
How to make hair soft at home


  • How to make hair soft at home
  • How to make hair silky, smooth and shiny
  • How to make hair soft and silky

The softness of the hair depends on many factors, so you need to act in a complex.

1. Choose a suitable shampoo.Shampoo and conditioner should suit your hair type, and also not contain sodium sulfate, as it dries hair very. It is optimal that the selected hair care products contain silk proteins, they will make the hair soft and smooth.

2. Use soft water.Hard water makes hair dull and dry, so you need to use soft water for washing your hair. Ideally, the water should be filtered. But you can use a little trick - to change the temperature of the water in the process of washing hair. For example, you need to wash off the shampoo with enough warm water, and rinse your hair after the conditioner is cool.

3. Add essential oils.Even a drop of essential oil added to the shampoo will make the hair noticeably softer. Essential oil can be chosen to your taste.

4. Use special tools.In the arsenal of every self-respecting brand of cosmetics for hair, you can find special serums and sprays to give softness and ease combing.

5. Apply additional protection.It should be remembered that frequent use of a hair dryer and ironing harms the hair. Therefore, you need to use special means of thermal protection.

Causes of hair stiffness

  • individual characteristics,
  • regular exposure to thermal instruments
  • perm,
  • staining with henna and ammonia paints,
  • hard flowing water
  • genetics,
  • wrong diet
  • alcohol, tobacco,
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.

Practical advice to owners of hard hair

  1. Reduce the use of hair dryer, ironing, curling, sticky hair curlers, thermal rollers. Otherwise, set the device to a minimum temperature to avoid additional dryness and brittle hair. Purchase a spray with a thermal protection function at a professional hair salon. The composition will cover the hair with an invisible film, protecting it from hot plates and hot air.

How to make hair soft using folk remedies

Homemade recipes are not inferior to expensive salon procedures. All the necessary ingredients can be found in the kitchen cupboard or first aid kit.

Eggs and apples
Mix in capacity 5 egg yolks with 50 gr. cane sugar. Make a mask for hair, carefully rubbing the mixture into curls. Hold for 1 hour. After that, prepare the apple infusion. Take 0.7 kg. ripe green apples, cut them into small slices and cover with 2.6 liters of hot water. Put on the stove, cook for half an hour. After the expiration date, wash off the mask with plain water and rinse the hair with apple broth. Apply your regular balm or use conditioner. Mask can be done daily.

Mineral water with gas
Mix in a uniform mass of 300 ml. carbonated mineral water, 170 ml. burdock oil and 150 ml. castor Pour in 20 ml. glycerin, beat the mixture with a mixer and at the same time pour in shampoo. It should be bulk with foam. Wash your hair with the resulting composition, work through each strand well. Soak on the head for about 10 minutes, rinse and use balm. Homemade shampoo can be used every day.

Lemon and onion
Take 3 white onions, remove the husk, grind in a meat grinder. Do the same with two lemons, but do not cut off the zest. Combine the ingredients in a homogeneous mass, add 10 quail eggs and 50 gr. honey Make a mask, wrap your head with a film or put on a plastic bag. Wait half an hour, wash it off. Prepare lemon water: squeeze the juice from 1 citrus, pour in 2 liters of warm water, rinse with a strand and leave to dry naturally.

It is possible to make hair soft if you approach the issue seriously. It is important to use comprehensive care. Minimize hot styling, daily masks, drink a course of multivitamins. Choose only moisturizers without impurities and sulphates, rinse hair with running water immediately after visiting the pool or swimming in salt water.

Smooth curls, not “delays” - the best decoration for women

Long since the head of hair of the girl was considered her main ornament and dignity. Today’s fashion world considers this statement obsolete, but statistics say that a man, first of all, pays attention to the girl’s hairstyle, and with a convenient opportunity he gladly spends it on them. And it is very good if they are smooth, silky, pleasant to the touch. Believe me, this will not leave indifferent your chosen one.

Therefore you should take care of the softness of the hair. To do this, you must first deal with the reasons for their rigidity.

We get our hair by inheritance from our ancestors. Therefore, if a girl has hard strands, then, most likely, they were like that of her parents or next of kin. But it also happens that the hairs become like a wire suddenly or over time.

There are several reasons for this problem.:

  1. genetics,
  2. high alkalinity of water
  3. constant use of dyes
  4. frequent thermal effects - iron, curling iron, hair dryer,
  5. constant use of lacquers, mousses and other styling products,
  6. perm,
  7. unfavorable environmental situation.

This is a list of all the main reasons why the curls suddenly turn from soft strands into sticking dry spines. What to do if the hair sticking out like a wire? To soften the hair at home is quite realistic and for this you do not need to use expensive chemical products.

Always start with the right care. What to do if hair is tight? Of course, it is necessary to make masks, but leave the basic procedures and care incorrect, then, most likely, the effect will be negative and the curls will be hard and on.

Therefore, we must begin with the basic rules for the care of hard strands.

    The right shampoo. All companies that produce cosmetics, have long started writing directly on bottles.

What type of hair does this tool target? Do not neglect these inscriptions to make the hair softer, because the composition of the shampoo for each type is different. Hard curls like collagen in the composition of shampoos. Therefore, it is worth using a tool only for hard and dry strands,

  • Do not wash your hair more than twice a week. A maximum of three. Frequent washing of the head can lead to a serious weakening of the hair follicles and abundant hair loss,
  • Add in the arsenal conditioner for curls. It must be nutritious and indelible. It should be used with every shampoo to enrich them with fats and oils, which will make them softer and more docile. Air conditioning is also worth choosing specifically for dry and hard strand,
  • Try not to use ironing and curling. If you refuse them completely impossible, then at least limit their use and be sure to use protective equipment
  • Hair dryer - everyone knows that this is a device that dries hair and it is often indispensable when styling hair. However, the hair dryer makes the curls fragile and brittle due to the flow of heated air. If you dry your head and make styling without it is impossible, then you need to try to get a model of a hairdryer that uses cool air,
  • Limit the use of varnishes, mousses, gels and others, at least for the duration of the treatment of curls. And choosing the care products for the strands at home, you should only buy those in whose compositions there is no alcohol and alcohol-containing substances, as well as sodium sulfate. It is alcohol and sodium that dry the strands.
  • Are there too many restrictions? Not! After all, only stiffness and discipline, as well as some additional care products, can make hair soft and make any girl an owner of obedient curls. In particular, masks for strands have such properties.

    It is not necessary to buy expensive oils or overseas ingredients for masks to soften the strands. It is much easier and more efficient to use inexpensive and simple products. And to make a mask is easy, the main thing is to choose a recipe.

    An excellent way to soften hair are cosmetic oils. The composition of the masks for dry strands usually include oils: burdock, linseed, olive, castor, grape seed oil and others. In the most extreme case, you can use regular sunflower oil.

    So, the main masks and compresses for dry strands:

    1. castor oil compress. Heat three tablespoons of castor oil and apply with massaging movements on the head and over all the curls, wrap and go to bed. In the morning, wash your hair and lubricate the strands with balsam or conditioner. Make a mask a couple of times a week,
    2. mask of onion and lemon. For it, you will need to chop two onions to a puree state and mix the resulting mass with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply this mask only on dirty hair and a maximum of 15 minutes. After the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the curls thoroughly, preferably using rinse water with lemon to remove the smell. For this, the juice of half a lemon is diluted in a liter of water,
    3. burdock oil masks:
    • take in equal proportions butter and melted honey, about 2 tbsp. spoon, add one yolk. All mix and reheat in a water bath. Apply to the scalp and along the entire length of the strands. Wrap your head and keep the mask for 40 minutes
    • Mix 2 tablespoons of the oil with 2 tablespoons of any cosmetic clay and 1 spoon of lemon juice. Put on the hair and hold for half an hour,
    1. apple-egg mixture will allow your locks to become more shiny and silky. For her

      A pair of eggs and a pair of green apples are needed. First, apply the egg mixture to the strands for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with green apple juice, diluted in proportion with water 1:10.

    In order to have a positive effect, it is worth constantly making firming masks. In addition to the regular use of such compounds, you can also rub into the scalp any essential oils: lavender, rosewood, patchouli, ylang-ylang, etc. 3-5 drops, diluted with the base oil, for example, olive, 1-2 tablespoons . l This will also help make hair soft.

    So, the guarantee of soft hair and silkiness consists of three main points:

    1. correct selection of shampoo, conditioner and other care products,
    2. discipline and limitations
    3. fortified food and care.

    So we answered the question: “What needs to be done to make the hair soft?”.

    But remember that beauty takes time and perseverance! Any hair needs care and care, and dry - especially.

    Following the rules and the use of additional tools will allow any girl to achieve the softness of curls, to become the owner of wonderful, obedient, soft and chic strands!


    In the cosmetic industry today there is a huge amount of hair care products. To date, the development of a variety of cosmetic products, the use of natural and herbal ingredients. Regardless of the color and length of the hair, they need to provide the appropriate care.

    Before you make your hair soft and shiny, you need to familiarize yourself with various ways and choose the most suitable option for yourself. In most cases, the application is carried out:

    1. Almond oil. If you rub this tool, the hair will shine. The application of this method should be carried out as carefully as possible. When using the tool in excessive amounts, it will not be able to fully wash off any shampoo, which is why the hairstyle will look oily and unattractive.
    2. Light beer. You should not drink it - this means is applied to rubbing in hair. To have soft hair, the mask must be applied for half an hour. After that, the beer is washed off with normal running water.
    1. Strong tea. This tool will help make hair softer. For its preparation it is necessary to brew tea and wood chips. After straining, the product is used as a rinse after washing the head.
    2. Onion Husk It is used to make hair soft. This tool is perfect for brunettes. This is because it has a tinting effect.
    3. Lemon juice. This tool is ideal for girls who have hard blonde hair. To make it, you need to take a lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and mix with a liter of water. Apply the rinse is necessary after washing the head.

    To ensure the natural shine and beauty, it is necessary to apply not only shampoo, but also additional means.


    If you do not know how to make soft hard hair, then you can use one of the means of traditional medicine. You can prepare a hair conditioner that is applied after the shampoo is washed off. To do this, take 2 - 3 apples and squeeze through a juicer. The resulting juice is mixed with egg white and applied to the head. After 10 minutes the air conditioner is washed off with warm water.

    For the recovery of curls often used a variety of means. The ideal option in this case - a mask for soft hair at home. It can be prepared on the basis of hibiscus or Egyptian roses. With the help of these tools, the elimination of the section is carried out, the fastest growth of the hair is ensured.

    To prepare the means, hibiscus is taken in the amount of 5 tablespoons and poured with a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist it for 1 hour. After that, 2 tbsp are added to the product. l olive oil and applied to the head. Keep these masks for soft hair should be no more than 25 minutes.

    If you do not know how to make hair soft as soon as possible, then you need to use a mask, which is based on lemon juice and onions. Two medium sized bulbs are peeled and crushed in a blender until a semi-liquid consistency is obtained. In the resulting mass, you must add a few tablespoons of lemon juice. The mask is thoroughly mixed and applied for 15 minutes. Next, you need to wash the tool. For this purpose shampoo is used.

    Some experts recommend using a mask that is prepared on the basis of a banana. For its preparation it is necessary to take one banana and knead. Two tablespoons of yogurt are added to the resulting slurry and the mass is thoroughly mixed. When choosing a yoghurt, it is necessary to give preference to more fatty fermented milk products. The resulting paste is rubbed into the scalp. Next, a cap is put on the head. The mask is held for 60 minutes. After this time, the weaker sex should wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

    When using any of the above means, the hair will be characterized by silkiness.

    Additional recommendations

    Before you make your hair soft at home, you need to use the advice of experts. They do not recommend women to comb their hair immediately after washing their hair. This action often injures the hair, which causes their fragility.

    A woman must use air conditioning without fail. This will make hair is soft and docile. After washing, it is necessary to apply the cosmetic tool for a few minutes. After this time, it is recommended to wash it off with warm water.The use of a hair dryer, curling iron and ironing should be as rare as possible. At the same time, the effect of high temperatures on the hair is observed, which is negatively displayed on their appearance.

    You can use shampoo, which consists of only natural ingredients. It is prepared on the basis of two eggs, 50 milliliters of water and 7 drops of vegetable oil. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the head with massaging movements. Keep the tool is recommended for at least half an hour. For rinsing the hair, you can use decoctions of such plants: calendula, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort.

    Shampoos based on mustard powder are quite effective. It is necessary to take 50 grams and dilute with water. Apply on the head means for 5 minutes, and then washed off with water. Apply apple cider vinegar for rinsing the head. With its help, the hair is cleared, the acid-base balance is restored. For the preparation of funds is recommended to mix the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 4. This mixture is used to rinse the strands after washing.

    A woman should follow the bedding. Best of all, the material of its production is satin or silk. These tissues do not create a strong friction, which limits the possibility of injury to the hair.

    Soft and elastic hair is a dream of any woman which can be easily realized. To do this, just use the tools of traditional medicine. If a woman chooses a remedy correctly, she will always look irresistible.

    Body health

    The softness and silky hair is directly dependent on the health of the body. Do not forget about the right balanced diet, include in the diet foods, especially fruits and vegetables, rich in micronutrients and vitamins. Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5, Calcium Panthetonate), which is found in large quantities in hazelnut, buckwheat and oatmeal, egg yolk and milk, broccoli, peas, beans and cauliflower, can help make hair soft.

    Here are our tips on how to make hair soft and silky at home. And what recipes do you know? Write in the comments your secrets, how to soften the hair and give it a well-groomed healthy look. How do you make your hair soft and docile?

    Article author: Lyudmila lyusivechirnya

    How to make hair soft and silky at home?

    The cosmetic industry has long been engaged in the study of hair problems. All new products for the treatment and restoration of hair are developed, natural and herbal ingredients are used. But you need to figure out what tools will help make your hair soft and docile, and which ones will not benefit or harm at all.

    No matter the color or length of hair. They all need good care and care. For all types of hair, especially for dry, overdried, damaged and dull fit organic coconut oil Extra Virgin from Jarrow Formulas (473 g).

    The main feature of this particular tool is a method of manufacturing. Oil is extracted using a screw press in a special room in compliance with certain temperature conditions. As a result, it is possible to preserve all the nutrients that are so necessary to restore and maintain healthy hair. You can also choose organic coconut oil of the first extraction from Nutiva (1.6 l), which, thanks to the cold method of pressing and not using chemicals, has retained all the natural properties and has a pleasant natural aroma.

    Coconut oil penetrates well into the hair structure, so after the first application the result is visible - the hair becomes stronger, softer and gains a beautiful shine. To the effect did not take long, the oil is best applied at night and in the morning gently rinse with running water.

    It is also important to pay attention to food. As a rule, many of the fair sex are either on diets, or because of a frantic working rhythm, they completely miss lunch — the main meal. Therefore, often the hair begins to fall out, become dull and tough due to improper and unbalanced nutrition. In this case, biologically active supplements that are presented on the iHerb website will help. Today, special sales from Country Life have become a sales hit. They contain B vitamins, biotin, organic sulfur (MSM), which, in combination, improve the condition of the hair, make it soft and manageable. Be sure to try Maxi-Hair from Country Life tablets (90 pieces)

    or a stronger supplement with a double portion of Biotin Maxi Hair Plus from Country Life tablets (120 pieces). It is important to note that the result is cumulative, the result will be noticeable in a month. In addition, the condition of the nails and skin will improve.

    Attention! Here are some ways to make your hair soft and shiny.

    1. Light beer. Only it is necessary not to drink it, but applied to the hair as a balm-conditioner. To have an effect, you need to walk with such a mask for half an hour. Then rinse with running water.
    2. Almond oil. It needs to be rubbed into the hair. But use this method with caution. You do not need to pour too much oil, otherwise it will be very difficult to wash off and your hair will seem greasy.
    3. Girls with dark hair will help strong tea with wood shavings. Use the tool as a hair rinse.
    4. To add a dark shade will help a decoction of the husks of onions. Apply the product should be before washing.
    5. Owners of blond hair should rinse hair with water and lemon juice.
    6. Unique B-complex for hair density + biotin shampoo from Madre Labs (414 ml)

      suitable for any type and color of hair. This tool does not contain sulfates and other chemical components that destroy the natural acid-base balance on the scalp, as well as wash off the natural lubricant from the hair, making them hard and unruly. The shampoo contains essential for healthy hair - biotin, vegetable protein, aloe juice and a blend of essential oils that, in combination, effectively nourish, moisturize and stimulate hair growth.

    How to make hair soft and shiny?

    To find out how to make your hair soft, you do not need to be a stylist. You just need to follow a few rules:

    • Do not comb your hair immediately after a shower. This can cause injury to the hair.
    • Use hair conditioner. It will help to make the mane obedient and soft. You only need to put it on your hair after washing and wait a couple of minutes. Then rinse them with warm water.
    • Try to use a minimum hair dryer, ironing and curling. They are very harmful to the hair because of its temperature at work.

    How to make hair soft at home with the help of folk healing?

    The question: how to make hair soft at home, there is a simple answer: use folk remedies.

    Hair rinse recipe. Spoon apple cider vinegar dissolved in boiled water. In addition, add there brewed green teas or lemon juice. After application, the effect will be noticeable as from a purchased conditioner.

    Recipe masks for hair prone to fat. Mix the yolks of two eggs with 1 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of alcohol. Beat the mixture well and apply to the hair. After applying the hair will remain cleaner for a long time.

    Recipe mask for soft hair. Mix half a spoonful of corn oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. The resulting solution should be applied to the scalp and hair and wrap with a warm towel. Walk this way for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse hair thoroughly with clean water.

    Dull and tough hair can ruin any, even very stylish and fashionable, image. They are very difficult to put and give the desired shape, so you have to say goodbye to the hairstyle.

    How to make hair very soft?

    Sooner or later, but every woman caring for herself asks a question: How to make soft hair on her head? Due to the constant exposure to sunlight, chemical staining, the use of fixatives, our hair weakens and deteriorates.

    Healthy shine, purity and softness leaves. It only remains hard tow instead of healthy hair. The reasons for this may be many. One of them is hard water. It happens that after a shower you feel an unpleasant tightness on the skin? Hence, the hair had the same fate. To save hair you need to wash them with boiled water. Thus, it will be possible to bring hair in order.

    Below are some ways to make hair soft.

    1. If you like natural ingredients in cosmetics, you can make these products by yourself. For example, there is a recipe for hair conditioner, which consists entirely of natural ingredients and is inexpensive for money. Squeeze the juice from several apples, apply egg white on your hair, then rinse the hair under water and then apply squeezed juice. Wrap your head with a film and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse the hair thoroughly under running water. You will immediately notice how the hair has become smooth and shiny. This is due to the high content of various acids in apple juice.
    2. In order to improve the hair, many vegetable components in masks are suitable. For example, an Egyptian rose, or hibiscus, will help you cope with dandruff and make the tips of your hair soft. In addition, you get rid of their cross-section and activate the rapid growth of hair. To achieve this wonderful effect, you need to pour 5 tablespoons of dry hibiscus petals with a glass of water and insist for 1 hour. Then chop the decoction with petals in a mixer and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to it. Apply the mixture to the hair, wrap a film and leave for 15-20 minutes. Important. Because of the coloring pigments contained in the plant, this mask can only be used by those with dark hair. Blonde beauties will turn this infusion into Malvin.
    3. If you are not afraid of bold experiments, you can use a mask of onions and lemon juice. Two large onions chop in a blender to a semi-liquid consistency. To them add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Before bath procedures, on dirty hair, apply the resulting composition. Wrap your head in polyethylene and leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash your hair well with shampoo. The smell can remain on the hair. After using this recipe, you need to wash your hair with special care. Well, if the next day you are not going to leave the house. Therefore, among the week, try not to use this tool.

    How to make beard hair soft means at hand?

    Recently, it has become popular among men to wear a beard. If you think that this is due to the fact that men are just too lazy to shave, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, beard care requires much more time than occasional shaving.

    Many men wonder: how to make beard hair soft? Of course, when a beard is stiff, it starts to prick and deliver discomfort. Remember a few rules:

    • beard needs to be washed regularly! Simple washing is not enough.
    • Do not wash the beard with soap. From this it will become even rougher and tougher.
    • Use high-quality shampoos and rinses.

    The skin of the face is more delicate than the scalp. Therefore, cheap and low-quality shampoos can harm it.

    In any case, you wash your head or beard, remember that you can not save on care products! Cheaper products are prepared from poor quality raw materials and, often, do not bring the desired result. In rare cases, they may even be harmful. Good shampoos and conditioners are expensive.

    If you spend large amounts on them is not included in your plans, then you can prepare them yourself from natural ingredients. And the effect will be no worse than the purchase.

    How to make hair softer using homemade shampoos?

    The most popular recipe based on natural ingredients: you need to take 2 eggs, add 50 g of water and 6 drops of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and distribute over hair and scalp.

    When applied to the head, massage the roots of the hair with fingertips, rinse with running water after 40 minutes, and rinse the strands with herbs of chamomile, sage, calendula and hypericum.

    To prepare mustard shampoo, take 50 g of dry mustard powder, dilute with liquid, rub the mixture into the head, and after 5 minutes, rinse with warm water, rinse with a decoction of nettle and mother-and-stepmother.

    Take care of the gifts of nature and do not self-medicate! Be always in a great mood and others will give you a lot of compliments!
