
Ideal hairstyle for every age 20, 30, 40, 50 years: 12 best models


20 years is the most suitable age for bold experiments with appearance, including hairstyle. At this age, you can afford almost everything. Bright colors, extreme haircuts, extravagant accessories. Almost all of this is looking at you appropriately and interestingly. Among other things, hair at this age more than ever after is beautiful, magnificent and healthy, and grows fastest. But getting carried away by experiments, nevertheless, do not forget about two things: try not to spoil your hair and remember that the hairstyle should match the occasion.

So, it is better to come to school or institute with a modest and comfortable hairstyle, which, moreover, does not require much time for its creation. If after school you are going where, then just think in advance how you can modify your hairstyle to make it look more effective. And do not forget, modest does not mean boring. In any hairstyle you can make your own personality.

If you choose a hairstyle for the rest, then there is no limit for your imagination. Do not forget that if the hairstyle is not firmly fixed, then most of the rest you spend at the mirror, correcting it.

Special mention worth hairstyles for a romantic meeting. If you know what hairstyle is especially like your chosen one, then the choice will not be problems. And if you are not so close, then choose, either loose hair, or collected on the back of your head, opening the shoulders and neck. You can release a few playful curls. Such hairstyles will not leave indifferent any man.

Well, that's probably all. Although it may be worth mentioning that when starting experiments, it is better to take into account the peculiarities of your appearance and lifestyle. And do not forget to care for your hair. Especially after the next bold and destructive experiment.

Hair care

Any hairstyle begins with a gentle and competent hair care. Chisel this rule by heart. After all, there is no accessory more stylish and more beautiful than smooth, shiny and, most importantly, healthy curls. As the saying goes, take care of your honor from your youth, and your hair does not spoil ????

Therefore, if the forceps, then necessarily with the application of thermal protection, if the iron, then according to all the rules of hair straightening, if a hair dryer, then cold air and not for long, if combed, then competently and not often, if the paint, then quality and possibly in the salon .

And then to a great old age you will be accompanied by a chic head of hair and intricate fashionable styling

Hair type and face shape

Choosing a haircut, consider first of all the type of hair and, of course, the shape of the face. If by nature you have thin curly hair, forget to dream of straight and long bangs (you will find a lot of problems on its styling and fixation).

Likewise, you should not look at the straight fringe of the owners of round faces and girls with a square face. You do not want to spoil your ideal image of this small, but significant and playing an important role in the overall "performance" detail.

Therefore, if you decide on a cardinal change of the usual image, then think over everything to the smallest details: from the length of the hair, to the presence and shape of the bangs.

Note: for more information about the selection of hairstyles according to the shape of the face and the type of hair, see our next article: How to choose a hairstyle for girls from 20 to 30 years.

Hair color

Coloring - This is another sure path to cardinal transformation. However, you should not pass this way in an accelerated step 🙂 Do not rush out of the fire into the fire, do not try to lighten your hair in one sitting and at once for several tones (do not lighten it, but spoil it fairly 🙁), remember that the most difficult color to be displayed is it's black.

Experiment with colorbut, as with everything, know when to stop. After all, the lecture may not be allowed with a red tuft and shaved temples 🙂

Enjoy the fact that you are only 20 (or less) and that you are beautiful for fun and not out of greed (as you know, light colors are young, dark ones are aging).

Hair length

Hair is not just an adornment of a girl, it is a killer weapon that shoots a target in skillful hands and without misfires. Therefore, it is important to find your hair length! And when, if not now, look for her?

Moreover, the search for hairstyles for girls under 20 is not fraught with such difficult dilemmas as: will the hair grow before the wedding? /, Will the short haircut rejuvenate me? /, Is my hair thick enough to grow it to the waist?

Grow hair to health shear them without regrets - look for your length and you will be happy later, after 20 years, when experiments with hairstyles are no longer so smooth, and when the unfortunate consequences of a haircut are hidden many times harder (the sports cap, alas, does not go to a strict business suit).

Hair accessories

It's time to 20 years - this is truly a heavenly time for accessories. After all, only now you will be able to put on a bright bezel or tie a head with an extravagant handkerchief, and you will have nothing for it, because you are looking for yourself and your style

And therefore - wear accessories everywhere, the main thing is to match the main ensemble.

Hairstyles for school and college

No matter how much you want to show off in front of school or college girlfriends with glamorous and complicated styling, keep yourself in hand, Cost more affordable hairstyles: a modest tail (which by carrying out several skillful manipulations can be given quite a decent look after study), bun, knot, spikelet, braid, let it be something simple to perform (as a rule, there is very little time for a hairstyle before school) ), neat and only yours 🙂

Note: even in everyday hairstyle, you can add an element of individuality. The main thing is to know what and where to add 🙂

So, if desired and urgently needed (if after pairs you are picked up by a gorgeous brunette on a gorgeous party) you can turn a horse's tail into a completely glamorous hairstyle by running its tip behind the base, pinning a part of it into a voluminous nodule, releasing a strand of hair in front.

Hairstyles for walking and relaxing

Here you can give free rein to your imagination and roam in full гу Lush curls, light waves, glossy smooth surface, bold bouffant, - choose a hairstyle by mood and be sure to face.

Main rule: hairstyle for a girl up to 20 years old must stand the test of time and dancing, i.e. Do not disintegrate immediately after several particularly bold steps. 🙂 Therefore, fix it as securely as possible.

Hairstyles for romantic dates

It has long been proven that men are susceptible to:

  • a) loose hair, which can bury your face and fingers.
  • b) open forehead and neck, which can be explored with a greedy gaze.

Therefore, when going on a date, consider the male weaknesses and build the appropriate hairstyles.

Summing up, I would like to wish you successful experiments and decent hairstyles, emphasizing your youth, beauty and individuality.

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Two opposites are constantly fighting for the palm in the female heart and the stylists' preferences - the femininity of long hair and the comfort of short. Let's try to figure it out!

This time period is ideal for experimentation. Searching for yourself and your own style is better not to delay, and now it is better to try everything: asymmetry, unusual staining, extreme length, shaving of the temples, and so on. You are at that age when everything is possible, literally.

1. Negligent styling for medium hair length is good at any age, but the rich dark shade of hair is better for young.

2. In 20 years long hair is as good as ever. They make the image more feminine and soft. Unusual dyeing techniques on long hair are especially good.

3. And finally, short haircuts and non-standard hair shades are a great choice for a young, active, bright girl.

After the turn in 30 years, it is time for comfort and convenience. Complicated hairstyles are already uninteresting, time at this age is already becoming very expensive. Unusual hooligan staining also worth forgetting, Now it is irrelevant. If your faces are correct and elegant, then short haircuts are a great option. Long hair can afford only those who have something to boast in this sense. Fundamental dramatic changes will no longer bring the joy that 10 years ago.

4. Short asymmetrical haircuts and natural hair shades are the best solution for elegant girls.

5. Non-monochrome coloring, selection and clarification of strands, easy natural styling - what you need right now.

6. Beautiful thick hair can be grown, gradient methods of coloring will fit perfectly.

In this period of time, the main goal of the image is not to add years, but on the contrary, to subtract as much as possible. Therefore, dark, dark shades, long hair and contour haircuts leave in the past. Negligence in laying visually diminishes a couple of years, and the volume will give ease.

7. Elegant short haircuts with long bangs that do not require complicated styling will be the best choice for a business woman and an active woman.

8. Elongated to the face strands with lightening almost do not require special care, and allow you to look younger than their years.

9. The average hair length allows you to style your hair in natural curls. Inhomogeneous staining will look great in this case.

Smooth and smooth lines in the haircut and styling is not what you need at all. In addition, long hair and dramatically short haircuts are also inappropriate and will give you years. Monochromatic coloring is also prohibited, it will make you older. Medium length and shearing are preferred, allowing carelessness and volume in styling.

10. The closed line of the cheekbones is perhaps the basic rule of a short haircut. Light wave, natural-looking - the best styling.

11. The elongation of the strands in the face is a very good chorus, they should not be even and clear, softness and tenderness will fit as well as possible.

12. The most successful choice - light, as if randomly curled, unsigned sharp curls. Such styling will hide age-related changes and make you easier.

Hairstyles for school and university

Of course, young girls should also think about strict styling, which would be appropriate at school and at university. The most common hairstyle for studying is a classic ponytail or a smoothly combed bun. But you can experiment and create different variations on the theme of tails and bundles. To create such styling will need only a rubber band and a couple of free minutes.

Nowadays tails with a pile and a frizz or horse tail are very popular when the elastic is hidden under a ring of its own hair. Such options uladok give young ladies femininity and charm. High tails, low tails on the sides, a bunch with weaving, a sloppy bunch or decorated with a ribbon - you can be different every day!

Extravagant options

For those young women who want to experiment with their image in full, you should pay attention to extravagant hairstyles and hairstyles. Daring styling, asymmetrical and unusually-laid haircuts, bold coloring - a luxury that is not allowed for other ages.

For example, a fashionable and creative version of the hairstyle for girls - in the modern style. The main distinctive feature of the style is the contrast and originality of the decisions. Asymmetrical strands differing in length and color, laid bangs are characteristic of the modern style. In this case, these elements can be performed on the hair of any length.

Creative hairstyles must be created by a professional master who must take into account the style of the wearer's clothing and her wishes, because the correctly chosen image will allow you to live in harmony with yourself and those around you.

Features hairstyles for women 20-30 years

Modern haircuts are pretty plastic.Available in a wide variety of designs. Asymmetrical haircuts that are performed on short and medium hair look good on young girls. The universality of hairstyles is that in young girls they distinguish their individuality, and women after 30 years old - rejuvenate.

In the trend of multi-stage, multi-layered technology, which not only rejuvenates a woman, but also gives the image dynamism.

Ragged strands, feathers, sharp tips - all this should be present in women's haircuts for 20-30 years.


The main task of anti-aging haircuts - To make a woman visually younger, to give an image of expressiveness and a special charm.

This retro hairstyle has a rejuvenating effect, as due to the hair that is gently framing the head, the image is more feminine. Bangs are a required element as it masks low forehead or wrinkles present. The cap fits almost all girls, except the owners of a round face, because she highlights the fullness of the cheeks. For the rest of the ladies, haircut will be an excellent option to make the face fresh and expressive.

Due to the basal volume, styling makes even thin hair fluffy. And although the cap seems to be a simple hairstyle, only an experienced and skilled master can make it.

For medium and long hair

For hair, the length of which starts from the shoulders, a large number of hairstyles open up, as this is an excellent basis for experiments.

This haircut looks great on long and medium hair. The hairstyle is universal, as it suits absolutely everyone regardless of the thickness of the hair, the shape of the face. Thanks to the Cascade, the hair receives additional volume, and the image becomes harmonious and relevant. The classic version is a hairstyle with strands of different lengths.that seamlessly merge into each other. The cascade can be performed on the entire head or on the curls framing the face. You can change the hairstyle with the help of elongated oblique bangs, which is perfect for ladies with a round face, as visually pulls it.

This haircut is very popular among girls 20-30 years old and mature ladies. In 2018, such are popular caret options:

  1. With elongated strands around the face - this is a certain compromise between long strands and neat styling. If we consider an elongated four of a kind in profile, then we have a sharp angle. Complement the haircut side parting or bangs.
  2. With graduated strands. The tips of the hair cut steps that allow you to create additional volume. Complements the haircut straight bangs.
  3. Ultrashort straight. The length of the hair is cut at the level of the earlobes.

Short hair

Haircuts for short hair are relevant for more than one year, because they are practical, simple in design and care, and still suitable for strands of different textures.

This is another popular haircut for girls 20-30 years. Stylists recommend using the following bean options:

  • with sharp lengthening
  • textural - the ends of the hair are cut using a technique of a ladder and subjected to filing,
  • asymmetrical - asymmetry is performed not only on the hair in the back of the head, but also near the face,
  • with a shaved temple is a great solution for women who want to stand out from the crowd.

The specialty of Pixie is that the hair on the back of the head and on the temples is shortened.

Under the boy

For modern lady designed haircut "under the boy." She has one unique property - emphasizes the charm of young girls and makes younger women older.In addition, the hairstyle is very convenient in terms of care and styling.

Fashion trends in the current year

For women 20-30 years old stylists are advised to use the following elements when creating hairstyles:

  • asymmetry,
  • oblique partitions,
  • torn ends
  • arched bangs.

Experts recommend paying attention to medium-length haircuts, as they will always make you look well-groomed and attractive. If the strands are long, you can simply trim the tips once a month, and lay the strands into an elegant horse tail.

Technique performing quads

Perform a haircut to wet hair. You can process them with a small amount of conditioner to make the locks more docile.


  1. Divide the hair into 7 zones: the left temporal, right temporal, front center (located between the temporal zones), the left part of the crown, the right part of the crown, the left part of the back of the head, the right part of the back of the head. First cut the strands from the front, separating a 1-2 cm wide strand from the selected area downwards. When making a quarantine on your own, keep the scissors parallel to the floor and cut off the desired length. Most often the length of the caret reaches the chin.
  2. When the front area is trimmed, you can go to the back of the head. Comb the strands and cut, focusing on the length of hair in the upper zone. Similarly, to process all the hair, slowly moving forward. Scissors here to keep strictly horizontal and parallel to the floor, otherwise the cut will turn out uneven.
  3. Comb the hair in both occipital areas and trim their length, focusing on the length of the already trimmed. Repeat from the opposite side. Now in the same way to process the left and right head areas.
  4. The last thing to handle bangs, and to complete a haircut helps styling with a hair dryer and a round comb.

Age girls 20-30 years old is great for experiments in terms of the selection of a haircut.

Fashion 20s of the 20th century: women's hairstyles and their photos

One of the most expressive hairstyles of the 20s of the 20th century is a very short four of a kind with a long thick bang. Popular for the whole world, it was made by Parisian women of fashion, this haircut perfectly suited to the style of a new fashionable image - relaxed and light and allowed to lead an active lifestyle. Ladies first went in for sports and even got behind the wheel of a car. A bob with a long bang is great for owners of straight hair, a haircut perfectly models the oval of the face, visually correcting its features and creating an emphasis on the eyes.

The simplicity of styling "square" is highly appreciated by today's women of fashion - in order to achieve the perfect hairstyle and smoothness of the hair, you just need to wash, dry and, if necessary, slightly straighten the hair. Additional fixing varnish professionally trimmed "square" does not require. Haircut fits well not only in the images in vintage style, it is almost perfectly combined with the most current images of today.

A completely different, but no less romantic key, reveals the dignity of the appearance of female hairstyles 20s bob - both classic and asymmetrical. They are perfectly combined with bangs, especially long and clipped oblique, literally falling on the eyes. Such haircuts are perfectly suited to owners of wavy or curly and just fluffy on the nature of the hair, which is quite difficult to do daily styling.

This feminine and slightly naive hairstyle with a shock of lightly laid curls was introduced into fashion by the Hollywood star Mary Pickford, a fashionable idol of the twenties. For modern fashionistas such a bob is a real find - there are many options for designing such a hairstyle.

But only very impressively decorated haircuts that fully open the neck and emphasize the line of the cheekbones will allow you to look absolutely stylish. As well as a well-designed, but rather loose contour, these are the most important features of the hairstyles of the 20s, they were designed to emphasize, and they succeeded perfectly - the fragility and slimness of the ladies.

It was not only the standards of beauty that are relevant today, but also the fashion of that era, such haircuts and styling are superbly combined with simple laconic lines of bodices of dresses and luxurious neckline. Fashionistas of those times wore a boa, from exotic feathers or fur, in today's, especially everyday, trends are successfully replaced by scarves and snoods that look best with short or neatly styled hairstyles.

Individual attention deserve haircuts, literally became sensational in that era - under the boy, in particular, “garcon” and “pixie”. Short haircut at the beginning of the last century was not accepted even among men, so the length of the haircut “like a boy” is very conditional. Be sure to open the neck and cheekbones haircut with a side parting and long asymmetric bangs - one of the most fashionable hits. Greatly, the universal “pixie” also copes with this task, but only under the condition that the outline of the haircut will be decorated with neat, and not “torn” strands.

Clarity and clarity of lines, allowing to emphasize the beauty of the exterior, and at the same time absolute freedom in choosing an individual style - this is what the stylist of the twenties appreciates. The effect enhances the purity and locality of hair color, a characteristic feature of the fashion of that era.

Complex types of coloring and toning, as well as exotic shades of hair dyes and even total fashion for blond were still ahead.

Pay attention to how elegant and refined hairstyles in the fashion of the 20s in these photos:

How to make a hair in waves in the style of the 20s (with photo)

Casual styling hairstyles in the style of the 20s, as a rule, is easy, especially on short hair, decorated in "square", "bob" or "pixie." Straight hair is enough, if necessary, straighten, achieving a neat silhouette and shiny hair.

Keep the contour line clear and strong, keeping the proportions that will best open the neck and underline the cheekbones. For wavy hair, it is enough to spray, which forms distinct curls that need to be slightly beaten, also following the contour lines of the haircut, which emphasize the style.

Of particular interest are evening hairstyles with waves in the style of the 20s, they are made on hair of different lengths. Waves can be laid long asymmetric bang "garcon", they can also draw the entire volume of hair with a haircut "square", as well as you can use the waves in the hairstyles of the 20s to medium hair. The principle of creating such waves is the same for any kind of styling. To create them, you will need styling styling, a hairdryer, curling tongs, hairdressing clips and hair spray. Styling can be any, but to give a special smoothness and clarity of forms, as well as durability of styling, it is best to use the means of strong fixation.

Washed and dried hair divided into a side parting. At the base of the parting, separate one strand directly over the forehead and curl it with the help of a curling iron into a tight elastic curl. Not allowing the strands to cool, wrap it with your fingers in a tight curl and secure the curl with a clip. Thus, moving from the face to the back of the head it is necessary to lay all the hair. Try to separate strands of equal size - laying of the "waves" should get the most accurate. Without removing the clips, treat your hair with a strong lacquer and dissolve the strands. Comb your hair with a regular comb with sparse teeth, smoothing the waves and shaping them.

These photos will tell you how to make hairstyles of the 20s on medium-length hair with your own hands:

Hairstyles like in America of the 20s

Similarly, you can make hairstyles of the 20s for long hair, but in this case the main volume of hair on the back of the head does not need to be curled. It is enough to arrange the waves strands on the crown and at the temples. The hair on the back of the head should be collected in a horizontal or "Greek" roller, the hairstyle should completely open the neck, but at the same time be sufficiently compact and smooth. To make the curls in a roller, collect all the hair, including curled tail free low on the back of your head and, using your hands, and even better twister hairpins, roll up a tight and tidy horizontal roller. If necessary, reinforce it with studs.

Independently make such a hairstyle of the 20s, as in the day and evening version. For that decade, bright and throws of hair ornaments were characteristic - ribbons and beautifully decorated headbands that were worn shifted to the middle of the forehead. This decor looks great on both absolutely smooth hairstyles and decorated "waves".

Laying is only a part of the image, which must be supported either with stylized clothes, for example, a dress with a deep neckline, or makeup. Similar hairstyles in America of the 20s necessarily complemented the mysterious smoky eyes and bright red lipstick.

See how stylish and graceful look images of women with hairstyles 20s in these photos:


Watch the video: 25 COOL HAIRSTYLES TO MAKE UNDER A MINUTE (July 2024).