Work with hair

Oily hair: 9 rules of care


Typically, this type can be determined by the presence of fat on the cortex of the head and on the hair next to the roots. Sometimes the appearance of fat or oily hair type is associated with a general imbalance of the sebaceous glands, which secrete too much sebum. Sebum is a natural, natural instance.

There are some simple rules, adhering to which, you can reduce hair pollution and properly care for oily hair.

1. Wash your head often, but not every day. Daily shampooing can quickly eliminate fat from the bark of the head, but it will also quickly return in double. If you have oily hair, we recommend washing your hair every 2-3 days. Look for shampoo for oily hair.

A good shampoo should remove excess fat without drying it out. You may have to try several options until you find your own - also ask your hairdresser for advice. Once a month, use a cleansing shampoo. This type of shampoo is made specifically to eliminate signs of fat. But do not use it every day, because it will remove the fat very quickly, which will cause the opposite reaction - the fat will appear in even larger quantities. For daily care, choose a less intense shampoo.

2. Be careful with air conditioning. Do not apply them to the hair roots, as this part of the hair already has a sufficient amount of moisture due to the natural fat that appears within a few hours after washing the head. Air conditioning is needed to power the dry ends of the hair, so try to put it on the lower part of the hair.

Some people do not use conditioner at all, or apply it only once a week to avoid over-moisturizing. If the hair gets tangled quickly choose something moisturizing that will leave the effect of silk hair - a small amount of olive oil will help this fine. Squeeze out just enough to make the hands a little shiny and apply on hair, avoiding the scalp. If you have a very greasy hair type, then you may not need air conditioning. But the tips of the hair is better to moisturize to avoid drying out.

3. Carefully choose styling products. Do not use too much of these products, otherwise they will pull away hair and leftovers will collect. Avoid using viscous gels that give the hair a dirty look when in fact they are not greasy. Also, do not purchase products that promise to add extra shine to hair. Owners of fat type of hair, they will provide a “fat look”.

4. Brush just enough to give your hair a neat look. Do not comb too long or excessively, because this procedure stimulates oil seals that can produce more fat.

5. Do not comb or touch the hair if it is not necessary. This is very important, especially when cooking greasy things or after meals, as you can put fat on your hair. If you do makeup, also try not to touch your hair.

6. Wash your hair with warm water., and then cool Thus, the cuticle closes, and the hair will get extra shine. As a final rinse, try adding a little vinegar. Take 1 tablespoon and dilute with 240 ml of water.

7. Constantly cut off split ends. Hair will appear strong and healthy.

8. Find a quick styling option, which can be done in a hurry when your hair is dirty and you are late somewhere. To reduce oily appearance, use dry shampoo or baby powder. Just rub the tool into the roots, but be careful - do not use too much, otherwise people may notice white dots in your hair. After you try to comb your hair from varnish or powder.

9. Remove hair from forehead. The forehead may be "fat" zone, so removing hair from the forehead, they will not come into contact with the skin.

10. Do not straighten hair too often. Straightening greatly spoils the hair due to the very chemical process, as well as due to the high temperature.

Causes of the problem

The hair itself cannot be greasy or dry, as it does not have sebaceous glands. The condition of the hair depends on the skin type and the abundance of sweat and fatty secretions.

The owner of oily hair should realize that an increased level of oily hair is not always a consequence of the disease or indicates a disturbed metabolism and other problems in the body.

In most cases, this feature is due to the genetic characteristics of the organism and is quite normal for a particular person.

In addition to heredity and genetic predisposition, the abnormal functioning of the sebaceous glands can be caused by a number of reasons:

  1. Seborrheic dermatitis - a fungal disease that requires special treatment.
  2. The presence in the human diet of a number of unwanted foods and beverages.
  3. Psychological problems (stress, chronic fatigue, neurosis).
  4. Diseases of the internal organs.
  5. Wrong selection of headgear.
  6. Violation of hormonal levels as a result of medication.
  7. Wrong selection of shampoos and other cosmetics.

Unfortunately, greasy hair can deliver a number of inconveniences:

  • After a short period of time after washing, hair loses volume and shine, sag, look dirty and untidy.
  • For this type of hair is difficult to find a suitable hairstyle, long strands are often tangled and difficult to comb.

  • Increased oily skin often causes dandruff.

Before you deal with oily hair, you should determine the cause of the problem and only then proceed to the selection of a set of measures to bring the hair in the proper form.

Effect of diet on hair fat

Proper nutrition has a huge impact on the state of the human body, and the skin of the head is no exception. Often, to normalize the level of oily skin and give the hair its original appearance, it is enough to limit the consumption or eliminate the following foods and drinks from the diet:

  • Sweet pastries and other flour products.
  • Fatty, fried and smoked food.
  • Coffee and alcoholic beverages.
  • Excessively salty foods.

Fighting hair oily hair folk remedies

To combat the problem of oily hair by folk methods is possible with the help of various means:

  1. Herbal decoctions. Traditional medicine involves the use of many types of herbal decoctions for rinsing. Such means not only normalize the sebaceous glands, but also contribute to the overall improvement of the scalp, and also give the headpiece volume, natural shine, elasticity and softness. Aloe leaves, burdock root, nettle, chamomile flowers, oak bark and other herbal ingredients are the basis for the decoction.
  2. Minerals. Gruel from sea or salt in a few minutes, rubbed into the scalp, and then thoroughly washed off. You can also use masks from drying varieties of cosmetic clay (used in accordance with the attached instructions).
  3. Mustard. Two tablespoons are dissolved in a liter of water and the mixture is rinsed with the head, thus improving blood circulation and reducing the release of fat.
  4. Potatoes. The juice of two potatoes is added to a glass of nonfat kefir and applied to the head for half an hour.
  5. You can fight with greasy hair roots with the help of egg yolks mixed with honey in the proportion of 2 yolks to 2 tablespoons of honey. This mask is applied for several hours or at bedtime overnight.

9 greasy hair care tips

Regardless of the cause of the problem, following a list of simple recommendations can significantly reduce the fat content of the hair and improve their appearance:

  1. To wash your hair in the morning (at night the sebaceous glands are most active).

  1. Apply clear liquid shampoos.
  2. For washing, use cool or slightly warm water + 23-25 ​​° C (hot water promotes the opening of pores and activates the release of fatty substances).
  3. While washing, gently massage the scalp.
  4. If possible, avoid unnecessary effects on the skin, avoid using a hair dryer, tight braiding of braids or tightening tails.
  5. For combing instead of brushes to apply comb.
  6. Try to change the style and go for short hairstyles.
  7. Do not be amiss to visit a dermatologist and a beauty salon. Experienced specialists will help to understand the causes of the problem and choose the best means for treatment or care, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin and hair type.
  8. Follow the composition of shampoos (preferably the presence of selenium sulfide, tar, zinc pyrithione and other ingredients).

And finally, some good news for owners of this type of hair. Moderate fat content has the following benefits:

  • Hair is well protected from negative external influences.
  • A moderate amount of blubber gives the curls a natural shine.
  • Reduced risk of drying, brittleness and thinning.

Why hair roots get greasy

At the moment, every person has a release of sebaceous glands on the skin - this is normal.

However, in some people the amount of sebaceous glands secreted exceeds normal values. Girls with oily hair not only look bad, but often lose a lot of hair.

The secreted sebaceous glands block and hinder the respiration of skin cells.

As a result, the circulation slows down and the nutrition of the scalp decreases. As a result, women's hair becomes greasy, weak, thin and eventually begins to fall.

The maximum age of 1 hair is 5 years. In the end, if a girl loses up to 90 hairs in 1 day - it's not scary.

Women's hair becomes oily for the following reasons:

If women's hair becomes greasy already in the afternoon, then the girl needs to go to a hair specialist - trichologist. In a similar situation, besides the trichologist, a woman goes to see an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist.

Recommendations for combating oily hair

First, when getting rid of oily hair, the girl should change the diet. In such a situation, a woman should stop using such products:

As a result, if you follow the correct diet, the girl’s hair will become less fat and improve overall health.

Also, a girl with oily hair is necessary from complicated styling and styling preparations. In such a situation, a woman can do simple hairstyles on her head - without the use of varnish, mousse or other similar means.

Girls with oily hair are not recommended to massage the scalp and frequent combing of the hair. When combing, a girl with greasy hair should not touch hair roots with a comb — you only need to brush your hair from the ends.

After all, combing the head is a massage, during which the formation of the sebaceous gland occurs.

Wash Oily Hair

A girl with oily hair should gently clean and properly treat the scalp.

When caring for greasy hair, the girl performs the following actions:

Sebaceous glands, which are formed on the head, nourish female hair with useful microelements.

If a girl washes her hair daily and washes away sebaceous glands, then she activates their production.

Drugs and remedies for proper care of oily hair: treatment of greasy type of curls

At the moment, women use a variety of cosmetic products that relieve women's hair from excessive fat.

Properly selected shampoo - is considered the first tool that a girl should choose the right when getting rid of greasiness hair.

Such shampoos consist of an essential oil and lemon extract, green tea and other components.

When applied to the head of cosmetic and essential oil, the girl also struggles with the greasiness of the hair. Cosmetic preparations should be applied on the head before washing.

Also in the fight against dandruff, a woman uses peach and grape seed oils, argan and sesame oil remedy.

The girl applies these oils and leaves them on her hair for 10 minutes. Such oils can be quickly washed off the head. In addition, they significantly slow down the secretion of sebaceous glands.

After the use of these oils, women's hair becomes smooth and shiny again.

Essential oils are considered salvation from the formation of dandruff. When fighting dandruff, girls add essential oil (2 drops) to their hair — before applying shampoo.

Maxi, balms and conditioners are considered drugs to care for women's healthy hair. However, girls with oily hair do not use such drugs. After all, such means for the care of oily hair make women's hair obedient and bright, however, do not prevent the formation of dandruff.

Stop daily shampooing

Yes, hairdressers say that you need to wash your hair as it gets dirty, but oily scalp can be cured by minimizing the amount of washing. The fact is that daily washing, especially with the water that flows from the tap in megalopolises (bleach, salts, and other not very useful chemical elements in its composition), dries the scalp. And if you add to this is not the highest quality shampoo, the damage will be double. As a result, the skin begins to "defend" and intensively produce sebum in order to moisten itself. And what do we see? By the end of the day hair hangs like tow. The rule of two days will help to fix this: wash your hair no more than in two days, and you will see that soon they will adapt to new conditions and start producing less sebum. In the meantime, this has not happened, good old dry shampoos, horse tails, pigtails and careless bunches will come to your aid.

Choose deep cleaning shampoos and scalp scrubs.

These products cleanse the scalp well from dust, dirt, styling products, various silicones, oils, and sebum, which helps the hair to stay clean, bulky and fresh longer. Just remember that you should not use shampoo for deep cleaning and scrub all the time, otherwise the pH will be disturbed, the skin will become thinner, dandruff and other problems will appear. Optimally - once every two or three weeks. Thanks to these means, the skin begins to "breathe", blood circulation is restored, the work of the sebaceous glands is regulated, therefore, the hair begins to grow better and look better groomed.

Use the right comb.

Yes, it is very important. In general, a properly selected comb is the key to a chic mane. Girls who are “lucky enough” to become owners of oily scalp will have to forget about soft hairbrushes with natural bristles. They are the conductors of sebum along the entire length of the hair, in addition, such combs quickly get dirty (and yes, not all of us wash our combs, let it be necessary). Owners of oily scalp should turn their attention to hard plastic combs with widely spaced teeth, and even better on the combs.

Don't touch hair

Girlish habits to correct hair, flirting with a guy, whipping hair at the roots or twirling curls on your fingers can play a cruel joke. With your own hands (even if you just washed them), you are messing up your hair, speeding up the appearance of the effect of staleness. So be patient and get rid of these bad habits.

Avoid excessive moisture

No, even oily hair needs nourishment and hydration, otherwise they will lose beauty, shine and elasticity. Just do not overdo it. Look for conditioners, masks, and balsams marked “For oily scalp” and you can’t go wrong.They only need your hair ingredients that do not provoke an active production of sebum, but well take care of curls. It is also recommended to use natural oils and fluids, but use them only on the tips of the strands.

Follow the diet

Fatty, salty, fried, sweet dishes are the enemies of not only figures and skin, but also hair. Trichologists seriously recommend to minimize the use of these products. Do not believe what will work? Experiment at least two weeks. So you will lose a couple of extra pounds, relieve the body, and improve the condition of the skin, well, you will notice pleasant changes with your hair.

Take a look at herbal decoctions

Nettle, rosemary, lemon balm, mint, green tea, lemon, oak bark - all these plants are suitable for rinsing. They contain antiseptic and tannins that kill bacteria and have a refreshing effect. As a result, the sebum is released much less, the hair stays clean and fresh longer.

Forget about the hair dryer

Sebum has a thick texture, so when heated, it melts and spreads through the hair. Even normal hair, if you dry it with a hair dryer, get dirty faster, what to speak about greasy? For the same reason, you can not wash your hair with hot water - only at room temperature. If you still need to quickly dry your hair, use a hair dryer with a cold stream of air and do not bring it close to the scalp. Also use styling tools for volume - they will help disguise the fat content.

Refer to the trichologist

Perhaps the problem of oily scalp lies somewhere inside the body. Only the trichologist will help to identify this problem, prescribe the correct care products, and will also recommend the best cosmetic procedures in your case. Mesotherapy using special cocktails, cryotherapy, darsonvalization, ozone therapy, plasma therapy - these procedures help in the treatment of oily scalp, and also have a positive effect on the beauty of the hair.

Oily hair: a special approach

1. "Right" shampoo. It is very important to choose a shampoo that will be suitable for your hair. Try shampoo for oily hair. But it may very well be what suits you and shampoo for normal hair. The fact is that under the cap the hair roots are salted quite quickly. But the tips that are knocked out from under the cap, on the contrary, become dry from the cold. And here it is very important to maintain a balance between degreasing and moistening. Too aggressive “degreasing” shampoo can dry out skin and hair, resulting in even more oily scalp. Give preference to soft, quality products designed for daily use. For oily hair are good shampoos with extracts of medicinal plants: horsetail, nettle, calamus, coltsfoot.

2. Regular care. For oily hair, it is important to wash your hair regularly. You can often hear the opinion that frequent washing is undesirable, that it will only increase the oily skin and hair. In fact, you need to develop your own schedule and wash your hair as needed. Frequent washing of the head for the future mother is much less harmful than a bad mood from the contemplation of her not too pretty hairstyle. In addition, the secreted sebum is an excellent breeding ground for the reproduction of bacteria. And from this point of view, it is also better to wash the head more often than less often.

Another important point is the temperature of the water. Do not wash your head with too hot water, no matter how you would like to bask in the shower. Hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands located in the skin, and they begin to work with even greater intensity. Use warm water, and at the end rinse your head cool. In addition, thoroughly rinse the hair, removing shampoo residues.

3. Balms? Very careful! If the scalp is prone to oily fat, use balms and conditioners with caution, and only those that are recommended for oily hair. Oily hair has enough of its own lubrication, so that additional lubrication is not necessary. If you still use a balm, apply it only on the tips, avoiding the hair roots. And, of course, carefully wash off the products applied to the hair. After all, their remnants - this is an additional pollution and weighting of hair.

4. Dry your hair properly. It turns out that this is also important! If you are prone to high fat content, do not rub your hair too intensely. Such a “massage” additionally stimulates the sebaceous glands to release even more fat. Wipe the hair with a gentle blotting motion using a soft towel.

5. Gels - no! Try not to use gels for hair styling. They make hair heavier, make it look fatter. And we have enough of this “joy” without a gel. It is better to use a light styling mousse: whip a small amount of foam in your palms and apply on hair, slightly lifting them.

6. Hair dryer? Better without it. Blow-drying is best avoided if possible. If you still need to make a styling, dry your hair partially in the air, and let it dry already using a hair dryer. Try to use cool rather than hot airflow during drying and do not direct a hot stream of air at the hair roots.

7. Secrets of combing. Oily hair should not be combed too often. Since they begin to get greasy from the roots, brushing the hair, we distribute the sebum from the root of the hair along the entire length. As a result, the hair is much faster polluted. For the same reason, the habit of constantly touching your hair with your hands, scratching your head, and holding your fingers along the skin is harmful.

8. Eat right. The work of the sebaceous glands is influenced not only by external influences, but also by the way we eat. Future mother is especially important to monitor their diet. It will positively affect the condition of the hair. The work of the skin glands is negatively affected by fatty, fried, sweet and overly spicy foods. Flour products in the diet, too, should be limited. But eat fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts. Also useful are dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dates. After consulting a doctor, you can supplement the diet with a balanced vitamin-mineral complex.

9. The importance of water. It is important to monitor not only a healthy diet, but also a drinking regimen. If there are no contraindications, drink more water. Not juices or compotes, but clean drinking water. Water not only cleanses the body and removes toxins from it, but also makes the scalp and hair healthy.

10. Oil masks. For oily hair care, paradoxically, oil masks are good. For such masks suitable base oils: grape seed, coconut, almond, sesame. You can use essential oils, but be careful with them: some are contraindicated in pregnancy. Of the permitted - oil of lemon, lemon balm, cedar, pine, cypress. Oil of eucalyptus, mint and sage is better to exclude. For masks, mix a couple of drops of essential oil with any base oil. You can use the base oil in its pure form. Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath and rub warm oil into the scalp. Put a cellophane bag on your hair and leave the mask for 40–60 minutes. After that, thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo. It is recommended to carry out such procedures once a week.

11. Henna. This is not only a coloring matter. It is also one of the best natural hair strengthening products. Henna dries hair and scalp. Therefore, it suits us perfectly. Mix colorless henna (it does not color the hair, but only treats) with a glass of natural yogurt. Apply to hair before washing and leave for 15-30 minutes. This mask is useful to do twice a week.

12. Magic aloe. The aloe vera medicinal plant, which is often grown on window sills, is an excellent remedy for oily hair. If you do not have such a plant at home, you can buy aloe juice at a pharmacy. Take 150 ml of shampoo suitable for you, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of aloe juice (freshly squeezed or from a pharmacy). You can wash your hair with this useful shampoo daily. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

13. Herbal rinse. After washing the head it is useful to rinse the hair with decoction of herbs. For oily hair suitable rosemary, linden color, oak bark, nettle. You can brew herbs individually or make a mixture of several. To prepare the broth, two tablespoons of dry grass, pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 20 minutes. Rinse your head with a cooled and filtered solution after washing. This is the best natural hair conditioner!

14. Beer rinsing. Not only beer, but also other alcohol-containing drinks dry the scalp and make hair shine. But beer also contains in its composition a lot of nutrients, especially B vitamins. You can rinse your head with beer every time after washing. Our grandmothers used this method of combating greasy hair. Mix half a glass of beer with two glasses of warm water and rinse your hair after washing. Rinse the hair with water after this is not necessary.

15. Medicinal vinegar. Another tool to combat the fat content of the scalp, too, came to us from grandmothers. (There are some tools that have been in use for many, many years, but they are “working” no worse than modern supernovae developments in the cosmetic industry.) It's about ordinary vinegar. It is able to dry and heal the scalp. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with a glass of water. Rinse the mixture with wet hair after washing, and then rinse with warm water. Natural apple cider vinegar is equally good for hair. Mix it with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and massage your scalp with this mixture. Leave the vinegar on your hair for 5–10 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water. Such procedures can be done in courses of 7–10 days.

16. A wonderful lemon. By its drying effect, lemon juice is similar to vinegar. It only smells much nicer and refreshes much better. Therefore, we will test the miraculous power of lemon on our hair. You can use it in different ways. For example, so. Squeeze the juice of two lemons, mix it with two glasses of distilled water and store the mixture in the refrigerator. After you have washed your hair and dabbed it well with a towel, rub the liquid into your scalp. Wash off after 5 minutes. You can do otherwise. Cut the lemon in half and wipe the scalp with half of it before washing. After 10-15 minutes, wash your hair in the usual way. Doing such procedures is useful once a week.

17. Tea-assistant. In tea brew contains tannins with astringent properties and dry oily skin. For the procedure, you will need black leaf tea. Brew a tablespoon of tea with a glass of boiling water, let the tea brew properly, cool, and apply to the scalp before washing. After 10-15 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo. For greater benefit, oak bark can be added to tea brewing.

18. Egg mask. Egg yolk contains cholesterol, which, it turns out, helps reduce sebum formation. Therefore, egg masks are very useful for oily hair. Mix one egg yolk thoroughly with a teaspoon of vodka and a teaspoon of water. Rub the mixture into the scalp, wrap the head with a towel and hold for 10–15 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo. You can do this procedure 2-3 times a week.

19. Mask of oatmeal. In ordinary oatmeal contains a lot of nutrients: trace elements, vitamins, antioxidants. In addition, oatmeal perfectly absorbs fat and soothes irritated scalp. How to make a useful healing mask from it? Very simple. For fine oatmeal pour a little warm milk, letting them swell.

In the "porridge" you can add a few drops of vegetable oil and vitamins A and E in the form of oil solutions (sold in a pharmacy). Apply the mask on your head, cover with foil and towel and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse hair with shampoo.

20. Baking soda. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the benefits of baking soda for alkalizing the body. It turns out that it can help in the fight against high fat hair. But you need to use soda carefully - it is a rather aggressive substance. Two to three teaspoons of soda dissolved in a liter of warm water and rinse the hair and scalp. After 20 minutes, wash your hair. It is possible to use such rinsings 2–3 times a week.

21. Mask with starch. Potato starch has long been known as a drying agent. We will use these properties of it. To prepare the mask, dilute 2 tablespoons of starch with warm water, add 1 teaspoon of honey (if you are not allergic to honey). Apply the mixture on the scalp, and then spread it over the entire length of the hair. Hold for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. After such a mask, the hair will not only look drier and healthier. Starch gives hair extra volume and makes it more docile.

22. Baby powder. It so happens that our hair does not look too neat due to the high fat content and we need to urgently put them in order, and we have no time to fully wash our hair. We use a simple, safe and effective way. Apply a little baby powder to the hair roots, leave for a couple of minutes, and then carefully brush the hair, removing the remaining powder. Powder quickly absorbs excess fat, giving the hair extra pomp and volume. Instead of powder, you can also use flour or potato starch. Now there are special dry shampoos that act on the same principle.


Watch the video: 9 Tips to Keep Hair Clean and Voluminous Longer (July 2024).