
Nutrition for hair growth - food and vitamins


Long healthy hair is the real treasure of every girl. And in order to accelerate their growth, we are in constant search for a variety of tools and procedures that will help to get the cherished length. But it is food for hair growth that can speed up this process and give you luxurious thick hair.

Proper nutrition - the key to rapid hair growth

You have probably heard more than once how important it is for healthy and young people to eat healthy, high-quality foods. Well, if your goal is beautiful and strong hair, then it's time to revise the filling of your refrigerator. One of its most important components should be fresh fruits and vegetables. And, by the way, frozen foods are also good for our body, so excuses in the style of “how expensive it is to buy vegetables and fruits in winter” do not work :)

Proper nutrition can not only significantly affect your appearance, but also improve your health, give energy, activity, get rid of depression, bad mood and chronic fatigue. A daily balanced diet will fill you with all the necessary vitamins, amino acids, micro and macronutrients, as well as help you easily manage those extra pounds.

Pay attention to the amount of protein in your portions - hair is built precisely because of this material, so be sure to eat chicken breast, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs and soy products, beans and dried nuts. The keratin you get from these products will help your hair grow quickly and healthy.

Choose fats for hair growth

Yes, yes, you heard right - you really need fats for hair growth. But this does not mean that you can overeat cookies and cakes, in which there is more than enough of these fats - using them, the only thing you can grow is the volume of the waist and hips, and not the hair. In order for hair to accelerate its growth, it is necessary to nourish it with unsaturated fats, which are contained in olive oil, nuts, fish oil, and seafood. It is the fats that help the body more easily absorb all the vitamins that we get from our diet.

Pay attention to beauty vitamins - Omega-3 and B vitamins, as well as A, D, E, K will help you grow hair. We can not always fill our body's daily need for vitamins with just healthy eating. And here you will be helped by special dietary supplements, which contain the most important trace elements that improve our health and beauty.

Healthy hair requires iron and zinc.

Thanks to iron, oxygen is delivered to the cells, which allows the hair to grow strong and strong. To improve hair growth, choose lean meat, lentils, soy and tofu.

In order for tissues to recover easily and quickly, and sebaceous glands to work without interruption, you need a sufficient amount of zinc in the body. To compensate for the zinc deficiency and restore health and beauty to your hair, eat at least once a week foods that contain a lot of zinc - low-fat roast beef, oysters, pumpkin seeds and zucchini, dark chocolate and cocoa powder. These products will help you not only to increase hair growth, but also to establish many important processes in the body - to improve the condition of the skin, nails, to establish the menstrual cycle and cope with insomnia.

Useful vitamins for hair that the body should receive from food:

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
  3. Vitamin B12
  4. Vitamin C
  5. Vitamin E
  6. Folic acid
  7. Vitamin B3 (niacin)
  8. Iron
  9. Zinc
  10. Magnesium
  11. Prenatal vitamins
  12. Proteins
  13. Omega-3 fatty acids
  14. Vitamin supplements

Nutrients and Vitamins

What does our hair need to grow well and feel comfortable? First, let's talk not about the food itself, but about the nutrients that it contains and which are so necessary to our hair.

70-80% hair consists of keratin, so we are simply obliged to provide our hair with the necessary amount of protein. The lack of protein in the diet leads to the weakening and loss of hair.

The main sources of protein are milk, meat, eggs, fish, cheese. These products should be on your table daily, they can be alternated, cooked in different forms. It is better to choose lean meat and dairy products. They also help to maintain a healthy complexion.

Vitamins of this group are directly responsible for hair growth. Most of them are found in yeast, milk, cottage cheese, germinated cereals, animal liver and kidneys. Slightly less B vitamins are found in legumes, carrots, bran, cauliflower, nuts.

Vitamin B9 It is useful not only for pregnant women, it also helps to strengthen and grow hair. It should be remembered that the B vitamins do not accumulate in the body as a reserve, they must be replenished in a timely manner.

The lack of this vitamin leads to hair loss, dandruff. The source of vitamin A is fish oil, seafood, animal liver. A little less of it is found in butter and dairy products.

The greatest amount of vitamin E is found in vegetable oils. Also, this vitamin is in oatmeal, corn, cabbage, legumes, sprouted grains, nuts, almonds.

Its deficiency in the body leads to the fact that the hair becomes brittle and dull, splitting, falling out. If your hair starts to fall out and thin out, this can be one of the signs of iron deficiency anemia. Iron is found in red meats, liver, fish, and poultry.

Rich in this microcell and various cereals, bran bread, egg yolk. A little less iron is found in vegetables and fruits.

It is water that is responsible for moisturizing the body and hair, in particular. In addition, our hair is 15% water, so they need regular moisturizing. On the day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water to fill the water balance and strengthen the hair.

Vitamins for hair growth in products

What are the fortified products for hair growth recommended by experts? The hair has an increased need for many vitamins: A, B5, B12, C, E, K, N.

  • And - restores healthy structure, natural elasticity of hair
  • B5 - strengthens hair, oxygenates, promotes hair growth
  • B12 - activates growth, contributes to their strength
  • C - vessel strengthening, preserves hair follicles from possible destruction
  • E - improves growth, at the same time relieves headaches
  • K - restores dull hair, makes it shiny
  • H - in combination with other vitamins promotes the absorption of nutrients, prevents dandruff.

In principle, all vitamins for hair growth in products are necessary and important.

You should know that hair by its chemical composition is protein structures, and without regular intake of amino acids the hair lacks proteins. Fill the deficit nutrition, including meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts. Nothing superfluous in this menu, made from high quality raw materials.

2) Biotin for hair growth (vitamin B1)

Biotin is one of the main vitamins on which hair growth depends. It is one of 12 vitamins of group B. It prevents fragility of hair and supports its healthy texture.
It is believed that biotin also provides the volume and thickness of hair. It promotes the production of fatty acids in the cells and facilitates their growth. Works in combination with amino acids and fats. In turn, amino acids are components of proteins. Also, amino acids play an important role in the processes of glucogenesis. Biotin is a water soluble vitamin. Many well-known products contain biotin. Adequate intake and external use of this vitamin is the key to the health and beauty of hair.

The consumption of biotin for hair leads to:

  1. rapid acceleration of hair growth
  2. thickening of every hair
  3. strengthen hair

Foods rich in biotin (H):

  • Mushrooms
  • Avocado
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Peanut butter
  • Yeast
  • Almond
  • Walnuts
  • Cauliflower
  • Bananas
  • Raspberries

Healthy foods

We figured out what vitamins and nutrients our hair needs to be healthy and grow well. And now we will find out what foods should be consumed, so that our hair will delight us and those around us.

Beef and pork are rich in protein, which is so necessary for our hair for active growth, and meat of turkey and chicken also contains iron, which strengthens hair follicles.

Fish is a source of protein and essential amino acids. In addition, red fish varieties (eg, trout, salmon, salmon) are rich in vitamin B12 and zinc, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth.

In addition to valuable protein, eggs contain phosphorus, calcium, potassium, B vitamins, which directly affect hair growth and ensure its health.

Protein products that are rich in calcium and iron. Regular consumption of dairy products allows the hair to be nourished from the inside and grow quickly.

Protein that is found in hard cheese is better absorbed than milk protein. In addition, the cheese contains calcium, phosphorus, various minerals and vitamins (B12, C, E, PP, A, B1 and B2, E).

This product is rich in B vitamins, fiber, vitamins A and E, minerals (selenium, magnesium). These substances stimulate the metabolic processes in the body, nourish the hair follicles, so that the hair becomes thick and strong.

Different types of nuts are rich in protein. In addition, they contain many vitamins (B6, AT10, biotin), which provide normal nutrition and hair growth. The nuts contain alpha-linoleic and omega-acids, which are necessary for hair growth and shine.

This fruit is a storehouse of vitamins that our hair needs. They contain vitamin A, PP, C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, iron. All these vitamins and minerals strengthen the hair follicle, stimulate hair growth.

This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, E, iron, zinc, biotin, vitamins of group B. Regular consumption of carrots will speed up hair growth and make them stronger and healthier.

It contains a lot of vitamin A and protein, In addition, butter is rich in minerals, vitamin D, carotene - these substances are necessary to nourish the hair from the inside.

This croup contains vitamin E, zinc, vitamins of group B, and also sulfur which is necessary for hair. It helps strengthen and restore hair, make it strong and accelerate growth.

A balanced, varied and rich in vitamins nutrition will help make your hair strong and healthy, as well as strengthen the entire body. Replacing fast foods, convenience foods and sweets for meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits, you will receive in return a thick, shiny hair and a well-working head. Take care of yourself!

There is an erroneous opinion that diet helps only with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, a strict limitation and a shift in the balance of the diet in favor of a certain type of food is prescribed by doctors in many pathologies.

Many people who want to lose weight, try to do it in the shortest possible time. Of course, I want to bring my body in order within a few days, but this approach to solving a problem often leads to the opposite result - the lost kilograms come back with a reserve.

Pumpkin seeds

In the seeds there vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, which are responsible for hair growth, as well as B5 and B6 - ensure the health of the scalp. With a strong hair loss, it is necessary to more often include pumpkin oil in the diet, because, according to the study, it helps even with pronounced forms of baldness.

In the composition of lentils in record quantities present iron is one of the most important elements for healthy hair growth. Thus, a portion of lentil soup contains about half the daily rate of this element. In addition, these legumes contain zinc, choline (normalizes blood supply to the scalp) and other useful elements.

6) Folic acid - hair stimulant

Folic acid plays a key role in giving hair strength and shine, while maintaining moisture. It also prevents blooming. If you are taking B vitamins, then you probably already get enough folic acid.

Foods rich in folic acid:

Usually, products that are sources of B vitamins contain folic acid as well. All cereals and cereals contain folic acid. On this basis, you can safely afford the consumption of these carbohydrates. But, if you need additional sources of nutrients, then this is suitable for vitamins of group B. Sometimes it is very difficult to find a natural source of this or that vitamin. In this case, it is worth considering the option of bio-additives They are usually a mixture of various vitamins and minerals in the required proportions. Consult a doctor about this.

Products for strengthening and growing hair

Products for strengthening and hair growth can be combined into several groups.

  • beef - vitamin A, zinc stimulate growth, strengthen hair
  • poultry meat - a source of easily digestible proteins, iron
  • fish - fatty varieties contain B12, protein, zinc
  • eggs - in any form replenish the body with protein, vitamin B12
  • dairy products - rich in calcium, B12, K.

  • cabbage is a storehouse of vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iodine,
  • carrots - a reserve of vitamin A,
  • onions - vitamin C,
  • green vegetables - vitamin C.

  • wheat contains iron,
  • soy - helps boost hemoglobin,
  • beans, peas - a rich source of vitamin E and many proteins.

Citrus, nuts, dried fruits

  • Lemons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits - citrus fruits do an excellent job of protecting the blood vessels, follicles of the hair and the whole body from the harmful effects of adverse factors.
  • Nuts - natural containers of proteins and proteins, in particular - peanuts, almonds.
  • Raisin - helps stimulate hair follicles.

All products for hair growth should be of high quality, environmentally friendly, fresh.

8) Iron for hair growth

Iron increases the elasticity of the hair and accelerates their growth. Without iron, hair becomes thin, dull and dry. Iron facilitates the process of transporting oxygen to the cells, allowing them to use additional features.

What food is rich in iron?

Hair and Hair Growth Products

Hair growth products are also good for nails. After all, one does not need to be a fortune teller to foresee: if a person has problems with his hair, then his nails are not ideal.

A healthy alternative to dull hair and constantly breaking nails is, in addition to cosmetic methods, in proper nutrition. Here is an example set of useful products for the growth of nails and hair:

Needed in the diet for hair due to the abundance of vitamin A. Its deficiency causes lamination of nail plates, hair loss. Potatoes in a small amount fill this gap.

Spinach contains beta-carotene, vitamin C, and nails and hair are in excellent condition.

This type of legumes contains vital proteins, biotin, iron minerals, zinc.

It is a source of keratin, which forms the hair and nail substance.

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, vitamin E. The latter prevent baldness, protect protein substances at the cellular level. For efficiency, it is advisable to eat nuts regularly

Tuna salad with olive oil is an ideal set of ingredients for the prevention and recovery of dull, falling hair and thin, broken nails. The options are: salmon, trout, sardine, mackerel, other seafood ...

Hair Vitamins in Products

Vitamins for hair products do not have to look long. The reserves of such organic substances in nature are huge, they are constantly updated, and with the rational use of these resources, it should be enough for everyone and always.

To provide yourself with vitamins necessary for healthy hair and nails, a little is needed: external care plus directional nutrition. Fortunately, for this purpose, not overseas exotics are needed, but publicly available products.

  • Carotene and vitamin A will enrich any vegetable or fruit, “painted” by nature in bright colors of green-yellow-orange scale. There are many such gifts of nature: pumpkin, carrots, sweet peppers, persimmon. Most of them are normally stored in winter, therefore they are available at any time of the year.
  • Vitamin E, in addition to the benefits for hair and nails, is considered a fabulous "rejuvenating" substance. A teaspoon of olive oil on an empty stomach will provide (attention for women!) And a brilliant look and eternal youth.
  • Vitamin B5 contains fruits of leguminous plants, cabbage, bran, peanuts.
  • Vitamin B6 (helps the absorption of healthy fats) is found in sprouted wheat seeds, yeast, bran, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, unrefined grains, bananas. Pork and liver also supplement the ration B6.
  • Vitamin B12 will benefit dry hair. Contained in salmon, tuna, salmon, herring, olives.
  • Vitamin C is completely provided by green vegetables and fruits of the citrus family.

Hair products are best used in different combinations in order to diversify the menu.

The best products for hair growth

Speaking of healthy eating, you should exclude from it what does not benefit the entire body or individual organs. These are famous for their “harmfulness”, but still popular on our tables are dishes - fried, too sharp and salty, smoked, fast food. In the same list - carbonated drinks.

Simple but tasty and healthy dishes prepared in most of the same simple and affordable products will be an excellent choice for supporting hair.

  • If the hair is dull and does not grow, add zinc to the diet. His plenty in sea kale, cottage cheese. Green tea, vegetable dishes and fruit desserts contain antioxidants that prevent premature aging of hair and gray hair. Copper in pumpkin seeds, nuts, avocados will relieve from such an extremely unpleasant phenomenon, as dandruff.

  • For normal growth, hair needs a sufficient amount of water (daily intake is about two liters), vegetable and fish oils (olive oil, unsaturated omega-3 acids).
  • The necessary trace elements contain: oatmeal, potatoes, asparagus, peppers, celery - silicon, milk, dairy products, canned fish, walnuts and hazelnuts - calcium, cocoa, chocolate, peanuts, pumpkin seeds and sesame - zinc.
  • About vitamins and their hair growth products are described in detail above. Recall, through a comma, this group of the best products for hair growth: vegetables, fruits, yellow-green, olives and oil from them, pork and poultry, liver, grains and legumes. A truly inexhaustible supply of natural gifts is at the feet of man. It remains to raise and take ...

For all the importance of good nutrition can not be considered the correct choice of products for hair growth a panacea. Sometimes the problem with nails-hair has deeper causes, and it needs an integrated approach. Only consultation of competent specialists should answer all questions in such cases.

A bit of theory

What foods do you need to eat to get a healthy look, density and shine? Trichologist of the specialized clinic “Institute of Beautiful Hair” Yulia Yurievna Romanova (Instagram: @ dr.yulia_romanova) has 9 years of experience with tricological problems, is an author of articles, a speaker at scientific conferences on trichology and is ready to explain to our readers what products are useful for hair:

For me, the doctor of the trichologist, a discussion of eating habits is an indispensable part of consulting patients with complaints about loss or deterioration of hair quality. The cells of the hair follicles are very actively dividing and growing. To support these processes, many nutrients are needed.

The main rule of nutrition for the health of your curls - its diversity and balance. Important and total caloric intake, and the receipt of certain essential nutrients. First of all, a sufficient amount of protein and sulfur-containing amino acids: cysteine ​​and methionine are required to build the hair structure. It is the cross-linking between cysteine ​​molecules (disulfide bonds) that ensure the strength of the main protein, keratin. Its daily intake should be about 1 gram per 1 kilogram of weight. This figure may decrease or increase depending on age, physical activity and health characteristics.

Plant and animal sources of protein It should be included in the diet in approximately equal proportions. Protein from milk and fish is best absorbed, somewhat worse - from meat (veal, beef, turkey, chicken). Plant food is a supplier of many nutrients (vitamins, polyphenols, fiber), but plant protein is relatively poorly absorbed.

Hair Loss Products

Meat (and not apples, as is commonly believed) is the main supplier of iron. Its deficiency is the most common cause of breakage, dullness and loss, especially in women. If you exclude from the diet of animal products should carefully think over your diet for sufficient protein intake (soy, lentils, beans, peas, beans, nuts, cereals), iron and vitamin B12. Their deficiency can contribute not only to loss, but premature bloom.

Must be present in the diet and various fats. They are involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones (from cholesterol), thus affecting the growth cycle. Fatty fish is not only a source of protein, but also unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and D, which are important for healthy skin and hair. The latter’s deficiency is very common in our population, even in sunny regions. For its prevention and treatment, it is often necessary to add vitamin D supplements to nutrition. Medicinal doses are selected by the doctor, since they depend on the content of vitamin D in the blood and can vary considerably.

Other sources of fat-soluble vitamins A and D: liver, eggs, butter. Get vitamin A, and you can from plant foods in the form of its predecessor - carotene. A lot of carotene is found in bright vegetables and fruits (carrots, peppers, pumpkin). Very important for the normal growth of B vitamins, a complex supplier of which are brewer's yeast.

Seafood - it is not only protein, but also microelements important for hair growth: copper, zinc, selenium, iodine. But vitamin C - one of the main antioxidants, can be obtained only from plant sources (rosehip, citrus fruits, sauerkraut, currants and sea buckthorn). For this it is better to use them fresh. Heating and even long contact of sliced ​​fruits and vegetables with air leads to a loss of vitamin C.

It is important to understand that nutritional deficiencies can be caused not only by their small intake. Causes of deficient conditions can be problems with the digestion of food or an increased need for nutrients during pregnancy, heavy physical exertion. Contribute to the deficiency of individual vitamins and micronutrients smoking, alcohol and taking drugs (for example, oral contraceptives).

Rational nutrition is very important for healthy hair. However, it is important to understand that to fill the deficiencies with one diet will not work. Not intended for the treatment of deficiencies and multivitamin complexes (they are a preventive measure). In addition, there is a wide variety of reasons for their loss. Prolonged loss, thinning and thinning is a reason to consult a specialist.

Three products that promote hair growth and strengthen them, you will find in the following video:

TOP best products for hair and skin beauty

If a person has a genetic predisposition to hair loss, then any acute condition in the body, stress, unhealthy diet will affect their condition. When handling complaints of loss, the trichologist will always pay attention to the analysis of the diet.

Here is a list that lists the most useful hair products:

Meat. Namely animal protein. The structure is 90% protein, it is the main building material. Meat contains a set of essential amino acids, that is, those that are not produced in our body, we can get them only with food. No soy or any other vegetable protein will replace the set of amino acids from a piece of meat. In addition, red meat (beef, lamb, pork) contains iron and vitamin B12, the deficiency of which leads to anemia and this is the most common cause of hair loss. Anemia leads to their chronic loss, thinning, thinning, brittleness and dryness of the rods, a decrease in growth rate and a slow recovery after falling out. White poultry meat contains protein in sufficient quantities (20 g per 100 g), but very little iron and vitamin B12. Again, apples, buckwheat and pomegranates are plant iron, that is, iron that does not take part in the formation of hemoglobin.

Fish, seafood also very important components of the diet of any person (use at least 2-3 times a week). They are also sources of protein, but also omega-3 fatty acids. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. With a deficiency of this substance, there is dryness and brittle hair, a section of the tips, reduced growth and even loss. It is very important to use Omega-3 for chronic dermatitis of the scalp, chronic dandruff, excessive dryness of the skin or, on the contrary, active saliva secretion. In addition, with adequate intake of vitamins and fatty acids, the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows improves.

Products useful for hair on the head are also eggs yolks. They are sources of biotin - this is vitamin H, with its deficiency developing dermatitis, as well as loss with progressive dryness of the rods. The daily need for biotin 10 mcg. Regular consumption of egg yolks will supply hair with iron, zinc, manganese, vitamins E, A, B.

Linseed oil - It is a source of vegetable fats, which are necessary for the formation of a healthy hair shaft, if a person's diet is poor in fats, sooner or later the curls lose their elasticity, shine, the rod will be more fragile and porous, besides, flaxseed oil is again a supplier of Omega-3 fatty acids , but also vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant.

6 most useful foods for hair

You probably asked yourself more than once the question: “What kind of food do you need to eat for healthy hair?”. Now consider all the available and useful products. No need to think that growth products are expensive or inaccessible. Everything can be bought at the nearest store, and now you will see for yourself that we will start.

  1. Carrot - possesses vitamins PP, K, A, C, B9, potassium. It is also useful for skin and nails. Carrots protect against breakage and dryness. You can make carrots masks and tinctures, they will return the former beauty on your head. If you rub carrot juice in the head, then eliminate the dryness of the head. Add carrots to salads and eat separately, so you save health and strengthen your immunity.
  2. Beet - is a dietary product with beneficial and healing properties. The composition includes vitamins of group B, necessary for the metabolic processes of the scalp. Beets protects all hairs from falling out. It is advisable to eat beets a couple of times a week to maintain health for many years. Beet contains retinol, it helps in the fight against dandruff. Use anti-dandruff shampoos and eat beets, the result will be better. Retinol well helps and prevents inflammation of the scalp.
  3. Chicken eggs - contain proteins with essential amino acids. Include vitamins of group B, E, K, PP, D, biotin, beta-carotene, choline. Chicken eggs are a healthy product that you need to eat almost every day. The yolks are not useful, they should be excluded from the diet, only proteins should be eaten. The yolks have a lot of animal fat, and it increases the bad cholesterol in the body. If you make a mask, then the yolks can be used 1-2 times a month, and the proteins for the mask can be used 2-3 times a month.
  4. Fatty fish - contains a lot of useful and nutrients. Practically does not contain carbohydrates. A lot of protein and beneficial unsaturated fats, they are also useful for nails and skin. Vitamins A, B, E are part of the fish can restore strength and beauty. Eat fish several times a week. Masks can also be made from fish, and they are useful. Masks a couple of times a week if you have problems, and masks for 1-2 times a month for the prevention of problems.
  5. Nuts and Seeds - possess unsaturated (useful) fats of vegetable origin. They reduce the level of bad cholesterol in our body. Almost all contain vitamin E, a positive effect on the male and female reproductive systems. Many nuts and seeds contain vitamins of group B, C, A and others. Improve the condition of all hairs and protect them from falling out.
  6. Milk products - contain a lot of calcium, and this health is also for teeth, nails, bones. The benefits are obvious to the whole body. Eat low-fat dairy products because such fat is saturated, because it is of animal origin. Proteins are useful, contain essential amino acids. Cottage cheese, ryazhenka, cheese, yogurt, kefir, yogurt, sour cream - alternate these products and include in your daily menu, with only minimal fat content, otherwise you will harm the body. You can make masks of dairy products.

Harmful foods and food additives

  • Harmful are convenience foods, “fast food.” In the process of their preparation, many useful substances evaporate, and very little remains. And if they do not contain nutrients, then they do not need to eat.
  • Salt - consume in moderation. Excess salt inhibits the absorption of vitamins. Its minus is that it irritates the gastric mucosa and can provoke the occurrence of gastritis or ulcers.
  • Sweet and carbonated drinks - irritation of the stomach, harmful acid is included in the composition, leaches calcium from bone tissue, destroys tooth enamel, breaks down metabolism. Sparkling water also has a bad effect on all your hairs and contributes to hair loss. Eliminate or minimize sparkling water.
  • Dairy products - not all people of course, but some can cause allergic reactions and itching of the head. In milk and dairy products, unfortunately, saturated fat and it is harmful. Eat low-fat dairy products, 0.5% is the most optimal, fully "skimmed milk", also exclude.
  • Sugar - if not paradoxical, but true. In large amounts of sugar in the body, a person may experience health problems, including the scalp. Sugar makes it fat. Drink tea without sugar. Exclude or reduce sweets, cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolates, marmalades, etc.

Watch the useful video number 2:

12) Proteins for healthy hair growth

Your hair is made up of proteins. Therefore, without further ado, it is clear that this is one of the most important nutrients for hair. Proteins strengthen hair follicles, help you lose weight and build muscle.

High protein foods:

  • Eggs
  • Dates
  • Greens, fresh vegetables
  • Milk
  • Paneer
  • Germinated seeds
  • Hemp
  • Peanut butter
  • Quinoa
  • Lentils
  • A fish
  • Lean chicken or beef
  • Greek yogurt

14) Vitamin complex supplements for hair

As mentioned earlier, dietary supplements are nothing but a mixture of different vitamins and minerals in the right proportions.The use of complexes to accelerate hair growth saves time, because You do not need to spend time thinking about what products you need to eat for hair growth, rich in nutrients. You should definitely consult a specialist before starting to take dietary supplements.

If you eat right, including in your diet food rich in vitamins and microelements, shining long hair will no longer be an impossible dream for you. Food accelerates hair growth! Hair care is simplified if you change your lifestyle, or rather your diet.


Watch the video: 5 Easy Ways To Reverse Hair Loss & Promote Hair Growth (July 2024).