
Different methods of hair coloring


The easiest way to change the image is hair coloring. However, in order to change drastically it is not at all necessary to turn from a brown-haired woman into a blonde or vice versa. Today, hairdressing offers us a variety of options for dyeing hair, which is used to paint individual zones or strands. Also, staining can be carried out by a smooth transition from one tone at the roots to another at the tips. Enough options.

Well, if you want to learn about new hair coloring trends, we will be happy to tell about them in today's publication.


Coloring is a method of dyeing hair, in which the strands are colored with different colors of dye, similar in color. This coloring allows you to choose from two or three to ten shades of paint and smooth the smooth natural transition of colors, as well as play on contrasts.

Coloring will help create an image of stylish negligence, emphasize the texture of the haircut and increase the volume of fine hair. It is recommended to owners of light strands to use reddish and chestnut shades in coloring, and bright and coffee shades of paint will play beautifully on red hair. As for brunettes, they can experiment with reddish hues.

Coloring is not suitable for women in adulthood, as too bright strands only emphasize age.

Note that you can use other variations of coloring, which we describe below.


Bronding is a coloring method in which light brown hue is taken as a basis and hair is lightened from dark roots to light ends. As a result, the effect of sun-bent curls is created.

Bronding is especially suitable for owners of straight strands who want their hair color as close as possible to the natural one. Moreover, this type of coloring is ideal for those who want to grow their native hair, refresh their complexion, highlight the contour of the haircut and give additional volume to the hair.

Please note that previously painted hair before brondiirovanii have to "return" the natural color or partially discolored, as the basis is taken a natural shade. So, for a start, fair-haired girls are darkened to start blond hair, and brunettes are lightened to brown-haired.

Smelling is a type of transverse coloring in which one color smoothly changes into another. If you want to create the effect of burnt strands, then the roots are painted in a dark shade, as when brondirovanii. Ombre can also look like dark roots and light tips with a lighter strip in the middle or as a contrast transition from black to platinum blond.

It will suit owners of long hair who want to experiment with color and visual effect. Also this type of staining will help to hide the growing roots.


Highlighting is a type of coloring in which individual strands are lightened by several tones. For coloring, use a special cap with holes or wrap curls in pieces of foil. Paint is applied with a brush and dyed hair braided into a braid.

In the “American highlighting” variant, the strands are colored with three or four different shades. Venetian highlighting creates the effect of burnt strands in the total mass of dark hair.

Highlighting is suitable for women who want to change the color of the hair, but are not ready to be repainted drastically. Highlighting on dark hair looks especially good, however, this type of coloring can even return the natural color to dyed blondes. Highlighting is a great way to hide gray hair.

On previously dyed hair, the straightened strands may not get the shade that we would like, therefore this type of dyeing is best suited for owners of natural braids.

Mazhimesh is a gentle way of highlighting, in which wax is added to the paint, which helps to achieve soft golden hues. This highlighting allows you to lighten the hair by 3-4 tones. Therefore, this type of highlighting is suitable for those who want to change the shade, but at the same time preserve the overall color. It looks very good on blond hair, but on dark almost imperceptible this type of coloring.

Baliyazh is a dyeing technique that combines coloring and highlighting, but dyeing takes place only at the tips of the hair. To do this, the strands are pre-lightened, put paint and wrapped with foil. Will suit to courageous girls, with the graduated hairstyle.

Shatush - coloring, in which the curls lighten, mimicking natural burnout. Strands are dyed in a random order, departing from the roots a few centimeters, and the transition is smoothed by a pile. Also, the strands can be dyed deep in the hair, so that when translucent, they create the effect of volume.

Shatush ideally hides the growing roots, masks the previous unsuccessful coloring and gray hair. Suitable for long and medium length hair. Looks beautiful on dark strands.

"crazy colors" (crazy colors)

This type of coloring is also called neon coloring, in which a strand of hair is discolored and dyed with a special gentle gel, which is washed out 6-8 times. Strands may be colored unevenly from light to more intense shade at the ends. This staining can also be done using a stencil.

Mad strands are suitable for those who are not afraid of experiments and want to look bright. You can color one or several strands in any color. Especially effectively this type of coloring looks on a graduated haircut.

In order not to resemble a parrot, it is not recommended to dye at the same time more than two strands. This type of staining requires pre-bleaching.

Crazy Strand Variation - Chalk Coloring

Coloring chalk for hair - the perfect option to transform in minutes. You can easily and quickly paint individual strands along the entire length, shade a smooth transition of colors or vice versa - select only the tips.

Coloring with crayons is suitable for women who do not dare to dye their hair in a bright shade, but you want to look bright at a party. This coloring is easily washed off after the first wash, so you can paint the strands in any color of the rainbow.

Please note that the color crayons dry the hair a little and stain the fingers, so work should be done with rubber gloves and protective clothing on the shoulders. In order to dye a strand, it must first be twisted into a bundle and held small from top to bottom. To paint easily smoother, pre-sprinkle curls with water.


Toning - a type of dyeing in one tone, in which an unstable dye is used that does not affect the internal structure of the hair. Tinting retains the natural pigment and is gradually washed away, without making up the border with regrown roots.

As an option, toning can be carried out with the use of tinted foam, spray or shampoo, which are washed off after 3-4 shampoos.

Toning is suitable for girls who quite often experiment with changing their image, but do not want to injure their hair with persistent dyeing or discoloration. Toning gives you the opportunity to return the natural color of the hair when the appearance of gray hair.

Toning with light shades can not be done on dark hair, so this type of coloring does not allow to turn a brunette into a blonde.

If you have previously been stained with henna, then a few months before toning will have to abandon henna, otherwise the hair color may be unpredictable.

There is also the option of intensive toning, when the hair can lighten by 1-2 tones, however these paints are washed off only after 2 months.

Summing up our today's conversation, I would like to note that modern beauty salons and masters of hairdressing can create a masterpiece on your head with the help of hair dye. Therefore, consult with your master, tell us about your desires, regarding dyeing and change the image, dyeing hair according to new methods.

We hope that our publication will help you to make the right choice, and the result of staining will please you for a long time.

Popular staining methods

Coloring. The appearance of separate strands of a different shade or color is provided as a coloring scheme. Experts use one shade or even several, it all depends on the desired result. As a result of coloring, the hair gets an unusual and beautiful look, and the owner feels more attractive and spectacular. The hairstyle becomes expressive, which is noticeable even in the photo.

Highlighting. Hair dyeing technology involves bleaching individual thin or thick strands. That is, the coloring pigment called melanin is removed. Then apply a certain tone of paint. Certain schemes allow you to combine several tones of the same paint. In the photo, the highlighted hair gives off highlights, which looks like an original play of colors.

Toning procedure. Standard dyeing procedure using soft, gentle agents. Such substances do not strongly affect the hair structure, that is, they do not penetrate inside. A variety of toning options allow you to use several color shades.

Elution. Options for hair dyeing techniques include the use of safe substances without oxidizing agents and acids. That is, the strands are covered with a colorless film. The purpose of this procedure is to preserve the naturalness and health of the hair. Dyes consist of safe ingredients that seal the porous structure, visually smoothing strands. The procedure allows you to keep your hair safe and sound. In the photo, the strands after elution, look tinted.

Fashionable hair coloring

To change the color of the strands of a woman learned a long time. Noticing the properties of plants to change the color of objects or fabrics, immediately it was tested on the strands and gave a positive result. In the course was henna, basma, onion peel, coffee, lemon or other products with coloring components in the composition.

Coloring helped to emphasize the beauty of the curls, to hide the gray hair that appeared or to make the image more expressive. Well-groomed curls are the decoration, dignity, pride. They attract the attention of men, which is important for every lady.

Today, stylists or hairdressers are engaged in the care and coloring of the curls, which annually replenish the piggy bank of methods for changing shades or haircuts. Fashionable hair coloring is to follow the world trends in this matter.

In the beauty studio, they will select, recommend a color that will beautify the appearance, will be suitable according to the color type or will change the image beyond recognition. The master, trained in the basics of coloring, orients among fashion trends, because it is boring to dye your hair in one tone.

Ombre painting

Ombre hair dyeing holds a leading position among fashionable techniques for 4-5 years. The technique consists in a combination of 2-3 shades and their merging horizontally.

Ombre looks equally interesting, both on long hair and on moderately short hair. A smooth transition to a light or dark shade will help to refresh the square or decorate the curls to the waist.

Natural roots are most often left in the dyeing, and from the middle of the length of the strands they begin to lighten the hair, by the ends they will become blond. There are options for intentionally painting the roots in a dark color to give contrast.

This style will help to refresh the natural color, soften the image, add mystery. Strands acquire the effect of "burning out in the sun", and the face, framed with light curls, younger.

The master applies paint simulating a smooth transition or a contrast border based on the wishes of the client. Easy transition guarantees naturalness, and horizontal, sharp - non-trivial hairstyle.

Desperate or bright representatives of the female half of humanity prefer a combination of juicy shades: red, eggplant, violet or even green, blue. Colored ombre is popular among young people or creative individuals who want to stand out in a crowd.

Whether you choose natural, natural shades or bright, flashy colors - you will not be unnoticed thanks to the coloring of ombre.

Balayazh technique

The ombre technique was supplemented by the balagaz technique. It is suitable for women who prefer naturalness. Soft, smooth transitions will refresh the dull color of the curls, highlighting the radiance with a light shade. Performing hair dye balayazh, master brush barely touches the tips or strands in length. At the end you get the natural color of the curls, which the sun "kissed".

Hair does not dye completely and strands look the most natural. In addition, it helps to combine shades between which you can not decide. It will not be possible to radically change the appearance with the help of a balayazh, easy transitions guarantee only an emphasis on the natural beauty of the curls.

The technique has earned the love of girls who are not supposed to stand out due to duty, status or age. Balayazh hair give radiance, new facets of the overflow of color.

Shatush style hair coloring

Hair coloring in the style of shatush borders on the technique of highlighting or ombre. This method helps create faded strands in a chaotic arrangement. However, in contrast to highlighting the curls do not have clear boundaries, the paint is stretched by the master, as when performing the ombre technique.

Recommended technique for long or medium hair, on a short haircut, the effect will not give a game of color and will be inappropriate. Winning looks shatush on dark, chestnut curls, but blondes also tinted strands in ashy or caramel shades. Hair looks well-groomed, multifaceted. Shatush guarantees hair purchase of luxury, as well as additional shine.

Find the right shades for your color will help master performing the staining. Having a certificate of shatush training at the hairdresser ensures that the strands are in safe hands and will be painted professionally.

The “color extrusion” techniques described above have a number of significant advantages over classical dyeing. They help to lighten the curls from the first time with minimal damage to the structure of the curls, mask the gray hair or regrown roots, visually increase the volume.

Hair coloring trends

The image of a modern, stylish girl consists of properly selected clothes, shoes, accessories, hair. Stylists each season offer our attention the fashion trends that conquered the catwalks. Natural, fashionable in 2016, seasoned with a share of creativity - the perfect image of a modern girl. Black hair has sunk into oblivion, as well as blond unnatural hues. But natural colors with transitions and modulations "on horseback".

Modern hair coloring for blondes is the choice of colors among the proposed fashionable shades: caramel, wheat, honey, straw.

Soft transitions of shades, lightened tips for 1-2 tones give a feeling of ease, natural beauty.Shaded roots, fashionable this year, help to avoid the need for frequent staining, hide regrown hair.

Red color is experiencing a rise in popularity. In 2016, fashion houses preferred to be used in shows of red-haired beauties or brown-haired women. Bright or muted shade - you choose. In the fashion fiery red, with a burgundy or red subtone, golden muted or orange colors.

However, at the peak of fashion trends, blond in the whole range of colors. In this case, preference is given to a natural color that has not been altered. If the woman is not endowed with those, then an appeal to the master will provide the coloring as close as possible to the natural shades.

Brunettes this season the most difficult. Dark brown and black colors are out of fashion. Toning strands along the length in different shades of purple or burgundy is welcomed, which emphasizes the beauty of dark hair, shading them.

Pink curls. Why not. Modern girls are no longer content with the color range provided by nature to their hair and switched to bright colors. Pink blonde has become popular because of its versatility, as well as the ability to make the image softer.

But other colors are not far behind. Are considered fashionable: green, turquoise, purple, blue or blue. Red color has fans, but today they are “on horseback” thanks to an incredible fashion for this color.

Coloring blondes

Blond has remained popular for centuries. Blond curls, gleaming gold - a shade of strands that millions of women desire. But when dyeing in light colors, it is worth remembering about accuracy, because bleaching ensures destruction of the hair structure. Only professional staining ensures the health of the curls, which holds the master. Pay attention to the presence of diplomas or certificates confirming the skills of coloring blondes.

Coloring of blondes in this season is carried out in warm natural tones with the addition of clarified strands using the technique of shatush, balayazh or ombre to choose from. Curls lightened by 1-2 tones guarantee the effect of "entangled sun" in the hair. This technique gives the revival of the image, brings naturalness. Avoid unnatural yellowness.

In contrast to the naturalness, cold, ashy blonds, suitable for a winter or summer color type, have come into fashion. When dyeing, it is important to pay attention to toning, giving the curls a uniform gray tint.

Blondes should apply for the dyeing procedure only to masters who have proven qualifications and have experience. For non-professional hairdressers it is difficult to choose the color range, their performance technique has been violated, which is guaranteed to lead to brittleness, dryness, or an untidy appearance of the hairstyle.

Short hair coloring

Short haircuts are popular with dynamic women who do not sit still. They have no time for laying or permanent restoration of the split ends. They prefer to trim off the excess, leaving a concise hairstyle for every day.

Choosing a short haircut, hairdressers recommend paying attention to the roots. Make sure they are painted on time. To mask the regrown roots, stylists propose to use the ombre technique. Yes, it is more often practiced for long hair, but correctly executed technique guarantees its advantages:

  • elimination of the problem of regrown roots,
  • refreshing hair,
  • an emphasis.

Fashionable hair color for short hair is light brown, light brown, red and the slogan "naturalness in everything." Natural shades fashionable for long strands, suitable for short haircuts.

Gently bleached curls will give a visual increase in volume, refresh face. When choosing a shade for strands, pay attention to the most natural colors, close to your main one. It may be a shade of 1-2 tones lighter.Colored ends or roots will dilute weekdays or decorate the holidays.

Dye for dark hair

Blue-black color left fashion podiums, gloss. Today brunettes do not want to choose it for their image. Women swelling color change to warmer or natural. Manufacturers are developing dyes for dark hair with a wide range of colors: chocolate, cognac, with red or red tint, ashy or others. The palette is so diverse that everyone who wishes will find his own shade.

Paint is used as a means to give depth to a natural shade. It gives intensity and brightness, and choosing the exact color, you are guaranteed to eliminate the need for frequent tinting of the roots. Coloring the hair helps to avoid the appearance of gray hair. And if necessary, hide her gray hair by adding bleached strands.

Fashion trends this year dictate the use of color rendering on dark strands. Chestnut curls are combined with the color of Marsala or burgundy, girls with fair skin will suit strands of purple shades, pink or crimson diversify any image.

Long hair coloring

The pride of each girl is a long braid. Curls to the belt fascinate, forcing to turn around. With the advent of popularity of natural beauty and light brown color, stylists do not recommend dyeing hair. This advice is used by modern girls. But each of us wants change, and long curls allow us to experiment, bring changes to the image.

The method of coloring for long hair is not so easy to pick up, because the variety of techniques is huge, each looks unusual. To refresh the image of the wizard, it is recommended to bring brightness to the everyday routine, to lighten the strands. These can be individual curls with a clear boundary of separation or a diffuse, imperceptible clarification of the ends with a “stretch” of tone along the length.

Long curls, painted using the technique of balasi or shatush, acquire a natural appeal and dynamism. The curls come to life, begin to shine, and the hairstyle looks well-groomed and aristocratic.

Show a creative palette helps juicy tinting tools. They paint curls in the colors of the rainbow. Proper combination of 3 or more colors in one hairstyle is welcome. Tonic will not spoil the structure of the strands, but will lift your spirits, because you will not go unnoticed.

Trust your head to professional craftsmen, so as not to be disappointed in the result and be pleased.

Painting in bright colors

Coloring in bright colors is an opportunity to stand out, to demonstrate to others around your unique individuality. If you like green or blue boldly use it for dyeing.

Color coloring at the peak of popularity among young people, but elegant peach, eggplant or red look effectively at any age. However, it is worth remembering that bright colored curls will be out of place in the office or at an international conference.

Masters propose to combine colors. These can be shades close to the palette (blue, cyan, turquoise) or radically different (pink with violet, yellow with green). A competent combination of several colors gives a feeling of multi-layeredness.

Manufacturers of paints offer a huge palette of colors from bright yellow to dark blue. When choosing a shade, do not forget about the color type. Remember that cold colors are suitable for girls like winter or summer, and warm for autumn, spring. Brown-eyed go green, purple or blue hair, women with blue eyes pink, purple or lemon, and green-eyed blue, red or fiery-red.

Unusual hair coloring

Today, everyone wants to stand out. Women are looking for designer, exclusive things and accessories, and stylists come up with innovative methods of decoration. If you are extravagant, then creative hair coloring is for you.

Masters, inspired by computer technologies that flooded our lives, offer a fashionable novelty - pixel coloring. The method is to paint the strands in different colors in squares or rectangles of a small area. You can decorate bangs or length symmetrically on both sides. The client chooses the color scheme himself.

Popularity among freaks is gaining a tendency of screen coloring. There is an open space for fantasy: the curls turn into a zebra or leopard skin, a chessboard, branches or flowers appear on the strands, clouds or even portraits. Using this technique, you will demonstrate to others around your creative nature, eager for change.

For more restrained girls, stylists offer the technique “Sunny Flare”. The horizontal strip with a slope imitates the sunbeam on the hair. The method is complicated in execution and under the force of only trained masters who can convey the radiance, the unevenness of the line of contact of the beam with the strands.

Price for hair coloring - where to do?

Having decided to change the image, we have long chosen the color scheme of the new hairstyle, the technique of applying paint and more. But it is important to understand how much hair dyeing costs, how to choose the right master. On the Areado portal there are beauty salons offering hair coloring procedures:

The cost of staining due to the following indicators:

  • professional skills of a hairdresser,
  • cost of consumables
  • technique of staining,
  • long curls,
  • the use of additional care products in the process of painting or styling,
  • level of beauty salon.

When choosing, the first three points play an important role. The master, who does not have the skill of coloring, is unable to carry out the work of high quality. Cheap consumables do not provide the desired result, and the trendy painting technique guarantees only the wow effect.

Variations of highlighting

The gentle procedure involves the use of paint - cream containing beeswax. In the paint there is no perhydrol, which so harms the hair. Due to this, the strands become golden and soft. Clarification occurs in three or four tones.

Baliyazh procedure - combines the known methods of hair coloring, as coloring and highlighting. The specialist brightens the curls by applying paint, and then they are wrapped in foil. It may be food. Strands are pre-lightened, paint applied and wrapped in foil.

The Shatush method, that is, lightening of the hair, after which, the strands look like “burned out”, especially in the photo. The order of the order is determined randomly. Coloring occurs a few centimeters from the hair. You can paint curls that are not outside, but inside the hair, it allows you to visually make the hair more voluminous. Ways of just such hair coloring is ideal for fine and rare structure.

Degrade or Ombre

Otherwise, this method can be called translucent across. Hair color will smoothly change from one to another. In order to make a faded tint, you need to make the roots dark.

This coloring technique is perfect for girls with long hair who want to change a little. The hairstyle will become visually voluminous and fluffy, which means that for a fine structure it is just a find.

Using coloring chalk

The original method of coloring strands. Special crayons are used, which allow you to select individual curls or make a smooth color transition on the head. Perfect for people who are afraid of extreme and bright colors all over the head, but are drawn to rich shades. Make bright party orders and wash them off easily before bedtime. Everything is easy and fast.

But it is important to take into account that the paint from crayons dries out and dries the hair a little. She also stains her hands during painting, which means it is advisable to do the procedure with gloves.Chalk is applied to the strand twisted into a cord from tips to roots. Pre-moisten the hair with water for greater effect. In the photo, such a bright hairstyle looks just amazing.

Always be beautiful and attractive - the desire of all women on the planet. A variety of methods of staining will help refresh the image, make novelty and attractiveness that others cannot overlook.

When the rainbow got tangled in her hair ...

If the “standard” methods of dyeing hair are not interesting for you - pay attention to such a technique as colored ombre. It not only looks unusual and bold. But also emphasizes your individuality. To perform such dyeing, a hairstylist may use two or more unnatural colors, such as blue, purple, pink, lime, or one that the client wishes to see on his hair. Shades should be chosen only by listening to the advice of a specialist of the fashion world, because you need to take into account the color of the skin.

Sombre - an innovative subtype of the ombre method

Since not everyone liked the sharp gradient transition between tones, which is done using an ombre staining method, the stylists decided to soften it a little - this is how a completely new staining method was born - sombre. The smoothness of the transition between shades makes the hair look more natural, but it is still interesting.

Ways of dyeing dark hair that had not previously been used - balayazh and shatush

The world of fashion and style never ceases to amaze us with its progress. Not so long ago, there appeared interesting ways of dyeing hair of balayazh and shatush, which conquered the hearts of not only ordinary girls, but also Hollywood celebrity stars. By choosing one of these methods, you will get luxurious strands with the effect of natural burning out, which will play in the sun with beautiful brilliance and interesting modulations between shades. Hairstyle, due to the smooth transitions of tones, will seem more voluminous. Such modern methods of hair coloring are suitable for both very young girls and already mature women.

What is the difference between balagay and shatush?

If for the eye of an ordinary person the difference between the balayazh and the shatusha seems hardly noticeable, then the specialist will immediately and effortlessly distinguish them between themselves. Both methods are performed using two or three shades of the same natural range, which follow each other, and both methods create a soft burning effect on the strands. The difference is only in the technique of applying hair dye:

  • shatush is feather transitions between shades, that is, the maximum smooth transition is the main task of the stylist,
  • Balayazh is a method of dyeing, which involves applying paint with strokes, that is, on some strands lighter areas will be higher than on others.

The result of using one and another method of dyeing will please you, as the hair will surprise you with its updated healthy look and beautiful volume. That is why stars and simply fashionable girls choose these methods of hair coloring. The photos before and after are simply amazing, sometimes it is even hard to believe that with the help of ordinary coloring the appearance can change so much!

Platinum coloring is unusual and so attractive.

When we imagine blond hair, we often mean blonde hair with the color of wheat spikelets. But fashion stylists say that now golden hair is irrelevant, platinum is in trend. This color looks especially good on fair-skinned ladies with medium-length hair. Independently high-quality hair dye in such a noble shade is almost unreal. So if you are dreaming of becoming a platinum blonde, head to a nice beauty salon to get a haircut like a Snow Maiden as a result, and not a faded tow instead of hair.

Ash hair - boldly, bravely, but not all to the face

Those to whom platinum seems a bit trivial, hairdressers recommend paying attention to staining in ashen color. After him, it seems that the hair is covered with a thin layer of silver, and it looks really beautiful and unusual. But this color is not for everyone, because for many it is simply old (associated with gray hair). So you need to take very seriously the choice of shades that fit the skin color type.

If you are a beautiful, stylish woman who has already reached the perfect age of “over thirty ...”, still refuse such a method of coloring. Why do you need to add extra years? Can't resist? Then ask the hairdresser to make the hair roots dark, at least by 3-6 cm. Further, a smooth transition to silver is the only way you can avoid the “gray hair effect”.

Copper, burning color is popular again

The girl with the red hair, as if burning with an extraordinary flame, will never remain imperceptible. In addition, in accordance with the latest trends in the fashion world, rich copper color is more popular than ever. And if you are a fair-skinned lady who is tired of her native blond hair color or blonde you find it boring, why not stop at the red-haired chanterelle woman? Especially good is the coloring on wavy or curly hair, so that the ironing can be forgotten for a while. Let the natural curls play with a new hair color with a unique duet. You will certainly attract the eye and cause admiration.

As we see, fashionable and relevant methods of coloring are so different from each other that you can definitely pick up something unique and suitable for you.


This option of coloring is one of the most demanded and simple. There is no need for special knowledge and experience, and you can perform the procedure even at home.

In the course of dyeing, apply the dye to the hair along the entire length. The result of these actions is a uniform smooth shade.

Pixel staining

This novelty entered the hairdresser's art not so long ago, but even in such a short time she managed to find her fans. Pixel coloring is great for young beauties, for whom creativity and shocking are important. And in how to treat allergies after dyeing hair and by what means, it is detailed in the content of this article.

But to create the desired effect, it is necessary that the hair was perfectly smooth and smooth. Only then is it fashionable to complete the drawing.


This option is painting every season gaining great demand. Today, it is actively used by courageous women who adhere to the youth style. With the help of a stencil, it is possible to apply any pattern to the hair - animals, flowers, hearts. Learn more about the pattern dyeing hair, you can from this article.

In the photo - an example of screen coloring:

Coloring is only individual strands, so that screen painting can be attributed to a safe method. Correction hairstyle should occur 1 time per month.

3D coloring

This is another novelty, with the help of which it is possible to isolate strands in separate zones. For this purpose several colors are used at once - the main one and a little bit lighter. Thanks to 3D coloring, you can visually add volume to your hair. And most importantly, the result obtained from painting is maintained for a long time. What is a 3 d technology hair coloring will help to understand the information from the article.

But what is the opinion of doctors about hair coloring during pregnancy, you can understand by reading the content of this article.

You may also be interested to learn about the coloring of the shatush for short dark hair. The entire staining procedure is described in detail in this article.

Crazy colors

This option of painting is often called neon coloring, which is characterized by bleaching of hair strands, and then coloring it with a special gentle gel. It is washed 6-8 times. The painting process can occur unevenly from light to dark at the tips. In addition, the procedure can be carried out using a stencil.

Use the technique of crazy strands can those girls who are not afraid of experiments and want to have a bright image. You can color one or more strands in any shade. This type of painting is very suitable for girls with a graduated haircut. In order not to look like a parrot, it is worth painting two strands at once. But before coloring hair must be discolored.

Today, there are many ways of dyeing hair, which allow you to create a stylish and original image, another one is coloring, when you end up with bright roots with dark ends. When choosing a suitable option, you should be guided not only by your feelings, but also take into account the original hair color, haircut and length of the strands.

Classic coloring

The classic painting method is one of the most popular and simplest solutions. Does not require special knowledge, can be performed at home. During this procedure, the paint is applied to the strands along the entire length of the hair. The result is a uniform, even tone.

Amber (Ombre), Colombre

Amber or ombre is a hair coloring with a transition between a dark color at the roots and a light color at the tips. The name of the technology is translated from French as “shadow”. In the amber technique, the border between two shades runs in the middle of the length of the hair and it is almost imperceptible, like a transition between shadow and light.

This technique will allow you to look trendy without resorting to drastic changes in your own appearance. So that you can imagine what the amber hair coloring looks like, the photos vividly illustrate this technique.

Best of all, the ambre technique looks on medium and long hairstyles, because it is difficult to paint a beautiful transition on short hair. Reception amber is considered the most suitable for brunettes, because on dark hair the contrast between light ends and dark roots looks especially impressive. Dark brown-haired brown-haired women and fair-haired girls will adorn this hairstyle too. Stylists say that it will suit every person - it will transform a teenage girl who makes her first coloring, and a mature woman who wants to stay at the height of fashion.

Sometimes to achieve greater contrast, a hairdresser not only brightens the ends, but also darkens the upper part of the hair. But then, in order to maintain the beauty of the hairstyle, you will need to visit the salon more often, otherwise growing roots will make you tricolor, which has not yet managed to become fashionable.

If, for lightening in the style of amber, we take colors not from the natural palette, but rainbow or acidic, this hairstyle will be called Colombre. A great option for bright individuals! And a good reason to challenge the dress code.

Only an experienced master can competently perform the transition to the amber, therefore it makes sense to carry out a similar painting only in the cabin.

The reception of the sombre differs from the scentre by the fact that in the process of transition of the dark color of the roots to the light color of the tips, the stylist uses not two colors, but several closely located on the color palette. In recent years, this technique is becoming more and more popular, fashion theorists predict that in a few years it will completely remove the amber from the pedestal.

The colors in the technique of sombre (the so-called “soft amber”) smoothly flow into each other, without forming a sharp border, such a transition can take the entire length of the hair. In a sombre hair style, shades can flow into each other not only vertically, but also horizontally, that is, from the bright right edge of your hair to the dark left.

Sombre, unlike amber, is also suitable for blondes, lighter tones are applied to their hair, due to which the hairstyle takes on a completely different look. And of course, it suits the brown-haired women and brunettes, refreshing the hairstyle of dark hair.

Reception sombre to create a new image can choose and ladies aged. This hairstyle does not contradict either etiquette or dresscode.

Balayazh hair dyeing technique is another type of highlighting, which is based on light vertical brush strokes when applying light dye. If a skilled stylist works on a hairstyle, it is possible to achieve a complete illusion of natural hair lightening. Since balayazh belongs to the gentle method of highlighting, even owners of thin hair can choose a similar hairstyle.

At home, it is absolutely impossible to perform balayazh, you need a thin brush and the hands of a professional who has been working on hairstyles for years. Gathering in the salon, be prepared to spend a lot of time there, as the work of the master is extremely time-consuming. But you will be surprised by your own transformation, seeing yourself in the mirror after the procedure.

Balayazh looks best on curly or curly curls, so stylists recommend straightening hair to owners of straight hair. Hair with the technique balayazh can be of any length. This technique adds extra volume and shine to the hair. A competent balayazh can play the role of contour coloring, that is, visually correct the features of your face.

To lighten it is not necessary to choose natural shades. Cherry and pink balayazh are considered very fashionable this year. These colors in the hair look very unusual, they attract attention to you, as well as add additional volume of hair. Therefore, balayazh suited lovers of all styles, from classic to extravagant.

If you are interested in balayazh hair dyeing, photos will help you determine the appropriate shade for lightening.

Beilayts or “sunbeams” - a technique of lightening hair, which simulates their natural fading in the sun. This shade can often be seen in children who are accustomed to playing for a long time on the street.

Adults who are forced to spend a lot of time at work will have the hands of an experienced stylist to achieve the effect of burning hair. Imitation is achieved by applying light paint on the individual strands located in the area of ​​the crown.

Stylists are advised to apply bebilayts on light brown hair, with this color “sunbeams” are combined most beautifully and naturally.

Shatush or shatush hair dyeing technique is another way to dye hair in two colors. In order to make the lightening look as natural as possible, stylists use two tones of light paint close to each other, due to which a smooth transition from dark to light color is achieved. Shatush technique will add brightness and shine to your hair, and expressiveness to your face.

This is a gentle form of highlighting that is suitable for application to thin or curly hair. In this case, shatush completely transform your curls, hair will look more voluminous and shiny. This hairstyle is perfect for those who want to quietly hide the flaws in appearance: the first gray hair is lost in the game of light shades, and due to the alternation of light and shadow, the stylist can correct your facial features. But at the slightest mistake, the opposite effect will turn out, so do shatush only with a master whom you trust.

Shatush is recommended to be applied on medium or long hair, on a short hairstyle it simply will not reveal in all its glory. It is possible to dye in shatush any hair, except red, in this case additional toning will be needed.

But, of course, the shatush looks the most effective on natural brunettes and brown-haired women, due to the contrast between the tones.After coloring your hair will find a new lightness, you will notice how much easier it became to do styling in the morning. Your hair will be more lively and voluminous.

In 2017, two types of rods are considered the most fashionable - to lighten only the tips or to lighten evenly the entire hairstyle. If you can not decide what kind of shatush hair dyeing, the photos of these two options will help you make the right choice for yourself.

Another advantage of the shatush technique is that staining is performed much faster than other types of highlighting, and will cost you significantly less. You will need to refresh the color on average once every 3-4 months.

The booking a few years ago is still on the list of fashion trends. Brond is the alternation of light and bronze tones in the hair, which gives your image showiness and individuality. By choosing this coloring, you will be both blonde and brown at the same time.

When booking it is not necessary to deprive the hair of the pigment, you can do with light paint. This makes booking different from other techniques, such as amber, shatush, balayazh, where highlighting, start up and gentle is required.

When booking, the entire length of the selected strands is clarified, rather than individual sections. Stylists recommend that the contrast between light and dark strands should not exceed 2-3 tones. You can add a third shade, but with this you need to be very careful not to spoil the hairstyle.

If the reservation is performed by a competent master, the transition between two (or three) tones will be completely invisible, your hair will be perceived as one unit.

Coloring gradient is a gradual transition from dark color on the roots to light on the tips of the hair. In the process of creating a smooth flow of one color to another, the master can use 6-8 transition tones. This technique looks most impressive on medium and long hair. On a short hairstyle, the color transition is more concise, which makes this technique less beautiful.

Eye of the Tiger

Imagine what a tiger's eye stone looks like. It perfectly combines deep dark, warm brown and piercing amber tones. The tiger eye dyeing technique will make your hair look like this striped gem.

This type of highlighting is performed only on dark strands of nature. Light warm shades - honey, nutty, caramel - act as clarification. The tiger eye will decorate short, medium and long hair equally well. It does not matter the type of your haircut. Stylists predict that in the future of 2018, the tiger's eye will become the most fashionable hairstyle, displacing the now popular balayazh and shatush.

The tiger eye used as an amulet protects its owner and gives her confidence in her abilities. Who knows, maybe the same hairstyle has similar properties? Try staining a tiger eye to check if it is.

Rose quartz as hair color

Gems are increasingly inspiring stylists to create new images. One of the trendy shades of this season for blondes is called rose quartz. Just as the gem, according to legend, belongs to the goddess of love Aphrodite. And indeed, a girl with pink hair of any shades is impossible not to fall in love: it is a gentle mixture of milky-white and pale-pink tones. A great option for the owner of light curls, who wants to be fashionable and loved. Hairstyles in the style of extravagant Pink and anime.


Remember the glare of light left on camera flash celebrity photos. The splash light dyeing technique is designed to mimic the soft glare on your curls that professional flashlight leaves.

Imagine what it is - deciding on a similar hairstyle, you will feel like a real star every day, and even the usual trip to the store will become in your imagination a catwalk along the carpet. A special feature are horizontal lines that mimic glare.

Colors of rainbow

In the fashion trends of 2017, hair coloring in all colors at once! Combine all possible shades in your hairstyle as fantasy tells you. This idea has more and more followers around the world.

Be original, stand out with your hairstyle from the gray mass of boring little people. Having a head of hair of all tones of the rainbow, you will attract more positive and fun in your life. Compare your life before and after colored hair dye, and you will see for yourself.

Artistic coloring

This is a new unusual trend that will appeal to lovers of culture and painting. Its essence is that you dye your hair in several tones, so that the overall picture of your hair will cause the inevitable association with any masterpiece of world painting. Fans of Malevich’s “Black Square” use of this trend is better to abstain.

Galactic hair

Are you dreaming about the vastness of space? Become like a charming alien woman by choosing galactic hair coloring. For this technique, mainly blue, violet, green and black colors are used, with the help of which the master depicts on your hair the landscape of a distant galaxy. The effect is just space. How to make color rendering at home - read here.

Sunset time

Imagine the hair tones of the setting sun. No, no, not monotonously red or red, but embraced all the colors of the sunset: a purple darkening sky, a yellow sun disk, which descends and turns orange, and the last pink rays of the sun hiding behind the horizon. In the language of stylists, this technique is called Sunset hair colors. This is a trendy red hair color in 2017.

Colored tips

Want to make a difference in your image but are afraid of what others think? Try to make yourself colored tips! In English, this technique is called deep dye hair. Read more about fashionable hair coloring 2017-2018 read here.

The bottom line is that a shade from an unnatural palette is applied to long hair closer to their tips. The most popular are pink, purple, green and blue. Choose a shade that will contrast with the main color of your hair.

This technique will help each girl stand out and be original. Another advantage of this hairstyle - regrown roots do not spoil your image at all, because the colored tips look great on hair of any length. And when you. you want to change the style again, you can simply cut it off.


Like bright colors, but you need to go to a boring office with an almost prison dress code? There is an exit! Stylists entered the position of women forced to betray their individuality in favor of office slavery.

Meet - underwriting - a new dyeing technique in which only the lower layers of hair are colored brightly, while the upper ones retain their natural shade. Being laid in a strict hairstyle, such hair does not distinguish you in the ranks of gray corporate mice. But when the time of freedom comes and it will be possible to dissolve the hair, the intricate play of light on your curls, the alternation of natural and colorful strands will strike everyone.

Especially amazing hairstyle underwriting looks in motion, so you have every chance of becoming a star of dance parties.

Neon staining

Are you used to dye your hair in any colors and you do not care what others think? What about neon staining? Try color paints that glow in the UV! Neon staining is a new trend, which is now at the height of fashion. Disco lovers will appreciate this amazing technology.

Contouring are those types of hairstyles that are able to visually correct the features of your face. Coloring contouring for hair will help you change your image without resorting to surgical intervention.


This hair coloring in different colors, the play of the stylist with their texture. With the help of sculpture, you can emphasize or hide certain facial features, it is advantageous to shade the color of your skin. Properly executed sculpture can rejuvenate you for a few years.

This is the addition of light shades to the hair, the location of which depends on the shape of your face. Coloring occurs in several stages, first applied a wide strip of shade, and then light strokes are added. In contrast to artistic highlighting, light accents are not placed in a random order, but in such a way as to maximize the shape of your face.

Fashionable hair color 2018. Trends and trends

In 2017, stylists offer us a wide selection of fashionable shades for hairstyles that world stars and celebrities show us. Regardless of what color you used to paint, slightly change the tone, and you will find yourself in the trend of the season:

  • Stylists recommend warm colors for blondes: honey, beige, sandy, cream, golden. Light colors of warm shades confidently lead both on fashion catwalks and in the lists of the most glamorous trends. In order to choose fashionable hair dye 2017 for yourself, a photo of a new item on medium hair for blondes will show you the whole variety of a warm and cold palette of light tones. What do the numbers on the hair dye mean - read here.
  • At the same time, cool gray, platinum and ashy shades return to fashion. According to stylists, these colors look best on short hairstyles. The hairstyle of snow color will give your image an elusive lightness. It is very fashionable to combine a cold light color with an extraordinary color, for example, pink or cherry. This technique is called “granny glam”, which can be translated as “glamorous grandmother”.
  • For brown-haired women, the shade of a dark chestnut will be the most popular in the season, it will add shine and smoky effect to hair. However, not all women of fashion goes this shade, best of all, it falls on brown hair from nature. In order to understand whether this color will suit you, it is better to make the first coloring with an unstable tinted shampoo. But if you have naturally dark skin and brown eyes, chestnut hair will definitely suit you.
  • In a fashion "tasty" colors for a fair-haired woman - coffee, mocha, caramel, chocolate. Can't choose? Combine! The combination of two similar chocolate shades using the ombre technique is called ikayi. These colors look best with brown, black and green eyes. You will look stylish and spectacular, and the hairstyle will have the effect of additional volume.
  • The good news for brunettes is coal black and raven-colored hair styles are back in fashion. Dark hair will add elegance and aristocracy to each.
  • Of the red tones in the coming season in the fashion of golden, copper, wine and cherry. Choose shades of warm autumn and ripe harvest, and you will be irresistible. If you combine several shades of this palette in your hair, then your hairstyle will look different depending on the angle of the rays of the sun. Ideal for red hair.
  • For all the girls it will be important to have a contrasting hair coloring - dark roots, light ends. It doesn’t matter what colors you choose for the top and bottom of the hairstyle, the contrast is in fashion.

Stylist tips

When choosing your new look for the season 2017, consider not only the hair color of 2017 and fashion trends with a photo, but also the fact that for brown, blue or green eyes everything is individual, as well as your natural data: natural hair color, face type and skin color .The most stylish hairstyle adorning Hollywood stars may be completely unsuitable for you. If you are pregnant or your hair is too weak - you can use natural dyes - henna or even nutella. Read more here.

Choosing a color

There are several universal rules for the selection of hair color. Your hair should contrast with the skin tone of the face, and not blend with it. Trends in fashionable hair color 2018 - naturalness, contrast and brightness. Pick a color for your hairstyle, push off from the nature-given color type:

  • Spring. You will be decorated with tasty honey, caramel and nut tones, as well as soft chocolate color. The tenderness in your image will add golden and amber shades. Want more extravagance? Choose a redhead! Girls of spring color type will certainly suit the highlight of this season, you can freely choose absolutely any technique. Coloring will also be combined with your color type. Ashen and black color are absolutely not suitable for you, they will make your image inconspicuous, pale, will smear facial features.
  • Summer. All light and blond shades, trendy gray and ashy shades, and sweet coffee and chocolate suit you. Avoid black and red shades, they will visually add to your age.
  • Autumn. Feel free to choose any shade of red. Pay attention to the fashionable this season, copper, wine, cherry tones. Trendy chestnut chocolate will suit you as well.
  • Winter. You are lucky - this season's trendy bright colors will suit you more than any other. Choose what you like best: pink, blue, green ... yes any! From the classic tones you will be decorated with all the dark shades and bright red-red, such as mahogany, ruby, crimson. Avoid light shades, they will make your appearance completely inexpressive.

To determine the color type, use the test for the selection of hair color from the photo, and ask this question to your stylist. This is how the human psyche works, that we do not perceive our reflection in a mirror as it really is, therefore, the probability of an incorrect result is high. The stylist will find the colors of your skin, hair and eyes on a professional palette, and with the help of it will determine your color type with one hundred percent accuracy.

Choosing a haircut

New fashionable hair color will not make you more beautiful if the haircut is chosen correctly. But the competent combination of coloring and haircuts can transform you beyond recognition.

Remember the rules for choosing a haircut:

  • Any type of haircut fits perfectly to the oval face.
  • A round face is any asymmetry, whether it is uneven parting, oblique bangs or haircut of different lengths.
  • The square face will also be decorated with asymmetry, but any bangs are contraindicated for such girls, it will make the face more flattened.
  • A triangular face will soften the haircut with smooth lines. Bangs and cascading are not combined with it.

Care for dyed hair

So that the new-fashioned hair color will delight you for a long time, and the curls themselves remain healthy, properly care for the dyed and bleached hair. Constantly taking care of your hair is necessary, even if you have your hair done in an expensive professional salon. There are no completely chemical dyes safe for hair, there are only more sparing paints and techniques.

Rules for the care of dyed hair:

  • Wash your head no more than once every 2-3 days; wear a shower cap the rest of the time. Otherwise, the color will quickly wash off, and the structure of the hair will be damaged.
  • Wash your head only with warm water, and in no case hot.
  • Pick up shampoo and balm specifically designed to care for colored hair.
  • When you dry your head after washing, use only the cold mode of the hair dryer, and it is better to leave the loose hair to dry naturally.
  • Do not use the iron, styler, curling.
  • Brush your hair only with a rounded comb with sparse teeth. Remember that wooden combs are more useful for your curls than metal and plastic.
  • Take care of your hair, make nourishing and regenerating masks.
  • Refuse visits to the solarium.

Compliance with these rules will give your hair silky and shiny, will help to maintain their health for a long time, as well as the beauty of your new hairstyle.

It will be interesting to you: Unsuccessful coloring - what to do and how to avoid.


Fashionable hair coloring in 2018 offers girls a wide range of colors, techniques and materials. Each will find a suitable image for themselves to look stylish in the coming season. Choose who you are - a Hollywood celebrity or a cheeky rebel?

You should not try to perform fashionable staining at home, you will be very disappointed with the result. Only a professional hairdresser can make you look like an icon of style. To achieve the perfect effect, you need to see the hair and face from the side, and also have a great experience in dealing with various dyes.

Going to the salon, take a printout of hairstyles similar to the desired. But do not expect that the stylist will do exactly the same as in the picture, he will do everything much better, considering exactly your facial features and hair type. Each hairdresser in the soul is an artist, trust the creative intuition of your master.

You should not try to speak with his hairdresser in his professional language, so you can confuse each other. Unfortunately, many terms used by stylists fall on the pages of glossy magazines in a distorted sense. Try to express yourself as simply as possible, and before you sit in the hairdresser's chair, make sure that you and the master fully understand each other.

If your new hairstyle includes not only colored ends, be prepared for the fact that you will have to visit the hair salon about once a month and a half to maintain the perfect state of your hair.

Successful to you experiments!

Today women of fashion resort to dyeing their hair to change their image, emphasize a haircut or revive a dull natural color.

Even before our era, the girls knew many ways to change the color of their curls, because hair coloring at the time was socially significant. It emphasized the status and noble origin, helped to attract the attention of men. Women used natural dyes (henna, basma) and various available substances - lemon juice, sour milk, ash.

Ombre dyeing on long brown hair Warm blond never goes out of fashion Chocolate highlights on black hair

Popular dyeing techniques

Today, coloring also has a practical meaning - getting rid of gray hair, but more often it is resorted to in order to change the image, emphasize a haircut or revive a dull natural color. There is no longer any need to use dubious folk remedies, since the choice of colors allows you to put into practice any, even the most unusual, ideas. But women who practice periodic hair color changes know that the result is not always pleasing. Curls often become brittle, overdried, and their shade is far from desired. Let us figure out how to prevent mistakes in dyeing different types of hair and choose among fashionable methods what is right for you.

Pixie cut and single color

The classic monochromatic coloring, in which the curls have the same shade along the entire length, is ideal for women who want to hide gray hair. But he has a drawback - most of the dyes dry out the hair, making it brittle. Therefore, it was replaced by new, sparing techniques. They allow you to achieve interesting effects, almost without damaging the hair structure.

Ombre hair coloring

The ombre technique assumes a soft fusion of two colors along a horizontal line. The upper half of the hair at the same time has a natural color, followed by a transitional shade, and below it is saturated and dyed. There is a bolder version with a clear boundary between contrasting tones. Both methods are successfully applied on both light and dark curls of all shades.

The ombre technique implies a soft fusion of two colors along a horizontal line. The upper half of the hair has a natural color, followed by a transitional shade, and below it is saturated dyed Chocolate Ombre on dark hair

Hair dye balayazh

This type of staining resembles highlighting. But straightening is done from the middle of the length of the hair, becoming more saturated to the tips. More often the technique is applied to dark curls, although on blond-haired girls the balayazh also looks interesting.

Balayazh reminds highlighting. But straightening is done from the middle of the hair length, becoming more saturated to the ends.

Within the framework of the method, instead of lightening, the strands can be painted with one or several contrasting colors. But more often the shade is selected to match with the bulk of the hair in order to get the effect of burning out the tips.

Tip! Balayazh is fully disclosed on curly curls, so owners of straight hair should twist them or make a chemical perm.

Most often balayazh spend on dark hair But you can meet and balayazh on hair brown color

New in the paint industry

What if you appreciate the natural beauty and softness of the hair, but still want to experiment with their color? New technologies in coloring will come to the rescue.

Staining with Elyuminirovaniem

This is the most gentle method that improves the structure of your curls. For the procedure, use a special composition of Elumen, containing only natural colored dyes. The product is suitable even for very dry and brittle hair, increases their volume and returns a healthy shine.

Aluminization is the most gentle method of staining. Only natural dyes are included in the composition of the gel.

The paint successfully removes gray hair and is sufficiently resistant - the effect lasts up to two months. The only negative is the high cost of the procedure. Due to the peculiarities of the application of the composition, the master must have a painting that has an appropriate certificate confirming possession of the technology of aluminization.

Color chalk coloring

Sometimes there is a desire to try out a completely new image with a bright image for just one day. This is easy to do, using chalk for hair sold in specialized stores. To get a new color is enough to hold them on dry strands, and after washing their heads, they will again be the same. Their color palette is huge and it is easy to find any desired shade. But remember that crayons dry hair, so do not use them regularly.

Sometimes there is a desire to try out a completely new image with a bright image for just one day. This is easy to do, using chalk for hair. To get a new color, it is enough to hold small pieces on dry strands, and after washing your hair your hair will become the same again.

How to choose a shade?

Choosing a new shade of hair is a crucial stage of dyeing. It is advisable to consult with a professional stylist on this matter, but if you decide to do everything yourself, follow the general criteria for the compatibility of tones, and also consider the color of your eyes and skin. It is noted that dark-skinned more go curls of a warm color, and girls with pale skin, especially blue-eyed and gray-eyed - cold.

Dark hair coloring

Very dark hair is recommended to dye in chocolate, chestnut, blueberry, cherry and wine shades.You should not experiment with blond - there is a high risk of not getting the right color and spoiling your hair. If you still want to lighten up, it is better to choose a coloring technique that does not affect the roots - ombra, balayazh or brondirovanie.

Very dark hair is recommended to dye in chocolate, chestnut, blueberry, cherry and wine shades. Transition from dark hair to caramel. Dyeing balajazh on dark hair

Hair coloring red color

Red curls amenable to staining more difficult than other shades. For clarification, you can use the colors of ash tones, coping with the yellow after clarification. But there is no guarantee of obtaining the desired result at home.

Red curls can be dyed more difficult than other colors, so the paint should be chosen carefully

The color of cinnamon is recommended from dark tones; red, chocolate and copper are also acceptable. In any case, it should be close to the native. This applies to natural red hair, but if the shade is obtained using henna, they will not be repainted. We need to wait for the regrowth of the previous color and only then experiment further.

If the hair is dyed with henna, repaint it will not work Ombre on red hair

Shades for light and fair hair

Naturally fair-haired girls are suited for caramel, honey, sand, ashy and golden tones. If the eyes are dark, it makes sense to choose a light chestnut color and a shade of mocha. And dark brown curls can be lightened with gentle methods, for example, by highlighting.

Naturally fair-haired girls are suited to caramel, honey, sand, ashy and golden tones. Light-brown curls can be lightened with gentle methods, for example, by highlighting. Any dye lays on blond hair is easiest

Tip! Giving a person a certain hair color, nature acts wisely. To keep your image harmonious after coloring the curls, you should not change their color by more than 3 tones in any direction.

Choose the type of paint

Having decided on the desired color, it is important to choose the right paint. Its main criterion is stamina. On this basis, there are three types of compositions:

  • tinting agents of the first level of durability
  • semi-resistant dyes of the second level
  • resistant paints of the third level.

The first type includes a variety of tinted shampoos, balms, foam. They do not cause locks of harm, but they do not last long - about two weeks. More often such staining is resorted to in order to refresh the natural color.

Toning shampoos last about two weeks, their goal is a short change of image

The second category contains soft dyes in a small amount. They allow you to change the color of the colored strands by 1-2 tones and last up to two months. Due to their gentle effect, they are used even on brittle hair.

The third type gives a lasting result and successfully copes with painting gray hair. This paint is also suitable for a radical change of color. But it causes damage to the hair more and if it is not painted correctly, it causes serious damage to their structure.

The best option is the second category of paints, which contains soft dyes in a small amount. They allow you to change the color of the colored strands by 1-2 tones and last up to two months

Hair length and dyeing technique

There are some differences in the coloring of short and long curls regarding its type and technology. Short haircuts leave less room for imagination. Usually such hair is dyed in one tone, although, if desired, a combination of two shades is used. On average length, you can implement most of the known techniques - highlighting, brondirovanie, coloring. The same applies to the long curls, in addition, they are ideal for creating an ombre with a smooth transition of colors and technique balarazh.

Short hair coloring

Short hair with a two-level dyeing Caramel dyeing balayazh on dark short hair

With monochromatic dyeing of short hair can be managed independently. At home, they do it like this:

  1. Prepare the paint according to the instructions.
  2. Apply the mixture over the entire hair length.
  3. Comb the strands with a comb to lay the paint evenly.
  4. Cover the hair with a plastic bag or wear a shower cap.
  5. At the end of the recommended exposure time, rinse the mixture with running water.

Bright monochromatic dyeing on short hair can be done independently at home. Bob haircut with gradient coloring.

So that the color “grabs” well, the head is washed with shampoo only 3 days after dyeing. In the future, it is desirable to use a caring balm and other regenerating agents.

Medium and long hair color

The procedure of dyeing long curls has its own nuances. When you first change colors, the only difference from short hair is more dye used (two packs are usually enough).

Coloring balayazh on medium hair

If you need to paint only regrown roots, the application of the mixture begins with them. First, gently coat the parting line, then retract from it 1.5–2 cm, make a new one and distribute the composition. Repeat until all roots have been processed. Ten minutes before the paint is washed away, its remnants are spread along the entire length of the curls.

For long hair it is usually necessary to spend two packets of dye Highlighting on blond hair.

Important! Strands near the temples are thinner and can be painted more quickly than on other parts of the head. Therefore, the mixture is applied to them last.

Wine color with dark strands

The lunar calendar will tell you when to paint

It was observed that the phase of the moon affects the result of the staining. A favorable time for changing the color of curls is the period of its growth. In order for the result to be persistent, and the shade lay evenly, we advise you to listen to the recommendations of astrologers for 2017, drawn up taking into account the lunar calendar:

  • The first month of the year is ideal for any bold experiments with color.
  • In February, radical changes are undesirable, it is better to devote time to maintaining the health of curls.

The result of the staining affects the phase of the moon. A favorable time for changing the color of curls is the period of its growth.

  • March is a good period for updating the shade, natural tones have the advantage.
  • In April, pay attention to hair care, refraining from radical staining.
  • If you planned to change the color of the curls to a darker one, May is the right time for this.
  • In June, a favorable time comes for lightening and dyeing in ginger tones.
  • July is also a great time to become a blonde.
  • In August, let your hair rest, it is recommended to carry out regenerative procedures.

Before you change the color of your curls, look at the calendar of stains for 2017

  • September is a reason to change the hairstyle or the color of the curls.
  • In October, time to experiment with the color and length of hair continues.
  • If the curls are faded, November is a good time to add bright notes to your hair.
  • The final month, December, calls to improvise and try new items that you couldn’t decide before.

Hair after dyeing: care features

Painted curls need increased attention. It is advisable to take care of them from the same series, the same brand as the paint. Used shampoos, balms and conditioners should have a color protection function.

Painted curls need increased attention. It is advisable to take care of them from the same series, the same brand as the paint.

From a powerful hair dryer and curling curling should be abandoned, so as not to overdry curls.If you notice brittleness or split ends, refrain from combing with fine scallops, especially on wet hair. This exacerbates the problem and damages them even more.

Useful restorative masks and balms, but with them you need to know when to stop. Once a week is enough, otherwise the shade will quickly wash off and fade. Disastrous effect on color and chlorinated water. Therefore, those who visit the pool, you need to use a special cap for swimming.

Useful restorative masks and balms, but with them you need to know when to stop. Once a week is enough, otherwise the shade will quickly wash off and fade.

Do not forget that hair strengthens not only outside. Periodic intake of vitamin complexes is a pledge of strong, healthy curls and general well-being.

Any woman wants to change her image at least once in her life. The easiest way is to change hair color. Today, hairdressing offers a wide variety of hair coloring options: from single-colored and familiar colors to extreme coloring in bright colors.

Changing hair color - the easiest way to change the image

Normal or classic staining

Monochrome hair can also be an ornament

This method consists in the uniform application of dye of one color to the hair. The saturation of the tone is directly dependent on the time of exposure. The choice of shade depends on individual preferences.

It must be remembered that after dyeing the hair as you grow will have to tint. Conventional painting is easily done with your own hands at home, the main thing is to carefully follow the instructions for applying the paint.


With all its attractiveness, this kind of transformation causes serious damage to curls.

The procedure during which the final shade becomes much lighter than the original. Natural pigment is evaporated under the influence of special agents.

Most of them contain ammonium bicarbonate or hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol), which cause serious damage to hair. Improper use of such drugs can severely damage the hair structure, therefore, when blinding, you must follow the rules of hair coloring.

Options for temporary color changes

Coloring is a procedure that changes hair color for a long time. But what about when you want to experiment, but fear for the result makes it difficult for them to decide?

The ideal option in this case becomes a temporary, easily washable staining.

  1. Crazycolors. When coloring the gel which is washed off for 6–8 times is used. Coloring is possible in absolutely any color: from the usual shades to the craziest colors. The price of neon coloring depends on the number of tones, brand of gel and hair length. The only disadvantage of such a procedure is that it requires prior lightening on dark hair.

A bold decision for strong people

  1. Coloring chalk. A great way to change your appearance in minutes. Orange, yellow, blue, green - crayons exist in all colors of the rainbow, which allows us not to limit our imagination when coloring. This method is attractive because it is easily washed off after the first hair wash.

Temporary image change - original solution

  1. Toning. Temporary monochromatic dyeing with the use of unstable paint. Toning does not affect the internal structure of the hair, does not leave the border with growing roots. Washes away easily enough. When choosing a shade you need to take into account that light shades will not fall on dark hair.

There is a type of intensive toning, in which the hair can be brightened into two tones, however, such coloring will be washed off for two months. For toning are used foams, gels, sprays and tinted shampoos.The instructions attached to all tint means will help you to choose the right shade and apply the paint correctly.

Toning gives only shade

How to protect dyed hair?

Note! For any, even the most gentle dyeing, hair is stressed. To keep your hair beautiful, and your hair does not become weak and brittle, you must follow simple rules.

  • You can't experiment with color too often. If regrown roots become very visible, it is worth painting only these areas. In order not to spoil the overall appearance of the hair, for coloring the roots it is better to contact a professional master.
  • Use special masks, hair care balms and shampoos for colored hair. Such products contain the necessary vitamins and protect the weakened hair from the negative effects of the environment.
  • Treat your hairstyle with care: do not dry it with too hot air, avoid frequent thermowelling and use of “irons”, etc.

Beauty and health curls in your hands!

Color change is a creative process that requires a careful and thoughtful approach. Someone prefers to turn to professional craftsmen, someone is close to coloring hair on the moon, and some simply arm themselves with everything they need and do coloring at home.

In any case, in order to achieve the desired result, you need to carefully select colors and use only proven means to keep your hair healthy and beautiful. The video in this article will provide good food for thought.


Watch the video: Zig Zag Balayage Technique (July 2024).