Tools and facilities

Palette of hair colors Welllaton: palette (photo)


Dye Wellaton - a system designed to dye hair and further maintain a rich shade for 30 days.

Regularly dyeing your hair, you probably noticed that after a couple of weeks later, the coloring pigment fades and the hair does not shine so well. At the same time, the hair has not yet become noticeably grown, and it is still early to resort to new staining with permanent paint. Now there is a way out for such a situation - the system "Wellaton in a set with a serum of color" (Wellaton 2-in-1 Color System), which will prolong the durability and intensity of the color of dyed hair for a longer period, due to which the periods between coloring will be longer. The first staining with the help of oxide paint, the second - with the help of toning serum (without ammonia and oxidizer).

The process of dyeing hair with this product is divided into two stages. The first stage is the usual coloring with the oxide shade of the selected shade. Dyeing is carried out as with conventional dye for home use - to prepare a dye composition of two components, then the composition is applied along the entire length of the hair (according to the rules of primary dyeing or dyeing, taking into account regrown roots). After the time of dyeing, rinse the hair and apply a sachet product labeled “1 day”. This tool will add shine and make hair softer. Use the second sachet labeled "30 days" one month after staining.

The second stage of staining comes two weeks after applying the cream-paint Wellaton. In the set, in addition to the main components (cream, oxide and caring kbalzam), there is a unique product, an innovation from Wella - serum for restoring the color of dyed hair. Unlike the main product, there is no ammonia in the serum and it works only on the surface of the hair, renewing its color. Apply it to the entire length of a little wet clean hair. So, after a day of the week after dyeing, apply sachet content on clean wet hair, with the inscription "15 day" for 10 minutes, then rinse the hair with water. Serum color will help to update the shade, which has already begun to wash off the hair over the past tense.

Composition and gentle care

In order for the hair to look beautiful and make an impression, it is important to care for them and use cosmetics that positively affect their structure. Experts Wella took this into account when creating hair dye. The latest technologies and components based on natural products, not only allow you to get a gorgeous color, but also give your hair a well-groomed and healthy look. They become obedient and smooth.

Oxygen base, Color Therapy serum, reflective particles that can absorb ultraviolet rays, as well as medicated oils stimulate hair growth, thanks to improved metabolic processes, giving them a bright, natural and rich color. A rich assortment of the “Wellaton” hair dye palette and the dye-mousse palette allows girls to often change their image without damaging the structure of the strands.

Careful care provides amino-silicone complex, covering the hair with a protective film, thereby protecting them from damage during the dyeing process. The complex contains coconut extract, due to which the hair becomes soft, docile and shiny, and is not damaged when combing.

The color pigments that make up the Wella hair dye, high-quality paint over gray hair, providing a natural glow.

Hair color palette "Wellaton"

Palettes from Wella are distinguished by a rich variety of natural and saturated colors. Such a choice will not leave indifferent any girl.

Blond and blond shades:

  • 5.46 "Tropical Red",
  • 77.44 "Red Volcano",
  • 8.45 "Red Colorado".

  • 3.0 dark brown
  • 6.73 "Milk chocolate",
  • 5.5 "Mahogany",
  • 8.74 "Chocolate with caramel",
  • 7.3 "Hazelnut",
  • 6.77 "Bitter Chocolate".

The photo of the Wellaton hair dye palette is proof of the excellent work of the Wella color engineers. Such a wide range is able to please even the most sophisticated girl.

Wellaton Hair Dye Mousse Palette

This series of products from Wella also contains a huge number of colors and shades. The advantage of paint-mousse is the ability to create a bright, rich, but at the same time fresh and natural image, emphasizing the beauty of the girl. The developers of the “Wellaton” hair dye palette and the dye-mousse palette made sure that everyone could choose for themselves a suitable shade.

The palette includes the following shades:

  • 2.0 black,
  • 3.0 dark brown
  • 4.0 "Dark Chocolate",
  • 4.6 "Beaujolais",
  • 5.0 "Dark Oak",
  • 5.7 "Cocoa with milk",
  • 6.7 "Chocolate",
  • 7.0 "Autumn foliage",
  • 7.1 "Oak bark",
  • 7.3 "Hazelnut",
  • 8.0 Sandy,
  • 8.1 "Shell",
  • 8.3 "Golden sand",
  • 9.1 "Pearls",
  • 9.0 very light blond,
  • 77.44 "Red Volcano",
  • 66.46 "Red Cherry",
  • 55.46 "Exotic Red".

A variety of colors will help girls constantly experiment and always feel new.

Components of a set of cream hair dye "Wellaton"

The set of cream paint includes the following components:

  • tube of coloring matter
  • oxidizer in a tube with an applicator,
  • 2 sachets of care products
  • 1 bag of serum color,
  • gloves,
  • instruction.

Caring agent allows you to maintain color saturation and shine much longer. And with the help of serum, you can quickly and easily refresh hair color between stains.

Instructions for use

In order to properly dye hair without damaging it, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Wear gloves.
  2. Pour the colorant into a tube of oxidant.
  3. Open the applicator cover.
  4. Close the hole with your finger and shake the tube well until the mixture is smooth. The solution is ready for staining.
  5. If you dye your hair monthly, then first of all apply a large part of the cream on the hair roots all over your head. Hold time is 30 minutes.
  6. Apply the rest of the paint and evenly distribute along the entire length of the hair. We are waiting for another 10 minutes.
  7. Wash hair until water becomes clear.
  8. If you have never dyed your hair or performed this procedure more than three months ago, you can immediately distribute the paint over the entire length and leave it for 40 minutes. Wash hair until water becomes clear.

Experts advise using shampoo to wash hair at least 24 hours after dyeing.

Apply the contents of the bag with the caregiver on clean, damp hair, then rinse with warm water. The second sash use after 30 days.

In order for the intensity of the color and shine of the hair to be preserved for a longer time, we use a serum of color. Put on the gloves again and evenly distribute the contents of the sachet over the entire length of the hair. Withstand 10 minutes. Well wash hair. This component will allow you to apply an extra layer of pigment.

Components of a set of paint mousse for hair "Wellaton"

The set of paint-mousse includes the following components:

  • tube of coloring matter
  • oxidizer in a tube with a cap,
  • 2 sachets with care agent for intense shine,
  • gloves,
  • instruction.

Hair dye-mousse care product also allows you to maintain color saturation and shine for a long time.

Features cream paints Wellaton

If you decide to carry out painting for the first time, and do it at home with the help of your mother, sister or girlfriend, determine the appropriate shade, and then go shopping. To lighten dark hair is not worth a drastic change, otherwise the color will turn out not at all the one you are waiting for, lighten gradually.

Besides the fact that the paint-mousse for hair wellaton changes color, it still takes care of each strand, saturates them with the desired shade and gives the maximum natural shine and vitality.

The advantages of funds should include:

  • Painting quality,
  • Coloring without the appearance of yellow shades on blond hair,
  • Do not wash off too fast
  • Well paints gray strands,
  • Hair stays saturated for a long time, becomes soft and silky,
  • Wellaton hair color palette
    the mousse is very diverse, each will choose for themselves the desired shade,
  • Easy application and rinse,

Tip: before applying, apply a little coloring agent on the hand and wait 5 to 10 minutes, if itching and redness do not appear, then start painting - the product does not cause allergic reactions.

Painting at home

You have to agree that it is not that easy to dye your hair at home with your own hands, it is much easier to surrender into the hands of professionals, who in a matter of time will make you a real beauty. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford a trip to the salon, it is cheaper to do it at home.

After purchasing the paint Wellaton 2 in 1, carefully read the instructions for use and composition. In the box is:

  1. Means for coloring.
  2. Oxidizer bag.
  3. Tube means for intense shine - 2 pieces.
  4. A bag of serum for color.
  5. Instructions for use.

Color palette of hair color Wellaton 3, Mocha

  • Blond, sandy, and other shades of light colors,
  • Ash and silver,
  • Shades of blond,
  • Red and Red
  • Chestnut and chocolate

Tip: if you do not know what color to choose, but at the same time strongly want to change the style and add a zest to the new image, use the online help for choosing hairstyles and hair color.

Color Serum and Mousse Hair Dye

Wellaton when dyeing can make hair softer, will give silky strands, where there is not a hint that they are burned and brittle. But besides this, the tool has another important task - to keep the color and bright curls as long as possible.

With each flushing, many professional tools lose these properties, which cannot be said about the paint presented in the article. Each package contains Serum of color, with the help of which the long-term preservation of a saturated hue and the provision of brightness and brilliance occur.

How to apply?

Serum for durability of color should be applied to the strands immediately after dyeing and leave for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off and applied balm.

Use the cream mousse correctly and you will be with beautiful hair.

Tip: apply a second tube for color fastness on hair after washing your hair 2 weeks after dyeing, it is during this period that the color gradually begins to wash out, becoming less bright and dull.


The palette of paints Vellaton is incredibly wide, everyone will choose something for themselves. In addition, with mousses and serums your hair will be bright and full of rich color for a long time.

Hopefully, the article answered some questions for you, and you picked up a color for yourself that will make you simply irresistible.

Hair Dye Wellaton: a palette of colors and customer reviews

Everything in life is changing, so why shouldn't we change? We offer to start with a change in hair color. We bring to your attention an amazing hair-dye Wellaton with an unusual palette of colors.

Today, the paint of the famous brand Vellaton is available in two forms: cream paint and paint mousse.

An oxidizer, a tube with serum is included in the paint package, it should be used after the dyeing process is completed, gloves and detailed instructions. Women with short hair can split the paint in half. But owners of long curls need to buy two packs at once. The paint can be used not only in the salon, but also at home, which will significantly save your family budget.

In the palette are presented only natural rich shades. For example, such as Bitter Chocolate, Shell, Red Colorado and Chocolate with caramel.

To use this paint, you must first mix all the components in a special bottle. Mousse is very easy to apply and it is quite simple to distribute it evenly over the entire length of the hair. Dye-mousse is very economical, because one pack is enough even for very long hair.

Look at the palette of amazingly beautiful shades, which we took on the official website of the brand Wellaton.

With this brand you can easily make yourself a stylish multi-colored coloring and even radically change your hair color. It occupies a leading position in the list of the most popular hair coloring products.

After numerous surveys, we came to the conclusion that this tool paints curls very carefully. The secret lies in a special formula, the main component of which is the oxygen base. Special light reflecting particles are added to it, the function of which is to absorb harmful UV rays.

The paint provides gentle hair care, as it contains various medicated oils and Color Therapy serum. It stimulates active hair growth and metabolic processes, saturates the curls with rich and bright color.

The most valuable paint from the company Wellaton is an amino-silicone complex. Thanks to him, the hair receive a gentle care. During dyeing, it covers the strands with a natural film, which in turn completely prevents the risk of damage to the hair.

The paint also contains coconut extract. It gives curls shine, silkiness, healthy look and softness. In addition, it protects the hair when combing from mechanical stress.

Color pigments in the paint are very effective, they allow you to get rid of gray hair 100%.


  1. After the dyeing process, the hair looks more well-groomed and healthy.
  2. Black and brown shades from the palette do not leave after staining the awful green highlights that often appear from other, cheaper paints.
  3. The paint is very resistant, and hair after dyeing get natural shine.
  4. When using paint there is almost no smell of ammonia.

Antonina, 45: I have been dying blonde for many years. I like to experiment with colors and colors, so I recently bought Vellaton. I liked the result. The roots are perfectly painted over, and the color was very natural. Hair became soft and silky. The only negative, in my opinion, is the uneconomical paint.

Galina, 38 years old: I have been using Wellaton for about six months. It is resistant and as it is flushed, the paint does not change color, but simply turns a little pale. The paint is well applied and does not spread. It has a not very strong smell with perfumed notes.

Elena, 26 years old: I have been using this paint for a long time. The result suits me completely. Hair after dyeing gets deep color and becomes silky and shiny.

Wellaton Palette: Choice and Benefits

Developing a fundamentally new palette, the company's technologists tried to surprise us with natural components that were included in the composition, as well as with a unique technology of applying paint on the head, turning the process of color change into sheer pleasure. Hair coloring was not only an update of your style, but also a recovery.

Penetrating deep into the palette of natural substances gently cares about the hair, giving shine and strength. The paint is based on the underlying oxygen and innovative particles that can absorb ultraviolet rays, keeping the color as long as possible.

In the composition there are natural oils, as well as specially developed serum ColorTherapy, aimed at stimulating the hair to the rapid growth and regulation of the processes occurring in the structure and hair root.The complex of amino silicones gently cares, covering each hair with a film that protects from damage during dyeing. And the introduced coconut extract promotes saturation with shine, silkiness, and also gives the hair a healthy look.

  • Lack of ammonia. Paint pigments qualitatively paint over hair, painting over and gray hair. Wellaton colors are saturated, natural tones and after dyeing look quite natural.
  • The paint is presented by the company in two variations of application - cream paint and the recent novelty paint mousse.
  • The color after dyeing is stable, especially when using paint-mousse, and if you use a special color-reducing serum, it will not fade until the next use of paint.
  • Choosing paint-mousse, you will appreciate the ease of its targeting, it is enough to mix all the ingredients in one bottle.
  • Wellaton has a pleasant smell, not irritating in the process of coloring.
  • Low, affordable each, cost.
  • 100% coloring, and clarification without a yellow shade.

The composition and benefits of paints Wellaton

When choosing a paint, every woman initially thinks about whether the product will not spoil her hair, and then about the beauty of color. Like other leading companies, Wellaton experts are constantly working to improve the composition of paint, excluding components from it that may adversely affect curls.

Paints Wellaton - this is a sparing means. They have a creamy thick consistency, which prevents the spreading of the paint and makes it easy to apply it on your hair, even if you do it at home.

In the composition there is nothing that could be attributed to toxic or aggressive substances, in particular, ammonia. These paints can be used by people suffering from allergies or intolerance of strong odors. The paint contains a special B5 serum that creates a layer of protection on the curls.

The advantages of paints Wellaton can be identified as follows:

  • high quality staining,
  • no yellow when brightening,
  • good level of stamina
  • excellent gray hair coloring
  • attractive shine of hair
  • wide range of colors
  • ease of application,
  • affordable price.

One pack includes:

  • tube of coloring matter
  • oxidizer with applicator,
  • serum color
  • 2 sachet hair shine products,
  • 2 pairs of gloves
  • instruction.

Thus, in one package there is everything that is necessary for high-quality and safe coloring. Note that a long-haired lady of one color may not be enough, but girls with short hair can split the package of paint in two times.

Knowing that even the best paints eventually lose their brightness and brilliance, manufacturers are not in vain added to the package paint - "color serum". The instruction recommends using it not immediately, but 15 days after dyeing. It is at this time that the intensity of the color is lost along with the attractive brilliance. If you dye your hair every six weeks, apply the serum a little later.

Wellaton by Wella

It is very simple to use: it is applied to the hair, lasts 10 minutes and is washed off without balsam with plain water. The color really begins to shine again and delight the owner until the next coloring. After another two weeks, you need to use the remnants of the dressing agent to better protect the strands and preserve their beauty.

The highlight is that all components are already mixed and packaged in an appropriate container, which provides maximum convenience when applying paint. The palette of colors-mousses is regularly expanding, finding more and more fans.

Wellaton color palette

The brand Wella has developed many different products for changing hair color. All preparations take care of the appearance, qualitatively coloring and saturating the hair with natural components. If you decide to hide gray hair, there is nothing better than paint with coconut milk extract. Qualitatively dyeing problem hairs, the components of any paint from the palette take care of the structure, carefully caring for the curls.

The palette of 26 natural colors of hair color Wellaton, is divided into series depending on the presence of various additional caring substances. The palette includes:

  1. Paint the main line of shades,
  2. Intense red tones for bright and active,
  3. Intense light tones for romantic dreamers,
  4. The colors of natural minerals,
  5. Natural tones (inspiration of nature).

The palette of colors truly deserves attention, and what are their "tasty" names that you want to try and plunge into the proposed color. "Red Volcano", "Dark Chocolate", "Pearls", "Sugar", "Chocolate with Caramel".

By purchasing paint, in the package you can find the following standard set:

  • Serum tube used to restore color 2 weeks after dyeing,
  • Oxidizer with applicator,
  • Disposable gloves 2 pairs,
  • Paint,
  • Two soft bags with an agent for intense shine,
  • Instructions for use.

Separately, I want to talk about serum color. This is a unique substance that easily returns the color to dyed hair, again making the hairstyle rich and shiny. Losing color in the first two weeks due to external factors, you can now not despair and use the special serum carefully provided by Vella experts.

Applying it after half a month after dyeing, you give your hair enough to fill with additional color pigment, which causes the brightness and shine to return to your hair. Serum lasts 10 minutes, and the result is like after staining.

Dyeing hair Wellaton - a pleasure, the main paint applied to unwashed hair. The contents of the packaging is poured into plastic or ceramic dishes. It is not used when dyeing the hair with only one bag with an agent for intense shine and serum color. The mixture is applied to the hair with a brush, starting from the roots. Since the paint is gentle, then it is worth to spend about 40 minutes with it. Flush to “clean water”.

Hair Dye Wellaton: a palette of colors

What woman does not like to change? And she pays special attention to hair. In addition to a fashionable haircut, the girl chooses the color and dye firm for a long time, which will qualitatively paint over all the gray hairs and allow you to keep your color beautiful and rich for a long time. Today such products as Wellaton are in great demand. Let out paint in two forms: cream-paint and paint-mousse.

If you decide to dye your hair at home, then it is important that after painting your strands look healthy.

In addition, it is important that their color retains its saturation for a long time. The leading company Wellaton is constantly improving its compositions, eliminating harmful components from them.

Cream-paint, made by the presented brand, provides gentle hair care, making them silky and soft. A characteristic feature of this product is the possibility of using it at home. Due to its thick consistency, the paint is evenly applied and does not spread.

Among the positive qualities of the paint Wellaton are the following:

  • high-quality dyeing strands,
  • there is no yellowness when lightening,
  • color fastness
  • gray hair coloring
  • long shine strands
  • a large number of shades for every taste
  • ease of application.

Cream paint is available to all women. You can buy it in any cosmetic store.

The composition of one pack contains:

  • tube of product that dyes the hair in the desired color
  • oxidizer with applicator,
  • composition for a rich shine
  • serum color
  • gloves.

On video hair dye Vellaton:

The process of painting the paint Wellaton - it is a pleasure. For obtaining necessary result the structure is applied on unwashed locks. The contents of the pack to send in any dish. Do not add to the container only a bag with a means for obtaining a visible shine and serum color. Apply the product with a brush, starting from the roots. Since the composition of the paint is gentle, then the duration of its influence is 40 minutes. Remove with clean, warm water.

Wellaton products are oxygen-based. The composition contains components that can absorb UV rays. In addition, whey and medicated oils were added during the production of paint. Thanks to them, hair growth increases and they acquire a rich bright color.

On video - paint Wellaton hair mousse, palette:

The most valuable part of the paint is the amino-silicone complex. His role - the gentle care of the locks. Due to the unique composition of this product, a protective film is created on the curls, which protects them from the negative influence of the surrounding world.

The complex contains an extract of coconut, which makes the hair shine, softness and serves as an excellent protection when combing. A large concentration of color pigments reliably hides gray hair.

What are non-ammonia professional hair dyes are described in detail in this article.

What constitutes the paint selective professional, you can understand if you read the content of this article.

What is the man's hair dye and how much it can stand is described in detail here:

What is the professional palette of Italian hair dye, detailed in this article.

Separately, you need to tell about the serum color, which is part of the package. This is a unique product that returns a rich color to colored strands. As a result, the hairstyle becomes shiny and saturated again. Now a woman can not worry about the fact that after 2 weeks the color of her hair will fade. It is enough just to put a special serum on the strands and again enjoy your bright and stylish haircut.

In the collection of paint Wellaton blonde, brunette and brown-haired can easily find their color. The palette includes 26 different tones. Thus, you can constantly update the natural light brown strands and get new color solutions. For blonde beauties, the shell tone is very popular.

Dye Wellaton - this is an excellent solution to eliminate gray hair. If you can not find your hair color, it is better to seek help from a specialist. If you like the result, you can apply it on an ongoing basis, but at home.

The palette includes such shades:

  1. Primary colors.
  2. Intense light shades to give romance.
  3. Intense light tones for natural minerals.
  4. Natural tones.

You can purchase the product in the store or order it in the online store. The cost of the product is 980 rubles. At first glance, this price is rather high, but one pack will be enough to dye long hair. In addition, the saturated color is preserved for 1.5 months, until the roots already seem, so you have to buy paint every 3 weeks, but every 1.5 month.

  • Victoria, 45 years old: “I use Vellaton to dye my gray hair. I use black color. Very pleased with the effect, the gray hair is completely gone, the hair is soft and shiny. I like the fact that after dyeing the strands do not look like a washcloth, as happens very often when using cheap paints. I spend the whole procedure myself at home, I do it quickly and easily. ”
  • Maria, 34 years old: “I chose a high-quality paint for a very long time, until I finally chose Vellaton. This composition struck me with its effectiveness. It is very easy to apply, paint does not spread, and the color is so saturated and bright, as if I had just come from the salon. I am painted once every 2 months, as I have chosen a close shade for my mother. Spend staining to update the color. ".
  • Anastasia, 23 years old: “I use Vellaton for highlighting. By nature, I have dark strands, so before such staining should be carried out clarification. But thanks to the unique composition of Wellaton, I did not need to do double staining. In the salon, I put the composition on the strands, and when it shone, the hair was perfectly colored, there was no yellowness. Now I use only this product. Here I am going to be recoloured in monophonic color. I decided that I would look for a suitable shade in the Wellaton catalog ”.

You may also be interested to learn about what is oil-based hair dye, as well as how it is used so as not to harm the hair.

How much can stand, as well as how to use hair dye Coleston, described in detail here in the article.

And what is the difference between hair dye milk chocolate and ordinary paint? can be understood by reading the content of the article.

What is the palette of hair colors Rowan, as well as how much it can stand, it is indicated in the article.

Those who will be interested to learn about crazy color hair dye should read this article.

Paint Wellaton today is very popular among women. The reason for this popularity lies in its unique formula, thanks to which the process of dyeing does not harm the hair, they heal, acquire shine, shine. This product will be the ideal solution for those who only change their color for the first time or use paint constantly.

Dye advantages

Wella carefully monitors the quality of its products. Therefore, the production uses only high quality raw materials. With regular use of the product, the structure of the hair is leveled, they become smooth. The technology of staining is carried out on an oxygen basis, which allows you to get a mirror shine and save it until the next procedure. Not only the “Wellaton” palette itself deserves special attention, but also the quality of the dye. Its advantage is a comfortable creamy consistency and the absence of a strong ammonia odor. This moment has already managed to appreciate the many women using the tool. The product contains high-quality fragrances and has a pleasant aroma. Complete with dye is Color Therapy Repairing Serum. It consists of a complex of aminosilicones, medicated oils, covering the curls with a thin layer after dyeing and protecting them.

Palette "Wellaton"

The color variety of the dye allows you to experiment with tones and shades. It combines natural and expressive nuances. Naturalness is in fashion now, so individuals who actively follow the latest trends can pick up a light brown shade of any tone - from dark brown to blond blond. The main product line includes golden, honey nuances, for example, nutmeg, golden rye, meadow honey, ginger, ripe wheat, white flax, spiced cinnamon and many others. The “Wellaton” palette will also please lovers of such bright nuances as a red volcano, an exotic cherry, honey sunset. They will surely suit them. Brown tones are presented in six options: milk chocolate, dark brown, dark gray-brown, caramel-chocolate, nut. The line includes a separate series of products based on shades of natural minerals: golden sand, quartz, amethyst valley, sunset. Light shades are presented in rich tones; they are bright ashen, seashell, pearl and natural light blond. Paint "Wellaton" (the palette will be presented in the photo) offers a series of "Inspiration of nature." These are three interesting nuances: cherry, ash and oak.


Dye is intended for resistant coloring in tone. Light nuances can raise the depth of color by one or two tones, not more. The product is applied to dry curls. Mixed with oxidant in a 1: 1 ratio.At primary use, it should be applied to the roots and immediately to the entire length of the strand. Pigments means tend to accumulate in the hair, so the repeated and all subsequent staining should be carried out according to the technology: first, paint the roots, 15 minutes before rinsing, apply the length.

"Wellaton" - hair dye (the palette is quite diverse), which is designed for home use. In order to avoid substandard staining results, the manufacturer recommends that you do not exceed the prescribed exposure time. And when choosing a shade, always focus on the original color.

Gray hair coloring

The composition of the dye was developed taking into account the peculiarities of the structure of not only ordinary, but also gray curls. The product is intended primarily to work with this type of hair. "Wellaton" - hair dye (the palette allows you to apply any nuance even with 80-100% gray hair content), which includes various useful components. For example, coconut palm extract, it perfectly nourishes and cares for curls. In addition, a good composition makes it easy to mix paint with an oxidant. The thick consistency makes the application of the mixture comfortable and fast.

Women with a high percentage of gray hair, it is recommended to mix fashionable nuances with natural. Dye "Wellaton" (colors, palette were described in the article) allows the mixing of all shades among themselves for more interesting and rich colors. So, if the gray is more than 60%, it is necessary to mix the desired shade with the color of the same tone level, but from a natural range. Otherwise, there is a risk that the color will be transparent, unsaturated.

Each woman can find a suitable option in the Wella palette. In addition, the dye comes in the form of a mousse and is great for toning, updating the color and light gray coating.

Mousse Welllaton

After conducting various tests, experts say that the paint has a very high performance, even in comparison with the cream paint Vella. The palette of Wellaton with paint-mousse has been enriched by another 18 original shades.

Vellathon Hair Mousse

Mousse is very easy to use. Mixing all the components, as stated in the instructions, before the formation of foam, you can immediately apply to the hair, using a tool like shampoo.

Applied directly with the hands, of course, wearing gloves, and rubbed into the hair with massage movements. The smell is quite calm, and even pleasant, there is no ammonia at all.

The only drawback is the wait time up to 40 minutes.

Paint falls evenly and does not flow. The dyes of the mousse are slowly absorbed and poorly washed away under the shower, so you should rinse your head from the remaining paint a second time.

Despite this, the color in the end turns out to be very saturated, the staining is uniform and keeps well without washing out. All this can not appreciate the women who leave only positive feedback on the colors of the entire series of this company. Feel free to transform!

Author: Y. Belyaev


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