
How does lice infect, and - what danger do they carry?


It seems to many that lice are an echo of the past. The development of modern society does not accept the existence of pediculosis as a disease. This is an erroneous judgment. Parasites as dozens, hundreds of years ago lead a habitual way of life. Infectious lice is just as easy. Sometimes a simple touch is enough. We will understand where lice come from, when there is a threat, is it possible to protect yourself from lice infestation?

Infection mechanism

Lice are insects adapted to live solely in people's hair. Over the years of evolution, the parasite has adapted to living on a circular section of the hair.

There are 3 types of parasites:

Each occupies a specific habitat:

  1. Head - parasites exclusively in the scalp, adapted to softer hair.
  2. Pubic - prefer a different, more rigid hair structure. Insects of this species live in the genital area, under the arms, on the eyebrows and eyelashes.
  3. Payments - settle inside the folds of clothing. Parasitic on the body, not far from the places of dislocation.

Given the characteristics of the species, the mechanisms of infection differ. The head animals are easy to get in close contact with the patient. This may be a random touch of hair in a public place (transport, public event with a large gathering of people).

For the transfer of the pubic species, closer contact with the carrier of the parasites is required. Any type of crawling on linen, things with a fabric texture. Contact with someone else's clothes, using a soft sofa in a public place can also become sources of distribution.

An important point! Do lice jump or crawl? This is important for understanding the mode of transmission. Lice are moved exclusively crawling. Highly bounce, overcoming long distances, they do not know how. The ability to fly lice is not peculiar.

Parasites start up exclusively due to the close contact of people in the process of life. An exception is the transfer in a standing pond, where the parasites may be when bathing a patient with lice. In a still wet environment, insects can survive up to 2 days without food.

Causes of Pediculosis

The main cause of pediculosis is recognized close contact of people. For infection, a slight touch is enough, which do not attach importance. Ways of insects are different.

Initially, there are no lice on the head. Contrary to popular belief that insects live inside the body, they appear outside under a favorable set of circumstances.

To prevent infection, it is advisable not to allow close contact. Especially when it comes to strangers. In transport, public places, at public events it is necessary to keep distance with strangers.

When attending mass events, it is recommended to use clothes with a smooth structure. Hair do not wear loose. A carefully assembled bundle reduces the risk of infection many times over.

Lice have a sensitive sense of smell, they react to odors. The aroma of an unwashed body, intense perspiration attract the attention of an insect. The risk of infection increases.

Neglecting the rules of hygiene increases the risk of lice infection. Lice are more likely to react to the musky smell. Clean people quickly pay attention to the appearance of the first symptoms, which are often disguised as manifestations of other diseases.

Living in a cramped room, the frequent presence in the place of dislocation of outsiders provoke infection, the spread of head lice. A similar situation is characteristic of dysfunctional families, persons in places of detention, barracks, refugee camps.It is there to pick up insects is the easiest. You can not think of where headache comes from. An active carrier of parasites is sure to be found.

Among the causes of pediculosis are not only contact (directly between people). The source of infection can serve as objects. Thanks to which it is easy to catch lice. The most common are: combs, clothing, hats, jewelry, household items (towels, bedding). Whether head lice can appear on nerves can be found on our website.

Attention! Early detection of the disease, timely measures taken to help prevent the problem from worsening.

Risk groups

Lice are omnipresent. Get started at any. No one is immune from collisions with insects. People who are in adverse conditions and successful people can become infected. Facing pediculosis, not everyone.

There is a certain risk zone when parasites are actively moving from one to another. Most often, people encounter insects:

  • under unfavorable living conditions (homeless, antisocial persons),
  • overly active lifestyle (volunteers, public figures),
  • confronted by type of activity with disadvantaged citizens (medical staff, employees of receivers, night shelters),
  • in an unnaturally close habitat (places of detention, barracks, temporary accommodation facilities),
  • with a predisposition to promiscuity.

Children are at particular risk. They have parasites appear most often. It is their tendency to close contacts during the games, lack of vigilance, neglect of the rules of hygiene, spontaneity produce favorable conditions for instant infection.

It happens that despite the effective treatment of lice appear again and again. Often the spontaneous spread of pediculosis occurs in school, kindergarten, summer camp.

Danger of pediculosis

The appearance of lice is in no way connected with the course of other diseases in the body. Pediculosis can be infected by any person - an adult or a child. Gender, age, state of health do not have any influence on the appearance, activity of parasites. All insect carriers are contagious, able to spread the parasites further.

Some diseases or lifestyles do not significantly affect the attractiveness of an individual for insects. Increased temperature, increased perspiration, body excretion of a more pronounced odor can interest the parasite. The probability that the louse will want to crawl, with a favorable set of circumstances increases.

Louse itself can be a source of infection with some diseases. Biting an unhealthy "host", the parasite gets dangerous infections along with the blood. Getting to the new carrier, the insect transmits pathogens through wounds in the places of bites. Thus it can be transmitted:

These diseases are not common. To guard against infection, it is necessary to observe increased vigilance when in places of outbreaks. It must be remembered that lice are carriers. The carrier of a single individual ceases only with its death.

Important! In addition to the infectious danger, lice carry the banal threat of allergic reactions of the body. The parasite's saliva contains a toxin that causes itching in an ordinary person. Especially sensitive individuals can respond to an unusual substance with a strong allergic reaction.

For a wide mass of people, lice pose a risk of provoking various skin lesions. This is the usual redness, swelling of the skin, scratching caused by unbearable itching. In some cases, the appearance of vesicles, papules.

Anyone who encounters parasites for the first time, the fact of infection is fraught with nervous disorders. Especially if pediculosis occurs among representatives of the affluent segments of society.

Disease prevention

Preventing infection is the best measure for preventing head lice. It is necessary to know why lice appear, how to prevent their appearance. From awareness, vigilance largely depends on the result.

For the timely diagnosis of pediculosis, it is necessary to pay attention to unusual symptoms. Alert should:

  • itch
  • skin redness
  • sudden dandruff (nits).

A close self-examination, seeking medical help will help to solve the problem more quickly (if it exists). The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of preventing the development of complications.

The main preventive measure for pediculosis will be to limit any close contact with strangers. People with a sloppy appearance multiply the danger. The need to stay in close mass of people is also fraught with the threat of infection.

Failure to use other people's things will increase confidence in the absence of infection. The presence of children in the family is a reason to make it a rule to conduct regular preventive examinations. In case of characteristic symptoms, it is necessary to do this.

Any suspicious situation - a reason to carry out prevention, consult a doctor. Especially when it comes to contact with patients with head lice.

To prevent infection, it is necessary to abandon the use of other people's things. Be careful of objects in common areas - sanatoriums, hospitals, camps, swimming pools, public baths.

It is advisable to refuse to visit those places that do not inspire confidence in the proper level of hygiene. This will turn out to provide an invaluable service. This applies to hairdressers with unscrupulous employees who violate the regulations for the processing of working tools. The danger lies in low-level hotels, where bed linen is not changed, sanitation.

To prevent infection, the development of the disease is required to comply with:

  • caution,
  • personal hygiene rules
  • preventive measures.

Knowing what inflicts lice is important to everyone. No one is immune from the disease of pediculosis. We must try to prevent the invasion of parasites. Otherwise, the measures taken in time to prevent the occurrence of complications.

Popular methods of dealing with lice and nits:

Useful videos

Lice. Causes and treatment.

What causes head lice?

What do lice and nits look like on the head: photo

These are very small parasites. The basis of the food is the blood of the creature on which they are parasitic; it can be both human and animal. Lice multiply rapidly. Individuals move from person to another person. At the moment there are about 100 all kinds of species that differ in both their appearance and danger to people.

Danger of pathology

Symptoms of pediculosis usually occur several days after infection. One of the first signs is severe itching in the bite area of ​​lice. Also on the head, neck and other places small, barely noticeable spots may form. Usually they are very itchy, they begin to comb, which can lead to infection in them.

There is a severe form of pediculosis, which occurs if a person is already infected for a long time. The severe form of this disease has a number of extremely negative and dangerous symptoms and consequences. Among them are the increase in the size of the lymph nodes behind the ears, rotting of the scalp, bacterial infections.

Besides lice - carriers of a number of dangerous and unpleasant diseases, such as Volyn fever, typhus and some others.

Despite the fact that in our time, the problem is still not as acute as before, however, epidemics can arise in many kindergartens and even schools and universities.

Where do lice come from a person initially?

From the very childhood of each of us, parents have been taught to wash their hands, this is absolutely correct, as a person every day comes into contact with surfaces that may be infected with various and unpleasant infections. But, simple hand washing, even regular, cannot protect against lice.

Most often, lice occur because they are transmitted to him from another person, and sometimes from animals. Parasites live in places with thick hair. Favorite place - the head, in more rare cases, lice can live in the eyebrows, eyelashes, beard and other areas of the body with dense vegetation.

It should be remembered that lice carry great harm they are able to lay eggs in their places of residence, called nits. They drink human blood, due to which they live.

Ways of infection

You can often hear the question: do lice appear on nerves? Sometimes it is believed that pediculosis develops for this reason. This is erroneous, as it is difficult to imagine the mechanism of the formation of parasites on the nervous system.. The disease is caused by the appearance of lice that move only from the outside, that is, the problem can in no way be related to the nerves.

How are lice and nits transmitted?

Not one of the known species does not have the ability to jump and does not differ in the ability to fly, so they only crawl. Where are lice transmitted:

  • In the hairdresser,
  • In public transport,
  • On the street,
  • In the clinic,
  • Kindergartens and schools.

You can also get infected if you use the comb that the sick person used. That is why, if in the family or team someone has pediculosis, then he bears a certain danger, for all who communicate with him and touch each other. It is very important to cure the patient of this disease as soon as possible.

The myth of the subcutaneous parasites

People who think that lice are caused by nerves, there is an assumption that they are sitting in the head under the skin, and in the event that the wearer gets nervous, they get out of it and cause a lot of trouble. This opinion, as you can guess, is at the level that the sky is blue because our planet is in the eye of a giant. No subcutaneous lice exist.

Therefore, do not deceive yourself, the mechanism of the occurrence of lice and the reasons for its appearance are quite obvious, the parasites are transmitted from people or animals.

What to do if a child has lice, how to quickly get rid of the problem?

Methods for treating the fungus between the fingers are described on the next page.

What is the development cycle for head lice?

The incubation period is quite rapid. How long do parasites live? The insect does not live long, about 30−35 days, but it multiplies rapidly. The period of maturation of nits is about 5−8 days at a temperature of around 30 degrees Celsius. In the event that the temperature will be either more than +60 degrees, or less - 20 degrees Celsius, the eggs stop developing and die.

The larva (nymph) itself needs only 8 days to turn into an adult.
It is because of such rapid reproduction from pediculosis is difficult to get rid of.

We hope that this article was able to help you more to understand the nature of parasites and the reasons for their occurrence, and also suggested how not to get infected, and in case of infection, how to properly deal in order to get rid of them as soon as possible.

About the reasons for the spread of lice on video:

General information about pediculosis

A louse is a wingless and small insect that parasitizes a person’s epidermis, mainly on its hairy part. There are several types of pathogens that live on different surfaces of the body:

  • Head - affect only the scalp, as well move only along the soft and thin hairs. The habitat of these parasites is the occipital, temporal and parotid zone.The reason for this localization of insects is the insufficient density of the skin of these areas, due to which it is easier for lice to get to the main source of nutrition - human blood.
  • Clothes - their habitats are the folds of human clothing. This type of pathogens prefers the skin of the whole body, especially those parts that are covered with soft vellus hair.
  • Pubic - from the name it becomes clear that such insects mainly live in the inguinal zone, as well as in the armpits, eyelashes and eyebrows. They are interested in the skin with tougher and coarser hair.

What are these insects in appearance? The size of the parasites is not more than 2-3 mm in length. The cyclical development of lice depends on the sex of the individual individuals - females live about 30-34 days, and males up to 14-15 days. Pediculosis pathogens have 6 legs, while the front pair is slightly different in structure from the rest, and visually resembles small claws. They are necessary for animals for more convenient movement through the hair of the infected. Due to such features of the structure, the louse moves along the epidermis at a speed of 20-23 cm per minute. The body of the insect is dense, therefore, in order to destroy it mechanically, it is necessary to apply a pressure of 1 kg on it.

Where do nits come from and what is it? As you already understood, parasites multiply very quickly. They lay their eggs at the root part of the hair, firmly securing them with a special adhesive substance. One female during her life (30 days) creates from 250 to 300 eggs - they are called nits. Larvae lice grows within 26-28 days. Therefore, if at least a few mature individuals hit the human body, literally in a month all the patient's skin will be filled with them. Interfere with the reproduction of these insects can only decrease in temperature to 8-10 degrees. In such conditions, the larvae stop their development, although the female continues to lay eggs even at a temperature of 11-12 o C.

Where can lice be picked up?

Where does man lice come from? Pediculosis affects not only representatives of disadvantaged families - the disease poses a threat to any person. Often lice infest as children, but adults are not insured against them. Lice occurs as a result of infection by parasites that are not formed from scratch. They are moving from carriers to healthy patients. At the same time, there are many places where it is easiest to get such a disease:

  • Children's camps, sanatoria and resorts - rest in institutions provides a fairly close contact with strangers who came to rest. Understand where lice appear on the head in such a situation is easy - parasites move from a sick person by direct contact with the carrier. Pathogens can also be transferred to the skin of a healthy patient as a result of the use of foreign household items (combs, hairpins) and bed linen.
  • Beach, bath, sauna and swimming pool - all these places are designed for mass recreation and are associated with a large crowd of people. In this case, infection with head lice can even cause a single hair with a live parasite larva. After using common bedding carriers of such a disease, adult pathogens and nits must remain on it. Lice easily find themselves new owners in the face of people who want to take advantage of this subject.
  • Public transport - there are also many people here, especially at rush hour. When there is a crush in a minibus, train or train, it is simply impossible not to contact anyone. It is enough to drive only one stop with a carrier of pediculosis, so that after 3-4 weeks the person also has parasites.
  • Schools and kindergartens - these institutions provide a massive accumulation of children.And even in such institutions, health workers constantly conduct special examinations to identify pediculosis, infants are infected quite often. Why do lice appear in a child in such a case? Children change toys, hairpins, put their clothes close by - as a result, malicious insects move between these things, and only then they fall on the scalp or clothes.
  • Gyms - after visiting such establishments, people often get head lice. The causative agents of the disease pass from one host to another after mass active games, when using common rugs in class.
  • Beauty salons and hairdressers - if the employees of such an institution do not adhere to the rules of disinfection, visitors may later have parasites on their heads and not only. In such establishments, napkins, overalls and tools must be processed.
  • Queues - often lice becomes a consequence of contact between patients waiting to see a doctor.
  • Public wardrobes - the interaction of clothes of a healthy and pediculosic person also contributes to the development of this ailment.

Attention! Louse does not die after being immersed in water. The insect in this case only loses the ability to move quickly, but does not sink. That is why saunas, pools and showers are also considered their favorite habitat. In such institutions, the risk of infection by pathogens is always very high.

Features of the appearance of pediculosis in childhood

Parents are always interested in the question: “Where do head lice come from in a child?” Medical statistics state that young patients are infected with these parasites almost 6 times more often than adults. Moreover, quite often children are the main source of pathogens in a single family. Kids go to kindergarten or school, from where they bring harmful insects - as a result, pediculosis also occurs in parents. Therefore, in the case of manifestation in the senior family members of such a disease, the child is first checked.

The mechanisms of infestation by parasites in small and adult patients are almost the same. But there are several factors that negatively affect this process. There are the following causes of lice in children:

  • For babies, close contact, touch and play are normal. They do not have such psychological barriers to communication with each other, which exist in adults.
  • Little patients are also more sociable.
  • Lice in children can appear due to non-compliance with hygienic rules. At this age, the child simply does not understand how important this is. Therefore, kids can easily exchange clothes, rubber bands and hairpins, toys and towels.
  • Children do not neglect to communicate with low-income peers, they even show heightened interest in them.

Good to know! Often, little patients are embarrassed and afraid to admit that they have lice - it will lead to ridicule of their peers at school. In such a situation, attention is paid to the child's behavior and the presence of symptomatic signs of head lice.

Where else can these parasites come from?

What makes people get nits and lice? Failure to comply with hygienic standards and poor sanitation cause the spread of pathogens. Pediculosis is not uncommon among people leading an asocial lifestyle, so its symptoms often appear in guest workers, alcoholics, drug addicts.

Where else do lice come from? Enhanced reproduction of parasites and their distribution among people is caused by natural disasters and mass evacuation. In this case, all refugees are placed in a relatively small area or in the same building, where they are constantly in contact with each other. In addition, the lack of basic hygiene can contribute to the development of the disease - the inability to wash or change clothes, to wash.

Considering the question of what makes lice from a person on the head, should be mentioned some interesting facts about them. Many believe that these parasites appear on the skin as a result of the negative impact of stressful situations. There is some truth in this. During psychological overstrain, a person's heart rate increases, and the temperature increases. As mentioned earlier, insects react precisely to heat, and therefore move closer to it. So they find the most favorable conditions for existence.

What do lice come from? It attracts pediculosis pathogens with a strong smell of sweat. Its selection during active sports and with increasing temperature is considered a predisposing factor for infection. But for the appearance of lice and nits this is not enough! Infection with parasites necessarily requires close contact with the carrier of the illness or his personal belongings.

Attention! Infection with head and lice often occurs after visiting stores. Malicious insects move to the patient's body right in the dressing room, when a person first puts on the clothes they like. If before this the subject of the wardrobe is the measure of the pediculosis carrier, the risk of acquiring pathology is quite high. Special care is taken when fitting hats - hats or hats.

Today, you have learned about what are the causative agents of lice and how this disease is transmitted. Lice are blood-sucking parasites that easily pass from the wearer to a healthy person. Preventive measures will help you protect yourself from such a disease, which include the observance of hygiene rules, the use of individual towels and combs only, careful visits to public places and places with large crowds. Patients who follow the guidelines can be sure about their health.

What is the difference

Head lice parasitizes a person’s hair, and nits are often infused. Some believe that nits are a separate type of parasite sucking blood, others say they are one and the same. Such points of view are erroneous. To effectively combat parasites, you need to know the difference between lice and nits.

A louse is a gray-brown bug measuring 0.4–6 mm, with six legs. Nits - coated with a special shell louse egg. The “cocoon” has a spindle shape and a “lid” through which the mature larva emerges from the capsule. Below is a belt that wraps around the egg and hair, which is attached. The length of the nits is 0.7-0.8 mm, the diameter of the capsule is about 0.4 mm.

Fertilization and egg laying

Louse, which is about two weeks old, is capable of giving offspring. After fertilization by the male and the “meal”, the female lays eggs. It happens like this.

  • Ripening eggs. While the louse moves upwards through the hair, the egg moves down through the oviduct in the body of the insect, passing through the glands covering it with a special composition.
  • Exit the egg. Through a secret egg, leaving through the anus, is attached to the hair at a distance of 2-3 cm from the root.
  • Attaching to the hair. After a few minutes, the shell becomes so strong that it is not possible even to remove the nits from the curl.

The development of the larvae

In the cocoon, the larva develops in five to eight days. The ripening time depends on environmental conditions. For nits, the most favorable temperature is 33 ° C. When the indicator drops to 22 ° C or rises to 40 ° C, the development of the insect stops.

At temperatures above 45 ° C, the larva dies; at 0 ° C, two to three months can persist. However, even in winter, the temperature of the scalp of a person rarely drops below 25 ° C, so lice can successfully develop all year round.

Transformation into an adult

A larva emerging from an egg resembles an adult, but is smaller in size and is not capable of producing offspring. Within 14-16 days the insect grows, during this period three molts occur.After the latter, the pest is able to multiply, which it does, almost immediately mating with an individual of the opposite sex.

What is dangerous pediculosis for humans?

If a louse is parasitic on a person's head, you can talk about such a disease as pediculosis. Its danger to humans is associated with five factors.

  1. The risk of contracting dangerous diseases. Pests are carriers of typhoid, trench fever, but in modern conditions this rarely happens.
  2. Chance of infection wounds. Lice leave bites on the skin through which an infection can enter the bloodstream.
  3. Dermatological lesions. Bite marks provoke the appearance of bluish spots, allergic reactions, sometimes - pustular formations and pyoderma.
  4. Discomfort. Finding lice on the head is associated with constant itching and burning.
  5. Difficult social contacts. When communicating with other people, a person with lice in his hair feels awkward. In addition, it is dangerous to others, because the risk of infection is high.

How can you "pick up"

Doctors have figured out where lice are taken from a person, and how they crawl from the “sick” head to the “healthy” one. Identified two ways of infection with head lice.

  1. From person to person. Most often, insects are transmitted in this way. This happens if people share one bed, sit close to each other.
  2. Through personal care and clothing. When sharing towels, hairbrushes, hairpins and rubber bands, pests also travel from head to head. You can become infected if you wear a hat, a jacket with a hood, or other clothing that a person with lice puts on.

"Risk" public places

Lice can be picked up anywhere by close contact with an infected person or using their personal items. This most often occurs in:

  • schools,
  • kindergartens
  • public transport,
  • cinemas.

Pediculosis can be infected even in public bathing places, for example, in the pool. In poor areas of India, contamination often occurs while swimming in a river.

Common Myths

Some lore information about lice is erroneous. Here are the five most common myths.

  1. Lice can jump. Louses do not jump from head to head, they can only crawl. Therefore, talking to a person at a distance of a meter, it is impossible to contract lice.
  2. Sanitation is one of the causes of lice. Insects can not appear from the dirt, uncleanliness only indirectly contributes to the infection with head lice when hygiene rules are not followed. Absolute cleanliness in the apartment and taking a shower twice a day does not guarantee protection from pests.
  3. Head lice can only be picked up from children. Insects are transmitted from an adult.
  4. Pests can be infected by pets. The human louse doesn’t live in the fur of animals, dog or cat lice also cannot settle in the hair of people.
  5. Insects do not parasitize dyed hair. Most paints contain hydrogen peroxide, which is toxic to pests. However, the amount of substance is not enough to destroy or interfere with the viability of lice.

Incubation period

In biology, the incubation period of insects is the time of the development of louse eggs. In medicine, the incubation period for a disease is the period between infection and the onset of symptoms. For an entomologist, the incubation period for lice and nits is five to eight days, for a person who “picks up” parasites three to four weeks.

How to find uninvited "guests" ...

The very first sign of lice on the head is itchy skin. After being bitten by a pest, a wound is formed, into which its saliva falls, causing irritation. When there is little lice, itching is minor, it is rarely associated with the presence of insects. However, the more they become, the more intolerable these feelings.

The appearance of itching does not mean infection with head lice, the diagnosis can only be confirmed by the detection of insects and nits.Adult lice are quite difficult to see: they inhabit the skin and move quickly. Most often the first nits are detected. You can see light capsules with eggs with the naked eye, they are especially noticeable on dark straight hair. Sometimes nits are mistaken for dandruff.

... and distinguish from dandruff

To distinguish dandruff from nits can be on four grounds.

  1. Amount. The amount of dandruff is always about the same, while the number of nits increases day by day.
  2. Appearance. Dandruff flakes can be of various sizes, reaching 5 mm, the size of nits is about the same - no more than 0.8 mm. A closer look through the shell of the nits can see a dark egg, an empty capsule has a yellow or gray tint. Dandruff is always uniformly white.
  3. Sound. If you press on the nits, you can hear a characteristic click.
  4. Quality "coupling". Dandruff can easily be brushed away from curls, while nits are firmly connected to hair.

How to conduct a head inspection

It is difficult to find lice, especially if the hair is blond and curly, or there are not so many pests. The only sure way is to comb through with a special comb with frequent teeth. It is advisable to entrust the examination of the medical staff, but you can perform the procedure at home.

  1. Located in a well-lit area.
  2. Comb the hair with a regular comb, dividing the tangled curls.
  3. Comb one strand with a special comb with frequent teeth.
  4. Immediately after combing, wipe the instrument with a white napkin or cotton pad: lice and nits will be visible on a light background if they are present on the head.
  5. Comb through several strands this way.

Knowing how the lice look on the head, it is easy to find them. The most difficult thing is to get rid of insects, and this must be done immediately, because the fewer parasites, the easier it is to expel them.

Where did head lice from a person initially come from?

Many are interested in the question of where lice come from a person initially, because they can not be formed by themselves. It is widely believed that lice occur in people who prefer to live in unsanitary conditions, and do not accept the rules of personal hygiene.

Where do lice come from a person initially

But such an opinion can be called erroneous. It’s not always possible to know where lice come from initially, as it is impossible to trace the exact movement of insects and to understand where and when a person got infected with lice.

Parasites are very fond of clean skin, so often people who are clean and hygienic are at the risk of infection. Lice prefer clean skin, and not contaminated due to the production of substances by the sebaceous glands, which do not allow to smell the skin.

Head lice

A louse moves quickly and easily in a head of hair, so it doesn’t cost her to cross to another victim when that head is close enough - this is where lice come from the person on the head. But this is not the only way the parasite appears.

Finding yourself in the hair louse may for other reasons.

    Headdress, bandage, scarf or scarf.

This is the second most common path for lice to move to another host. It is enough to borrow, try on a stranger, or vice versa - give your own, and a person infected with bloodsuckers, without knowing it, will generously share insects.

  • Hairbrushes and brushes for hair. It is a likely source of contact from the stitched up adult or nits, which is about to turn into a larva and take root in the new conditions.
  • Curlers, hairpins, gum. These accessories, in contact with the lice-infested hair, are quite capable of becoming a source of a new local parasite population in individual hairs.

    Remember! Avoid using someone else's things and instill this rule in your children.

    Where do head lice come from

    Ward parasites can only live long non-removable apparel.If a single individual crawls on a clean subject, then the maximum that he faces is single bites before the first change of linen. But in conditions when changing clothes is a problem, the louse will not necessarily miss the chance to gain a foothold and give offspring.

    1. In the foreground of maintaining a population of worn bloodsuckers - asocial personality. Under the garment, not remembering the wash, the majority of beggars and vagrants are infested with hordes of parasites.
    2. To know all the "charms" of cohabitation with linen bloodsuckers often have prisoners under investigation and serving a sentence.
    3. However, in the army, when warriors are in the field or in combat conditions, the situation with parasites is just as unfavorable.
    4. At risk of getting clothed in insect clothing are refugees who have suffered from disasters and conflicts, living in tents and deprived of the elementary benefits of civilization and hygiene.
    5. To get a louse is often at risk of visitors to shelters and pupils of boarding schools, especially special ones.
    6. In the conditions of a long and extreme campaign, when there is no possibility to wash the clothes of high quality and regularly change them for a clean one, the facts of close acquaintance with the bites of worn bloodsuckers also occur.

    Without food, if you do not wear a thing infected with parasites, the insect will live a maximum of a couple of weeks. Therefore, the change of underwear is already a guarantee of the cessation of bites.

    Lice on the rest of the body

    Pubic bloodsuckers, parasitic on the hairy parts of the body, except for the head, prefer the area of ​​the genitalia and anus covered with hair, but can bite the body in the zone of overgrown chest, abdomen and even the back.

    • The main way for bloodsuckers to get into intimate places is sexual contact in the presence of hairs for both partners, lice will not take root on a body devoid of vegetation, and a maximum will bite during contact.
    • When detecting the presence of pubic parasites, it will be advisable to be checked for the presence of other sexually transmitted infections.
    • There are cases of introduction into the intimate zone of lice through bedding and underwear, but they are rare and involve direct contact with the carrier of the parasites.

    Remember! Disposal of vegetation through the body will put an end to the bites in the intimate and adjacent areas.

    Contact with an infected person and things

    Being at close range with a carrier of the parasite, the louse can easily crawl onto a new object. The process of infection with pediculosis occurs in public transport, in crowded places. Sometimes even one selfie is enough, in which people are closely pressed together to get lice.

    This is especially acute for adolescents who are passionate about joint shooting. According to Rospotrebnadzor, a sharp increase in lice among adolescents was recorded. Every day, the younger generation sticks to each other to take a picture on a mobile phone, thereby increasing the risk of the spread of lice.

    Sharing haircuts, wearing hats, headscarves with an infected person is one of the most common reasons for lice on your head.

    In the first days of infection, a person still does not feel signs of the presence of foreign bodies, but this does not prevent adults from traveling, using objects in contact with their hair as a means of transport.

    Lending girls' hairbrushes and hairpins is one of the most likely versions from which children have head lice. It is difficult for young fashionable women to refuse their friends and not to borrow their personal belongings to them.

    A visit to a hairdresser is another option for how lice appear. Usually, when detecting pediculosis, the master does not perform any work.

    But there are situations when inattention, negligence of a hairdresser lead to the fact that the procedure was carried out for an infected person, and subsequently with the same healthy tool.

    Pools and places with large concentrations

    It is proved that lice maintain their vitality, being in the water for several days.Therefore, bathing in baths, baths without changing water, in the pool or standing pond without a rubber cap often causes lice.

    After visiting preschool, school institutions, summer, recreation camps in which pediculosis is common, there are lice in a child. Children become infected during games, joint rest, sleep.

    For the same reason, lice appear in an adult. Sanatoriums, prisons, hotels, hostels - the sources of the spread of pediculosis.

    Symptoms of head lice

    If you suspect that lice are bred, look for signs of their habitat. Sometimes it is possible to diagnose pediculosis by the presence of itching in certain places. With a strong infection do not even have to check if there are lice, since the presence of nits becomes noticeable to the naked eye, and with the slightest movement of hair, insects will also be visible.

    People may be subject to parasite bites and not notice it. To protect yourself, you must first find out what are the signs of the appearance of head lice.

    Itching on scalp

    This is the main symptom of infection. The bite site begins to itch not immediately, but 10-15 minutes after a skin louse is punctured by the mouth. The delay is due to the fact that the insect first injects a special substance. It anesthetizes the bite site, in addition, there is a decrease in blood clotting.

    However, this enzyme is just manifested allergic reaction in humans. The result is an itch. With a weak infection, signs of lice are not noticeable, since the bite sites are still rare. For this reason, if the skin at the point of contact begins to itch, an adult and the child take this reaction for normal scratching.

    In addition, in case of weak and moderate infection, lice are localized in areas near the neck and behind the ears.

    As breeding parasites bite throughout the head. As a result, the symptoms of lice become more pronounced, since itching does not go away and the whole head is itching. If such signs appear even at night and immediately after washing the head, the development of lice can be suspected.

    Irritation of the skin, the effects of bites

    Despite the small size of the insects' mouth apparatus, they leave tiny dots of red color upon contact. If there are too many lice, similar symptoms of head lice are more intense, in particular, the bite spots merge into single spots.

    Severe itching causes the victim to comb these areas. As a result, the upper layer of the skin is deformed, which leads to the formation of crusts. Signs of lice on the head are not limited to this, since bluish or gray spots may appear on the skin.

    Types of parasites

    Pediculosis is a disease caused by blood-sucking insects of several varieties:

    The main thing is the difference between these parasites among themselves - their habitats and egg laying. There is also a slight discrepancy in the structure of the body. As for lifestyle, it is the same for all species. They can exist only on a person.

    Therefore, the question of where lice and nits come from a person initially, there can only be one answer - on close contact with an infected person. Insects related to the ward, larger and have a grayish color. Eggs they lay in the seams of clothing, folds of human skin and on the vellus hair.

    From the bites of clothes insects affected skin areas that are in contact with linen. They lead to the formation of rashes in the form of small blisters or nodules, accompanied by severe itching. Hair lice live on the head. These parasites are a small wingless translucent insect that feeds on the blood of people.

    Biting their prey and drinking its blood, they become brown in color. One individual feeds on average 5 times a day and lays up to 10 eggs. Nits are attached to the hair with a viscous secret that hardens in the air, firmly fixing the larva.

    Therefore, they can be removed only using special preparations or mechanically, combing out with the help of a frequent metal comb.

    The process of turning from a larva into an adult louse takes a month. The life expectancy of the parasite is the same on average. Pubic louses and nits live in the genital area, perineum and anus, less commonly found in a beard and mustache.

    They are one of the smallest among the parasites of this group and cling to the skin with the help of special chelate-like formations. Their bites lead to grayish spots or nodules and cause severe itching.


    A person who has not previously experienced the problem of pediculosis, it is very difficult to understand how to recognize lice. Moreover, this parasite can belong to different species. There is some general characteristic that allows you to determine that you were really attacked by lice.

    Lice of different types are blood-sucking insects of predominantly small size with very tenacious and strong legs (in the amount of three pairs). At the ends of these legs there are claws that allow the parasite to hold its body on the hair or skin of a person. Lice larvae are called nits.

    This adhesive substance is characterized not only by high strength, but also by resistance to dissolution in water or chemical components. And if you bring adult lice is not difficult, the fight against nits will take much longer.

    How can one recognize the identity of a human louse to a particular species? We will tell about it below. It is interesting! Eyes in lice are not fully developed, and therefore they have no visual function. In space, these insects are oriented using antennae located at the front (and directed forward).

    Head louse

    Understanding how a human louse looks like is very important for the timely start of treatment. Head louse belongs to the most common species of this category of parasites.

    Dwelling on the hairy areas of the head, lice are characterized by several signs of presence:

      Slightly flattened body, not exceeding 4 mm in length.

    Although compared with the womb and pubic lice the size of the body of this subspecies more.

    The whole process of vital activity of the parasite begins and ends only on the human head (actually, therefore, the corresponding name was given to this species).

  • Due to the relatively large body, adult head lice are clearly visible in the hair upon visual inspection.
  • The color of the head louse body may be brownish, grayish or yellowish. But most often, in the normal state, the body of the insect has a certain transparency, and after saturation with blood it becomes red or brownish.
  • On the lateral parts of the body there are small dark dots, located often and very close to each other.
  • The special structure of the legs does not allow head lice to parasitize anywhere except the hair part of the head.

    Localization of bites is mainly located on the neck and behind the ears, where the skin is too tender and easy to bite.

    For removing lice from the head, doctors recommend the use of pharmaceuticals, namely, masks and ointments.


    We should also consider how the louse looks like. It is much less common and only with a long lack of hygiene.

    The main features of this parasite are as follows:

    • Wingless little body of oblong shape, having darkish projections on the sides.
    • Yellowish-white color of the body.
    • Sensitive antennae replacing the insect's visual function.
    • Localization in the folds, pockets and seams of clothing.
    • Excellent tolerability of short cold.

    They are similar to mosquitoes, and are characterized by the presence of red and severely itchy bumps on the skin. An allergic reaction can develop as a result of lice bites from clothes.

    As you can see, the description of lice is very similar to how the head louse looks. The only difference is that the abdomen of these individuals is spindly and somewhat larger than that of head lice. These parasites are similar to fleas, but you still can’t confuse them, because lice don't know how to jump.

    Pubic louse

    Looking at the photo of pubic lice presented above, you can see that they are slightly smaller and shorter in size than wardrobe and head parasites. Yes, and the configuration of the body is somewhat different.

    This individual is characterized by squat, and the shape of his body resembles a shield. Distinguishing this type of parasite is not difficult if you know exactly what pubic louses look like. They are determined by the following features:

    1. Small body, in its form resembling a shield or crab. It is flattened down, has a diamond shape.
    2. Narrow head and incomparably wide shoulder part.
    3. Three pairs of short and tenacious paws, which are more massive than those of individuals representing the head or clothes type of lice.
    4. Passivity. Unlike the previous types of lice described above, the pubic louse hardly moves from place to place, and therefore it is more difficult to detect its presence.
    5. The color of an individual's body can vary from beige to brownish.
    6. The presence of claws on each leg.
    7. Outgrowths on the sides of the bulging abdomen.
    8. Tendrils directed to the sides (for comparison, they are directed forward in head lice). This is due to the fact that insects of this species do not need to climb the hair, they only move on the skin.

    Nits - so called eggs of any type of lice. Basically they are similar to each other, but there are some differences. In order to quickly detect the presence of parasites, one should know not only what a louse looks like, but also what criteria the nits differ in:

    • Eggs (nits) of body lice are characterized by a length of up to 0.5 mm and an oblong shape. Females of the parasite lay them in the thickness of their clothes, and therefore it is often difficult to detect egg-laying.
    • It should be aware of how the head louse nits look.

    They are very small in size, do not exceed 0.8 mm in length. Characterized by a light shade, and at first (until the larvae mature), it seems that there is dandruff in the hair, or sand is poured in there. With the growth of nits darken, increasing in size. This happens because of the blood saturation of the victim.

    They are characterized by a darkish shade and a pointed shape of the body, similar to a spindle. Parasites catch their eggs on the hairy part of the groin, very close to the skin. Considering photos of lice and nits parasitic on the pubis, many people imagine huge individuals, such crabs, which can be seen quite easily.

    In fact, in many photos, pubic lice are presented in a greatly increased size, therefore, with the slightest suspicion, a more thorough examination should be carried out.

    Remember that the appearance of lice on the body indicates a low level of hygienic procedures or their complete absence.

    Where do parasites live?

    Not everyone knows that pests are infested not only in humans. Their habitat initially depends on the type of insect. It is advisable to know them differ from each other in order to find ways of appearance.

    In total, there are more than 500 species of pest. But only two people parasitize a person - the pubic and the human. In addition, there is also a dress and head. But these are only subspecies of the first represented individuals. Their peculiarity is that they can exist only in humans.

    The bodies of other mammals are not suitable. The exception are some species of monkeys. Pets become carriers of their own species of individuals.

    Therefore, we can infect lice only through another person.The similarity of all types of human parasites is as follows: the entire period of their development from birth and reproduction to death occurs on the body of the host or close to it - in bedding, on clothing.

    They feed on blood, each individual bites several times a day, unlike other blood-sucking.

    How parasites appear on the head

    Contrary to general opinion, scientists say: lice do not know how to jump or fly. But how then do they appear in the hair? Parasites quickly crawl from the head of an infected person to a healthy one. Only one individual can breed a whole family. The main thing is to have direct contact with the new head!

    If you have not found individuals on the head, but you are interested in the question of where the nits came from, then you simply did not notice the adult insect. Are there any nits in your hair yourself? Not. Only the female can attach them to the hair.

    1. An adult may appear from a child during joint games and using one pillow for two.
    2. The most common pests in crowded places in unsanitary conditions. For example, prisons, field camps, lodgings for refugees and similar places.
    3. In public transport you can sit below the standing person. And with it a hair with a nit can fall on your head. An adult will hatch and create its own family.

    Do not wear other people's hats and discard someone else's comb. It may remain an insect or a nit, which will happily settle on the human body.

    Where in the clothes louse

    Even if you often change the bedding and keep it in perfect cleanliness, you are not saved from clothing pests. Where does laundry lice come from in a person's life?

    During the fitting of things in stock institutions and even fashion boutiques, you can get nits. If a person tried on a piece of clothing before you, you will inevitably run into this problem. Especially caution should apply to second-hand.

    Public transport is one of the causes of infection with wound nits.

    In the minibuses we are too close to each other, so the insect can easily move to the clothes of another person. In the trains, we made the bed, trusting her cleanliness, but in fact we often bring small pests from the trip.

    Hotels provide their own linen.

    It must be disinfected and ironed except for washing. But from the level of the institution means a lot. Unscrupulous maids may simply not notice the parasite in the folds of the blanket, the seams between the mattresses. As a result, the parasite finds a new host and goes to his home.

    Beach and pool. On the sea rests a different contingent.

    Be careful in public places. Try not to contact with strangers and asocial personalities.

    Where do pubic lice come from

    According to statistics, men appear pubic parasites more often than women. This is explained by the fact that they have much more body hair. Parasites quietly move along the genital hairs, thoracic, buttocks. Gradually, they can even take on the eyebrows, mustache and beard.

    Where do insects come from?

    1. After trying on the clothes of another person, the insect may remain on your body.
    2. If you spent the night on the bed of an infected person, you can become the new owner of small pests.
    3. In contact with people in public transport.
    4. Sexual contact with a sick person leads to the appearance of pests in the healthy.
    5. While using another person's personal care items.

    Note: pubic parasites do not survive in the aquatic environment. Therefore, infection in the bath, the pool is unlikely. Do not use gasoline, dust, dichlorvos to fight lice. They cause chemical burns on the body.


    Until now, the main way to diagnose head lice remains a regular inspection. Confirms the diagnosis of the presence of live individuals.If the child has only nits, this is not a sign of the disease and cannot serve as a criterion for excluding him from the team.

    However, most often when a nits are found, the kindergarten medical officer who conducts the examination removes such a child from visiting the preschool institution and sends it to the dermatologist.

    At the medical reception, an additional examination can be carried out with the help of the Wood lamp, in the rays of which the living insects give a white glow, and the shell of the nits is gray.

    With the development of pubic lice on the eyelashes and eyebrows, they can be seen with a slit lamp. Allows you to accurately verify the presence of live insects or their eggs study of the hair and the lice themselves under a magnifying glass or even a microscope. Modern methods of diagnostics (video dermatoscopy) make it possible to take photo and video images of lice under magnification, which confirms the diagnosis.

    The fight against pediculosis includes the following areas:

    • removal of insects by mechanical means, i.e. combing,
    • the use of special preparations for the destruction of lice,
    • examination of persons in contact with patients and, if necessary, their treatment,
    • Disinsection - removal of insects from household items, from clothes and so on.

    You need to know that the treatment of the head with chemicals is contraindicated in pregnant women, young children (with some exceptions), as well as in patients with skin diseases.

    In such patients, mechanical removal of nits and lice is used - combing with the help of a frequent metal comb, cutting or shaving the hair.

    Nits are tightly glued to the hair, so to facilitate their combing you first need to wash your hair using any hair conditioner. It will give the hair smoothness, and the eggs will separate more easily.

    Non-pharmacological treatment of head lice

    Treatment of pediculosis at home with the inaccessibility of pharmaceutical means is to use the old method - a mixture of soap and kerosene. 10 grams of laundry soap is rubbed on a grater and well dissolved in half a glass of water, and an incomplete tablespoon of kerosene is added to it.

    This emulsion is applied to the hair with a cotton swab very carefully, protecting the eyes. The head is tightly tied with a plastic kerchief and kept for 30 minutes. Then the hair is well washed with shampoo and rinsed with vinegar, diluted with water 1: 1 and heated.

    It must be understood that kerosene is very poisonous. Today, if there are many medicines available at a price, the use of “popular” recipes for pediculosis should be excluded. Another safer “folk” remedy is tar soap.

    After thorough soaping, the hair should be covered with oilcloth and allowed to stand for 30 minutes, then rinsed with water and vinegar. It is necessary to dry clean or handle hats well.

    Hairbrushes, barrettes need to be kept in an insecticide solution. Wash sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, towels, furniture covers, vacuum carpets, car seats, and mattresses.

    How to get rid of lice caused by lice

    The body and head are washed and completely covered with antipediculosis preparations. Clothes and bedding are placed in a drying cabinet for 30 minutes at a temperature of 65 ° C or in a disinfection chamber, where the effects of high temperature and chemicals are combined (steam-formalin chamber).

    If the treatment of the patient in the detection of pediculosis is carried out at home, then the laundry is soaked for 30 minutes, completely immersed in water, and then boiled for 20 minutes with the addition of soda ash.

    Outer clothing that cannot be boiled is ironed with a hot iron, paying particular attention to folds and seams.

    If for some reason the processing of hats and clothing is not carried out, they must be wrapped in polyethylene and put away in an inaccessible place for 2 weeks, preferably in the cold. You can dry things in the sun during the same time.During this time, lice die.

    Preparations for the treatment of pediculosis

    It is best to use funds purchased at a pharmacy to kill lice. Most modern preparations contain the following substances:

    Permethrin is a part of Nittifor solution, Knicks cream, emulsion and gel Medifox, Para-plus aerosol (combined means), Veda and Veda-2 shampoos, NOC shampoo, Hygia solution. Pyrethrin is a component of the Spray-Pax combined aerosol.

    Phenotrin is available in the form of liquid soap Anti-bits, Itax and Parasidoz liquids, Bin and Phenolone lotions, Sumitrin shampoo, Malathion - emulsions and Pedilin gel, Para-plus combined aerosol.

    The products with essential oils are produced: Pediculen-ultra aerosol and Lavinal spray. Some preparations contain clearol oil - Paranit (shampoo, lotion, aerosol), Nuda aerosol.

    Effective medicine that has a detrimental effect on nits, larvae and adult lice. After application to the skin, it is very slowly absorbed into its surface, where it is metabolized to harmless components. Therefore, the Knicks has virtually no side effects.

    Scalp treatment for pediculosis using Knicks cream:

    1. shampoo your hair and dry it with a towel
    2. shake the bottle and apply a rich amount of cream on the scalp and hair along their entire length, especially carefully treating the skin behind the ears and on the back of the head,
    3. leave for 10 minutes
    4. rinse the hair thoroughly and dry it with a towel
    5. comb wet hair with the included comb,
    6. If necessary, repeat the treatment after a week.

    Knicks cream can be used in adults and children from the age of 6 months. It does not harm patients with concomitant disorders of the liver and kidneys. If prescribed by a doctor, you can use this medicine in pregnant women, during breastfeeding and in children younger than 6 months, but this should be done only if absolutely necessary.

    The undesirable effects of the drug include a temporary violation of the sensitivity of the skin and its irritation, manifested by swelling, burning, redness, skin rash.

    Allergic reactions are possible. The tool can not be used in case of intolerance, as well as dermatitis of the scalp. After the first use, a cure occurs in more than 90% of patients.

    Combined aerosol containing malathion, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide. It is sprayed on the scalp and hair, incubated for 10 minutes and washed off with shampoo, then comb the hair with a comb. The drug is well tolerated, only occasionally causing a slight tingling of the scalp.

    However, it is contraindicated in patients with asthma and children up to 2.5 years. During pregnancy, it can be used with great care, as prescribed by a dermatologist. Cheaper water is cheaper, but almost the same effective remedy for pediculosis.

    Then the hair is washed and combed out lice. The treatment is repeated after a day, if necessary - after a week. The use of funds is prohibited during breastfeeding. With pregnancy, it can be used with caution.

    Ways to transmit lice

    There are many ways to transmit lice. The main and leading in the spread of pediculosis is close physical contact of the infected and the infected. Lice on the head appear, for example, when kissing, intercourse, playing together, fighting, other cases of touching the head of one person with the head of another.

    It is important to remember about the different types of lice and forms of each type. Pubic and body lice appear for reasons somewhat different from those for head lice.

    Lice in children often appear with joint games, constant fights and just with direct communication. Practice shows that parasites in children's groups spread with lightning speed.

    It is important to understand that the reasons for the appearance of lice in children are not always in the violation of some hygienic rules: the parasites are equally easy to infect both children with a clean head and those who have not washed for a long time.

    Lice sometimes infest and through some other modes of transmission. For example, the causes of head lice may be:

    • transferring adult insects, nymphs and nits through shared combs, towels and pillows.
    • Bathing in the baths or baths without changing the water between bathing. Lice easily tolerate exposure to water and can do without oxygen for quite a long time, so quite a lot of parasites can swim in the bathroom after a lousy person.
    • Sharing caps, especially - fur. In them, lice can not distinguish between a person's hair and fur on a hat and remain on the very headgear after wearing.

    The video below explains in detail how lice appear in a person and what this may lead to:

    Linen lice infest almost exclusively after passing through clothing. Cases of their transmission through bodily contact take place as an exception. Also rarely does the spread of lice occur through hygiene and household items. Linen louse is considered the main companion of humanitarian disasters and wars: most often, these lice infest in refugee camps, among wanderers and soldiers.

    Sometimes people find that they have lice almost immediately after intercourse. But it is more characteristic of the pubic lice: on the human body, they live mainly on the pubis and in the armpits. Not surprisingly, pubic pediculosis is sometimes referred to as venereal diseases.

    Repeatedly, there were cases when pubic lice appeared after co-swimming in natural waters. The most numerous such precedents are in the overpopulated areas of India, Cambodia and Laos. Of all the lice, it is the pubic that spreads most actively through the water. At the same time, the main danger is the fact that after such a transmission, lice often appear in children, and sometimes in places uncharacteristic for them: on the eyebrows, eyelashes and head.

    Pediculosis Hygia Shampoo

    Contains permethrin - one of the most effective means of combating these parasites. It is applied to wet hair, aged for 20 minutes, then washed off with water. Hair combed with a comb. The tool is well tolerated, but it can be used in children from 5 years.

    Speaking generally about the effectiveness of anti-pediculosis drugs, it should be noted that it largely depends on the correctness of the treatment. In some cases, the tool does not help, then the treatment is repeated.

    The same drug should not be used more than 3 times, it is better to replace it with another medicine, for example, with a different active ingredient. After treatment for lice and medical examination, the child is allowed to join the team after 2 days.

    Children as the main risk group

    Children are characterized by increased lice infection. There are several reasons for this:

    • lack of inculcated hygiene skills - children often have head lice after sharing the same clothes, bed, toys.
    • Tendency to closer contacts - hugs, fights, games with constant contact of heads are absolutely normal for children. In such conditions, lice in children infest quickly and spread even when they are not particularly noticeable at the main source of parasites.
    • Greater inclination and frequency of contacts with peers - in general, the circle of communication among children is wider than among adults, and the likelihood that among familiar children there will be a “gnidonosets” as a whole is higher. That is why lice appear in children in many cases, regardless of the social status of the parents.

    In addition, the reason why lice in children appear more often than in adults is the lower selectivity of children in the choice of friends.Children are equally easy to get in touch with well-groomed peers, and with those who live in poor sanitary conditions and are even vagrants.

    The reason for the appearance of lice in young children may be quite banal - the child may be infected by the sick mother. He will definitely not be able to avoid this contact, and it all depends on how the mother herself approaches the issue of ensuring her safety.

    Optimal conditions for the spread of lice

    Important reasons for the appearance of lice in a large number of people include the corresponding social and sanitary conditions in which people live. This explains the fact that today lice are especially common in developing countries.

    The following factors and causes of the appearance of lice in humans are particularly conducive to the spread of parasites and the diseases they cause:

    • low cultural level of society as a whole, lack of established rules of strict individual hygiene
    • promiscuity, from which pubic lice are usually infused
    • well-established and well-formed groups and groups of people. In connection with reduced contact barriers in such groups and, as a result, taken as the norm by kisses, hugs, other body contacts, lice here are especially numerous and spread with very high speed.
    • Circumstances conducive to the unification of a large number of people - in prisons, field camps, refugee camps, and louse reservations appear in the order of things - it is extremely difficult to avoid contact with infected or his household items.

    In general, in the world, head lice appear more often in people in the winter, when the population spends most of the time on the premises in close contact with each other. In countries with a high standard of living, there are other peaks in the number of infections with head lice: from the beginning of autumn, when children infected in summer come to schools, in early spring, when children begin to visit the streets more and communicate with extrasocial elements.

    Treatment of folk remedies

    First of all, inspect the child yourself, dividing all the hairs into partings and, if the parasites are present, you will notice them quite easily - the adult individual often reaches a length of about four millimeters.

    At the early stage of pediculosis, treatment with folk remedies is quite acceptable, in particular, this applies to sensitive, children's scalp.

    How lice don't exactly appear

    Along with science-proven methods of lice infestation, there are various folk myths and stereotypes that try to explain what causes lice on the head. Among them:

    • "Lice come from the nerves" - a very famous myth that even today they like to explain any case of lice infection.
    • "Lice sleep in the scalp and crawl out with weakened immunity or strong stress" - no less stupid. Lice are not able to live under the skin, and by and large, they do not care who to bite - a person with a weakened immune system or completely healthy.
    • "Lice can jump from dogs and cats" - a human louse is not able to live on animals, and lashes, striking cats and dogs can not eat on humans. Therefore, such a cause of lice in a person is also incorrect.

    In any case, whatever the cause of the appearance of the head lice and from what the head lice appear on the clothes and bed, you need to know a few simple rules of prevention, which will provide reliable protection against these parasites.

    Protection against lice: how to avoid the appearance of parasites

    Tips for preventing lice infestation are pretty simple, but not everyone can follow it:

    • it is necessary to avoid close contacts with unfamiliar people, especially those whose social status raises certain doubts.
    • The absence of casual sexual relations is a reliable guarantee of life without pubic lice and reducing the risk of head lice infestation.
    • Do not use other people's hairbrushes, clothes, bedding, barrettes and hair ties.

    Children regularly need to check the condition of the hair - often even being heavily infected, they do not admit it, being afraid of being ridiculed by their peers.

    The first signs of the appearance of lice are itching, at first quite weak, and the appearance of white spots on the hair and bites on the scalp. Already later, when breeding lice, spots, rashes and allergic reactions appear.

    If there are lice, do not have to do so much - buy lice shampoo at the nearest pharmacy or, at worst (if you don’t have any money at all), take kerosene and thoroughly soak your head with one of these tools, soak it under the plastic bag for about an hour and wash it off .

    Sometimes in order to get rid of lice it is recommended to use special metal combs. Such tools require a longer fight, but they avoid the use of insecticidal drugs, which may be relevant for people with allergies.

    So no matter what the lice appear in each case, the ways to get rid of them are well known and developed. But it is better to prevent the infection itself and protect yourself and loved ones from it.

    Wash your head with dust and tar soap

    Tar soap has a high alkalinity, thanks to this acts as a good bactericide, including in the fight against lice. Use tar soap daily, until the complete disappearance of nits. Dust soap, similar in its properties, effectively fights nits in the shortest possible time.

    Dustov soap - a very toxic product, which in no case can not be used in large quantities, both children and adults. If soap gets into your eyes or respiratory tract, immediately rinse with plenty of water and go for a visit to the doctor. Do not use this soap for children under five years old.

    Who are lice and what harm do they cause to a person?

    Louse is a parasite that lives on the hairy parts of the skin. It is an insect in size from 0.4 to 6 mm. Due to its small size, it can be difficult to discern its translucent body on a person’s skin.

    In medicine, louse disease is referred to as pediculosis. The name comes from the Latin word "pediculus". It is known that the first head lice pestered our ancestors, this is evidenced by the study of the remains of ancient people. In historical reports, the mention of body parasites occurs during wars and cataclysms. This suggests that the deterioration of sanitary conditions is to blame for the spread of the disease.

    The louse feeds on human blood. This makes it a carrier of infectious diseases such as typhoid fever or fever.

    Scientists have discovered that head lice in humans can be caused by three subtypes of lice:

    1. head - lice live on the scalp,
    2. wardrobe - in the hair on the body,
    3. pubic - in intimate areas.

    IMPORTANT! Most cases of infection with pubic lice occur through intimate contact.

    Despite the fact that lice are not only in humans, but also in most mammals, it is impossible to get them from a dog or cat, as each species of animal has its own species of lice.

    Life cycle

    Lice develop rapidly. Every day, the female leaves in her hair a laying of 10 eggs, which are called nits. With a special sticky compound, it attaches it to the base of the hair. After a week, the larvae begin to appear. Outwardly, they look like a reduced copy of an adult louse. After another week, the larva becomes an adult, able to postpone new nits.

    Thus, in just a couple of weeks, the lice population can grow to a whole colony that can poison a person’s life and cause serious consequences in the body.

    Contact with an infected person

    The main cause of lice is contact with an infected person.It is enough to come in contact with sick lice in public transport or in any other place where people gather. Infection is possible with any bodily contact with the carrier. - a kiss, a joint game on the playground, hugs. Therefore, in the case of pediculosis in the children's team, it is transmitted from child to child with lightning speed.

    ATTENTION! A louse cannot exist for a long time without a person, because it lacks the only source of food - blood.

    Things and care products

    This method of infection is less common, however, the cases of the transfer of nits through everyday objects are often recorded.

    Lice can be infected after sharing:

    • combs,
    • towels or clothes
    • blankets and pillows,
    • hats, especially fur,
    • means of intimate hygiene.

    To protect yourself from this method of infection is quite simple - you should not share clothing and care products with other people. If there is a suspicion that the thing was used by a sick person, it should be subjected to heat treatment.

    Places with large crowds

    The denser the settlement of people, the higher the probability of catching lice. Stories are known cases of mass infection among refugees in camps and military in barracks. Nowadays mass gatherings, working groups, camps for children and public transport can be places of large crowds. The appearance in such places of a person with head lice can lead to a massive infection of others.

    Lice in children

    The greatest prevalence of lice received in children's groups. There are several reasons for this:

    • closer contact with each other - occurs as a result of joint games and hugs,
    • peer contact frequency - children attend kindergartens and schools every day, where there is a high probability of the source of the disease and its rapid spread,
    • lack of personal hygiene skills - the use of foreign combs, toys, bed and clothes.

    How to identify lice?

    Symptoms of lice do not appear immediately after infection, but only after a few days or even weeks. This is due to the fact that the infection does not occur by the lice themselves, but by nits, the development of which on the body of the new carrier takes time.

    Signs of lice infection:

    • itchy scalp - occurs during and after a bite,
    • nits detection - lice eggs look like sesame seeds and are attached at the base of the hair,
    • nervous condition - often occurs in children at the time of infection,
    • allergic spots - insect saliva can cause an allergic reaction,
    • bite marks - they can be found on open areas of the head, for example, near the ears and eyebrows, as well as on the temples,
    • combs and purulent wounds - appear when the form of the disease is neglected,
    • apnea lymph node inflammation - occurs during the complication of pediculosis and speaks of an infectious infection of the bite site.

    If there is a suspicion that a person is infected with lice, a visual inspection of the scalp should be carried out immediately. This should be done according to the following rules:

    • pre-prepared special comb and white napkin,
    • inspection is carried out in good light,
    • hair should be untied and combed,
    • several strands are picked and combed,
    • the comb is wiped on a napkin,
    • a napkin is examined for lice and nits.

    REFERENCE! In hospital conditions, the diagnosis of lice is carried out using a magnifying loupe and Wood's lamp, which makes it possible to see traces of the activity of the parasites.

    Mechanical methods

    Combing method Shepherd - the most effective and safe way getting rid of lice for a person. The technology allows you to completely get rid of lice and nits, while maintaining the health of the skin and hair. The method is suitable for children, pregnant women and people with sensitive scalp, which is contraindicated in the use of potent toxic agents.

    For the procedure using a special comb, which can be purchased in specialized stores. The comb has notches on the teeth. Thanks to him, the lumen remains minimal, which allows you to comb out parasites without damaging the hair.

    1. hair should be rinsed with ordinary shampoo and dry,
    2. one strand of hair is taken and carefully combed out several times along the entire length,
    3. the procedure is repeated alternately on the remaining strands,
    4. collected parasites are flushed down the toilet or burned,
    5. Repeated combing should be daily for at least one week.

    After the first treatment, most of the lice will be removed from the hair. Further combing needs in order to get rid of the larvae and the remaining nits.

    REFERENCE! With large-scale infection, it may take 1-2 hours a day to comb out all the parasites.

    Of the minuses of this method can be noted:

    • procedures can not be carried out to himself
    • you can’t get rid of lice in one day
    • the price of a good company comb starts from 1 thousand rubles,
    • It will take a lot of time and effort to complete a full course of procedures.

    To enhance the effect, simultaneously with combing you can apply chemical or folk remedies for removing lice.

    A radical way of dealing with head lice is suitable for men or young children. The bottom line is to completely shave the scalp "under zero". Pre-head can be treated with any means of lice. On smooth shaved skin insects have nowhere to lay eggs, which means they can no longer reproduce.

    IMPORTANT! To avoid further infection, cut hair must be burned.

    Chemical methods

    For a short period of time, head lice can be cured with the help of pharmaceutical preparations, which are divided into:

    • liquid shampoos
    • dry products
    • gels and ointments
    • lotions and balms,
    • aerosols.

    The composition of the means includes various toxic substances that destroy the insect's nervous system. These drugs are sold without a prescription. Application is to apply the product to the area of ​​lice spreading.

    Synthetic agents that include dimethicone and cyclomethicone belong to this category. After application, they envelop the insects with a thin film and block the flow of air. These drugs have a high enough efficiency, however, they do not guarantee complete disposal of lice.

    The disadvantages of using a chemical method include:

    • no guarantee of complete destruction of parasites,
    • low impact on louse eggs,
    • inability to use by pregnant women and young children,
    • Need to consult a doctor before use.

    Folk ways

    Herbal decoctions, plant juices, essential oils

    Their task is to kill or scare the lice. For this, traditional medicine uses: decoctions of geranium, chamomile, wormwood, tansy, needles and mint, garlic juice, essential oil of tea tree, mint, oregano, sage, lavender and rosemary. According to reviews, the effect of such treatment is mild and more suitable as prevention.

    The decoctions of highly poisonous plants, such as wild rosemary, deadburner and angelica, as well as a pharmaceutical solution of cheremical water, have proven themselves well, however, they can poison not only body parasites, but also humans. They are forbidden to use for pregnant women and children, and all the rest should be done with great care.

    Toxic products

    In the hope of getting rid of lice, people use such radical methods as baiting the parasites with gasoline, kerosene, vinegar or alcohol. Do not forget that their use can adversely affect the condition of the hair and scalp, as well as the health of the patient as a whole. These tools can destroy parasites, but at the same time leave behind burns, an allergic reaction and lead to hair loss.

    Thermal method

    The method in recent years has become widespread abroad.Lice are destroyed by a stream of hot air, the temperature of which is 60 degrees. For this, a special hairdryer is used. Despite the simplicity and safety of the method, in Russia it has not yet gained widespread use, and the range of suitable equipment leaves much to be desired.

    IMPORTANT! Conducting the treatment procedure with a regular hair dryer, curling iron or hair iron makes it easy to get a thermal burn.

    Where do lice crawl from?

    Lice - parasites quite vulnerable and sedentary. They cannot travel long distances, they have no wings. Yes, and they multiply.

    Only from the nerves, without other reasons and infection from other people, lice on the head can not appear. Existing ideas about what eggs or.

    As in the situation with any disease, lice is much easier and safer to prevent than to be treated for lice or from much more serious.

    Your phone has been sent.

    Soon we will call you back.

    Thank you, excellent and instructive article, I liked it, super!

    I agree with you!

    Young girls, if your child has lice curled, then buy at the Lavinal pharmacy, a very effective remedy, it comes complete with an iron comb and a cap. It is necessary to spray the head with this spray so that the hair was wet, then put on this cap and sit in it for 30 minutes, and then wash off with shampoo and wet hair combed out with a comb. It is desirable on a white rag that everything was visible. It really helps. I brought my child everything at once.

    I didn’t even know what a remedy is. It will be necessary to read about it. And I can tell you how I brought the lice. We turned to the center of Lays Evey. Their specialist came to our home and within a few hours she brushed her daughter's hair. After that, my husband and I looked at them strand by strand for a long time, but we found no trace of lice. After a couple of weeks, no lice reappeared. So I am very pleased to remain this center.

    Thanks for the advice!

    They need to poison!

    Is it possible in more detail? How much is this tool, what shampoo to wash off?

    It costs 500 rubles, and you can wash it off with shampoo.

    Thanks for the advice!

    Thank you, we will know very good advice.

    You know, even Couple Plus didn't help me.

    A pair of plus is money thrown to the wind, does not help.

    I was also advised Lavinal, for time the lice breathed. But the metal comb was not suitable for us, the daughter had too thin hair, and they could not comb it out. I had to manually remove the nits ...

    I bought such a set - it did not help us ...

    Better to buy Nyuda, it helps a lot!

    Everywhere they write - white nits. My daughter brings the black nits from the garden for the second time. They are very small, barely noticeable, and I can’t find the louse. The first time I took it out of the pharmacy with a tool and combed it with the smallest comb (after processing according to the instructions, the nits were alive), so I had to tear the girl's long, wavy hair. Brought completely all the animals. Checked with a comb, again, after 3-4 months nits appeared again. The teachers answer that the rest of the children supposedly are fine. How can I be, because my child has a terrible allergy to these drugs from pharmacies. After contact with skin, it becomes purple in color (when washed).

    Almost all pharmaceuticals are allergic and can cause serious side effects. Especially in children who are prone to allergies. Our child suffers from bronchial asthma and many drugs are contraindicated. We eventually turned to the center of Lays Evey. They do not use any drugs, but simply comb their hair. For several months now, we have not remembered lice and nits.

    And how did it help you?

    Prochishi with vinegar and comb.

    They are generally golden brown, black in life have not seen

    Iron the hair with an iron to align the hair, so at least destroy the nits from the hair. This is also important! Take small strands. Start from the bottom.

    I also ironed in this way, my daughter brought all the living creatures. And at home - the usual hair dye.From painting nits and lice die.

    I have the same problem, everywhere they say that they are white, and I have brown.

    We found a black one.

    Lord, what is this!

    At home - how to get rid of?

    It is better to buy shampoo in the pharmacy And scallop.

    Buy kerosene and pour it over your head, and keep an hour. They die, and then take a small comb and comb.

    I am a hairdresser. Moms are constantly treated with such a problem as head lice (lice). At home, you will help alcohol (or vodka) and vinegar in a ratio of 2 tbsp. spoons of alcohol, 1 tbsp of vinegar (for average hair length). Lice are killed by alcohol, and nits are broken by vinegar. Apply foam or cotton to the scalp, then the entire length of the hair, avoiding contact with eyes. To improve the result, wear a plastic cap on your head. Leave for 10 minutes, in case of itching, do not scratch, so as not to injure the scalp. After the time of holding the solution, remove the cap and gradually remove the parasites. Then wash the hair twice with shampoo and 1 time with balsam. For some time to remove nits, the color of which after pickling instead of black becomes white.

    Kerosene can be at home. I recommend NODE - the perfect tool is not toxic, and the comb is good, and I advise everyone!

    It did not help Nuda, it is useless!

    Try Solution Full Marx helps a lot. And the comb is.

    I agree that Nydou is a good remedy, but after it lice appear again!

    My mother has already made me a hundred times, everything is useless.

    Paranit is a very good tool, scour for 15 minutes, rinse - and all. It is not expensive, 545 rubles.

    I completely agree with you

    Thank you, I even became creepy.

    My daughter had lice, I didn't know about that. She is 11 years old, she washes her head. She studies in grade 4, says that her classmates are bad and will laugh if they find out. And I, they say, will call the teacher, say that lice. And she will tell the disciples. There were no nurses at that time, she quit. One day I come home from work, and my daughter sleeps. Her hair is long over the ass, I go to her. I want to put a pillow under my head. I look, but she has some redness on her head. I look, and it bites lice. At first I did not understand what it was. I keep an eye out, and there something glitters - it was a nit. I ran straight to the pharmacy, bought Paranit on the advice of a saleswoman. She woke her up, told her why she didn’t speak and whether she knew. She told everything (as I said above). In general, I took the comb, and she has a lot of lice there. I combed her head once, and 5-10 nits lice fell out. She said she did not tell me 2 months. The whole sink was in her lice. I told her that this is unreal, her hair is long. We went to the hairdresser. Now she has Kare. Lice taken out in 4 days.

    In the barber shop went with lice? Mmmdyayaya ...

    Here now, from a hairdressing salon all also began.

    But I don’t even know, today when I combed, I noticed something amiss, I’m looking - and I have two nits in the bang area. I’m generally in shock, my head didn’t itch, nothing, but when I began to read, the whole thing started to itch right away)) I don’t know where I got it from. But also, a year ago, at about the same time, I also picked them up, then everything seemed to be cured. And now I have not even told my parents yet. This is some kind of nightmare where they come from.

    The best remedy is Chemerichna water, sold in a pharmacy for a penny. One time is enough, even after it the hair becomes better.

    It is true that they have not tried: shampoos, paraplus. And hellebore helped her daughter to bring out parasites))

    I agree with you. Chemerichnaya water helped me. The best tool!

    Bought, did not help us

    Chemerichna water in the pharmacy is sold, yes

    The cheapest and most natural remedy - Chemerichna water, the pharmacy costs 15 rubles, instructions are attached.

    Chemerichka - cool tool. Two tubes on the hair - and beauty, in the morning these freak-lice no.

    And my baby, no chemicals can not be used.When lice appeared, I was even ready to take a chance and wash my head with some shampoo for the child. But the pediatrician strictly forbade us. She said just carefully comb this stuff. We were well helped by the medical comb Antiv. Ordered on the Internet. They spent two evenings, but they took all this filth out.

    I recently encountered this problem, I myself am a very clean person, but a couple of weeks ago I noticed that I began to scratch my head often. I asked my husband to see, he said that everything was fine, but it came to the point that I had searched the whole head with blood. And somehow in the bathroom I got out of my hair! Oh, my God, I am very suspicious and could not wait another day, knowing that I have these parasites.
    And now I will tell you how I brought out the lice in 1 day, without spending a single penny. I didn’t even have thoughts to go on the Internet and look for practical advice, I, without thinking, took the usual Dichlorvos and sprayed the whole head ... Though I have long hair, but I was not ready to part with them. I sprayed it all over my head, then covered and tied my head with a bag so that it would not erode. And for 2 hours I went with the desire of death of these parasites. At the end of time, I took a regular comb with teeth and began to comb, to make sure they were exhausted! After that, I washed my hair thoroughly with soap. And after that I turned on my logic: since I killed the lice, I had to somehow get rid of the nits, because they may not die ... I took a hairdryer, turned on the hottest air and walked it over the scalp closer to the roots, so that burn all that's left.
    And you would not believe it - in the morning I went to my grandmother and asked to examine my head, she did not find a single louse. And what's more, I found completely burned nits, which could be combed with a comb. Since then, I have not had a single louse, and my hair is completely healthy. But based on this, I became more attentive to things, and continue to carry my comb with me. And knowing little of a person, I do not enter into physical contact with him in order to avoid this filth! Perhaps someone who does not have such an opportunity to buy expensive drugs at the pharmacy will be helped by my method. ))

    Your way will help to just poison repellent. And the hair that has been soaked with Dichlorvos will have to be cut. I'm not talking about the possible toxic shock.

    Essential oils and juices against lice

    Essential oils are used not only to combat existing lice, but to prevent infection: the essential oils of mint, tea tree, bergamot and lavender, geranium, lemon balm, thyme, wormwood and rosemary are effective, to eliminate or prevent lice infection, stir a few drops of any selected oils with any vegetable.

    Essential oils can cause allergies, so it is not recommended to apply them to the skin of the head to children under five years old.

    Cranberry juice is a means, due to its acidity, is capable of destroying a sticky substance, due to which lice stick to the skin: from a few handfuls of berries, make juice, strain, rub into the scalp with massage movements, wait 10-15 minutes, wash it off.

    The composition can kill even an adult parasite: add a little mint decoction to the glass of pomegranate juice, or a few drops of mint essential oil, rub the baby's hair into the roots, wash off after a few minutes.

    For the next recipe, you will need cumin seeds: chop the seeds to a powder, or buy ready-made, mix with a small amount of apple cider vinegar, to a porridge-like consistency, gently rub into the scalp, wash off no more than 20 minutes later.

    Vinegar, alcohol, kerosene

    Compress with alcohol is recommended only for older children: a piece of clean gauze or a bandage is well soaked in alcohol, applied to the head for a few minutes, alcohol vapors rather quickly kill the parasites.

    As in the case of cranberry juice, do not use means in the presence of wounds on the head. Also, alcohol can dry hair. Vinegar, when used correctly, helps to permanently get rid of pediculosis: dilute half a glass of nine percent vinegar with a glass of water, apply to hair and wash off after 20 minutes.

    Do not hold the composition on the child's head longer, otherwise the vinegar may burn.

    The oldest and most proven way to get rid of lice at home is to use kerosene: lubricate all the child’s hair with kerosene and leave it for a few hours or overnight, depending on the child’s age, rinse off with plenty of water and shampoo and thoroughly comb the hair. Remember that kerosene is flammable. Also, it dries hair, so its frequent use is not recommended.

    Fresh burdock, lemon and herbs

    Also, the nits are well derived by a decoction made from fresh burdock: collect a bag of fresh burdock, rinse thoroughly and pour twice as much boiling water, let it brew for an hour, strain, rinse the baby’s head with decoction, it is permissible to use it instead of water when washing the head.

    Lemon juice acts the same as cranberry juice, but its effectiveness is somewhat reduced due to the high water content in the composition. Massage one lemon juice in rubbing scalp, leave for 15-20 minutes.

    Leaves of plants, such as wild rosemary, angelica and hellebore, besides getting rid of lice, perfectly strengthen hair: mix dried leaves with an equal amount of melted fat, brush the baby's hair roots with a mixture, leave for half an hour, then wash off with a large amount of shampoo.

    The following recipe is similar in action to the above-mentioned mayonnaise remedy: mix two tablespoons of pork fat with an equal amount of wild rosemary and hellebore, mix the mixture for 24 hours, and then apply as a mask for at least three days.

    Vegetable oils and mayonnaise

    Vegetable oils act like the aforementioned fats, but in addition to fighting lice, they have a beneficial effect on the hair itself. Their use in combination with kerosene is recommended: any vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, corn, mustard - will do; apply oil on all hairs and cover with a plastic bag or shower cap, hold for at least two hours, wash off with plenty of shampoo.

    Due to its caustic concentration, it perfectly combats lice with garlic juice or onion: squeeze the juice from garlic or onion (it is permissible to combine), apply hair to the roots and tie it up with a package, hold it for half an hour to two hours, wash your head well , for the disappearance of unpleasant odor, rinse hair with diluted vinegar.

    Mayonnaise can lice out practically overnight, because, because of its fat content, it envelops nits and blocks oxygen supply: apply fatty mayonnaise on all hair, wrap in a plastic bag and leave overnight.

    Mayonnaise can also be replaced with Vaseline, the effect of the procedure will not decrease.

    Where do baby lice come from?

    Parents naively believe that, in principle, their child cannot have ectoparasites. But they are wrong. Most often, the smallest members of the family bring insects to the house. They are constantly in contact with their peers in kindergartens and schools, do not always follow the rules of personal hygiene, use other people's combs and headdresses. And with such close intercourse, the insect crawls easily from one toddler or from his things to another.

    Most often, pediculosis affects girls because of their habit of changing things with their beloved girlfriend. And since their hair is longer than that of boys, it is much more difficult for them to take out parasites.

    According to statistics, children become infected with lice 5.4 times more often than adults.

    In addition to everyday communication in the children's team, this disease can also be infected in other public places:

    • Renting outerwear in the wardrobe, theater, circus, sports complex
    • Living in a hostel
    • Using public transport
    • Making multi-day trips with a tent in the company of unfamiliar people.

    Moreover, the probability of getting head lice in children of different ages is the same: from toddlers to university students. And they can become infected with this disease even when bathing in a bath or a bath, if water has not been changed. These insects are not only not afraid of moisture, but also easily tolerate a stay without oxygen. Therefore, if in the bathroom in front of your child bathed a person who had parasites to become infected it is possible very simply.

    Transmitted between children in kindergartens and schools - also with games and fights

    Another not quite common place where louses can live and where they come from then on the head of another person is fur hats. An insect, often without distinguishing where a person's hair is, and where a villus attaches an egg to it. Wearing a hat infected with nits, you can become a new host for ectoparasite.

    What to do if a child has ectoparistes?

    Pediculosis is a disease that parents do not seek to discuss with a doctor. But, often the desire to cope with it independently leads to re-infection. Therefore, at the first signs of infection, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Based on the degree of spread of insects, he will select the appropriate preparation and explain how to use it.

    The head is washed with shampoo for lice - Knicks, NOC, Veda - or used for lice spray. Then covered with a hat

    And remember that if there is already a lot of nits and lice in the head of a child, it means that they appeared there a long time ago and could be moved to all family members. After all, it is enough for one individual to crawl onto a child so that after a week there will be many times more. Therefore, when the first signs appear: itching, feelings of not comfort, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

    Thick comb comb hair from the roots of a white sheet or bath.

    Most medicinal products are toxic, so before applying them carefully read the instructions. Pay attention to the method of application and exposure time. During the procedure, do not leave the child alone to avoid any unforeseen situations.

    After shampooing, use a special softening conditioner. It will avoid tangling of hair, easier combing and help to separate insect eggs more easily.

    Comb nits need small strands, starting from the roots. It is best to do this over the paper, which is then destroyed along with the parasites on it. From the ridge of stuck insects and larvae are removed with a thin needle after each holding on the head. Typically, this procedure takes up to 20 minutes and lasts until complete destruction of the parasites.

    With long hair it is carried out for 2 weeks after washing with a special shampoo. Comb after each session must be boiled.

    Useful video: Lice can be passed from man to man

    Preventive measures

    At the beginning of the article we found out what kind of lice are and where they come from on the head. But every person has the opportunity to avoid infection with head lice. It does not require anything supernatural, but only need to periodically carry out preventive measures.

    They are as follows:

    1. Every week while washing the baby’s head, carefully inspect it to identify eggs or adult parasites.
    2. Change clothes to your child every day if you are warned about the appearance of pediculosis in kindergarten or school.
    3. Warn children that they do not use other people's hairbrushes, hair ties, jokes, or wear other people's hats.

    Popular remedies for pediculosis treatment in adults and children

    But if nevertheless an infection has occurred, then apart from treating the child’s hair with special preparations, take measures to disinfect everything with which he has been in contact:

    1. Wash bedding, towels and clothes of the patient in hot water.
    2. Toys, combs boil for 10 minutes.
    3. From the baby's room, remove items that insects can crawl into.
    4. Give each family member a separate towel and bedding.

    By adhering to these simple recommendations, you can avoid infection from the child of all family members.

    For the prevention, you can use the healing shampoo for everyone living in the house, but only with a lower dosage. Today, in pharmacies, you can find special aerosols for the treatment of pillows, caps that can not be washed and boiled.

    And remember that the human body does not produce immunity for lice. Therefore, you can get it as many times as you like. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take preventive measures and provide timely treatment in case of infection. And besides, try after visiting public places to shake off your clothes, comb your hair with a frequent comb - this will help to notice the ectoparasite in time and avoid its reproduction.


    Watch the video: Q&A about kids and head lice: What parents need to know (July 2024).