
What if unsuccessfully trimmed?


Hike to the hairdresser is always very exciting, because it promises pleasant changes. But what if the changes are not pleased? How to fix the situation?

For starters, it is worth listing the reasons why a hairstyle may be spoiled:

  • Nonprofessionalism of the master.
  • Error the client itself. For example, if he incorrectly explains what kind of hairstyle is needed, the results may differ from those expected.
  • Wrong haircut. If you saw some interesting haircut, do not rush to do it, it may not suit you.

What to do if badly cut?

  1. Change your hair. Probably, this will allow to correct the mistake of the hairdresser and bring his hair in order. But in order to achieve the desired results, it is important to find a truly experienced, professional and talented master, so that he appreciates the current state of the hair, selects a new suitable haircut and reproduces it.
  2. Choose a suitable package. Sometimes the hairstyle seems unsuitable and unattractive only because the hair is not properly laid. But how to choose the right styling? First find all the options that suit you. At the same time, consider the type and structure of your hair, face shape and other features. Then try all the selected options and select the most suitable. For example, if you made a cascading haircut and expected an increase in volume, but it, on the contrary, decreased, then lift the hair at the roots with a brushing (round brush) and a hair dryer and fix them using varnish. Sticking curls can be straightened or, for example, gently curled to get gentle curls. In addition, even on short hair braids will look romantic and attractive.
  3. If you have spoiled hair, use accessories. Sometimes they can save even in the most seemingly hopeless situations. For example, if the hairdresser cut your bang too short, you can try to remove it completely with the help of a rim or handkerchief, tying it so that it lifts the bang up, holds it and closes part of the forehead. If the cascade hairstyle does not suit you, then the curls can be removed back and fixed with the help of hairpins. In addition, you can use a variety of headbands with bulk decorative elements, they will distract attention from defects. And if the hairstyle is so terrible that you are ashamed to show it, then you can go for drastic measures, namely, to use a headscarf or turban, which will cover the entire head. But it is important to learn how to use this accessory correctly, otherwise you will look ridiculous.
  4. If you are a patient person, then just wait for the hair to grow back. It may take a lot of time, but sometimes this solution is the only correct one (for example, if the hair is so short that it is simply impossible to change the hairstyle). When the hair grows, you can try to "try on" a new image.
  5. Take your new look and present it with profit. In fact, in most cases, hairstyle discontent associated with personal perception of change. That is, if you do not like the new haircut, this does not mean that everyone else will not like it. And if you do not tell others that something does not suit you, they most likely will not notice anything. So, seeing your reflection in the mirror, smile to yourself, proudly lift your head and say that you are the best and most beautiful.
  6. Try using a little trick. Just distract attention from the hair and draw it to the other components of the image. For example, you can choose some bright and sexy dress. You can also pick up stylish high-heeled shoes. In general, do everything to focus not on the head, but on other parts of the body, for example, legs using a short skirt, neckline with an asymmetrical neckline or necklace with large stones, at the waist with a bright stylish belt or On the hands, choosing a bright bracelet.
  7. How to solve the problem, if the hair has become very short, and it does not suit you? Try to increase them or use the overhead. This can save the situation and change your appearance beyond recognition.

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- February 27, 2011, 12:10

girls help !! I found a photo of some kind of girl who really liked the haircut .. I wanted to do the same, threw the photo onto the phone .. showed the hairdresser. As soon as she had her hair cut, she ran out of parekmaherskoy with tears .. home mom tried to do something .. above I made a hat, and at the bottom a ladder. Before that, it walked with a tail, the hair was lower than the shoulders .. so it was badly shorn .. better I would have stayed with a tail than with such a mane .. and just before my birthday. what should I do??

- March 19, 2011, 19:23

Today, I also cry, my hair was up to the shoulder blades, I cut off the ends, cut 20 cm of hair, now I can’t put it on normally, why go to hairdressing at all.

- March 22, 2011, 21:57

Terrible situation! I came to the hairdresser with photos printed from the Internet, so that if there were any misunderstandings one could see it. In words, she also explained that I wanted to leave my long hair in front - I wanted a hairstyle like Lera Kudryavtseva, only longer even in front. So to me this hairdresser made some kind of bean. Now I look like a teenager, no femininity. I didn’t have time to wake up, he says, tilt his head, and she cuts herself (well, I think, since everything was discussed she knows what she is doing). Eyes open, and there is practically nothing! I say to her: how so? I even specially brought photos! And the main thing is not even apologized. Then I dried it and took the razor, I already screamed: Are you going to shave? she: yes! I: do not! In general, and she also calculated me to the fullest. In the end, I told her that she could at least apologize. Sorry. And what's the point? She says: yes, everything is fine, it suits you. I say: I absolutely did not want so. Girl! I already apologized! what else do you want? The hair will grow back in 2 months .. But after that I decided to wait half a year at least so that it was decent. The head is now like a humanoid! I apologize that not really on the topic, just boiling. Girls, be careful when you cut your hair. Anyone can get caught.

- April 11, 2011, 01:22

I also cried for a long time after the last trip to the hairdresser. I tell her that the car has got tired, cut it to that length (just below the shoulders) something decent. Obkarnala almost under the boy and painted in red, instead of naturally red. Now I cannot approach the mirror at all. Still, talented artists terribly little. Only I found her, how she quit, and the bodies. I didn’t take it from her with a fool, but of course the administrator didn’t give it, so I went to someone. Now, too, half a year I will cry.

- April 11, 2011, 11:51

hello to my friends in misfortune, I advise all hairdressers to wait in a dark alley and stun with a mantle on the head, let's clean the planet from these beasts

- April 14, 2011, 09:27

oh. little girls, she also cut her hair yesterday. Her hair below her shoulders was thick and slightly wavy. You want to change the beauty) I wanted to change a little, cut my bangs, remove the length. went to the master, who advised a friend. trimmed me terribly, not at all as I wanted, crying every time looking in the mirror. now the hair is at the top with a hat, the ears are cut off, the chocolati is not at all the way I wanted, in general, what I dreamed about in terrible dreams. everyone says “well, you are ok”, but I can't, I want them to say “shut up !!”, I don't like it, I feel like a thirty-year-old aunt with three children without laying time) ohh. but then of course I am also to blame, I did not explain what I wanted, the master is good, her hair is good, but I absolutely don’t like it. ohh I don’t know what to do, so you collect this hat at the top of this stupid hat (you probably have to go and get a haircut, but I don’t know how to make it worse. ”

- April 26, 2011, 12:39

And I wanted to trim a little tips so that they wouldn’t cut off, because I had a haircut like a staircase, my hair was of different lengths, I asked the porimakher to make short strands like a cap, she understood me literally and cut off most of the hair with a hat and very shortly. I cried all day. I don't really like this stitch ...

- April 26, 2011, 13:14

I understand exactly what u mean. I had the same thing.
Do not worry, in 2 months you will be fine. trust me and my hair will grow back.
I assure you.

- April 27, 2011, 07:37

And I was trimmed with a short ladder up to my shoulders, and I’m like a hen’s a pancake! I'm afraid to go to school and everyone will laugh at the house! (

- April 27, 2011, 11:55

Nast, do not be afraid, go boldly! I had a worse situation. I once shave it just shameful. I had hair up to priests :) but then I decided to get a haircut and everything ended with the fact that my brow started from the roots and hair to the ears and the top of the head 2 cm of hair. I went like a shirt ((((it was just unbearable.

- May 1, 2011, 15:57

I suggest that you finally ban this stupid haircut with a hat!

- May 12, 2011, 16:47

that's forever like that (I had brown hair just below my shoulders, came to the hairdresser and asked me to trim the ends and bangs. I almost fainted from the result. VERY short car and bang like half the boys of our class ((now I don’t know how tomorrow in school to go. and soon the end of the year, we will take a picture ((and I have a hairstyle, to put it mildly, horror. in the apartment and it’s embarrassing to walk, I don’t imagine going out to the street).

- May 14, 2011, 6:17 PM

that's forever like that (I had brown hair just below my shoulders, came to the hairdresser and asked me to trim the ends and bangs. I almost fainted from the result. VERY short car and bang like half the boys of our class ((now I don’t know how tomorrow in school to go. and soon the end of the year, we will take a picture ((and I have a hairstyle, to put it mildly, horror. in the apartment and it’s embarrassing to walk, I don’t imagine going out to the street).

I understand you perfectly. the same situation.

- May 30, 2011, 00:30

Yes, I just have horror!
I decided to mow myself because the problem is with money. So, I trimmed myself normally, I even liked it, then I went to see my sister, she did not like it! And she took me to a beauty salon, there they shorn me and made me a styling, just HORROR.
Here came home, crying. awful (

- June 5, 2011, 19:03

Well, the same thing as 73 post. In general, girls, I understand everyone ((I come to the hairdresser just before, by the way, I always get my hair cut. I have a hairstyle - a so-called back stitch. I asked to cut a couple of centimeters, but my hair grew and my hairstyle was not visible. So This fool has loosened my hair so that the longest strands on my earlobe run out !! Behind the pot! My hair is not straight, I curl at the ends !! My face is, to put it plainly, not of perfect shape, and besides, I got a little better. I look like an aunt of the 70s years of birth !! In hysterics, the second day already. As I will be studying tomorrow do not know, I'm ashamed to even look in the mirror, not what to go outside! ((

- June 5, 2011, 19:13

Well, the same thing as 73 post. In general, girls, I understand everyone ((I come to the hairdresser just before, by the way, I always get my hair cut. I have a hairstyle - a so-called back stitch. I asked to cut a couple of centimeters, but my hair grew and my hairstyle was not visible. So This fool has loosened my hair so that the longest strands on my earlobe run out !! Behind the pot! My hair is not straight, I curl at the ends !! My face is, to put it plainly, not of perfect shape, and besides, I got a little better. I look like an aunt of the 70s years of birth !! In hysterics, the second day already. As I will be studying tomorrow do not know, I'm ashamed to even look in the mirror, not what to go outside! ((

Re-watch the movie "Scarecrow" and do not worry.

- June 14, 2011, 21:37

I advise you to make highlights, and then try to make a magnificent styling. Well, do not worry, your hair will grow. I have a similar story, I wanted to trim the ends, but I did a ladder, and even with a stupid bang, I just didn’t go, I cried for 2 hours But this is not the worst, I need to go to camp in 5 days! and imagine how I will go.

- June 14, 2011, 23:15

And today I unsuccessfully trimmed. I do not know what to do. My whole hair grows very slowly. I don’t know what to do, I have to go to the camp after a week and a half. Now I will try to at least a little grow with the help of all sorts of masks and massages. + have to give up coffee and smoking. In general, I do not know how to be.

- June 20, 2011, 15:19

She grew her hair especially for the hairstyle for a wedding to her friend. I think we should slightly refresh. She asked the hairdresser to trim by 1 cm along the entire length. She with an imperturbable face obkromsala all of me, and all my growing up under the tail. I thought at least one summer with long hair looked like, and now at least for the winter to grow. now the look has nothing to stop, before even the hair was and those were deprived. Why nekot. people do not understand the Russian language.

- June 22, 2011, 11:04 g
I now have hard hair .. and were to the waist ..
so it was trimmed to me by 8 cm.

- June 30, 2011, 18:27

Girls! Hair is not teeth, grow back. I was also obkrasali not to indulge in me yesterday, there were hairs much lower than shoulders, curly of different lengths, looked very nice, I went to take off the chop. about 7 cm I was removed, the whole top was obkrasali, the volume was removed. A STICK from the curly hair is gone. but I think they will grow in a month, even if they take the normal form. But such parencamers need to exactly raise the pens.

- July 4, 2011, 16:11

a few days ago went to the hairdresser. I still have a shock. before that, the hair didn’t reach the shoulders a bit. And this is what struck my bow that I urgently need to trim the cap (with the same length).
explained that I want not very short and not very thick.
Yeah, so she understood me.
RESULT: the cap as the most natural square and also very short. from under it stick three hairs of my straight hair.
shorter than a nightmare. I grow fuck. I walk with a tail. I do not look in the mirror.

- July 27, 2011, 14:52

quote = "Alena" Yeah, I went to the hairdresser, an ugly hat turned out on top, and rat hair from below ((((I wanted a thrash haircut! This is some kind of nightmare, I don’t know how to look like my boyfriend’s eyes. with musk

- August 5, 2011, 16:31

Eh. as I understand you! I also had good hair below the shoulders, see on 10. I wanted to have a haircut! (I had long dreamed of a ladder) Mom said where it’s cheaper, cut your hair there. I watched two hairdressing salons, closest to my house. In one ladder It costs 300, in the other 180. Of course, I went to the hairdresser for cheaper. Forget! They cut it under the cap, and very briefly. I was very upset. Now I do not know what to do! Help, please.

- August 29, 2011, 00:05

me today soooo have cut just n ****> Like 0

- August 30, 2011, 22:05

agree with you Vic
talk to me, my mother's friend cut her hair, had such beautiful hair to go to the middle of the back. I wanted to cut off sewn krntsy and trim the bangs, it was equally long ago in the 5th grade they cut the current as well, it was better but still horror = (((as a result, short hair and even a crooked but terrible hat with a crab closes the problem, but I'm used to always with long, and now that with the hair cleaned now to wait a year if not more when they grow up to make highlighting ..

- August 31, 2011, 15:34

a few days ago went to the hairdresser. I still have a shock. before that, the hair didn’t reach the shoulders a bit. And this is what struck my bow that I urgently need to trim the cap (with the same length).

explained that I want not very short and not very thick. just like me

Yeah, so she understood me.

RESULT: the cap as the most natural square and also very short. from under it stick three hairs of my straight hair.

shorter than a nightmare. I grow fuck. I walk with a tail. I do not look in the mirror.

How to avoid trouble?

Is it possible to somehow protect yourself from such a problem as an inappropriate haircut? You can, if you follow some simple rules:

  • Be responsible for choosing a hairdresser. The master must be experienced and talented. To find this, ask your friends, acquaintances or relatives.
  • It is important to take seriously and the choice of hair. When choosing a suitable image, consider not only fashion trends, but also the shape of your face, as well as the hair features. So, if the hair is curly, then haircuts like "ladder" or "cascade" are unlikely to suit you. If you find something that you like, but in doubt, try to “try on” a haircut, for example, using a wig or a special program for selecting hairstyles. In addition, you can ask the advice and a hairdresser. If he is experienced and highly qualified, he will give you some useful recommendations.
  • Explain to the barber what you want, clearly and clearly, so that he understands you. Better yet, find a picture or photo and show it to the master.

Now you can look amazing, even if you are not happy with your new haircut.


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