
Keratin hair straightening procedure: how long does it last and when can it be done again?


Greetings to you, my dear girls! Today, every woman is aware of the rich variety of procedures for hair in the beauty area. And, perhaps, the keratin straightening treatment remains the most popular. I note that it is WRONG, that is, it is aimed at restoring and nourishing the hair, it works only at the level of the cortex and does not change the disulfide bonds inside the hair. Keratising can only maintain the health and beauty of the hair, repeating the procedure once every 4-5 months, but not getting rid of curly locks forever.

Duration of keratinization procedure

I hope that everyone knows and understands the definition of keratin straightening, but I repeat for those who still do not know what kind of animal it is.

So, keratin hair straightening - a procedure aimed at straightening, smoothing and fighting with very curly, tough, unruly and unresponsive hair. Depending on the composition of the cosmetic in one procedure, it is quite possible to straighten even the most resistant curl and ethnic type of hair. Thanks to keratinization, you can grow the cherished length of hair, strands do not get confused, easily fit and restore at the cellular level thanks to keratin, a number of oils and amino acids that stimulate hair growth, give softness and retain moisture in the hair. How much time does the procedure for keratinizing hair take?

The time that the master spends on the procedure in the beauty salon or at home is the same, so when choosing a place you should focus on the experience of the master (portfolio, reviews, availability of certificates, etc.). The duration of the service is influenced by 3 factors:

  1. Type, density and length of hair

(if it is thick, afro curls, dry, burned out or long hair - time increases)

Each brand has its own instruction and technological card: application, drying, sealing, etc. Obviously, to apply and distribute the composition faster on wet hair than on dry, and to iron the strands 7 times much faster than 15 times, right? So do not be alarmed if you regularly do keratisation with different masters and notice a discrepancy in the order of the procedure.

Of course, for a while it is also capable of influencing how the master managed to get his hand in his work. But I propose to take as a basis not the number of certificates on the wall and the years of work, but it is the conscientious attitude to your hair.

I personally note: it will always be twice more pleasant for me if, before the procedure, the master gives a healthy assessment to my hair, genuinely takes an interest in my wishes and imbued with my problem. Perhaps I chose an inexpedient procedure, biasedly assessed the condition of my hair. Remember: you do not need to choose the procedure according to the principle “that is cheaper”, since the master technologist should determine the appropriate product for your hair (this is its main task!). In the end, you can always give up and leave.

Every girl loves her hair, trembles over every centimeter cut, so if you find a master who treats your hair as the most precious treasure, hold on to it with both hands!

Almost all the compositions for keratin straightening are designed to be performed in 3 stages: cleansing with shampoo, distribution of the composition on the hair, straightening. There is also a one-stage keratin, which slightly reduces the time of the procedure, but we will consider the classic version, consisting of 3 stages.

Duration services keratin hair straightening

Of course, this is only an approximate time, more specifically, it is better to directly contact the master, but as an option this table will give an idea of ​​the time you have to spend for the beauty of your hair.

For example, after the procedure, I suggest my clients trim the tips and make a polish (I offer it for free, so rarely does anyone refuse)), and this is additionally from 20 to 40 minutes. And yet you need to capture the beauty on the camera from all angles?)

The cost of keratin straightening

Keratin straightening is a salon procedure, so the cost of the service will include rent, repair, advertising, staff salaries, etc. It is absolutely normal that a service in a studio will be 2-3 times more expensive than a private master. Often in the salons and at home masters divide the cost into 2 parts (the cost of the work itself + the price for the material / 1g.). For the client, there is no difference in the total, but this confusion arises in the head with the calculations, because no one will tell by phone the exact number of grams that will go to your hair. Therefore, if you are limited in finance, I suggest considering those masters who have a fixed price for the service, at least you will not feel deceived and spend exactly the amount you expected. As a rule, the site of a master or a hairdressing salon has a price in the form of a table, where all parameters are taken into account: length, thickness, type of hair.

Another important factor affecting the cost of the procedure is the composition for keratising. Now all the compositions are divided into Brazilian, US and non-formaldehyde. It is believed that the highest degree of formalin vapor content is contained in the “Brazilian citizenship”: CocoChoco (the times of this “tear” keratin are long gone, but you can still find salons that interact with it), INOAR, Cadiveu, Coppola Keratin Complex, etc., at the same time, thanks to these compositions, it is possible to achieve the effect of straightening even hard curly hair up to 5 months. US compounds also contain formaldehyde or its derivatives, but in an acceptable amount, they are tested and resolved absolutely in all countries of the world: Brazilian Blowout, Global Keratin, Keratin Research. As a result, you will get perfectly smoothed and docile hair, but the result will please up to 12 weeks. Unfortunately, the cost of these compounds in the purchase of almost 2 times more expensive than the Brazilian brothers, so pay for the service will have to be more expensive. And finally, the compositions that will suit lactating mothers and people under the age of 18 years - the so-called organic keratin or formaldehyde. Such compounds are free of acrid smoke and do not contain aldehydes and its derivatives, but you need to remember that the effect of straightening will not please you even a month.

Consider the average cost of keratinization services in St. Petersburg for the most popular compositions: Cadiveu, Global Keratin, Brazilian Blowout, Inoar, Hogma Tokyo,

What is keratin hair straightening?

Modern cosmetology, hairdressing are developing at a rapid pace, each year surprising with interesting novelties, effective procedures that allow Cinderella to turn into a charming Princess. And, perhaps, the most original novelty can be called the technology of keratin hair straightening.

On the one hand, the keratin composition gives a glossy shine, radiance and incredible smoothness, evenness of the curls, on the other hand it protects the curls from aggressive environmental factors, preventing the cross section of the tips and loss.

Thus, the keratin coating is not only a way of hair straightening, but also a treatment-and-prophylactic procedure, which damaged, weakened, and neglected hairs especially need.

Rectification indications include:

  • Naughty curls.
  • Dull, thin hair.
  • Excessively fluffed curls after washing.

The procedure is contraindicated after a perm and with intensive precipitation, as the composition contains alkalis and oxidizing agents.

How long does the procedure last and how long does the effect last?

The procedure takes place in several stages, which in general takes about three hours. Pre-strands are washed with professional shampoo, prepared for the procedure. Then the composition is prepared. It is necessary to elaborate on the types of straightening.

It is Japanese or chemical, Brazilian, American. Brazilian and American types are similar, the difference is only in the brand of the manufacturer of the composition.

The principle of action is to soften the structure of the hair, under the action of the applied keratin mixture and create a protective, nourishing film. After applying the composition, the curls are straightened with a special ironing and dried with a hairdryer.

Japanese straightening is a radical way that is not suitable for weakened curls. Here, the main component, in addition to the keratin complex, are alkalis, which make the structure of curls more malleable and compliant.

Some keratin complexes may contain formaldehyde., which is harmful to hair, but there are more advanced compounds that do not contain formaldehyde.

Also note that illiterately performed straightening can make the hair visually thin, lacking volume. Therefore, in order to avoid this unaesthetic effect, professionals do not put the composition on the roots, but recede 3-5 cm from the roots.

For long, curly hair, it is desirable to carry out several keratin straightening procedures to achieve the desired, long-term result.

How to make stay longer?

A very important nuance after the straightening is competent hair care. First, it is unacceptable to wash, pin up curls, use hoops, ribbons, as well as any styling products for three days after applying the composition. During this period, the curls are the most vulnerable, susceptible to fragility, and the violation of a smooth structure can lead to the formation of unaesthetic creases, which will lead to fragility, cross-section of the ends.

Also in the next two weeks can not dye your hairIt is better to carry out staining a few days before going to the salon. To prolong the action of the complex, you can use special sprays containing keratin, which are sprayed curls once a day.

Subsequently, it is advisable to use professional sulfate-free shampoos that do not wash natural and synthetic keratin from the hair structure, due to which the ideal look of your hairstyle will last longer.

When can I do it again?

Re-trip to the salon can be planned a month or two after the initial straightening. It is not recommended to do it more often, like any other salon procedure.

Keratin straightening is new, gaining tremendous popularity all over the world by the trend in the issue of professional hair care.

Filling the structure of the curls, the keratin composition makes the curls not only stronger, more resilient, but ideally even, radiant. Glossy shine and a mirror glow, which lasts up to four months, will help you gain self-confidence and rivet the attention of others, because the perfect hairstyle is the key to success for a woman, her business card. And finally, it remains only to wish you the joy of a new day, new victories and love!

Duration of the procedure

The time of keratin straightening is calculated individually for each. There is no specific standard or regulation. The technology has a specific sequence of actions, each of which takes a certain amount of time.

To find out how long the procedure can be, you can first consult with a hairdresser.

Many women are interested in how much keratin hair straightening is done. Some of them want to perform this procedure in the home version.

But experts do not advise to carry out such manipulations on their own, as in the cabin there are more conditions for carrying out a qualitative transformation, and salon procedures will be of high quality, unlike home ones. On average, the procedure lasts about 4 hours..

When is the result visible?

The effect of the procedure is immediately visible. Hair becomes perfectly smooth and shiny. To fix this effect, experts do not recommend washing your hair in the first 2-3 days after the procedure. What distinguishes keratin straightening from other salon procedures is just such an instant result.

But the main thing is not the effect that has turned out, but how much is enough for it. There are special conditions for hair care after the procedure. It is on the care and will depend on the further result and its duration.

How long does the effect last?

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how long the result will be maintained after the procedure. Duration depends on many factors, as well as the structure of the hair and their quality. The most important is the length of hair. The longer the hair, the faster the effect disappears..

The process is influenced by the use of deep cleaning shampoo or shampoo with a high content of sulfates.

Extend the effect can use shampoo, in which there is no sodium chloride. In other words, the salts in the composition gradually destroy the protective layer and the result lasts for a short time. Keratin is also destroyed by the sea and ultraviolet. If you are going to rest, be prepared that after it you need to repeat the procedure of straightening.

For those who have already done the procedure, and those who do it for the first time, there is no difference in how long the result lasts. The main thing in keratin straightening is high-quality care.. If the hair is healthy and well-groomed before the procedure, keratin will last for about 4 months.

What factors affect the conservation effect?

As already mentioned, the duration affects the quality of care. If you thought that after keratin you can forget about the use of masks and care products, then you are mistaken. There are special products in which there are no parabens and sulphates - such means should be used.

Extend the effect can reduce the use of various pleyok and hair dryers, you can do styling with a wide brush.

It is difficult to save the effect because the hair was colored before the procedure.. This significantly reduces keratin time. If the hair is inherently fragile, hard and strongly split, the effect will last no more than 2 months.

After what period can you repeat the procedure?

This question interests many girls who at least once had a procedure and saw the result. But, do not immediately repeat the procedure as soon as you noticed that keratin was washed out of the hair. It is necessary to give the hair a certain time to rest - experienced masters advise to refrain from the procedure for 6-8 months.

But, at the same time carry out various procedures for care. Continue to use high-quality shampoo and a mask that will help to quickly restore the hair structure. Do not forget about regular haircut.

5 posts


• Scales of hair are sealed, which smooths its structure and removes fluffiness.
• Appears stunning healthy shine on the hair.
• Hair becomes obedient, softer, time for laying is reduced.
• Filling hair with keratin restores hair: it ceases to be dry, brittle, lifeless, dull.
• Thin hair compacted, removed static electricity, the hair does not fly apart, do not tangle, become stronger, do not break.
• Keratin provides thermal protection: hair is protected from high and low temperatures (hair dryers / irons / ultraviolet / cold, etc. are not so bad for the hair).
• The hair does not react to the weather: it doesn’t push out when it is wet, it keeps styling longer.
• Prevents split ends.


Keratin straightening is not a chemical process and no magic, so it can solve only up to 70% of hair problems.Be wary of the masters who promise you perfectly even and healthy hair for half a year after just one procedure. In reality, these 70% give the following result:
• Very curly hair: fluffiness is removed, hair lies in soft waves, made obedient, pliable styling.
• Wavy hair: all the same, only look naturally straight, without strong waves.
• Naturally straight hair: the effect of ultra-smooth hair, without fluffiness, very shiny.
• Burned hair: soak up a lot of keratin and will direct the effect more on hair restoration than on straightening it, so in some especially burned places (most often the tips) the hair may still be a little fuzzed or worn, you will need another (and sometimes two!) procedures. The recovery effect is also up to 70%.

Remember: keratinizing hair is not a ready styling, but only a foundation for styling! Hair becomes soft, smooth and obedient, so you can do whatever you want with it! Do you want ultra-smooth hair today? Smoothen the iron, because after keratising it is easier and faster to do 70% (and some just need to dry the hair with a hair dryer with a comb and the hair is perfectly straight)! Or maybe you want to curl curls? No problem! Hair obedient, keep styling, do not push, and curls shine.


With proper care, the result from the procedure will last:
• After the first procedure: 1-2 months,
• After the second: 3-4 months *,
• From the third procedure: up to 5 months *.
* If you do not wait for the complete washout of previous procedures. The effect is cumulative: each time the hair is more and more restored, it becomes more straight and the result lasts longer!

If the hair is hard / very curly / often washed / dyed, the effect rarely lasts longer than 3 months, although it all depends on the individual characteristics of the hair, because there are also a few clients who, after the first procedure, retain the effect for half a year. Also, the duration of the result of the procedure depends on the hardness of the water (the harder the water is, the more salts it has that wash the keratin faster), again, how conscientiously do you follow the rules for hair care, and, of course, the professionalism of the wizard I performed the procedure for you (didn’t you regret the keratin, did you endure the right time, how many times did you press and much more).

Keratin is gradually washed out until the effect is completely gone. After washing, the hair will return to the “Before the procedure” state, so if you decide to return your curls, you will not need to trim the hair. After washing the keratin, the hair will not become worse than it was (as many fear), on the contrary, they will be restored, because for the past few months you have not tormented them with irons and they have been protected from the effects of harmful factors.

You can do it again at least two weeks after the previous keratising procedure (if there is such a need), you need to look at the state of your hair: if you think that it is time to do another procedure, then come, because there are no restrictions on the frequency of applications (but it should not go less than 14 days from the previous procedure). To maintain the optimal condition of the hair, it is advisable to carry out the procedure 3 or 4 times a year (for example, if the first time you did the procedure yourself at the beginning of winter, then the second can be done at the beginning of spring, and then at the beginning of summer, etc.). Now, for some reason, it is normal to spend several thousand rubles every month on nails, eyelashes and epilations, but to give a couple of thousand times in several months for the beauty of hair while we consider it a luxury, but pity.


Formaldehyde is a very effective preservative. Therefore, it is contained in almost 20% of cosmetics, which we use every day (shampoos, even children's shampoos!, Bath foams, eyelash adhesives, nail polishes, hair styling gels, soaps, lotions, deodorants, etc. .)! Also, formaldehyde can be inhaled when in contact with many sources, for example: open fire, tobacco smoke, gas stoves, exhaust gases. Formaldehyde is also contained in such household goods as: disinfectants, adhesives, carpet cleaners, etc. The list goes on and on! But for some reason everyone decided that formaldehyde in keratin could be harmful! There are standards of quality and safety regarding the permissible level of formaldehyde content in different products. Inoar keratins do not exceed the level of formaldehyde safe indicator, and in some formulations there is no formaldehyde (it is contained only in rectifying complexes)! It is clear that you need to take care of your health, but this is not a reason to refuse all the benefits of civilization! You can throw all the shampoos out of the house, glue, furniture, move to live in the village, have a poor look, and you can not go crazy. Why then keratin, if it is supposedly so harmful, is actively developing around the world? It should also be noted that the master of keratin straightening is not the enemy of their health and will not use such a harmful tool, because they themselves are doing the procedure, and constantly in contact with it when working with clients. Scary stories about keratin - a product of the imagination of those who are looking for a dirty trick, who do not believe in a really good and affordable procedure. Many admired customers are not excessive proof that the tool is proven and safe.


Keratising hair is, on the contrary, a procedure that restores hair, making it soft and shiny! On the forums, you can find different reviews, such as: "hair after the procedure is dry," "not shine", etc., but in reality this can be only because of the wrong actions of the master! Hair will burn, will not shine, will start to break off and be confused, if the master: applied enough composition to the hair, and / or did not allow the composition to absorb the right time, or unevenly missed the hair strands, spent a very hot iron on the strands more times than it should, not enough dried hair after washing, did not have professional tools (inappropriate hair iron), etc. Also, the health of your hair also depends on keratin used by the master: there are cheap poor-quality keratins (say, silicone content, which clogs the hair after a couple of procedures and makes it brittle - there is no such thing in Inoar, it is an expensive high-quality keratin!) Product not available from authorized distributors. Therefore, it is so important that the master was intelligent! Trust your beauty only to proven masters: certified, with experience, with positive feedback from regular customers, to those who work not for flow for the sake of greater profit, but for the result! If you have already become a victim of a bad master, then sign up to a professional - he will restore your hair, thank heaven with the help of keratising!

Another question is when they write on the forums about hair loss after keratinization or dandruff. The composition is not applied to the scalp (1-3 cm back), therefore dandruff cannot appear from it! But from a new sulphate-free shampoo can - try to change it to another brand of sulphate-free shampoo or thoroughly wash your hair (2-3 times, not one), because these shampoos foam poorly, and dandruff may appear due to poorly washed scalp. Regarding hair loss: we repeat that keratin is not applied to the scalp, so there is no effect on the hair follicles, which means that keratin cannot cause hair loss! Again, the reason may be in the new shampoo you are not suitable! Or here are a number of other causes of hair loss: smoking, ecology, hormones, seasonal loss, stress, lack of vitamins, hair coloring or bleaching immediately before the procedure (and you need to wait at least 3 days), etc. As you can see, there can be any reason for anything, but it seems to be more convenient for people to blame keratisation than to test their bodies. Many people have been doing this procedure regularly for several years and have never seen a fallout, but they have luxurious hair! And for some, on the contrary, hair loss stopped immediately after keratinization! Even in the lowest quality keratins in the compositions there is nothing that contributes to hair loss! Keratins are used all over the world, so if everyone had their hair cut from them, they would have banned them long ago. For hair, keratisation is a phenomenal invention that has turned the whole hairdressing business upside down! Once again we summarize: hair does not fall out from keratinizing! Keratin - restores hair!


Lamination of hair is a procedure that makes the hair more shiny and soft, and especially expensive formulations even support hair. Very convenient, but if noticeably curly hair must be straightened - lamination will not help at all. And if you have shiny non-wavy hair, you will not notice the effect of lamination at all. Lamination is washed off just a few times, so if you also wash your hair often, having done this procedure, simply throw money away. Keratisation lasts for several months, has a cumulative effect, smoothes the hair, makes it obedient, restores it and the cost, by the way, is almost the same as that of lamination. So it's up to you.


Japanese straightening is a chemical hair straightening forever. That is, having made it once, the hair will always be straight. A dream for many! However, their hair will grow back as usual - curly. Therefore, either it will be necessary to constantly sub-straighten them so that they do not differ from chemically straightened hair, or to shave straightened ones. And then imagine: the industry has its curls centimeters by 10 (and this is already noticeable!), The roots are pushed, and the ends of the hair hang straight and lifeless (chemistry after all). If you want to make a Japanese straightening yourself, then look for a very experienced master, because the hair will come out, if you overdo the composition, if you wash it badly, if you get on the scalp, do not apply a neutralizing balm, etc., because there is acid in the composition hair structure (chemistry does not work differently, only by destroying its structure). By the way, this component (sodium thioglycolate or thioglycolic acid) is also used in depilation creams, so imagine how important it is to find a good specialist so that hair from chemical straightening does not creep out like from these creams! Despite the similar external effect, keratinizing hair is, in its mechanics, a procedure inverse to chemical hair straightening. Chemistry dissolves keratin protein hair compounds, and the hair becomes thin, soft and weak due to which the hair straightens up (so Japanese straightening cannot be done on bleached and bleached hair - repeated destruction of keratin proteins can completely destroy the hair). Keratisation of the hair, on the contrary, compensates for the hair lost keratin, restoring it. That is why hairs previously subjected to chemical attack (bleaching or dyeing) can most effectively be restored with the help of keratin. Japanese straightening changes the actual hair structure in a chemical way, making the hair unnaturally straight and not amenable to styling, the integrity of the hair is broken, and a few Japanese straightening procedures are enough to make the hair look unhealthy. Keratin hair - on the contrary, smoothes hair, while restoring them! Understand that this is not a “publicity stunt”, so that people only do hair keratisation, refusing Japanese straightening or lamination of hair, but this is, in fact and experience, a better and safer procedure. It is not difficult for masters in keratinizing hair to retrain and work with Japanese straightening or lamination, but they don’t, because keratinization is really better. And the prices are about the same. Take care of your hair!

Valery Senko

There are two ways to keratin straightening
using the "ironing" that is sealed keratin in the hair
(more common and cheaper)
using infrared + ultrasound transducer
is rare and only in expensive salons, but the most harmless to hair

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http: // kosmetichka. (remove the space)

Catherine Miller

In the range of 1000-3000, depending on which city. The effect lasts for 2-2.5 weeks, but if you wash with a special shampoo that the master advises you can and take longer, but how many friends did keratin make my hair bad, and they need constant keratin straightening, otherwise they look very bad

Hold on for 3-6 months, but if you have curly hair you need to straighten even with an iron, keratin does not completely flatten out. I poatila 2500

from 6000 re, spoils hair terribly

Katya Elesina

spoils nothing. on the contrary fills the hair and sealed it. depending on the length of the price of about 2500 thousand. 1st time keeps approximately 3 months and hair after washing quickly dries and it is not necessary to straighten them. use only without sulphate shampoo as usual wash keratin. apparently the girls did not use the rules after they made themselves keratin

Angela Andreeva

I do keratin straightening in Mytishchi, for 3000 rubles, hair on the shoulder blade. The composition of Inoar, as it lasted even for 6 months, was very good master and good composition, has already been done 5 times, nothing falls off or burned, the hair grows well (attached photo). I recommend

Katya Rudenko

You can safely make keratin straightening even this week. I usually do it in the cabin every 5 months, but if you do it the first time, then most likely you will only have enough effect for 3-4 months. Remember that keratin straightening effect is cumulative. And here it is also very important what means you do this procedure. It is important that without formaldehyde. Here I have always done prof. means Trissola, hair after straightening smooth, soft and perfectly smooth. Even dried now much faster.

Arguments for

There is a lot of speculation about this method. Including about its harm. Many girls, having heard of this method, expressed doubt and distrust. However, having understood the essence of the procedure, it can be understood that it not only does not spoil, but also improves the condition of the hair.

The effects of keratin straightening are positive. This is due to the use of a protein that improves the state of the curls. Much more harm is done when using irons, which take away moisture, dry hair, make them stiff, bitten. In addition, the effect is more long-playing.

You do not have to stand in front of a mirror with an iron every day, to wake up half an hour earlier before going to work, which makes life easier for women. The hairstyle looks good not only immediately after laying, but also when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, bad weather conditions, wind, cold.

Locks, as well as health in general, are harmed not only by external, but also by internal factors: lack of sleep, stress, lack of vitamins, sedentary work, rare walks in the fresh air. In the modern world, there are enough negative effects on the human body, the effect of contact with which the procedure of keratin hair straightening can be reduced significantly.

Beauty does not require sacrifice

The owners of wavy and curly hair, which always wanted to somehow streamline, iron associated with the cost of time, effort and harm to the hair.Many people are waving to this venture, understanding that it is better to abandon the hairstyle of their dreams, but to ensure the health of the strands.

Learning about the new technique and its harmlessness, the girls are curious about how much keratin hair straightens. Although for those who are not familiar with this procedure, the name sounds mysterious, but the technology is quite simple. It is applied using an enzyme of animal origin. Sheep from which it is harvested are raised in New Zealand.

Additional useful elements are also added, the effect of which is the restoration of areas of hair that were previously damaged, the formation of a protective layer. It is for this feature that keratin has been used so widely, and not for its leveling properties.

Effect duration

Deciding on the procedure, I want to fully realize whether the game is worth the candle. So how much keratin hair straightening keeps, can it save a girl from daily ritual with an iron?

Each organism is unique, and strands too (as part of it). So the effect depends on the length, general condition of the curls, the means that the client uses after her visit, how often she washes her hair. Extend the effect of useful elements, each can personally, following a number of simple recommendations. If a girl has tight curls, most likely, after the first washing of the head, they will start to curl gradually back.

For the average length of the hair is important frequency of trips to the bathroom. In order to determine how much keratin hair straightening is held, experiments were conducted using the same conditions. In some women, the first waves in a haircut appeared only after 3 months, in others - already after a month, while the first group used shampoo 1 time per week, and the second - 2. Those who managed not to wet their heads for 14 days enjoyed the effect procedures 4 months.

Where roots grow from

Having dealt with the deadlines and being filled with more and more confidence in their desire to visit the salon, women are interested in what exactly will happen there, how the keratin straightening is done, how this procedure appeared.

In magazines about personal care they write about the Brazilian and American method. So where did this method come from? Actually in Israel. There have also been developed techniques to maintain the effect over a long period. The differences between the alignment types are that different amounts of formaldehyde are used. This is a really important point, because if used immoderately, it can have a carcinogenic effect. A more benign option is the American. It should be noted that in our country the same composition is often used both for this and for the Brazilian method, while clients of the salons do not really go into details.

Procedure cost

An important question is how much keratin straightening costs. Its price depends on the materials used and their percentage. Despite the fact that the American method brings a more short-term effect, you need to pay more for it.

With the advent of the procedure in our country, the cost was strikingly different in different salons. Then a uniform level of pricing for keratin straightening was established. Price depends on how long and thick hair. The focus is on an amount in the range of $ 200-400. For most people, this is a monthly salary, or even two. The procedure is not cheap is keratin straightening. Its price is not convenient for everyone. So even those whose budget does not suffer too much from such an investment in health, carefully study the information about the effect and the timing.

What happens in the cabin?

The procedure is divided into separate stages:

  • To start the hair clean. To do this, use shampoo that provides intensive and deep cleaning. Thus, keratin molecules have the strongest effect.
  • Protein-keratin composition is evenly applied to the strands. The distance from the beginning of hair growth is no more than 1 centimeter. In the salon, the craftsmen choose the means and the percentage of elements depending on the “starting material”. The mask is not washed off. Hair dryer curls dried. To ensure air penetration to the hair roots, use a large brush.
  • Strands are divided into strands up to 2.5 cm wide. A flat iron is used for straightening. Heating temperature - no more than 230 degrees. Protein covers damaged areas, folding, so that the damage to the curls are not caused. Hair does not become wavy due to the hardening of the cosmetic mixture.

After these simple manipulations, direct, radiating health curls from a dream become a reality. Shampoo after keratin straightening prolongs the effect.

It should be noted that damaged hair is really restored, transformed externally, saturated with force. For many, this is a magic wand, with which you can bring your hair in the desired state.

Hair care is carried out by purchasing a set for keratin straightening.

There are several popular brands on the market from which you can choose the most suitable in terms of price and result. Available in bottles of different sizes. The set includes shampoo after keratin straightening, the base substance and mask.

When buying large bottles of women often save. The result comes instantly. Color lasts a long time, the paint is washed out longer. No hair dryer is required during installation. Hair becomes obedient, silky and smooth.

Clients of beauty salons and those who have tried this method on their own note that the effect is really pleasing. Dissatisfied reviews appear because of the appeal to an unqualified master who does not comply with the rules of the procedure. The same can be said about users performing the procedure at home.

It is better to contact a proven expert on the recommendations, so as not to throw a lot of money into the wind and not harm the health of the hair. Subject to the instructions, the result is healthy, beautiful hair, the smoothness and silkiness of which is enjoyed for several months.


After this type of straightening effect is noticeable immediately. The hairs are smooth and smooth, and look healthy. The preparations contain extracts of Brazilian plants to enhance the action. Additionally, the tools provide a head of hair UV protection. Curly strands straighten, gain elasticity and shine. The most disobedient of them will be smoothed out, "fluffiness" and disorder will disappear.

Details on the Brazilian hair straightening technique can be found on our website.

Important! This method involves the use of a chemical such as formaldehyde. For this reason, it is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Different from the Brazilian lack of formaldehyde. This method will relieve hair from overdrying and restore a healthy shine. However, this is a more expensive method and short-lived (the maximum period is 3 months).

The duration in the second case does not depend on the detergents used.

How long does

You need to understand all the nuances of keratin straightening in order to avoid disappointment. The structure of the hair in each case has its own characteristics. The effect depends on how long the curls are, as well as on the regularity of washing and the means used for it.

The owner of hard strands already after the first use of the shampoo, curls will gradually appear again. With an average length, an important factor is the regularity of taking a shower. The less often the girl washes her hair, the longer the result will remain (up to 4 months for the American method and up to six months for the Brazilian).

Influencing factors

The time costs for the procedure in the home and salon are similar. Choose a specialist should by the availability of certificates, positive reviews and portfolio.

The duration of saving the result depends on three parameters:

  1. Hair type, density and length. On African curls, thick, dry and long strands, the term is increased.
  2. Application technology. Instructions for drugs of different brands is different, as well as straightening technology. This includes application, sealing and drying rules.
  3. Experience a hairdresser. The main criterion for selection should be the professional treatment of the client’s hair, not the number of certificates and experience.

The rules of hair care after straightening are quite simple. It is especially important to observe them within 3 days after the procedure. The main part of keratin is sealed into the hair structure with an ironing device, but the rest of the compound must be absorbed by itself. If you wash your hair for these 72 hours, the effect will be completely reversed.

  • Bath or pool. Watering strands is contraindicated, so swim is permissible only in a special cap. The first three days it is impossible to go to the sauna.
  • Hot-laying appliances. The use of hair dryers and ironing is also prohibited for 72 hours.
  • Hairstyles During this period, you should not pin the strands in any way, since the creases will cause the leveling effect.

After the end of the three-day period, it is also worthwhile to follow the recommendations for eliminating keratin washout. The main point is the use of a shampoo that does not contain sulfates. Apply the product should be carefully and only in the root area. This will be enough to cleanse the entire length of the hair to the ends. We have prepared for you an overview of sulfate-free hair shampoos after straightening with keratin, you can read it on our website.

Important! Refuse balms should not be. It is advisable to use products of one manufacturer containing keratin. The washing process must fully follow the instructions in the manual.

Caring cosmetics

Applying hair masks will be needed after a couple of weeks. Mixtures are considered highly effective. Since at first the strands will be sufficiently obtained during the procedure of nutrition, additional care is not needed. After 2-3 weeks, the use of cosmetics should not be more than 1 time during the week.

Salty, vegetable oils and honey are contraindicated for home use. Permitted foods include eggs, dairy products, lemon juice and onions. Additionally, after keratin straightening, it is permissible to use protective sprays.

This means not requiring rinsing. They are best applied before traveling, involving rest near water bodies, as well as leaving the house.

From the structure of the hair keratin wash the oil, so the application of compounds with them is strictly prohibited. This will not only destroy the effect, but also aggravate the overall condition of the strands. Deep cleansing shampoos where sulfites or sodium chloride are present are contraindicated. This recommendation will suit any girl, even if she did not straighten the curls. It is recommended to limit the use of forceps, hair dryer and ploy.

Recipe Review

Among the compositions used for smoothing hair, a number of manufacturers are especially popular with buyers. These include:

  • Cocochoco. This drug is in the public domain on the Russian market. Its cost is lower than its counterparts, but this factor provoked the spread of fakes. Low price - the main reason for the popularity of the brand. However, it corresponds to a low quality. Often the effect of smoothing appears only slightly, the structure of the strands does not change. For this reason, most customer reviews are negative.

  • Brazilian Blowout. Expensive product, which can not buy every woman. Here, too, there are often fakes at a lower cost, but their quality is incomparable with the effect of the original.

Attention! Acquire Blowout should only official distributors. Then the straightening effect on the hair will leave any girl happy.

  • Cadiveu - demanded brand. Most reviews are positive, however, high quality is typical only for original products.

  • Bombshell keratin - drug for straightening, which is often chosen by girls because of good quality. An additional advantage of this brand is a lower price compared to the advertised counterparts.

  • Coppola Keratin Complex. This set received an award from Stylist Choice Awards in 2010. It is expensive, however, the products will not give one hundred percent effect of direct strands.

  • Global Keratin. Cheap funds from this company is not found. The effectiveness of keratin remains in question.

  • Nanokeratin. Keratin containing agent does not give a strong effect. In Israel, this drug is prohibited. In Russia, the sale is suspended.

  • Kerarganic Does not contain formaldehyde, as the manufacturer claims, therefore products are positioned as a harmless means. However, there is no information that any laboratory tests were performed. The effect of the drug is very weak.

  • Inoar. Keratin straightening using the composition of this manufacturer will be cheaper, but its quality is low.

Do not buy products, focusing on a small price. Acquire only proven compounds.

First three days

  • The specified period is accompanied by a total ban on washing the strands and getting wet. Soaring in the sauna or bath is also impossible. Full absorption will occur on the third day, so it is important to protect the hair from any contact with moisture, which also includes rain and bathing.
  • The room where you sleep, you need to pre-ventilate. This will avoid the formation of sweat in the root zone. For the same reason, it is better to use pillowcases made from natural material.
  • It is forbidden to use curling irons, hairdryer, irons and other heating devices. If you ignore this point, the probability of thinning and fragility is great.
  • Do not stab hair or tails.
  • Do not use styling gels, varnishes, mousses and foams. The components of the tool will react with keratin, the result of this interaction is unpredictable.
  • Hair coloring is permissible 7 days before the procedure and 14 days later. Only ammonia-free formulations are allowed.
  • During the specified period to cut the strands is also not worth it.
  • Starting the use of detergent and caring products is allowed after three days.

Subsequent period

Washing the curls after the keratin straightening is performed without sulphate shampoo, which also does not contain sodium chloride. Sharp and intense movements during soaping should be avoided.

Among other recommendations:

  • use a balsam or mask for each wash of hair (preferably keratin-containing cosmetics),
  • the use of special cosmetics to facilitate combing is mandatory for owners of unruly and thick strands,
  • styling varnishes, gels and mousses should not contain aggressive substances, like sodium sulfate (destroys the keratin coating),
  • tight hairstyles and backdrops, which can provoke the destruction of the applied composition, are contraindicated,
  • Swimming in the pool should be carried out in a special rubber cap.

In the event of exposure to strands of sea water, they should be thoroughly washed so that no salt remains on the surface, which is detrimental to the structure.

Learn more about keratin hair straightening thanks to the following articles on our website:

Useful videos

Keratin hair straightening.

How and what to wash your hair after keratin straightening.

How often can you repeat?

If we talk about the frequency with which you can repeat the procedure, there is no unequivocal answer.It all depends on the duration of the result of the previous alignment and your own desire to repeat the procedure. It is important to monitor the condition of the hair and if you see that the result has begun to weaken, you can repeat the procedure.

Keratin straightening is performed with the help of special tools that are made by different manufacturers and the quality of the products can vary significantly. Actually the result also depends on it.

Step-by-step instructions on how to extend the result

  1. The first 72 hours after the procedure are the most. During this time, you can not wet your hair (do not go to the pool, sauna), you can not wash your hair with shampoo and blow dry. Hair should remain dry for 3 days.
  2. Taking a shower, use a special hat, it will save hair, protect them from hot steam.
  3. After three days you can do anything with your hair. But, it should be remembered that now the hair needs careful handling and it is recommended to use shampoos, masks, conditioners that do not contain sulfates and sodium chloride. Can be used indelible balms. They most often come in a series of professional hair cosmetics.
  4. It is not advisable at the initial stage to use pins, hairpins and headbands. It is better to wear hair loose, combing only from top to bottom. It is not recommended to lay the hair behind the ears, tighten with rubber bands and clips. Hands it is recommended to touch hair as seldom as possible.
  5. Further care consists of thorough washing with high-quality products. If you want to prolong the result, you should not often visit the strong sun, because it can strongly burn your hair. As a result, keratin will quickly wash out from the hair.
  6. If you have done the procedure, you should not do staining or highlighting in the same period.

Advantages and disadvantages

Keratin straightening is a great chance to give your hair a beautiful look.. But, the procedure has a large number of positive and negative sides.

This is not a panacea for hair. If you are looking for an option to reduce the time for hair care - this procedure will not work for you.

And although keratin significantly improves the condition of the locks, you need to simultaneously take care of them in order to improve the condition and prolong the effect of the procedure.

If you follow all the rules and care for your hair with the help of high-quality, natural products - the effect will really be good. Many, who have already tried keratin straightening are advised to contact only professionals and use quality products for the procedure.

How is keratin straightening performed?

Keratin hair straightening

Previously, to achieve the desired result, I straightened my hair with an iron, but since they are very long (to the waist) and thick, it took a lot of time, and I didn’t want to resort to such a procedure often - it was harmful.

Preparation from the client is not necessary, you can not even wash your hair before visiting the hairdresser (they will still wash their hair).

The first stage is cleansing. Hair and scalp are washed with shampoo for deep cleaning so that all accumulated substances (hair cosmetics, dust, etc.) disappear without a trace.

The procedure is very similar to the collagen hair wrap, which I did a year after keratin.

After shampooing the master applies a special composition, which is the main component of the procedure. Spin by strand is distributed over the entire length, receding 1-2 cm from the scalp. Before this, it is important to dry the hair in a particularly high quality.

As soon as a keratin composition is applied to the strand, the master “seals” it with the help of high temperature - ironing carefully smoothes the hair.

This stage of the procedure is very long, at least my hair did not want to run out, the whole procedure lasted about 3.5-4 hours. After applying the composition you need to sit for a while. Now I don’t remember exactly, but about 20 minutes.

Next, we acted on the accelerated version.

There are different types of compositions, some of them suggest not to wash your hair for 2-3 days after application (to walk with the composition on the head), while others can be washed off immediately.

Fortunately, I had a second case. Since I am familiar with the master, she gave me the necessary number of masks in a container (the third stage of the procedure).

The third stage is to wash off the composition with water and apply a mask for a few minutes, then wash your hair in the usual way. I did this without the help of a master.

Which composition to choose?

Keratin hair straightening Inoar G-Hair

Of course, I can not say about the other compositions, since I tried only one. But I will leave my impressions about him.

The master showed me a keratin kit from the manufacturer Inoar G-Hair. She tried on clients different brands, but this, according to her, the most optimal.

Of the benefits can be noted:

  1. Hair can be washed immediately after the procedure.
  2. Convenient to use
  3. The result is long

In the future, I am going to re-do the procedure for keratin hair straightening, I will also give preference to this manufacturer.

Keratin straightening: before and after

Before the procedure, my hair was very tight, dense, porous. The mass of hair was large, and at the temples there were hated curls-antennas.

Keratin straightening: before and after

After the procedure, I got the promised effect. Perfect smooth hair, without a hint of waves. The only thing that I didn’t really like was that in the first month after the procedure, the hair had no volume at the roots and was slicked. But as hair regrowth, volume gradually returns. Yes, and the lack of volume is easy to fix - dry the hair with a hair dryer, head down.

A lot of information from opponents of this procedure, they say that it is harmful.

I believe that the harm is exaggerated. Yes, the composition that is applied under the iron is very fragrant, at one time during the procedure my eyes were watering, but the master put a mask on me and myself so as not to breathe it. And on the scalp means is not applied.

As for the high temperature, which adversely affects the hair, it is only once in several months, when the hair will be straight. Before that, I straightened my hair more often.

Also, some say that keratin is bad for hair, but this is a delusion. This is a natural protein that is part of the hair and skin. The damage from the procedure is due to if the master conducted the procedure, retreating from the technology, or saved on the composition. It is important to find "your" master, a competent specialist, working on high-quality cosmetics.


Watch the video: Don't Go for Hair Smoothening without watching this video. Prachi Parekh (July 2024).