:

  • Vichy Derkos,
  • price 400 p. for 200 ml,
  • active ingredient - selenium disulfide, has antibacterial properties, eliminates itching, reduces inflammation, resists fungi,
  • main advantages: helps to peel large particles of skin, crusts,
  • cons: high price.

Professional dandruff shampoo

Skin diseases exclude self-treatment, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause of seborrhea. The doctor will prescribe effective professional remedies. One of these:

  • Avalon Organics,
  • price 1430 p. for 400 ml,
  • possesses anti-seborrheic action, disinfects, reduces inflammation, itching, kills the fungus,
  • advantages: has a certificate, as part of natural ingredients,
  • cons: high cost.

Professional dandruff shampoo is popular in the treatment of severe forms of seborrhea:

  • Qeluela DS,
  • price 970 p. for 100 ml,
  • contains ciclopirox and zinc pyrithione, kills fungi colonies, reduces inflammation, eliminates desquamation, relieves redness,
  • Advantages: effective for severe symptoms of the disease,
  • cons: high cost.

Shampoo for oily seborrhea

When such a problem is required, in addition to the antifungal effect, reduce the separation of fat. She copes with shampoo from seborrheic dermatitis on the head, having in the composition of the tar. This substance has anti-inflammatory, astringent effect. Excellent reviews have the drug:

  • Algopix
  • price 260 p. for 200 ml,
  • in composition juniper tar with salicylic acid, are antiseptic, improve blood circulation,
  • Pros: penetrates deep into the skin,
  • Cons: with long use, dries the skin.

Good results in the treatment shows shampoo with oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp:

  • Divination Simone DeLuxe,
  • price 2200 p. for 200 ml,
  • based on collagen formulations, vitamins, herbal extracts, substances that eliminate the release of fat, reduce inflammation, have antipruritic action,
  • Pros: penetrates deep into the skin,
  • cons: high cost.

Shampoo with zinc from seborrhea

The active substance in such agents is zinc pyrithione, which has antimicrobial, antifungal effects. Its use helps to get rid of inflammation, eliminate itching. An excellent drug for seborrhea with zinc pyrithione:

  • Hair Vital
  • price 350 p. for 200 ml,
  • normalizes fat metabolism, kills the fungus, removes dandruff,
  • Pros: prevents relapses, nourishes hair,
  • Cons: dries the skin.

Excellent shampoos with zinc against seborrhea are made by Malin + Goetz, one of the best developments:

  • Dandruff Shampoo,
  • price 2900 p. for 236 ml,
  • contains zinc pyrithione, tea tree extract, panthenol, eliminates fungus, soothes the skin, removes scales,
  • Pros: Effective with dry dandruff,
  • Cons: dries hair, requires the use of balsam.

Seborrhea Shampoo for Children

The occurrence of seborrhea in childhood is a frequent occurrence. The main treatment method is the use of products for washing the baby’s head. The drug must prescribe a doctor. One of the most effective remedies for seborrhea:

  • Nizoral,
  • price 750 p. for 60 ml,
  • stops the formation of phospholipids, which promote the growth of fungal cells, reduces the separation of fat, soothes the skin, reduces inflammation,
  • advantages: rarely relapses,
  • cons: high cost.

For the treatment of a child, doctors recommend using Cebulex, Ionil for washing the head. Positive feedback has shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis for children:

  • Friderm tar,
  • price 700 p. for 150 ml,
  • has antifungal, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the separation of fat, has astringent properties, eliminates peeling, itching, redness,
  • pluses: does not contain preservatives, natural composition,
  • cons: high cost.

How to choose shampoo from seborrhea

It is desirable that the agent be selected by the doctor, taking into account the peculiarities of the disease. It is important to read the instructions to find out which active substances contain antiseborrhoeic shampoos. There are types of drugs:

  • exfoliating - with salicylic acid - Algopix, Biorga Squaphane S,
  • antifungal - contain ketoconazole - Sebazon, Gepach Int, Stiefel-Sebiprox,
  • antibacterial, on the basis of zinc pyrithione - Tsinovit, Zinc.

When choosing a remedy for seborrhea, you should consider the type of hair, type of dandruff. It is necessary to know the contraindications for use. Selection should be done individually to avoid allergies. It is necessary to take into account the active ingredients in the composition of the drugs:

  • with natural ingredients - Squanorm, Sebuton, Tara, Sim Sensitive System-4,
  • antimicrobial, based on selenium sulfide, Sulsen, Sulsen-forte.

Pros and cons of their use

The main advantage - it is availability and ease of use. Components quickly affect the scalp, preventing dryness of the epidermis and restoring water and salt balance. Regular use of the tool will reduce the appearance of peeling, and then completely eliminate dandruff.

The only problem - The problem may return after you have stopped washing your hair with a medical shampoo. Almost all of them are intended not only for the treatment of seborrhea, but also for the prevention of this disease.

How to choose?

The tool is recommended to buy, taking into account the type of their hair and the nature of the disease. Anti-dandruff shampoos are divided into three types:

    Against the fungus. In their composition there are substances that combat the appearance and reproduction of dangerous microorganisms on the scalp — pyrithione, clotrimazole, ketoconazole. The advantage of this type is that the components act primarily on the cause of the disease, and only then gradually eliminate the symptoms.

Antifungal solutions must be used strictly according to the instructions. This tool is very active, so too often it is impossible to apply to the hair. Scrubbing. The main components are tar, sulfur and salicylic acid. They cleanse the skin, prevent peeling and itching. This type is only suitable for oily scalp.

If they treat dry dandruff, the amount of white flakes in the hair will only increase.

  • On the basis of tar. The active ingredient gradually normalizes the fat balance of the epidermis. With regular use, dandruff is completely eliminated.
  • What must be part of the remedy?

    When choosing a therapeutic drug in a pharmacy, pay attention to the ingredients. The composition should contain the following substances:

    • Ichthyol, tar - improve the blood circulation of the epidermis, thereby normalizing the cell regeneration cycle,
    • selenium, zinc, ketoconazole, clortimazole and other antifungal substances - eliminate microbes and disinfect,
    • salicylic acid - has a beneficial effect on the scalp, as the scrub removes peeling and crusts.

    If you want to achieve a positive effect, you should not get the first tube or succumb to the tricks of advertising. Your task is to choose a product based on components suitable for the scalp condition.

    Shampoo overview

    The cause of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp is most often the presence of fungus. Therefore, when choosing a means, it is important to pay attention to those whose components are struggling with its reproduction. Consider the most effective products to eliminate dryness and seborrhea.


    The composition contains antifungal substances, as well as collagen. This allows Nizoral to quickly eliminate the infection, reduce itching and relieve inflammation of the epidermis. It helps with hair loss.

    It is allowed to apply even to pregnant women. The liquid foams well and has no strong odors and chemical fragrances. Of the minuses, there is only one side effect - dry and fragile tips. Sulsena.

    The active ingredient is selenium, which means that it fights with the development and reproduction of microorganisms. Can be used as a therapeutic drug, and for the prevention of disease.

    Sulsena includes fairly active, fast-acting substances, so the use should be limited once a week. May cause allergies. Dermazole

    The active substance is cocodiethanolamide, coping with dryness, skin diseases and depriving. Dermazole is produced in India.

    Belongs to the average price category and has long gained popularity among women.

    The reviews often mention high efficiency and ease of use. Seborin.

    In the pharmacy you can find several products of this series: for dry hair, for frequent use and for thin and weak hair.

    With a pronounced nature of the disease is recommended to choose a tube for dry hair.

    Buyers note not only the effectiveness of the product, but also the low cost of the product. Cloran.

    French development contains a complex of vitamins to maintain the health of curls.

    In addition, it has antifungal substances that provide protection against seborrhea.

    It is "cloison" is not cheap compared to peers. But the effect, as noted by customers, is quite fast and high - the peeling takes place once and for all. Home Institut.

    Another development of French doctors trichologists.

    It contains a lot of natural substances: nettle, thermal water, etc. It is well suited for dry strands.

    However, product reviews are rather contradictory. If some emit a pleasant aroma and activation of the growth of curls, then others note a short-term result. Keto plus

    Made on the basis of ketoconazole. It copes well with white flakes on the head and eliminates dryness and irritation. Apply Keto Plus is recommended no more than 2 times a week.

    The only drawback is the relatively high cost. However, if we consider the effectiveness of the product and the range of impact, the price is fully justified in this case. Instant Clear.

    This is the development of Spanish trichologists, which includes all the necessary substances to combat seborrhea and dermatitis.

    Reviews of this product can be found, mostly only positive.

    Buyers note that the result of the course of treatment was a clean, healthy strand without white peeling and itching. Fito.

    This product consists of natural ingredients: wheat, nettle, sorrel, as well as panthenol and lecithin.

    "Fitoval" is often recommended against baldness and with fragile tips.

    But he helps in the fight against seborrhea. The main plus is an inexpensive price and high performance against dryness. Of the minuses, you can select only the fact that children can not use it. Ducre Qeluraral.

    Everything you need to fight fungi on the scalp is in it, so "Ducre Qeliural" can be considered an effective treatment for hair.

    Components exfoliate the epidermis, relieve inflammation, counteract the spread of the fungus.

    The cost, unlike analogs, is quite high. Tar from the series "100 recipes of beauty."

    It consists of natural ingredients, normalizes the metabolic processes of the epidermis and restores the structure of curls. It is recommended for use at the initial stage of the disease and for prophylaxis.

    In addition to the antifungal effect, it is good in that it has a beneficial effect on the hair and epidermis of the head in all directions: it strengthens, disinfects, gives softness and smoothness to the vegetation. Low price makes this product popular among a wide range of consumers.

    Also, it is sometimes advised to use "Skvanorm" - a special healing shampoo.

    Scalp Treatment

    If you want to get a positive result, it is important to follow the instructions for using the shampoo. Usually, the course is 6-8 weeks. Liquid can not be used for constant shampooing. Remember that this is a therapeutic drug, not a care or hygiene product. Manufacturers of most shampoos recommend applying the solution no more than 2 times a week.

    It is applied as an ordinary shampoo, but after massaging the scalp, wash the liquid away - the foam should remain for a while (usually 2-3 minutes) on the hair. After the procedure it is necessary to wash the strands properly.

    The effect usually appears in the first days of use. White crusts significantly less, itching gradually passes. To consolidate the results, it is important to complete a full course.

    With proper care for the hair, as well as with the use of the necessary medicinal preparations, dandruff can be eliminated once and for all. For a more effective method of treatment, it is better to consult with the trichologist.

    Little about the disease

    Seborrheic dermatitis provokes conditionally pathogenic flora, which is present on the skin of most healthy people. The nutrient medium of microorganisms is a secret produced by the sebaceous glands, so the disease develops in areas of large concentrations of glands.

    The causes of the disease are:

    • weakened immunity
    • hormonal disruptions
    • nervous tension stress
    • genetic predisposition.


    What symptoms are characterized by manifestations of seborrhea? Key features:

    • skin redness
    • the formation of minor edema,
    • peeling skin
    • severe itching.

    Tip! When scratching the skin, a bacterial flora can get into the wounds, causing purulent inflammation.


    Three types of disease are distinguished:

    • Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp. This form is often found during puberty, as sebum production increases. Therefore, most adolescents suffer from excessive oily hair and skin. With oily seborrhea, not only crusts are often formed, but also purulent acne.
    • Dry type of seborrhea is more common in children and adult patients. In the dry form of the disease, the secret is produced in insufficient quantities. Therefore, the skin even looks very dry, it may form cracks.

    • Mixed type. Adult males are more likely to suffer from this seborrheic dermatitis on the head. In this disease, dry and oily skin areas alternate.

    Seborrheic dermatitis can develop even in infants. There is a theory that the development of the disease is promoted by maternal hormones, which negatively affect the function of the sebaceous glands. Usually the disease passes in 2-3 months without consequences. However, there are exceptions when the disease becomes chronic.

    Treatment of seborrhea is impossible without the use of local funds. It is convenient to use a cream on the open areas of the skin, but it is inconvenient to lubricate the head with ointments. With the defeat of the hairy part is better to use medicated shampoo.

    Of course, only shampoos seborrheic dermatitis does not win, to treat the disease must be comprehensive. The doctor will select the scheme of therapy, he will also recommend special medical shampoos. It will also provide an overview of the most popular tools.

    What kind of drug?

    The composition of therapeutic shampoos include substances that normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, fight pathogenic microflora, reduce inflammation. It may be:

    • Selenium sulfides with antimycotic properties, that is, blocking the reproduction of pathogenic fungi,
    • Ketonazole is another commonly used antifungal drug,
    • Zinc pyrithione - effectively relieves inflammation, promotes faster healing of the skin,
    • Natural birch tar - a traditional substance for the treatment of fungal infections, it relieves itching and relieves inflammation,
    • Cyclopirox is an antimycotic that destroys pathogens.

    Tip! In addition, the composition includes a soap base, so you can use the drug, as well as the usual detergent for hair.

    It should be borne in mind that the substances contained in therapeutic shampoos are not always harmless. Many of them are contraindicated. Therefore, the choice of means against seborrheic dermatitis must be discussed with a dermatologist.

    Tip! Shampoos, which include ketonazole, are prohibited to use for the treatment of children, its use is allowed only after 12 years. These remedies are not recommended for pregnant women.

    What is the point of using therapeutic shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis? With proper selection and use of tools, you can expect the following effects:

    • fungistatic effect, that is, a significant reduction in the rate of reproduction of pathogenic fungi that provoke inflammation,
    • elimination of skin flaking and protection against recurrence of the disease,
    • acceleration of the cell regeneration process in the foci of inflammation,
    • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

    You need to choose a shampoo according to indications, so the means by which your friend successfully cured dry seborrhea cannot be used for dermatitis, accompanied by an increase in the function of the sebaceous glands.

    Rating of the best dandruff remedies

    What is important is an integrated approach, which includes:

    • use of therapeutic shampoos and lotions,
    • taking drugs that normalize metabolism: they usually contain methionine and riboflavin,
    • consultations with doctors: an immunologist, a gastroenterologist, and an infectious disease specialist — these are needed to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and immune system.

    Effective remedies for seborrhea contain the following components:

    • selenium persulfide, climbazole: help to destroy disease-causing bacteria, but cannot cope with the fungus,
    • salicylic acid: normalizes the sebaceous glands, kills germs, helps get rid of dead skin cells (exfoliating action),
    • ichthyol: relieves inflammation, relieves pain, kills germs, stimulates active regeneration of skin cells,
    • Birch tar: destroys bacteria, stimulates skin renewal, but is powerless against fungus,
    • bifonazole: destroys the fungus (Candida and Malassezia),
    • ketoconazole: effective against seborrhea caused by the fungus (Candida and Malassezia),
    • clotrimazole: also destroys fungal growths,
    • ciclopirox: begins to kill the Malassezia fungus within three minutes after application,
    • zinc pyrithione: kills Malassezia fungus and germs.

    Before you choose a particular dandruff treatment, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of its occurrence.. Be sure to check with your doctor.

    If seborrhea is caused by a fungus, choose antifungal agents.

    If the culprit is impaired metabolism, weakened immunity or abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, take medications that solve this problem.


    How to treat seborrheic dermatitis with a medical shampoo? This means they wash the head, as usual, gently rubbing the foam into the scalp. After application, it is necessary to leave the product on the hair for several minutes (the exact time of exposure is indicated in the instructions).

    When treating a disease, it is recommended to use the remedy once every two days for 4-8 weeks. For prevention, you can use the tool every two weeks for a long time. In the intervals between the uses of the remedy, ordinary shampoo is used, selected according to the condition of the skin and hair.

    Industrial Dandruff Treatment

    They can be divided into shampoos, ointments and pills.

    ShampoosNizoral"And"Dermazole"With ketoconazole help in the shortest possible time to get rid of dandruff. The best remedy for seborrhea of ​​the head caused by the fungus. Eliminate discomfort: peeling, itchy skin. Enough budget and popular funds.

    ShampooSebosol»Eliminates dandruff caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Restores damaged hair structure. Can be used for the prevention of seborrhea.

    Shampoo Home institut contains nettle extract, which helps restore normal activity of the sebaceous glands.

    Therefore, help to get rid of dandruff, only caused by violations of their work.

    Removes itching, makes hair shiny.

    ShampooBioderma"Used for seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff and psoriasis.

    It inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, kills the fungus and relieves inflammation, promotes active renewal of skin cells. Stops itching, relieves irritation.

    Mal "SulsenaIt is considered the most effective in the treatment of dandruff. It acts in several directions: it destroys the fungus, relieves itching and eliminates desquamation. Strengthens hair roots and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

    Sulfuric ointment kills bacteria and some types of fungus. It is rarely used because it worsens the condition of the hair. Enough "nuclear", therefore recommend using it in extreme caseswhen more benign remedies have no effect.

    Salicylic ointment - an excellent inexpensive remedy for the treatment of dandruff in the early stages. Powerless against fungus, but perfectly removes inflammation and destroys bacteria, exfoliates the skin.

    Pills "Nystatin»Take for dandruff caused by the activity of fungi of the genus Candida. If the cause of seboria is precisely in this, "Nystatin" will help to recover in 2 weeks. In other cases, the medicine is powerless.

    «Nizoral"Prescribed for severe dandruff, which can not handle medical shampoos and ointments. Tablets help to stop the development of the disease and improve the appearance of the scalp.

    «Miconazole"- antifungal agent. Destroys the fungus, strengthens the immune system and eliminates the peeling of the scalp.

    Important: any pills, their dosage and duration of administration should be prescribed by a doctor. Because only he can determine the exact cause of dandruff and suggest the right medicine.

    We have studied the forums and reviews of various means for the treatment of dandruff.

    The most effective and popular of them is the ointment "Sulsen": almost everyone can be cured with this tool.

    But it is powerless if the disease is neglected - in this case, complex treatment is necessary and consultation of the doctor is obligatory.

    Overview of funds

    We give a description of the popular brands of medical shampoos that are used for dermatitis.

    The preparation contains ketoconazole, a means that effectively destroys the fungus. The drug removes peeling and itching well, and it is used to treat seborrheic dermatitis and to prevent the disease.

    The use of Nizoral extremely rarely causes side effects. However, owners of very sensitive skin should be more careful. The use of Nizoral can cause irritation. It is not recommended to use if it is necessary to treat pronounced dry seborrhea, as the remedy may exacerbate the symptoms.

    This tool contains two active ingredients - ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. Therefore, the application gives a rapidly pronounced effect. Means effectively dries, relieves peeling and itching.

    Side effects are extremely rare, however, some patients complained that their dry hair became excessively oily. Very rarely, the use of detergent causes skin irritation.

    As part of the means salicylic acid and tar obtained from juniper. The tool effectively exfoliates dead particles and promotes faster cell regeneration. In addition, after the first use, severe itching is removed, quickly relieves inflammation.

    It should be borne in mind that if you use the tool too often, your skin and hair can be dried out. When applied, there may be a slight burning sensation, it is considered normal.

    The tool has an antiseptic effect, effectively destroying not only fungal, but also bacterial pathogenic microflora. The active ingredient is zinc pyrithione. The tool quickly relieves inflammation and itching, eliminates desquamation.

    Tip! Skin Cap can be applied not only if seborrheic eczema affects the skin. This shampoo is also effective against scalp psoriasis.

    This is an effective tool if the patient is diagnosed with dry seborrhea. Shampoo quickly removes even very severe itching and irritation of the skin, quickly eliminates dandruff.

    Tip! Another brand of shampoo called Squanorm Grasses is also available under the brand name “Ducrey”. As part of the drug salicylic acid, so it is recommended for the treatment of oily seborrhea.

    The product contains zinc oxide. Therefore, it affects the function of the sebaceous glands, reducing sebum production. It can be used to treat oily seborrhea and to prevent relapses.

    Shampoo has a positive effect not only on the scalp, but also on the structure of the hair, so the hair gets a healthy look. Sulsen is not recommended for the treatment of children, it can be used by adolescents over 14 years old.

    This tool contains tar, it is effective against oily seborrhea. The shampoo has a pronounced peculiar smell, but after washing off the foam with water, the smell quickly disappears. Friderm is hypoallergenic, so it can be used for people with sensitive skin, as well as for treating children, including toddlers up to a year.

    Another type of shampoo is Friderm Zinc. This option fights dandruff well and prevents hair loss. In this species, the active ingredient is zinc pyrithione.

    Zinovit can be used in all forms of seborrhea. Apply the product to the hair previously washed with regular shampoo. The therapeutic mixture is whipped on the hair and gently rubbed into the skin. Wash off after twenty minutes. Zinovit can not be used to treat children under 14 years of age, as well as pregnant women.

    Sebiprox is used to treat any form of seborrhea. The active ingredient is ciclopiroxolamine. The substance destroys the fungus and stops the inflammatory process. The tool does not cause side effects, allowed for use by pregnant and lactating.

    So, to combat seborrheic dermatitis, which struck the scalp, specially developed therapeutic shampoos are successfully used. These funds are used as part of complex therapy. The choice of option is made taking into account the type of the disease, as well as individual contraindications.

    Causes and types of seborrhea

    Despite the unpleasant appearance, patients with seborrheic dermatitis are not infectious. Seborrheic eczema occurs for many reasons, which are internal and external.

    Internal causes of seborrhea:

    • Hormonal failure in the body. Most often, seborrhea can be observed in young people during the transitional age. Greasy curls and shiny skin of the face indicate a restructuring of the body, which will be completed by about 20 years.
    • Chronic diseases of the digestive system.
    • Impairment of the immune system.The body's defenses can not cope with the increasing load and the fungal infection begins to actively multiply.
    • Psychological imbalance. Scientists have proven that frequent stress and depression provoke the occurrence of seborrhea.
    • Improper nutrition. Eating large amounts of fatty foods, fast food, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, sweets can cause seborrheic dermatitis.
    • Genetic predisposition. Most often the disease is transmitted through the male line, and manifests itself with an imbalance of hormonal levels.
    • In women, seborrhea symptoms may appear during menopause.

    External reasons include:

    1. Sharp climatic conditions.
    2. Improperly chosen means for washing hair.
    3. Drying with a hot dryer.
    4. Chemical effect on curls and staining.

    Symptoms of seborrheic eczema depend on the type of skin disease.

    Types of seborrhea

    • The oily form of dermatitis is characterized by wet dandruff and a fat-shiny face. The skin under the hair is covered with a thick crust, the greasy ducts secrete too much sebum. The pores on the epidermis are enlarged and when pressed, viscous secretion is released from them.
    • Dry seborrheic eczema, on the contrary, manifests itself in the form of small dry scales covering the scalp. The epidermis suffers from a lack of fat, after washing the skin tightens and cracks.
    • Mixed type of disease is extremely rare. Patients simultaneously suffer from wet dandruff and parched skin.

    A prerequisite in the treatment of dermatitis is the use of various therapeutic shampoos.

    Shampoo from dry and oily seborrhea

    With dry seborrhea, the scalp dries out and cracks. The neglected form of the disease is often accompanied by bleeding wounds, which must be treated with antiseptic preparations.

    Remedies for dry seborrhea:

    1. The drugs incorporating salicylic acid. These drugs do not allow the bacterial infection to join the skin disease.
    2. Pharmacy shampoos based on tar will quickly get rid of the disease.
    3. Zinc in many shampoos for seborrhea of ​​the scalp has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects on dermatitis.

    Professional shampoos for men

    Healing shampoos for the representatives of the strong half are no different from women's products from seborrhea.

    Depending on the type of seborrhea (dry or oily), the following drugs are prescribed to a man: Sulsena, Nizoral, Vichy Derkos, Sebozol.

    From seborrhea and hair loss well help professional shampoos.

    1. Avalon Organics has established itself as an effective remedy for seborrheic dermatitis, non-addictive and side effects. The only drawback of professional shampoo is its high cost - in pharmacies you will have to pay about 1,500 rubles per tube for the drug.
    2. Qeluela DS is another professional cosmetic treatment for seborrhea. This shampoo is used in severe forms of seborrheic dermatitis. In a short time, Kielyual DS removes dandruff on the hair, relieves itching and inflammation.

    How to choose

    Before you buy shampoo from seborrhea, you need to carefully study the instructions for its use. Cosmetic is selected based on the cause of the skin disease.

    Types of medicated shampoos:

    • Antifungal,
    • Antibacterial,
    • Exfoliating.

    If a patient has an allergic reaction to any shampoo, it is urgent to refuse to use it.

    Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis remedies

    In the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp mainly used topical products - shampoos, lotions, creams, ointments and talkers. Dandruff remedy in the form of a shampoo is most popular. They contain antifungal drugs, keratolytics and kerato regulators, they wash hair well.

    • The composition of anti-dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis drugs include antifungal activity - antimyotics, zinc salts, ciclopirox, octopirox and ciclopiroxolamine.
    • Keratolytics are used to exfoliate dead cells: glycolic and salicylic acids, keluamide, papain.
    • The processes of keratinization of zinc pyrithionate, octo - and ciclopirox, tar, selenium disulfide, ichthyol and essential oils of some plants regulate.
    • To soften the accumulations of scales used oils.
    • With the development of inflammation used antibacterial drugs, corticosteroids and antihistamines.
    • With persistent seborrheic dermatitis, systemic antimycotic agents are used.
    • Slowing down the process of antiandrogens.

    Fig. 2. Severe seborrheic dermatitis, complicated by alopecia.

    Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis shampoo

    Effective treatment of dandruff, seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis) depends on properly selected treatment, including shampoo. Modern shampoos are created taking into account the type of hair and dandruff. In cosmetic stores you can find a lot of dandruff remedies, but the best choice is special medical dermatological shampoos, which are sold only in pharmacies.

    Before using these dandruff products, you should study the problem of the disease and read the instructions. The effectiveness of treatment and a sustainable effect will provide the necessary exposure of the therapeutic drug, otherwise its active components will not have the desired effect. The duration of treatment of shampoos for dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis is from 3 to 6 weeks. This is followed by the replacement of the drug and the transition to shampoos, used prophylactically for frequent use.

    Properly selected shampoo is the main component of an effective treatment.

    Fig. 3. Seborrheic dermatitis in children.

    Antifungal Treatment

    A huge role in the development of seborrheic dermatitis is played by mushrooms. Pytyrosporum ovale (Malassezia furfur). They are constantly present on the skin areas rich in sebaceous glands and feed on their secret. When seborrhea, they multiply vigorously and acquire pathogenic properties, which leads to increased peeling and itching of the skin.

    For dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, antimyotics (antifungals) from different groups are used - azoles, allylamines, thiocarbamides, morpholins, polyene antibiotics.

    Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp ketoconazole

    The most effective in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is an antifungal drug group azoles Ketoconazolewhich is part of shampoos, ointments and creams.

    • Breaking the integrity of the cell membrane, ketoconazole has a detrimental effect on fungi. To inhibit the growth of fungi Pytyrosporum ovale Ketoconazole is required at a concentration of 25 to 30 times less than other antimyotics and several times less than other systemic antimyotics.
    • Ketoconazole accumulates in sufficient quantity in keratinized tissues, where it remains for 72 hours after contact.
    • Mushroom resistance Pytyrosporum ovale to Ketoconazole does not develop.

    Anti-dandruff shampoos:

    • Shampoos with 2% ketoconazole (Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Mycozoral, Dermazole, Kenazole) and 1% ketoconazole (Sebosol et al.) are far superior in strength to those with zinc pyrithione and selenium. Their use creates a high concentration of the active substance in the affected area. Ketoconazole shampoos are safe. In some cases, there has been a development of relapse and drug resistance. Apply 2 - 3 times a week for 4 - 6 weeks.
    • The composition of shampoo dandruff Keto Plus Includes 2% ketoconazole and 1% zinc pyrithione. Both drugs potentiate the action of each other, resulting in increased their antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity.Based on clinical studies conducted in 2000 by Pierard – Franchimont et al, it was shown that in patients with severe seborrheic dermatitis and persistent dandruff, itching, rashes and erythema were stopped in one month.
    • Contains miconazole and climbazole shampoo Squafan S (France).

    Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis with Climbazole

    Climbazole (cripples) is a synthetic highly active antifungal drug. It inhibits the growth and development of fungi. Pytyrosporum ovale - culprits of dandruff. Climbazol does not cause side effects and allergies.

    Dandruff shampoo with climbazole:

    • Climbazol is part of the lotion Foltene Pharma Anti Dandruff. Climbazol, vitamins A, C, B5, E and PP and a complex of amino acids are the active components of a lotion of the same name.
    • Contains klimbazol shampoo Tsinovit, Shampoo with Climbazole 2%,sulsenic with climbazole, Squaphane S, Dandruff Control Shampoo and Node DS Plus.

    Treatment of seborrhea (seborrheic dermatitis) with zinc salts

    Zinc salts are used to treat dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Zinc pyrithione has on mushrooms Pytyrosporumovale destructive action. By antifungal activity, it is inferior to ketoconazole, but exceeds selenium sulfide and some preparations of the imidazole group. Zinc pyrithione is active against bacterial flora. Under its influence, the severity of inflammation decreases, the development of resistance of some strains of bacteria decreases, and sebum secretion is suppressed.

    Zinc salts do not dissolve in water. They remain on the skin for a long time and, under the action of sweat and sebaceous secretions, create zones of inhibition for Pytyrosporumovale, affect dandruff. Today widely used shampoos, which include zinc salts.

    Dandruff shampoos with zinc salts:

    • Zinc pyrithione is part of the shampoo Frieder zinc, Libriderm, Zinc Node DS Plus, Zinovit.
    • Contains zinc pyrithione shampoo ducre kelyual DS. As an addition to the use of this remedy, it is recommended to usee Celual zinc lotion.
    • Zinc pyrithione and zinc carbonate are part of the shampoo "HeadandShoulders».
    • In the treatment of dandruff, dry seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis used spray "Psoril", which includes zinc pyrithione.
    • Zinc Salicylate Contains Shampoo Curtiol.

    Dandruff treatment ciclopirox

    Cyclopirox, octopirox (piroctone olamine) and ciclopiroxolamine have a broad spectrum of activity against fungi and bacteria. Fungicidal action on mushrooms Pytyrosporumovale drugs provided within 3 minutes from the time of contact.

    Dandruff shampoo with ciclopirox:

    • Octopirox contains such well-known dandruff shampoos as Seborin,DercosShampooingDermatologique,ShampooingAntipelliculaire,BonacureEffectiveFormula,Crisan,InstantClearfromLOreal Professionnel,BiodermaNodeDS+antirecedive.
    • Contains octopirox, keratolytics and keratinization process regulators shampoo Fitorethard (Phytosolba, France).
    • 1% ciclopiroxolamine contains shampoo Sebiprox.
    • 1.5% ciclopiroxolamine is included in the treatment shampoo from seborrhea of ​​the scalp Ducre Caliuale DS.
    • Octopirox, vitamin B5 and salicylic acid - the active ingredients of the shampoo Foltene Pharma Anti Dandruff. Octopirox and Climbazol potentiate (enhance) the action of each other, as a result of which the death of fungi quickly occurs, eliminates peeling salicylic acid, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) normalizes fat metabolism. Can be used daily.
    to content ↑

    Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff keratolytics

    Actively exfoliate dead skin cells from the skin surface keratolytics: glycolic acid, salicylic acid, papain, aromatic retinoids, keluamide. Keratolytic agents destroy the structure of keratin, soften and dissolve it, which facilitates the rejection of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. However, their use does not provide a quick and sustainable effect. When you cancel the shampoo dandruff reappears.

    Dandruff shampoo with keratolytics:

    • Salicylic acid inhibits the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, destroys the excess stratum corneum. It is part of the shampoo Foltene Pharma Anti Dandruff, Bioderma Node DS + anti-recedive, Klorane for dry dandruff with nasturtium, Vichy Dercos, Squaphane S, Node DS Plus, Fitosilik.
    • Celuamide is included in the treatment shampoo for seborrhea of ​​the scalp and lotion DucreQeluela DS.
    • Dandruff Shampoo Fitorethard and Curtiol contain glycolic and salicylic acids.
    • Salicylic acid and resorcinol contain shampoo SquafanS (France).
    • Papain extract is included in the shampoo Fitorethard in the form of microcapsules. Substance has a peeling (peeling) effect.
    • Exfoliating (peeling) effect has Fitoretard oil solution (France), due to its constituent haulmugrow oil.

    Fig. 4. Severe form of seborrheic dermatitis in an adult.

    What is dandruff?

    Tar birch

    Birch tar is a product of distillation of birch bark - the outer part of birch bark. The substance has a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties. Under its influence, the blood flow is enhanced, the regeneration of skin cells is stimulated, the sebaceous glands function is normalized, the scalp is gently cleansed from dead cells of the epidermis and fat. Tar shampoos are recommended for daily care. They are produced by many firms. They can be purchased at cosmetic stores and pharmacies.

    Dandruff shampoo with tar:

    • Contain tar shampoo Friderm tar, Fitolitol, Psoryl, Tar shampoo, T / Gel Neutrogena.

    Selenium disulfite

    2% sulfur compound disulfite selenium normalizes the process of updating the cells of the epidermis and the sebaceous glands, helps to eliminate itching and dandruff.

    Dandruff shampoo with selenium disulfide:

    • On sale are available sulsen shampoo and paste 1% and 2%. Sulsen shampoo and 2% paste are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, 1% - for prophylactic purposes.
    • Contain selenium disulfite Vichy dercos, Sulsenic with climbazole, Selegen and Decor.

    Ichthyol is the ammonium salt of shale oil sulphonic acid. Organically bound sulfur has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Ichthyol helps to restore tissue and epithelialization, softens the dense layers of horny scales.

    Dandruff shampoo with ichthyol:

    • Contains white ichthyol IchthyoCare Müller Pharmawhich is recommended for use in oily scalp seborrhea.
    • Contains purified ichthyol scalp seborrhea shampoo Fitoval and Curtiol

    Essential oils

    Essential oils of medicinal plants such as cypress, juniper, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon, sage, lavender, tea and kayaput tree slow down the division of keratinocytes.

    Dandruff shampoo with essential oils:

    • Contains tea tree oil, mint and rosemary hair balm Psoryl.
    • Red Juniper Essential Oil Contains Shampoo Squaphane s and SquafanS (France).
    • Contains rosemary, cypress, eucalyptus, juniper and kayaput tree essential oils shampoo Fitorethard.
    • Essential oils of cypress and tea tree contains shampoo Phytosilic.

    Fig. 5. The photo shows dry seborrhea on the border of hair growth.

    How to choose a dandruff shampoo

    Today, in pharmacies and cosmetic stores you can find quite a lot of dandruff shampoos. Knowledge of the main components that make up them will help anyone to choose the right tool.

    • Ketoconazole.
    • Climbazole.
    • Zinc salts.
    • Cyclopirox, Octopirox (pyronolactone olamine) and ciclopiroxolamine.

    • Salicylic acid.
    • Celuamide
    • Glycolic acid.
    • Papain.

    Regulators of the keratinization process:

    • Tar birch.
    • Selenium disulfide.
    • Ihtiol.
    • Essential oils of plants.

    Fig. 6. Seborrhea dry (photo left) and oily (photo right).

    Treatment of oily scalp seborrhea

    When treating seborrheic dermatitis, the nature of dandruff should be considered. When oily dandruff epidermal cells do not peel off from the scalp independently. They stick together with each other and form massive yellowish crusts.

    Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp should be comprehensive.

    With a lighter course of oily seborrhea, antifungal drugs are used externally in the form of therapeutic shampoos from 3 to 6 weeks. Next, replace the shampoo and switch to shampoos that are used prophylactically for frequent use.

    Before applying the shampoo with antifungal medication, you should clean the scalp with a keratolytic shampoo. Well cleaned and disinfected scalp shampoo with tar and ichthyol.

    In severe seborrhea, antifungal drugs are applied externally and internally. For outdoor use, it is recommended to use Keto Plus shampoo, which contains ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. Inside it is recommended to take one of the following antimyotics: Ketoconazole 200 mg per day, Terbinafin 250 mg per day, Fluconazole 100 mg per day, Intraconazole on 200 mg a day, etc. within 7 days.

    Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp should be carried out with the mandatory use of drugs that regulate the process of keratinization (tar, ichthyol, selenium disulfite, essential oils of some plants). Zinc salts regulate the process of fat formation. Keratolytics promote lysis of the cornified epidermis.

    Fig. 7. On the photo fat dandruff.

    Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp

    If the scales from the surface of the scalp are easily separated, it is recommended to use anti-dandruff shampoos with a preventive purpose, containing keratolytics and regulators of the keratinization process.

    For dry seborrhea with strong flaking and dense layering of scales, it is necessary to use shampoos with antifungal agents. Before using this shampoo, keratolytic shampoo is used.

    If there are foci of very dense layering of scales 20 minutes before applying the shampoo with antifungal and keratolytic drugs, apply softening oils to the lesions. Recommended oil solution Phytosquam It consists of essential oils of lavender, sage, lemon and rosemary.

    Fig. 8. The photo shows dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

    Treatment of the disease in acute desquamation (peeling)

    When seborrheic dermatitis occurs with acute desquamation (peeling), multicomponent shampoos and solutions are shown:

    • Shampoo Squafan S (France) contains antifungal drugs Miconazole and Climbazole keratolytic salicylicacidantimicrobial drug resorcinolkerato regulator red juniper essential oil.
    • Shampoo Fitorethard (France) contains antifungal drug piroctone olamine, keratolytics salicylic acid and papaya extractkerato regulators rosemary, cypress, eucalyptus, kayaputa, red juniper essential oils.
    • Oil solution Fitorethard contains antifungal medication Piroctone olamine,haulmugrow oilhaving a peeling effect, essential oils rosemary, cypress, eucalyptus, juniper and kayaputovogo tree.

    Fig. 9. Shampoo for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis Squafan S (France).

    Treatment of severe disease

    In some cases, seborrheic dermatitis becomes a common exfoliative process. On the skin appear areas of pronounced redness and peeling. In severe cases, seborrheic dermatitis is transformed into seborrheic eczema and desquamative erythroderma, in which there is swelling of the dermis, papules, bulls and pustules appear on the skin, after the destruction of which crusts and pockets of plateau with a tendency to peripheral growth and merging are formed. In such cases, the patient is prescribed corticosteroid drugs orally and in the form of a cream or ointment, systemic antifungal drugs, and sometimes Isotretinoin inside.Corticosteroids are used in short courses, since their prolonged use leads to skin atrophy, perioral dermatitis and the appearance of rosacea.

    In severe inflammation of the scalp, antihistamines and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Anti-inflammatory effects have shampoos, which include antimyotic and zinc pyrithione (for example, shampoo Keto Plus), shampoos with tar and ichthyol have a positive effect.

    Fig. 10. The photo shows a severe form of seborrheic dermatitis.

    How to get rid of dandruff during puberty and in older people

    • If dandruff occurs during puberty, you should use shampoos for daily use, which are used with a preventive purpose. For these purposes, recommended to use shampoos containing zinc pyrithione, for example Head and Showers.
    • When persistent dandruff appears in persons over the age of 20, shampoos should be selected based on the nature of dandruff (dry or oily).

    Fig. 11. Seborrheic dermatitis in a child and an adult.

    Pathogenetic treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp

    In the classical scheme of treatment of seborrheic dermatitis include:

    • Drugs that affect lipolysis. Methionine normalizes the synthesis of phospholipids. Riboflavin regulates protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
    • Fortifying agents: vitamins A and B, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, glycerophosphate, biotin, biogenic stimulants, preparations of calcium, sulfur, iron, copper, zinc. Reception of beer yeast and beer yeast with sulfur is shown.
    • If exacerbations of seborrheic dermatitis are associated with stress, sedative therapy is indicated.
    • Of the physical methods of treatment are shown darsonvalization, cryomassage, laser puncture, inductothermy on the adrenal region, UVR.
    • In some cases, seborrhea is associated with the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract - enzymopathy and dysbiosis. In this case, a consultation of a gastroenterologist is shown, who will prescribe the appropriate therapy.
    • Slowing down the process of antiandrogens. For this purpose, women and men are recommended to take the drug. Diana. Women are recommended to take 1 tab. per day from the fifth day of the monthly cycle for 21 days. Course duration is 3 to 5 months. Men are recommended to take the drug in courses for 10 days with 20-day intervals.

    Fig. 12. Severe seborrheic dermatitis complicated by alopecia.

    Traditional medicine

    Traditional medicine offers many remedies for the treatment of dandruff.

    Home masks will help in the early stages of the diseasewhen dandruff is not yet pronounced. Recipe list:

    • mix castor oil, vodka and strong tea 1 tablespoon, rub into the scalp, leave for two hours, wash off,
    • rub into the scalp Apple vinegar, leave for an hour, wash off,
    • on stale hair, apply fat kefir, leave for half an hour, wash away,
    • mix yolk, with honey, sour cream, brandy (1 tablespoon), rub into hair, wrap in film, wash off after 2 hours)
    • mix birch tar (2 teaspoons) with castor oil (1 tablespoon) and alcohol (1/2 cup), leave on the head for 2 hours, wash off.

    Important: folk recipes will help not only get rid of dandruff, but also improve the condition of the hair.

    Effective in the treatment of dandruff are considered essential oils: orange, bay, clove, spruce, cedar, cypress, lavender, incense, lemon, lemon balm, juniper, peppermint, patchouli, rosemary, chamomile, sandalwood, pine, tea tree, sage and eucalyptus.

    To cure seborrhea with their help, you must:

    • add 1-2 drops of essential oil to a portion of shampoo with which you wash your hair,
    • dissolve 1-2 drops in herbs decoction to rinse hair (first dissolve the ether in a pinch of salt, then add to the decoction),
    • to prepare mixtures: add 3-4 drops of ether to fatty base oil-base, rub into scalp, leave for an hour, rinse.

    From fatty oils, you can use any, but preferably jojoba, cedar and mono de Tahiti.

    How fast can you recover?

    If folk remedies are treated slowly, then pharmaceutical drugs act quickly.

    In the first case, it will take weeks and months., to say goodbye to seborrhea forever, in the second - just a few days.

    According to reviews, medical ointments eliminate discomfort from the first application, and completely cure dandruff in 7-14 days.

    It is possible to accelerate the effect, if you apply the ointment simultaneously with shampoos and once a week to make masks according to popular recipes.

    And if you also take care of the inside: take vitamins, dandruff tablets, strengthen the immune systemthen you not only cure seborrhea, but also do not allow relapse.

    We summarize: we hope now you will not have a question what is the best remedy for dandruff? Take care of complex treatment. Not only use healing ointments, shampoos, but also take pills, make homemade masks. Try to eat a balanced diet, drink vitamins. Check with your doctor to rule out dysbiosis.

    Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp with folk and medicinal agents

    The main methods of treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp include folk and traditional remedies. With seborrhea, the skin loses its antimicrobial properties, so conditions are created for the development of infection. The use of antifungal drugs and some procedures help to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis for a long time.

    How to treat seborrhea on the head

    When inflammation occurs on the scalp as a result of an increase in sebum, it is called seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis. More often, the disease begins in adolescents in the pubertal period, and its manifestations can be observed throughout life. Doctors did not find the answer, what is the cause of the development of seborrheic dermatitis, but it is known for certain that staphylococcus bacilli, hormonal disorders, gastrointestinal tract malfunctions or genetic factors cause pathology.

    Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp is a long and complex process. It is extremely important to undergo a medical course under the supervision of an experienced doctor. It is equally important during the period of therapy to carry out proper care of the scalp with the use of pharmacy tools. To normalize the process and remove the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, doctors recommend according to the following scheme:

    • exercise your body regularly by physical exertion: hardening, walking, swimming in open water,
    • complete a course of physiotherapy
    • drink medicines containing vitamins A, B, E, D and minerals: sulfur, zinc,
    • stick to a special diet,
    • with severe form of hormone therapy,
    • treat all chronic diseases in the body.

    Diet for seborrheic dermatitis on the head

    At observance of a medical diet the intestines are cleared of harmful substances, the body is saturated with necessary trace elements, the general immunity increases, which does not allow bacteria to multiply. Diet for seborrhea of ​​the scalp includes fractional meals every 2-3 hours in small portions. The basis of the diet for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis are:

    • dairy products
    • vegetables, berries, fruits,
    • lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit),
    • clear water, fresh juice, berry fruit juice, herbal tea,
    • low-fat fish,
    • cereals, cereals.
    • alcohol,
    • carbonated drinks,
    • nonalcoholic beer,
    • canned marinades, convenience foods,
    • fatty, fried foods, fast food,
    • semolina,
    • potatoes,
    • bakery products.

    Drug treatment of scalp seborrhea

    Seborrheic dermatitis is not only an independent disease, but also a sign of other ailments.To establish an accurate diagnosis, with the appearance of seborrhea of ​​the scalp, refer to an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a gynecologist, a dermatologist. To eliminate the main symptoms, use the following medical treatment for seborrheic dermatitis:

    • medications that restore the work of the autonomic nervous system (Pantocrinum, Diazepam),
    • probiotics (Linex, Riabal),
    • medications that correct the immune system (Imunofan, Heviran),
    • hormonal drugs (Cinaflan, Celestoderm),
    • mineral-vitamin complexes (Undevit, Triovit).

    Shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis on the head

    In the complex treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, the use of a shampoo capable of killing disease-causing fungi and eliminating peeling on the scalp is indicated. The action of the antifungal drug is local, which helps to avoid side effects. It is necessary to hold on the head medical shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis for 3-5 minutes so that its components have time to exert a therapeutic effect. Effective agents against seborrhea are made on the basis of such active ingredients:

    • ketoconazole (Sebason, Nizoral),
    • medical tar (Sebuton, Psoril),
    • zinc pyrithione (Dandex, Friederm Zinc),
    • selenium sulfide (Sulsen-Forte, Sulsen).

    Darsonval with seborrhea head

    Darsonvalization is the electro-treatment with a pulse current with a high voltage of 20–40 kV at a frequency of 110–140 kHz and a small force of 0.015–0.2A. Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp by the method of Darsonval in combination with other techniques gives excellent and long-lasting results. The essence of therapy is the effect on the hairy part by electric current, which irritates the sebaceous glands, vessels and receptors, causing a rush of blood. The device Darsonval from seborrhea is good because the metabolism improves at the cellular level, the acid-base balance is normalized.

    How to treat seborrheic dermatitis on the head

    The disease begins with the appearance of itching and redness of the skin. Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp depends on the type of pathology. If dry seborrhea is observed, when small scales appear, split and hair fall out, the doctor prescribes certain drugs. In oily seborrheic dermatitis, moist areas appear, cracks, pus is formed, which also leads to prolapse. In this case, prescribed drugs of a different direction of action.

    Ointment for seborrhea on the head

    Prescribed medications after the diagnosis and identification of the cause of the disease. Ointment from seborrheic dermatitis on the head is designed to save the patient from the external signs of the disease and alleviate the course of the disease. The type of medication is determined based on the symptoms:

    1. Sulfur-salicylic. It has anti-inflammatory local irritating effect in seborrheic dermatitis. Apply 3 hours before washing the head on the affected skin for at least a month.
    2. Clotrimazole. In the treatment of seborrhea helps to fight negative microflora, copes with all types of fungus. Apply 2 times / day for 2 weeks.
    3. Fucidin G. Has antipruritic, antibacterial effect. Apply 2 times / essence on the affected area. The duration of treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is 2 weeks.

    Antifungal with seborrhea

    Antimycotics (antifungals) is a class of chemical compounds that are active against pathogens of fungal infection. Effective antifungal drugs for the scalp from the group of azoles. Regarding the fungus Pityrosporum ovale, which causes seborrhea, drugs based on ketoconazole give good results. Nizoral cream and antifungal shampoo with this component, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, help reduce peeling with seborrheic dermatitis, help eliminate the itching caused by yeast.

    Antihistamines for seborrhea

    This group of drugs is prescribed for the formation of redness, itching, edema.Antihistamines for seborrheic dermatitis taken in pills for 7-10 days. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect, have a local anesthetic effect. Antihistamines are Loratadine, Chloropyramine, Clemastine. The duration of administration and dosage is determined by the doctor, depending on the severity and type of seborrheic dermatitis.

    Vitamins from seborrhea

    It is impossible to cure seborrheic dermatitis with vitamin complexes, but they are irreplaceable as complex therapy. With seborrheic dermatitis, the doctor may prescribe them in the form of injections or tablets. Often prescribed multivitamins with a complex of essential mineral compounds. Necessary trace elements can be obtained from natural products. What vitamins are needed for seborrheic dermatitis on the head:

    1. Vitamin A. Contained in the liver of marine fish, tomatoes, green onions, carrots.
    2. Vitamins B. They are found in citrus, chicken eggs, dairy products, yeast, potatoes.
    3. Vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits, apples, sea buckthorn, parsley, red pepper, rosehip, cabbage.
    4. Vitamins PP. Contained in mushrooms, celery, granular cottage cheese, basil.

    Antibiotics for seborrheic dermatitis

    In some cases, treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is carried out with antibiotics. This happens when the lesions are secondarily infected with bacteria. Patients are prescribed systemic or topical antibiotic therapy along with conventional treatment. According to the results of bakposev, depending on the sensitivity and type of pathogen, prescribe such antibiotics for seborrhea as Supraks, Levofloxacin, Cefazolin.

    Folk remedies for seborrheic dermatitis on the head

    When seborrhea occurs, preference should be given to oils and medicinal herbs. Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis on the head with folk remedies is done with the help of lotions, masks, tinctures and solutions created on the basis of tea tree oil, chamomile decoction and birch tar. These components relieve inflammation, swelling, dry skin. Effective is sea water. In the summer it is better to swim in the sea, and in the winter - to take baths with sea salt.

    Seborrhea of ​​the scalp - photo

    For 2 weeks, baking soda cured seborrheic dermatitis on the head of her 5 year old child. Smeared 1: 1 diluted soda with water on the affected areas. Hold for 10 minutes, then rinsed hair apple cider vinegar with water 1: 2. Additionally, the use of 10% sulfur ointment during the week helped. Over six months, the symptoms of seborrhea did not recur.

    Nikolay, 34 years old

    When I was struck by seborrhea, I tried many remedies for the treatment, but after a while she returned again. Keratolytic agents, which are produced in the form of ointments and powders, helped to get rid of the misfortune. Exfoliate the stratum corneum salicylic, lactic, benzoic acid and urea. Used together or separately according to the instructions.

    For several years I have been ill with seborrheic dermatitis. The skin on the head is inflamed after stress or walkers. To look decent, I do not run a sore. At the first sign of seborrhea, I make a mask with egg yolk with the addition of castorca. Beat in foam, then I rub in a radical zone for half an hour. My head with shampoo. 2-3 procedures and the disease recedes.

    VivaBeauty ›Treatment› How to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis of the head?

    How to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis of the head?

    Seborrhea is a pathological condition that is caused by a violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands. It may proceed in the form of increased or decreased activity of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, there is a change in the properties of the sebaceous secretion. As a result, the ability of the skin to resist microorganisms is reduced. Seborrhea can occur anywhere on the sebaceous glands. But often the disease manifests itself exactly where they are in greater numbers.Therefore, the face, scalp, back, and chest are more often affected. By itself, it is not a disease, because a violation of the activity of the glands does not lead to pathology. While seborrheic dermatitis is, after all, inflammation of the skin joins the lesion of the sebaceous glands. This illness can bring a lot of trouble and inconvenience to a person. Therefore, it is important to know about the correct treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

    Main reasons

    The cause of the disease is a violation of lipid metabolism, which is caused by endocrine abnormalities. Namely, increased production of androgens and reduced estrogen. Androgens are known to provoke enhanced sebum production. What is also important, the excretion of sebaceous secretion worsens. As a result, sebum accumulates, the antimicrobial properties of the skin are reduced and excellent conditions for the development of infection are created.

    Most often, adolescents face the problem of oily seborrhea.

    But then the question arises: what leads to a failure in the endocrine system? It has long been identified provoking factors that can cause the development of hormonal disorders.

    Provoking factors

    1. Hereditary predisposition
    2. Diseases of the nervous system,
    3. Diseases of the digestive tract,
    4. Endocrine diseases (damage of the thyroid gland, ovaries),
    5. Chronic infections
    6. Malnutrition (lack of minerals and vitamins).
    7. Neurocirculatory dystonia (VVD),
    8. Chronic overwork, stress,
    9. Errors in nutrition (an excess of sweet, salty, spicy foods),
    10. Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene,
    11. Medication (contraceptives, anabolic steroids, etc.).

    Oily type of seborrheic dermatitis

    To identify such a violation for the doctor does not present any particular difficulties. The scalp is greasy, moist, with a characteristic sheen. The pores are enlarged, marked accumulation of sebum, which looks like closed comedones. There is a thickening of the skin, it becomes like a lemon peel. At the same time acquires a grayish color. Similar manifestations can be observed not only on the head, but also on other parts of the body. Hair greasy, stuck together. There may be loss of hair. Crusts form on the head (accumulation of sebum and dandruff). This may be accompanied by itching. At the same time visible flakes of dandruff are also observed. Hair is salted quickly and a person has to wash his hair literally every day.

    Dry type of seborrheic dermatitis

    But dry seborrhea is characterized by insufficient production of sebum. As a result, dryness, peeling of the skin. At the same time, the hair itself becomes thin and dull. Fragility of hair is noted. On the strands there is dandruff in the form of small flakes like a snow storm.

    Regardless of what type of seborrhea a person has encountered, it is important to remember that a running process can lead to baldness. That is why the treatment of seborrhea should be carried out in a timely manner.

    But mixed seborrhea is characterized by different symptoms. For example, on the face there are signs of fatty type of seborrheic dermatitis, and on the head - dry.

    Physiotherapeutic methods

    In the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, physiotherapy procedures have also recommended themselves well.

    1. Methods aimed at correcting the hormonal status: HF magnetic therapy on the adrenal region, transcerebral UHF therapy.
    2. Sedative methods of treatment: electric, UHF-therapy of sympathetic ganglia, segmental-reflex darsonvalization.
    3. Methods for Immune Correction -DUF-irradiation.
    4. Bactericidal methods: local darsonvalization, KUF-therapy.
    5. Antiseborrheic methods: therapeutic massage of the face and scalp, electrophoresis of the face with zinc and vitamin C.

    Also, ozone therapy is used quite effectively.Ozone treatment helps to activate cell renewal and hair structure restoration. Ozone improves microcirculation of the scalp. And also has a bactericidal effect. The use of ozone improves the effect of the use of therapeutic cosmetics.

    MIL-therapy is also gaining popularity. This impact on problem areas by magnetic and laser radiation. Sharing them reinforces each other's actions. It improves blood supply to the scalp, and also has bactericidal properties.

    At home, selected special cosmetics for the scalp, containing the following ingredients:

    1. Antifungal component ketoconazole,
    2. Antimicrobial ingredients: zinc pyrithione, octopyrox,
    3. Exfoliating: salicylic acid, sulfur,
    4. Herbal ingredients (tar, burdock extract).

    Often in the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the head and apply all sorts of medical ointment.

    Therapy for Fat Seborrheic Dermatitis

    Burdock is one of the most well-known remedies for treating seborrhea. You can pour two tablespoons of chopped burdock root into a saucepan and pour a glass of water. Pot on fire for fifteen minutes. Cool it down. Now strain the decoction. The resulting infusion rubbed into the scalp every other day for two weeks. The same broth can be rinsed curls after washing. The tool not only effectively helps to get rid of dandruff, but also stimulates the growth of hair.

    For the treatment of oily seborrhea, nettle extract is also used. Two tablespoons of nettle pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid. After forty minutes, the broth can be drained and used chilled.

    You can cook and decoction of oak bark. To do this, three tablespoons of bark pour a liter of water. Put on the fire, boil. After fifteen minutes, remove. The broth must be steeped for half an hour. It should be washed infusion head every three days for two months.

    You can also pick birch leaves, finely chop and pour a glass of boiling water. The resulting decoction must be rubbed into the scalp. Or two tablespoons of chamomile pour a liter of water and boil. The infusion of chamomile besides the well-known anti-inflammatory effect also strengthens the roots.

    Therapy for Dry Seborrheic Dermatitis

    Therapy dry seborrhea is different from the previous one. Sebaceous cells produce an insufficient amount of sebum, which means dry scalp. Therefore, it is important to ensure that there is a good moisturizing of the skin. For these purposes, use all kinds of oils: linseed, sea buckthorn, burdock and other.

    For example, oil of burdock should be applied on the head, on top put on a scarf. After two hours, rinse the hair well with water.

    Althea seeds can also be used. To do this, put the seeds in a bowl and pour vegetable oil in the ratio of 1:20. Preheat in a water bath for an hour. Strain and use the resulting oil.

    Known and this recipe to combat dry skin seborrhea: mix sea buckthorn and olive oil in a ratio of 1: 9. It is necessary to rub the mixture into the scalp ten minutes before washing the hair. Conduct a similar procedure is twice a week.

    Seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp - how to get rid of unpleasant adversity?

    Seborrheic dermatitis - This is a fungal disease, and not only the scalp is affected, but also any other part of the body where there are sebaceous glands. Seborrheic dermatitis is most common on the face, but other parts of the body may also be affected.

    Seborrheic dermatitis is an unpleasant disease that can seriously impair the quality of life.

    The milder form is dandruff (dry seborrheic dermatitis), which every 4-6 person has. Most often, the disease begins to develop in adulthood, beginning with 20 years and up to 50, middle-aged people, up to 40 years, are most susceptible to the disease.However, young people can also get sick, and seborrheic dermatitis in children, even in infants, can also appear. If a newborn is ill, then it has several other signs - it is a rash, small scales behind the ears, and symptoms of general malaise may appear.

    What you need to know about the structure of your body

    The sebaceous glands are located on the entire surface of the skin of a person; they are not present only on the palms and soles. Each gland has an excretory duct that enters the hair follicle, so seborrhea can develop only in areas where there is hair of any type.

    The sebaceous gland constantly performs its function - it produces sebum, which is the dead cells of the gland itself, which, under the action of enzymes, acquire a consistency that allows the duct to pass and protrude on the surface of the skin.

    Sebum is the food for the fungus, therefore with the developing seborrheic dermatitis a large amount of it begins to concentrate around the duct of the sebaceous gland. The fact that the fat does not reach the skin, soon causes its enhanced production, an imbalance in the balance of fat and moisture of the skin begins.

    The fact that the strongest symptoms appear when a person is affected is due to the fact that the largest glands are located there.

    Causes of disease

    Seborrheic dermatitis occurs when the concentration of the fungus begins to increase on the skin in the affected areas. Initially, this microorganism (Malassezia furfur fungus) is conditionally pathogenic, that is, it is constantly present on the skin, eating excess sebum and being in relative symbiosis with the human body. However, if conditions change and factors favor this, it may begin to multiply.

    This fungus is found in two forms: oval and round. The scalp often affects the oval, round spreads through the body.

    With insufficient care for the hair, as well as for the reasons outlined below, seborrheic dermatitis on the head may begin to develop. Minor flaking and slight itching are often overlooked. The appearance of abundant dandruff can not always alert the person and force him to consult a doctor. However, if the fungus is damaged, the usual measures to eliminate dandruff are often impotent, since the conditions for its reproduction are created by the body itself.

    The following are the reasons why seborrheic dermatitis develops in adults, excluding heredity.

    Seborrheic dermatitis occurs when the concentration of the fungus begins to increase on the skin in the affected areas.

    The balance of the number of opportunistic microorganisms can be disturbed for the following reasons:

    • hormonal disorders of various etiologies, endocrine diseases

    In women exposed to seborrheic dermatitis, an examination often reveals an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen, and the amount of testosterone is exceeded. In the male body, pathology is expressed by a change in testosterone metabolism; hormone metabolites in high concentrations are found in the blood. Such phenomena may be congenital or triggered by another disease developing in the body. In women, such changes can occur after childbirth, or develop with obesity. Also, there are frequent manifestations of imbalance in a child during adolescence during hormonal changes in the body.

    • nervous diseases, stress.

    Here, the lesion of both the vegetative and central nervous systems may play a role. People suffering from nervous diseases, psychosis, epilepsy are more likely to develop seborrheic dermatitis several times than people with a healthy nervous system. This theory is confirmed by the results of research, the sebaceous glands have receptors that form the body's response to irritation, strong emotions and other factors.

    The immune system of the body, which is in optimal condition, regulates the number of symbiotic microorganisms. Diseases that change the level of the body's ability to withstand external factors, chronic systemic diseases make seborrheic dermatitis a permanent, intractable condition of the human skin.

    • gastrointestinal diseases, especially chronic

    Any disruption of the digestive system primarily affects the balance of microorganisms that live in the intestines. They contribute to better digestion of food, removal of toxins, leveling immunity. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, these important processes are disturbed or interrupted altogether, accumulation of undesirable substances begins in the body, and pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply intensively. The reason for this may also be helminthic invasions.

    • regular intake of certain medications

    Any factor leading to the growth of conditionally pathogenic fungus on the human body can cause disease.

    Disrupt the balance of sebum production can:

    • hormonal drugs (for example, glucocorticosteroids)
    • anabolic (means used for rapid muscle growth)
    • some contraceptives.
    • other disorders causing imbalances between body systems.

    This can be attributed to dislike hygiene in general, or, conversely, excessive use of alkaline and other means (for example, if oily hair shampoo is constantly used for dry hair), as well as a passion for cosmetic procedures.

    Symptoms of the disease

    In addition to the face and scalp, seborrheic dermatitis may develop along the hairline, around the eyebrows and eyelashes.

    In men, the chin and mustache areas may be affected.

    Seborrheic dermatitis on the body is most often localized on the chest. Sometimes inguinal and axillary folds are affected.

    At the same time appear:

    • irritation and redness of the skin in the affected areas
    • peeling, scales of various sizes appear
    • rash, including acne
    • hair loss, this phenomenon often occurs when dermatitis of the scalp occurs in men
    • itching, constantly itching of the head, even after washing (seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp).

    In this case, an increased fat content of the hair may appear (this is more common in young women), or, conversely, the scalp becomes too dry.

    Seborrheic dermatitis develops slowly, but if the listed symptoms pass by, there may be swelling of the affected areas, cracks in the skin.

    Seborrheic dermatitis on the body can be caused by the location of the lesion site, the type of hair follicles, the number of sebaceous glands, etc.

    Peeling and severe itching gradually become permanent, scales begin to form. Their size gradually increases, in advanced cases they form plaques and cover large surfaces.

    If, for example, when combing, an infection is brought in, they may begin to get wet, soak in blood and pus.

    When infected areas of the affected areas can develop a papular rash that is found in seborrheic plaques, sometimes it takes the form of vesicles with bloody contents.

    Features of the manifestation of the disease depend on the localization of the affected areas. Seborrheic dermatitis on the body may be due to the location of the lesion site, the type of hair follicles, the number of sebaceous glands, etc.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    When signs appear on the skin resembling those described above, you should consult a dermatologist. Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis requires precise identification of the root causes of its occurrence.

    To identify seborrheic dermatitis of the skin and its accurate diagnosis will be carried out:

    • examination of the affected areas and the whole body
    • body type
    • the areas where fat is most actively stored
    • the presence of excess hair in women
    • areas and forms of symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis
    • checked the state of the lymph nodes.
    • conversation with the doctor, where the patient will have to answer many questions

    At this stage of diagnosis revealed the presence of genetic predisposition, the presence of chronic, prolonged, systemic diseases. It also turns out the frequency and frequency of symptoms of the disease.

    The patient's biomaterial is analyzed:

    • on blood sugar (blood)
    • on hormones (blood)
    • on dysbacteriosis (feces).
    • in the presence of diseases, the root causes are assigned to visit other specialists.

    If the test results reveal serious violations, for example, too high sugar, the patient is referred to the appropriate specialist to determine the underlying disease and treatment measures. Without this, a secondary disease cannot be cured.

    After all procedures have been carried out to identify and accurately determine the disease, the doctor decides how to treat the patient.

    Assigned funds from seborrheic dermatitis:

    • antihistamines
    • To reduce itching, swelling, irritation - loratadine, chloropyramine).
    • Intramuscularly or intravenously to reduce painful sensitivity - calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate.
    • antifungal drugs.

    With the defeat of the scalp, treatment with shampoos (this is especially effective if we are talking about seborrhea, which has not yet become chronic), a therapeutic cream may be recommended. The composition of medical cosmetics can be included tar, salicylic acid, skin soothing components. To successfully get rid of the disease, it is necessary to visit specialists on the recommendation of the doctor who underwent a general examination. Only in the process of general recovery and normalization of the internal organs, especially the digestive organs, will hair treatment be successful.

    Dandruff is often a symptom of seborrheic dermatitis, in which case ketoconazole shampoo is just needed - Keto Plus Nizoral Shampoo has excellent antifungal effects.

    Healing ointments are also prescribed (clotrimazole, fluconazole, there are also ointments combined with glucocorticoids).

    These drugs are prescribed for the inflammatory process, often in the form of ointments, but sometimes according to the indications can be assigned to systemic use - in the form of tablets. Such drugs include hydrocortisone, mometasone.

    • antibacterial agents if necessary

    To neutralize a bacterial infection that has joined, it is usually tetracycline antibiotics.

    Used to accelerate the softening and rejection of seborrheic scales and plaques (salicylic ointment, zinc, and others of the same action).

    You should eat the most digestible food, eliminate fried, fatty, spicy from the diet. All this will contribute to the restoration of the protective functions of the liver, improving the bowels.

    Cryotherapy gives a good result (exposure to the affected areas with cold). Regular repetition of the procedure in combination with the course of treatment prescribed by a physician allows you to quickly remove the symptoms of dermatitis and return the healthy look to the hair and skin.

    Ultraviolet irradiation is also used, the duration of the procedures should be coordinated with the attending specialist.

    To expand your own knowledge, you can visit the online forum, where there are always many recipes for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis using folk remedies. You can also find reviews about medications or medical shampoos, but in this case you should always take into account that medicines can act differently on different people and in different cases.

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    The best drugs and remedies for seborrheic dermatitis will help to quickly deal with this disease, relieve itching and dandruff. For the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis use ointments, shampoos, sprays, pastes and creams.

    Effective preparations for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp will help eliminate fungal skin lesions, itching and dandruff. Effective treatment is carried out with the help of drugs and cosmetics.

    Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp can be successfully treated, but this process is complex and often long. In order to quickly defeat the disease, you need to know which cosmetic and medications help in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in adults.

    Healing Paste

    Seborrheic dermatitis is a dermatological pathology, accompanied by itching and dandruff. The disease can develop on the scalp or on any other area of ​​the body.

    One of the most effective tools used in the treatment of this disease is Sulsen paste. It is her most often recommended by dermatologists to eliminate the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.

    It is equally effective in the dry and oily form of seborrhea, as it affects the cause of this disease - yeast-like fungi of the genus Malassezia.

    The main active ingredient of the paste "Sulsen" is selenium disulfite. It is a compound of sulfur and selenium capable of destroying pathogens by destroying their colonies. The composition of the paste includes other substances that contribute to the normalization of the sebaceous glands and inhibit the activity of yeast-like fungi.

    Citric acid dissolves the fatty layer, which facilitates the removal of seborrhoeic flakes. Glycerin softens them, alcohol solutions - disinfect. Paste "Sulsen" produced with 1% and 2% concentration of the active substance. At the initial stage of the development of the disease is enough to use 1% of the drug.

    Before applying the paste head wash with regular shampoo. But if seborrheic dermatitis is difficult to treat, soap or shampoo of the same series is recommended as a detergent: Sulsena. Apply a layer of paste on moist skin, lightly rub it in and leave it for 10-15 minutes. The drug is washed off with warm water, without using shampoo or soap.

    Other pastes have been developed for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis:

    Balsam "Ginger"

    Hair balm "Ginger" from "100 beauty recipes" has antifungal action, designed to combat dandruff. It is recommended as a preventive measure to prevent the development of dermatological diseases of the scalp. In the composition of the balm:

    • ginger root,
    • pistachio oil,
    • peppermint oil
    • lemon juice.

    With the constant use of this cosmetic, the manufacturer guarantees the improvement of the hair and scalp. The drug has a thick texture, has a pleasant smell. Balsam is applied to the hair roots and rubbed into the scalp with light fingers. After 3-5 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    With regular daily use, users note an improvement in the condition of the hair, the appearance of basal volume and a healthy shine.

    Balsam inexpensive, the average price - 120 rubles. It can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.

    Spray treatment for seborrheic dermatitis

    Aerosols and sprays are good because they spray a therapeutic substance in the form of tiny droplets that are able to penetrate the cracks and folds of cornified skin scales. This allows the processing of hard-to-reach lesions.

    Framesi Morphosis Scalp Regenerating Spray eliminates irritation and itching, moisturizes the skin, has a regulating effect on the function of the sebaceous glands. The drug has antibacterial properties, refreshes and deodorizes. The composition of this remedy includes:

    • citrus extracts,
    • pomegranate extract
    • menthol,
    • Scalp Refresh Complex formula.

    The drug is applied to clean and dry skin. Sprayed at a distance of 5-7 cm from the surface of the head above the lesions. Flush is not required. Therapeutic procedures are carried out daily, 1-2 times a day.The spray is quite expensive: from 2 thousand rubles per bottle of 50 ml. Country of origin - Italy.

    Lotion "Bacter"

    Bacter lotion (Formula Bacter) is designed to fight dandruff, seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis. The drug quickly relieves itching and irritation, inhibits the activity of fungal microorganisms. The main active ingredient is tea tree oil. It is known for its antibacterial and antifungal activity, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory action.

    In addition to the therapeutic effect in seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis, the lotion has another, no less important for the improvement of the scalp: stimulates blood circulation in its vessels.

    As a result, the hair roots are strengthened, their nutrition improves. All this directly affects the appearance: the hairstyle looks more neat and well-groomed.

    In addition to tea tree oil, the composition of the lotion includes:

    • burdock extract,
    • Castor oil,
    • evergreen cypress,
    • lemon acid.

    The lotion is applied to clean, dry scalp and does not wash off. The drug is recommended for daily use to completely eliminate the symptoms of dermatological diseases of the scalp. The average price of lotion is 3 thousand rubles for 50 ml.

    Hair conditioners for seborrheic dermatitis

    For diseases of the scalp, each hygienic procedure should contribute to the treatment process. The right choice of hair rinse is most important in the oily form of seborrhea, accompanied by dermatitis. With hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, they produce an excessive amount of sebum, which requires more frequent washing of the head.

    For rinsing hair after medical and hygienic procedures, you can use several tools:

    • an aqueous solution of ammonia in the ratio of 1:10 (one part of ammonia and 10 parts of water),
    • decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, oak bark, St. John's wort, yarrow,
    • decoction of fresh leaves of nettle (1 part of plant materials and 5 parts of water).

    Zdrave Forte

    Shave "Zdrave Forte" designed to combat manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis: dandruff and itching. The preparation has a rather high concentration of active substances, therefore it has a specifying name: “intense.” It has a fungicidal (antifungal) effect, reduces inflammation and redness.

    The shampoo is intended for washing the head in case of heavy and moderately severe skin lesions. According to user reviews, from the first time relieves itching. As a therapeutic agent, it is indicated for use 3-4 times a week, as a prophylactic treatment - once a week. The average bottle of 130 ml - 545 rubles.

    Ducray kelual

    Ducray Kelual Shampoo is intended for the treatment of severe forms of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Quickly eliminates itching, redness and flaking of the scalp. The main active ingredient is zinc perition. Reviews of the drug are positive, users note the complete disappearance of itching and irritation after the first medical procedures.

    The manufacturer suggests using a two-phase shampoo:

    • intensive: 3 times a week for 3 weeks,
    • supporting therapeutic effect: once a week for an unlimited period of time.

    The shampoo is sparingly consumed, as it is thick and foams well enough. The color of the mass is white matt, the smell is thin and pleasant. The average price is 800 rubles per 250 ml bottle.

    Shampoo-foam "La Cree"

    La Cree Shampoo-Foam is an effective adjuvant in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp. The drug is hypoallergenic and recommended for adults and children aged 3 years and older. The shampoo is mainly natural ingredients and there are no sulphates and parabens, so it does not overdry the scalp and is recommended for daily use.

    The composition of the drug the following ingredients:

    • panthenol,
    • aloe extract
    • wheat germ oil,
    • keratin,
    • sorbic acid,
    • olive oil,
    • Bisabolol (has antibacterial action),
    • vitamins and minerals.

    The rich composition and cleansing formula guarantee quality care for the scalp and hair during the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. Shampoo foam applied to clean, moist scalp, massaged for 1-2 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The average price of the drug is 190 rubles per 250 ml bottle.

    Ointment cream "Exoderil"

    The main active ingredient of Exoderil ointment is Naphthyzinum. Auxiliary components: polysorbate, stearyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide. Most fungi are sensitive to the components of the ointment. Therefore, the drug has a pronounced antifungal and antibacterial action. Recommended for the treatment of fungal skin lesions, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis. Effectively relieves itching.

    The ointment is intended for topical use. It is applied to lesions 1 time per day. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. The drug has a fairly wide range of side effects, so before using it you need to get a recommendation from a dermatologist. The average price of ointment - 380 rubles.

    Other effective ointment for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis:

    All of these funds are potent drugs, the use of which must be justified by the prescription of a doctor: a dermatologist or a trichologist-dermatologist. Self-medication can lead to side effects.

    Seborrhea, or seborrheic dermatitis, is one of the common chronic skin diseases, the main manifestations of which are peeling and redness. This pathology affects skin areas rich in sebaceous glands. The most frequent target is the scalp. In the people such seborrhea is called dandruff.

    Scalp seborrhea

    Seborrheic dermatitis occurs in about 5% of the population, mainly men, which is associated with the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands as one of the main causes of seborrhea. Another etiological factor is conditionally pathogenic microflora of the skin, primarily fungi of the genus Malassezia.

    Seborrhea of ​​the scalp - photo

    Triggers are problems in the work of the digestive system, changes in hormonal levels, unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, the use of unsuitable shampoos and non-compliance with personal hygiene, allergic dermatitis, and more.

    Seborrhea in a child - photo

    It is the causative factor that is the main criterion for prescribing therapy, including drug therapy.

    General information about drugs used in seborrhea

    As in the treatment of many dermatological diseases, drugs are used for the treatment of seborrhea, which can be divided into 2 groups:

    • local, which include lotions, ointments, shampoos, containing anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, drying, keratolytic (softening and dissolving skin scales) components,
    • systemic remedies can be directed both to the elimination of inflammation and microorganisms, and associated diseases that trigger seborrhea.

    How to treat seborrhea

    Consider the main categories of drugs in more detail.

    Medical shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis

    The right choice of a hygienic product for the care of the scalp is the basis for successful treatment and prevention of exacerbation of seborrhea. Shampoos should not contain components that are a common cause of skin irritation, for example, fragrances, parabens, silicone, etc.

    Medical shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis

    To date, the pharmacy presents a whole range of various means for the care and treatment of scalp prone to seborrhea: “Friderm”, “Nizoral”, “Sulsena”, etc.

    Their action is aimed not only at cleaning the skin and hair, but also at eliminating the cause of the disease and manifestations of the inflammatory reaction.The composition of shampoos may vary, but the main components are the substances described below in the table.

    (“Nizoral”, “Keto Plus”, “Perhohot”)

    Zinc pyrithione
    ("Friederm Zinc", "Keto Plus")

    Salicylic acid ("Algopiks")

    Tar (Friderm Tar, Libre Derm Tar)

    Selenium sulfide
    (Vichy Dercos, “Sulsena”)

    The composition of some shampoos can also include components such as climbazole, ichthyol.

    Many detergents contain several active ingredients. Usually, medicated shampoos are recommended 1-2 times a week for a period of 2-4 weeks. The duration of therapy depends on the intensity of the symptoms. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to wash the head with a medicinal agent once a month.

    Preventive use of therapeutic shampoos

    Note! In order for active ingredients to show their properties, it is necessary to apply shampoo 2 times during shampooing and withstand for 5-10 minutes.

    The doctor may prescribe a combination or alternation of different shampoos or a combination of therapeutic detergent with other local preparations.

    The correct tool will advise trichologist

    Ointments, creams, lotions

    In addition to shampoos, local remedies are usually prescribed in the form of ointments, lotions and lotions. The last 2 options for the scalp are more preferred.

    These preparations may contain the same components as shampoos: selenium sylph, fungicides (antifungals), salicylic acid, zinc compounds. Common local remedies include:

      paste "Sulsen" in a concentration of 1-2%,

    Seborrhea ointment

    cream or spray "Skin Cap" with zinc pyrithione,

    ointments and creams with antifungal component "Sebozol", "Ketodin", "Ketosol", etc.,

    In the case of the addition of a bacterial infection may prescribe an antibiotic ointment.

    A special group of local remedies, which are used for intensive and persistent inflammation, are drugs with glucocorticosteroids, which eliminate redness, itching and peeling. Steroid hormone may be the only active ingredient, for example, in lotion or ointment "Elokom."

    But for the treatment of seborrhea, preference is given to hormonal agents containing antimicrobial components or salicylic acid, for example:

      lotions "Elokom C" or "Belosalik", ointment "Akriderm SK" with salicylic acid,

    Triderm ointment with antibacterial and antifungicide substances.

    Note! The use of topical hormones should be as prescribed by the doctor. This will help reduce the chance of side effects.

    System remedies for seborrhea

    Drugs for oral administration, prescribed by a doctor for seborrhea, may have a different course of action.

    1. The supporting complexes containing vitamins A, E, C, group B, zinc, copper.
    2. Antifungal agents in tablet form. Fluconazole (Diflucan) is a common medicine at a dosage of 100 mg per day.

    Antibiotics are prescribed in the event of a bacterial infection ("Macropen", "Erythromycin", etc.). The method of application depends on the person's age and other parameters.

    Antihistamine medications will help get rid of intense itching. The safest and most popular among them are drugs containing cetirizine and loratadine (“Cetrin”, “Zodak”, “Claritin” and others). Adults are usually prescribed 1 tablet per day. The same tools are used to aggravate seborrhea with allergic dermatitis.

    Systemic glucocorticosteroid preparations are prescribed in the form of tablets and injections only with intensive inflammation ("Diprospan", "Prednisolone", "Dexomethasone"). The application scheme depends on many parameters and is strictly individual.

  • It is extremely rare for the treatment of seborrhea using non-hormonal agents that reduce the immune response, on the basis of thymodepressin. These are complex drugs, the use of which without a doctor is unacceptable.
  • Important! You can take any drugs only if they are discharged by a doctor and according to the prescribed scheme. This is the only way to reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences and increase the effectiveness of therapy.

    Medications for the treatment of associated diseases

    Various external and internal causes can trigger seborrheic dermatitis. Eliminate the latter is often possible with the help of drug treatment.

      For problems with the gastrointestinal tract can prescribe various drugs. Enterosorbents ("Enetrosgel", "Lactofiltrum", etc.) are usually taken 3 times a day for 0.5-1 hour before meals.

    To improve digestive function, enzyme preparations are also prescribed for use with food, for example, Mezim.

    One of the common causes of seborrhea are hormonal changes that lead to an increased production of sebum. In this case, they can prescribe hormonal therapy, for example, women - contraceptive drugs.

    If stress has contributed to the exacerbation of the disease, then sedatives may be prescribed. The easiest option - tincture of valerian.

    Depressant Novopassit

    With the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and the elimination of etiological factors it is better not to pull. Otherwise, the inflammation spreads to other areas, such as eyelids, skin folds on the body, etc. It is not worth doing self-medication for the same reason. Only complex therapy and a properly selected skin care product will help achieve remission and prolong it.

    Important! Prescribe treatment must dermatologist. In some cases, consultation of a gastroenterologist, gynecologist, allergist is required.

    Video - What tools are used to treat seborrhea of ​​the head

    Seborrhea prophylaxis

    Once arisen, seborrhea can bother the patient throughout his life. Getting rid of dandruff is not completely possible. However, constant efforts to keep the disease at an acceptable level. You need to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge, properly care for the skin of the scalp and select the necessary dandruff shampoos.

    Fig. 13. Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp.


    Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (July 2024).